So, I was watching a MAP and I realized that no one really thought about Goldenflower's point of view when it was revealed that Tigerstar was the father of Mothwing and Hawkfrost. We all knew how Brambleclaw felt and even how Tawnypelt felt about it. We even know how Mothwing and Hawkfrost reacted to it but not Goldenflower. So I decided to write a small one-shot at the time Sasha revealed to ShadowClan, RiverClan and ThunderClan about Tigerstar fathering her kits. I hope you enjoy! This is just my interpretation of how Goldenflower would've reacted but I would love to hear your point of view of how you think she would've reacted.

As always I don't own Warriors and all characters mentioned in this one-shot belong to Erin Hunter.

Now, let's continue along with the one-shot!

"So you want them to stay? Despite the fact that Tigerstar was their father?"

Goldenflower stared at Sasha in shock at her words from where she stood with her Clan. She looked over at Hawkfrost and Mothwing, gazing at them closely.

Mothwing didn't look anything like her former mate, but Hawkfrost...

Goldenflower looked away, vision blurring at the resemblance Hawkfrost shared with Tigerstar and her son. They looked so similar except Hawkfrost had a white chest and underbelly and ice blue eyes. Goldenflower looked over at her son, seeing that Brambleclaw was digging his claws into the ground at the words being exchanged among the Clan cats. She took a few steps towards him but stopped when Squirrelpaw reached him first and whispered something into his ears. She smiled slightly seeing that Brambleclaw calmed down and looked away. Goldenflower hoped Squirrelpaw will be good for him as she searched out her daughter.

Tawnypelt was standing among the ShadowClan cats, her eyes wide with shock. Goldenflower began to head over but Tawnypelt flashed her a glare and turned away, beginning to speak quietly to Rowanclaw. Goldenflower watched as Rowanclaw gave her daughter a reassuring look before turning away. She sat down and flattened her ears, closing her eyes as the words of the cats she knew disappeared into the background. She had lost her first mate, Patchpelt to a fire many moons ago, and her brother, Lionheart before that to a ShadowClan attack. Back then, Tigerstar was Tigerclaw and he was stealing her heart if he hadn't already done so.

He was so kind and understanding and such an amazing warrior. Goldenflower still couldn't figure out how he managed to put the Clan first while still making room to be with her. It had made Goldenflower feel special to have such a great warrior padding after her.

Then he betrayed ThunderClan. No one saw it coming, not even her. She didn't blame Fireheart for revealing Tigerclaw's misdeeds, but she experienced so many emotions that day...she couldn't believe it.

The cat who her brother respected, trusted and looked at for advice and friendship.

The cat who told her things will be alright when Lionheart died.

The cat who fathered two of her kits, was a traitor.

It broke her heart even more when Tawnypaw left ThunderClan to join him. By then, her oldest son, Swiftpaw, had died a terrible death. Goldenflower was still dealing with that grief and the knowledge that Tigerstar had played a role in it and in her friend's death. Brindleface didn't deserved to be murdered, let alone be bait for dogs.

Goldenflower shook as she gazed at the ground in front of her paws. Her mind flashed back to that terrible day when she watched Scourge kill Tigerstar in cold blood. All that blood...she had to comfort Bramblepaw first, it was her duty as a mother. Yet, it helped when Willowpelt was her side as her own mate, Whitestorm helped Firestar prepare the Clan for battle. Then the two she-cats had grown closer when Whitestorm died in the ensuing battle over their shared grief. When Willowpelt died fighting a badger while protecting Sootpaw and Rainpaw, she felt alone in the world. All of her friends were pretty much gone. True, she still had Frostfur but she was staying behind with her mother, Speckletail and the RiverClan elders as they sit vigil over Mudfur's body. She needed comfort more than ever, but her Clanmates were busy listening to the exchange.


Goldenflower blinked and looked up, meeting Mousefur's soft gaze. That was unusual for the usually prickly and sharp-tongued cat but for once, Goldenflower was grateful for Mousefur's sympathy. Longtail was beside her, also looking sympathetic, despite the two scars that blinded his vision.

"It's time to go," Longtail meowed.

"I-I can't," Goldenflower choked out. She looked away, ears flattening as memories threatened to overwhelm her yet again. "It's too much to take in. I can't believe he did that. I thought he-"

"Goldenflower," Mousefur interrupted sharply with a growl. She gave the elder a hard nudge, her claws were thankfully retracted. "It's in the past. What's done is done, but if you don't come with us, the twolegs will get you."

Too late, Goldenflower remembered that Mousefur's brother, Runningwind, was kill in cold blood at the paws of Tigerstar. Goldenflower let out a sigh and got to her paws, her head hanging and tail dropping. "Alright," she murmured.

"It'll be ok," Longtail meowed. "Tigerstar...he was my friend but..." Longtail hesitated and Goldenflower looked up to see his eyes were closed and his head was tilted towards the sky. "...he always spoke about his legacy and how he would make ThunderClan stronger. I never knew of his plans, but he and Darkstripe were always close."

"Stop," Goldenflower meowed. She took a step towards her blind Clanmate and pressed her muzzle reassuringly against his shoulder. Mousefur was waiting a few pawsteps away, her tail flicking impatiently. Goldenflower glanced at her before speaking to Longtail. "Like Mousefur's in the past." She felt a fresh wave of grief descend as she spoke those words, but she curled her tail around Longtail's neck, regardless, and led him over to Mousefur.

"Ready?" Mousefur asked as she fell into step alongside them.

"Let's see our new home," Goldenflower responded.