Chapter 1: Club Meeting

At CHS in one of the classroom, students are sitting on the desk and of them are holding Daring Do books or merchandise, or even wearing Daring Do items. This is the Daring Do fan club, and Sun is their president. Sun is at the front of the desk with Rainbow Dash the vice president, Twilight Sparkle the secretary, and finally Quibble Pants the new student and treasurer of the club. Today, Sun has an important announcement.

"Attention everybody! Attention!" Sun calls out.

Excluding Sun, Rainbow, Twilight, and Quibble everyone else are either talking on their phones or among each other.

Rainbow Dash, shouts, "Hey everybody, our president is having an important announcement, so sit down and listen!"

Everyone stop talking or reading, and look at the front where the four leaders of the club are.

Twilight adjusts her glasses, and asks looking a bit concern,"Was that really necessary?"

"Hey, as long as everyone listen," Rainbow protests.

"I don't think it means blowing everyone's ears off like a coach. This is a club not one of your sports team," Quibble mocks.

Rainbow becomes angry and exclaims, "What you say?!"

"Sorry Rainbow Dash, but you seem to get a bit rough with people and with your interest!" Quibble firmly says in a loud tone.

"At least I like all of her books, and not just her first trilogy!" Rainbow angrily remarks.

The two begin to glare at each other, and this is making an uncomfortable atmosphere for the students of the club.

Twilight firmly interferes, "Rainbow Dash, Quibble Pants, we have no time to argue. Now, can Sun get on with the announcement."

"Yes," Quibble and Rainbow replies, feeling a bit bad for causing a commotion.

Sun smiles and says, "Thanks Twilight."

"No problem," Twilight replies.

Sun faces the students and announces, "Alright everyone as you all know, Principal Celestia announced that at the first week of summer we're taking a trip to Camp Everfree. Anyone who would like to go should have their permission slip signed to Principal Celestia's office, and come up with a way to raise money for it."

Everyone start to cheer, and some are saying that they're planning on going to the trip.

"Next, As you all know, later in the summer on the first weekend of July, there will be a Daring Do convertion being held at the Canterlot Convention Center," Sun adds.

Everyone cheer louder, clapping their hands, and stomping their feet in excitement. Sun uses her hands to show the sight of her wanting the students to settle down. That's what everyone do.

Then Sun adds, "Our order of business is to coming with a way to raise money for our tickets, along with hotel room. We are able to bring soe snack for our stay, and make sure to have your props check out by the planners. So does anyones have an idea to help raise money for these two events?"

Apple Bloom raises her hand, and suggests, "How about we do a cafe in the school?"

"Maybe a magic show, and The Great and Powerful Trixie will be the star attraction," Trixie suggests with pride.

Then Rainbow says, "Well, you're magic show will be a good idea. But maybe we should do a talent show, my friends and I can play for it."

"Maybe a haunted house at the old mansion," Scootaloo suggests with excitement.

"No way, that place is haunted!" Apple Bloom exclaims in shock.

Sun becomes a bit confused for a bit, and says, "Haunted? I know that the ghost of Laips lived there, but she doesn't anymore."

"How do you know that?" Quibble Pants asks.

"Believe it or not, Sun actually met the ghost of Lapis herself, and help her find peace by finding her butterflies," Rainbow says.

Everyone becomes silent after hearing it. Sure Sun and Rainbow Dash have dealt with magic, but supernatural is something different.

Trixie says, feeling a bit skeptic, "Trixie believes that is very hard to believe."

"It's alright, I don't expect you to believe it. But it did happened over 3 years ago," Sun camly replies.

Then Sweetie Belle asks, "But if Laips was able to find piece, then how come last night while I was walking my dog I saw a shadowy figure in the old mansion."

Sun, Twilight, and Rainbow look at each other with questionably looks, and are not sure how to answer it.

"Well that is a mystery to me," Twilight says, with a questionable look.

Rainbow nod her head, and says, "I agree."

Then Sun says, "I know it's rather strange, but I'm sure this situation about someone in the mansion will be clea. Right now, let's continue with our meeting."

An hour later, everyone from the classroom are beginning to leave mostly because the meeting is done for the day. Sun and the other leader officials of the club stay there until everyone is gone.

Sun happily says, "Bye everyone, see you the same time next week."

When everyone is gone, Sun and the others begin to gather their things.

As Quibble grabs his backpack, he happily says, "That was a great meeting, Sun."

"Thanks Quibble, and it's nice to have you in our club," Sun replies.

Then Twilight asks, "How are you doing since you moved from Manehattan?"

"I've been doing great, and I'm glad to be the treasurer of your Daring Do Club, Sun," Quibble answers.

Sun giggles and says, "That's good, and my friends and I are happy for you to join us."

"Yeah. Too bad you're more into puzzles and problem solving," Rainbow remarks with a grin on his face which makes Quibble unamused by it.

"Now Rainbow, everyone have different reasons for liking the book. I like the adventure Daring Do does, but I love to learn about the history about the artifacts that she finds," Sun says.

"Me too," Twilight agrees.

"Have to admit, it does sound cool about reading the different treasures that Daring Do has discovered," Quibble say.

"Yeah! Especially on how she dodge different traps and escape death to find it!" Rainbow shouts with excitement.

"Yeah, but she sometimes cut it by a single thread," Quibble bluntly replies.

"Have to agree with you on that, Quibble," Sun agrees.

Then she asks, "By the way, did you heard they're making a movie for Daring Do and the Masked Thief of Marapore?"

"I heard of it, and I can't wait till it comes out!" Quibble happily answers.

Then he says, "I heard that Chestnut Magnifico might be playing Daring Do in the movie."

"I heard it do. She's one of my favorite film stars. In fact, Aria is actually listening of her video about acting skills," Sun answers with glee.

Then Twilight says, "I remember Fluttershy and Rarity love her too."

"And she's very pretty," Quibble adds.

Rainbow grabs her backpack and says, "Come on guys, let's get going."

Rainbow runs out of the room with her backpack and soccer ball. Quibble a Sun grabs their backpack, and are about to leave but end up bumping into each other.

Quibble blushes a bit and says, "Sorry about that."

"No, I should have waitch were I was going," Sun says, with her cheeks blushing a bit.

"Well… I need to, um, get going, bye," Quibble replies, feeling embarrassed. Then he walks out the door holding his backpack.

Soon Twilight and Sun are the only ones left in the room. Twilight makes a sad sight and has something going on in her mind. Whatever it is, is making her very worried about it.

Sun sees the expression of Twilight's face,and asks with concern,"Twilight, is everything alright?"

"Oh… I'm fine," Twilight nervously answers, but Sun can tell something is wrong.

Then Twilight says, "I better get going, my brother is picking me up."

Sun sea Twilight walking past her a sad look on her face.

Sun calmly says, "Bye Twilight."

"Goodbye Sun," Twilight says, leaving the room.

Sun can only see that Twilight is leaving the room with a sad look on her face. But Sun think she knows why Twilight is feeling like this. It's been two weeks since Twilight has transferred into the school, and after what happened at the Friendship Games.

"Poor Twilight, I guess she's still having trouble dealing on what happened to her at the Friendship Games," Sun says in her thoughts with a sad sigh.

Late in the night, Sun is fast asleep in her bedroom. However, Sun begins to move around and whimpers in her sleep . She is having a dream, and from the looks of it, it's a very bad one.

In Sun's dream, Sun is alone in a large city, and is running away from mocking laughter, and fingers pointing at her. Sun is able to run into a room, that looks very different, but it's also empty. Just then, Sun suddenly finds herself at Canterlot City, close to the mansion. As Sun looks around, she turns around to see a dark blue glow heading towards them. Before Sun can run, the light hits her, and starts to scream in pain.

In the real world, Sun shots out of her cover son her bed with a scream and is breathing heavily. Sun feels that the dream is very real and don't know who or what those people are. Whatever it it, it's causing her to shed a lot of tears from her eyes. Sun ends up deciding to stay up all night because of this shocking dream.

At Lapis old mansion, in the main room, the girl name Falling Star is sleeping, but is clouded by the terrible memories. When she is not aware of, she is starting to glow dark blue around her body, and feeling pains. Her hair is also begin to float a bit, and is being to sparkle like stars is on it. The girl, Falling Star doesn't know is that the magic within her is very powerful, and is starting to connect with her negative emotions.