Instagram account Hiccstrid_forever for your daily dose of httyd!

This mysterious prince

King Hector of Berknovia

Berserker City

Astrid was sitting in the office of her boss, Jennifer. She had explained what had occurred during her stay at Berknovia, and what she decided to do with the photos and information she had learned about the royal family. She wasn't going to expose Hiccup's secret or anything negative about him. After what she saw and learned about him, she wouldn't feel right doing such a thing.

"So, you deleted all the photos and videos you had?" Jennifer asked annoyed at Astrid for losing such intel.

"I did," Astrid said and just stared at her knees, "The prince…. I mean…. King Hector isn't what we thought he was. He's a caring person, kind and generous. He isn't the playboy everyone thought he is…. and I wanted to relay the truth about him."

"We don't report the truth! We report what the readers want to hear," Jennifer said and glared at Astrid.

"That's not What I want to show the public," Astrid said as she stands up from her seat. "Hector is not who you think he is! I'm not going to give out the information I have, so you can use it against him" she said

"Astrid! This could be your big break! Write it or you're fired" Jennifer said and smirk, hoping her little tactic would convince Astrid to write it.

"Then I quit!" Astrid said and simply walked out of her office.

"Astrid?" Heather said watching her leave, "Hey! Come back!"

Heather and Ruffnut ran to her. They stop her at the elevator and held her arm.

"What's going on?" Heather asks

"I quit," Astrid replied

"What? Why?" She asks

"You're not going to publish about Hector?" Ruffnut ask

"No! I promise Ingrid I would post the truth about her brother, and that's what I'm going to do" Astrid said and smiled at them.

"But what about your career?" Heather asks

"I want to post the truth..." she said and sighed "I'll just have to find a new job"

"And the story?" Ruffnut ask

"Hm..." Astrid mumble and took a moment to think, "I guess I'll do a blog"

"Are you really giving up everything just for one guy?" Heather asks

"Not just one guy... but an entire nation," Astrid said simply before leaving.

New Year's Eve

Astrid sighed as she whips down the tables of her father's coffee shop. She looks out the windows and watches people as they celebrated the New Years.

"Astrid?" Her father asks and places his hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah?" Astrid asks

"I know you feel terrible for what happened," he said since Astrid had explained everything that had occurred in berknovia when she returned. "But you fixed it, remember that. This Hector guy is king, and his nation is better than ever" he said.

"But none of that would have happened... If I hadn't..." she mumbles.

"You made a mistake and it happens," he said "but you fixed it"

"I know but still..." she said and sighed. She glances at the tv and saw the countdown for the new year and the few people at the coffee shop watching.

"You did well," he said and hug her, "And your mother would have been proud"

"Thanks, Dad," She said and hug back. Her father smiled and went back to the tv, and sat down with his costumers.

Astrid sighed and folded her clothes when she heard a snowball hitting the window. She turns around expecting some kids playing a prank or even some drunks, but she was surprised when it was Hiccup.

"What the..." she mumbled before grabbing her coat and heading outside.

"You are hard to find," Hiccup said and smiled at her.

"What... why are you here?" She asks

"I read your blog," Hiccup said and smiled at her.

"You did..." she said surprised he would even look her up, after all, she had done to his family.

"Well, Ingrid did, and she forced me to read it," he corrected and smiled, "And What you wrote... is amazing"

"You think?" She asks

"I do," he said and held her hand, "I came here to tell you something..."

"What?" She asks

Hiccup got down on one knee and held a ring up to her. He took a deep breath before he looks up at her.

"I know we've only known each other for a week or so... and we hardly know each other... but I want to spend the rest of my life with you," he said and smiled even more. "It's sudden, I know! And it's probably weird having some guy you know for less than a month! Asking you such a life-changing questions. But... I know in my heart you are the one"

"Hiccup..." she mumbles in shock

"Astrid, will you marry me?" He asks.

"Uh... will I make a good queen?" She asks

"You will, and I'll be there to help you," he said and look at the ring, "I don't hold it against you if you say no"

"Yes," she said. Hiccup look down thinking she had said no until his brain processed what she said. He quickly looks at her a bit surprised.

"What? Really?" He asks

"Yes! Yes, and yes!" She said and laugh. Hiccup smiled big and got up, he places the ring on her finger.

"I love you, Astrid," he said and smiled.

"I love you too," she said before the two kissed.

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Potential sequel
