The Tardis can be seen spiraling out of control and sparks going everywhere inside. It flies over the Millennium Dome with the Doctor dangling from the threshold, his trust worthy sonic screwdriver between his teeth and trying to pull himself back inside. They are heading straight for the Parliament Clock Tower, so the Doctor uses the sonic on the controls and just changing the flight path of the tardis just in time. He climbs back inside and shuts the doors behind him, exhausted, as the Tardis flying over London and then Gloucester, heading for Leadworth.

The cold wind danced in the night sky causing a pinwheel to spin in a overgrown garden of an old house. A dark haired, piercing blue eyed little girl can be seen praying in her room. Her bed had bright blue covers, her shelf was filled with old books that looked to be centuries old, on her bedside table was a fresh apple with a smiley face caverned into it, a photo frame with the little girl with a boy around her age with some what little brown hair, and caring green eyes, next to it was a wooden caverning of a mighty dragon. "Hello, God, if you're listening, there's a crack in my wall. My Aunt Sharon says it's just an ordinary crack, but I know it's not, because at night there's voices, and everything I do isn't doing anything to stop it "She then turns to look at the large crack on the wall "So can you come? Or you could send a policeman. Or a..." The little girl prays with a slight Irish accent.

She then hears the sound of the Tardis materialising outside, then followed by a large crash with something being smashed. "Back in a moment" She says quickly, grabbing a torch and looks outside, she see's that a big blue box with the words police on them has landed on the garden shed, she then quickly rushes down the stairs and out the front door towards the blue box.
The little girl dressed in her nightie with the only other thing to keep her warm is a red scarf. She aims her torch at the box as a soaking wet man wearing rags climbs out of it. And also freaking her out a bit with what he says to her "Could I have an apple? All I can think about. Apples. I love apples. Maybe I'm having a craving? That's new. Never had cravings before" He seemed kind of strange to her but in a fun way.
The weird raggedy man sits on the edge of the box and looks backwards to look inside "Whoa, look at that" The raggedy man said in awe, still not aware of the little girl that was staring at him with concern.

"Hey, are you okay?" The little Irish girl asked the strange man, worried if he was hurt not physicaly but mentaly. The man finally noticed her presence and turned to look at her.
"Just had a fall. All the way down there, right to the library. Hell of a climb back up" The man replied confusing the Irish girl, making her wonder how crazy can this man be that seemed to fall out of the sky inside a big blue box.
"You're soaking wet" The girl stated, wondering how he ended up soaking wet if he was inside of the libary. "I was in the swimming pool" The man said as if it were the most normal thing to say. "You said you were in the library" The little girl said, even more confused as before because of how he could of been in the libary and pool at the same time. "So was the swimming pool" The man said, and again said it like if it was the most normal thing to say.