Chapter One – The Beginning

"Dr. Verde, have you heard about Famiglia Fowleri?" a scientist in Verde's clandestine laboratory asked. "I've heard they are making clinical trials about a drug extending cranial capacity."

"Yes…yes… never mind them, they won't make it 'til the end." Verde said as he pocketed his hand and read a chart. "We're receiving cryptic messages again?"

"Yes doctor, we've already decoded some but it's getting harder and harder."

"They're elevating the riddles to prepare for the new generation they're thinking." He sat on his chair and looked at window which gives him a view of a machine they were trying to fix. "Are the riddles about that stuff again?"

"Yes – also we found something for you." One of his assistant lend out a file, with a picture of a lady, possibly around 25-27 years of age, with a short brown straight hair, she is clad in a white plain shirt, her face looking somewhere with weary almond colored eyes.

"It's her again? Good. She can pull off anything."

"Yes. She's still in London, working at a repair shop, should we – "

"Doctor, someone's here to see you." Another assistant came and Verde sighed.

"If it's Reborn tell him I won't – "

"Too late, Verde." Reborn suddenly popped up in the shoulder of Verde's assistant. "I've heard you're manufacturing machines and weapons for Mafias again, and I thought you'll be transferring to bioterrorism."

"Shut up, you imbecile." He said "What do you want?"

"Oi… Have you heard about the Fowleri? They're trying to remake Byakurans…"

"What is with this people trying to play like a higher being? But nevermind them… as long as the Project: Transporter is successful, nothing will go wrong."

"The transporter also makes you act as a higher being, Verde."

"Hold on a minute." Verde said. "If you are going to lure me for an Arcobaleno assembly, worry not, I shall come… however I have business to attend to."

"What is it?"

"I will have someone work with Vongola… a highly talented individual, I heard she's had connection with you before, so I decided to make everything easy." Verde grinned.

"You found her?" Reborn asked seriously despite looking so cute.

"Yes I have, I've been in touch with her for a lot of years but she escapes all the time… I assumed you kept the Vongola in the dark about this for a decade?"

"Yes, I did."

"That is so you… sacrificing one for the benefit of many. I just hope she's as cooperative as she is expected too." Verde called on an assistant. "Prepare for takeoff, I'm going to her den."

"Your CPU had some of its wire burnt, what did you do? Overuse?" a brown haired lady asked a teenage boy as she tries to check on a dismembered CPU in her fixing table.

"Nah? It's not overuse… my friend used his CPU for a week nonstop, his isn't broken, I just used mine for 3 days!"

"Kids… you should love your CPU, you know? Quite handy." She closes back the motherboard, she placed her hands on her waist and smiled at the boy. "Just buy a high-end one if you wanna be like your friend."

"Jeez…come on Ms. H, they said you could fix anything." The boy whined.

"Okay… I'll just check it again later. I still had to fix Mr. Gomez's Laptop." She said and waved goodbye to the boy as he nodded and skippered happily. Haru, the name of the lady, closed the door and reached for her fixing gear.

"You had far more interesting abilities than this. How can you stoop down to this level?"

"How did you know I'm here?" she said without looking. "I've been steady here for about three years."

"Well Miss Miura, we've known everything that's happened to you, and we know how capable you are."

"If you want to order me around again, save it… I won't let you do that." This time she faced him. "Baby-chan."

"Still with that nickname." He walked towards her. "The Vongola are in need of extra help."

"Vongola? Tsuna and the others?"

"I've heard you are quite close and you kept in touch with that decimo brat's girlfriend."

"Kyoko-chan?" she smiled. "We've been in touch through messenger only, I bet she won't know me when she sees me."

"Apparently so. You've become quite a beauty, they may hardly recognize you… not to mention your extreme abilities." Verde thought, although Haru is a very attractive adult, his "beauty" was referring to her mental power.

"Engineering job only?." She said. "Preparation for the Fowleri's war."

"We shall leave now…"

"I'm not going." She said firmly and turned to the device she was intending to fix.

"They'll need you. I thought I've explained about the Project: Transporter to you. You're good at massive weapons and AI's. You need to aid Vongola. I've recommended you to Reborn. I said you are a qualified head mechanical engineer."

"I will still refuse." Haru strongly replied.

"You can't actually reject this… It is what you are programmed to do."

"Why are you doing this?" Haru said looking back at Verde.

"I don't really care what happens to Vongola, or at the very least you. However, I am entitled to help in making this world a better place." Verde crossed his arms. "You are the only one I know that is on par with both Byakuran and I, though I am much reluctant to admit that."

"Still feeling bad when I beat you at deciphering the equation regarding the nuclear weapon they are trying to launch?" she smirked. "Stop flattering me, I know you'll boast how I owe my life to you." She stood up and dusted herself.

"I'll prepare myself first."

"Good I'll be waiting. Don't try to run or else I'll electrocute you!" he said and Haru laughed at him, Verde really is the typical manifestation of a mad scientist.

"Dame Tsuna!" Reborn called, an orange-haired guy looked behind him.

"Reborn?" the baby handed him some files. "I've talked with Verde about the matter, he's letting her work with us."

"Her?" Tsuna asks then his eyes swiped through the files. "E-ehh?"

"You still have that same reaction! Grow up Tsuna." Reborn remarked. "I gave a copy to Irie-san too."

"Sorry about that." Tsuna smiled. "But this is a good thing."

"Yes of course… It is after all the duty of a boss to make sure the Family's complete."

"I know she's in London, Kyoko-chan was chatting with her."

"Yes and I heard they'll be meeting next week, here in Japan." Reborn climbed at his shoulder. "She's on the airport now."

Tsuna looked at his watch, being the Vongola Family's 10th boss packs up his schedule, that's why he wasn't able to cover up some things, but the memory of their cheery friend never left his mind for a second, he knew she's working hard to attain her dreams in another country, but knowing that she'll be with them again after more than a decade, was the greatest news he had so far.

Meanwhile at the airport (in London.)

"Flight to Japan." Haru gives her passport to the receptionist, she looked back and slightly removed her shades.

"This way ma'am." The polite girl from the reception spoke, leading her to the way, She nods as she pulled her trolley. After a few regulations, she was able to take her seat in the plane and while in wait, she opened her laptop and was glad to see that she had a waiting chat mate in the messenger.

Haru: Hey! Sorry I'm late I'm on the plane now!

Kyoko: OMG!, so you'll really be coming home?

Haru: Yes, Mom and Dad were in Osaka, I'll be staying in a dorm for a while there in Namimori

Kyoko: I'm so excited. It's been 12 years! And we're finally meeting again.

Haru: Yeah, Let's meet up at my fave Namimori Bake shop =3

Kyoko: Sure! Can I bring Bianchi-chan? She's here with me and she wants to see you too!

Haru: Sure thing. I'll log off, we'll be flying now. See you

Kyoko: See you too, Haru-chan.

Haru logged off her messenger and when the kind stewardess advised her to put her device off, she agrees and placed her laptop back to its case. She reclined on her chair and closed her eyes, trying to rest herself.


Everyone knew Tsuna is no good at anything, especially in academics, so it wasn't a mystery to anyone if he needed a tutor, Reborn was a tutor to him about everything in general, but he needs a tutor to a single subject so that he can pass the 1st year of high school.

"A Vongola boss must be good in math! Don't you know that in order to handle business matters, Vongola bosses…blahblahblah…." It was a pain in Tsuna's ears already.

Amidst all the commotion, Haru was actually eavesdropping behind the door of Tsuna's room, apparently, they were supposed to be having a group study to help Tsuna… however it became somewhat of a party and everyone was eating, while Tsuna was left to finish his test, since he's the only one, who failed.

Haru thought that what if this is a sign that god gave her to save Tsuna-san just like what he did to her, with a determined face, she went back to the living room.

"Haru-chan! You looked so energized." Kyoko states as her friend returns.

"Hahi…Kyoko-chan! Haru has a goal now!" she exclaims as she snatched her bag and made her way to the exit. She smiled seeing her new goal… that is to help Tsuna-san succeed in MATH!

Haru studied hard, she was known to be smart and advanced with her age, she studies in a known high school anyway, so she understood everything easily. She became very good at Algebra, Calculus, Trigo, Geometry and every other field just for the reason that she'll be ready when Tsuna asked for her help. In time, she also became interested with science and computers. Haru never knew she'll be this interested in electronics.

At first, she thought this was because of her learning for Math, but it became an addiction for her, she decided that everything around her can be calculated. In truth, she, herself didn't know she'll be this adept in the subject almost everyone hated. Even though it took her months, she was considered a math whiz at their school now and she was even invited to participate in the National Science fair.

One time she heard that Tsuna almost failed his Math again, so she went in the friendly gathering they'll be having at his house. She was about to say her willingness to tutor him, however…

"Tsuna-san? I think he went out." Bianchi said when Haru asked where he is. She then decided to look for Kyoko-chan, but they said she went to buy some snacks in the convenience store, I-pin wasn't sure, if she went with Tsuna or not.

Haru went out for a bit to look for Kyoko, she passed by the playground and saw two people, she went closer and saw that it was her two friends, they looked serious so she decided to eavesdrop behind a slide.

"Kyoko-chan, I know I'm good for nothing… but uhm…" Tsuna scratched the back of his neck. "I've liked you for a long time now."

"I like you too, Tsuna-san." Kyoko smiled, Tsuna's face reddened seeing her smile.

"Wi-will you go out…*clears throat* with me?"

"Yes." She just said and the world revolved around the two of them, while at the back of the slide, Haru's world came crumbling down, she went away as fast as she could, ran to her room and decided to cry her feelings to her pillow.

After a while, she stopped sulking and decided to work on the science fair project, she took all of their junk appliances and decided to come up with a robot. She decided to watch some tutorials and was able to make a prototype of one.

The competition was nearing and the brunette decided to cool her mind for a while, its been a month since Haru decided to focus and forget everything, she went to the park and sat on the swing.

"Haru?" she turned around to see who's calling her. It was her friend, Kyoko-chan.


"I was looking for you… you weren't around for the whole three weeks." Kyoko looked gloomy.

"Hahi! Sorry Kyoko-chan, Haru was developing something for the Science Fair exhibition." She plastered a fake smile.

"Haru?" Kyoko asked her again. But Haru smiled at her, as if intercepting all negative thoughts forming in her mind.

"Haru's fine Kyoko-chan! Remember the goal Haru told you? It's this."

"I see." Kyoko reached for her arms. "Good luck Haru-chan! You'll win."

The day of the competition came, she walks pulling her invention that was placed in a trolley, when it was her time, she instantly unveils it and explains its use.

She won the competition, and unbeknowst to her the group were waiting outside, they actually threw a party for her.

"Congratulations, Haru-chan!" Kyoko said hugging her friend. "That's amazing!"

"Yeah... never really thought you're a science geek." Gokudera adds, mocking her.

"Hahi!...Thank you guys." Haru said. She glanced at everyone until she saw Kyoko walking up to Tsuna.

"Congratulations, Haru." Somehow her attention shifted when she heard someone talk. "You're amazing."

"Ahhh. Thank you, Yamamoto-san." She bowed and the boy's smile was contagious that it made her smile too.

"Is something wrong?" He asked, worry in his eyes.

"Hahi? No. Haru's fine. Thank you for worrying." She gave her one of her fake smiles.

"Well...Ok." Yamamoto said before he was pulled by Gokudera regarding a mistake the baseball player made.

Haru joined them, helped in making the food, smiled, talked with everyone and bickered with Gokudera, but her heart was still in pain… however, she swears to bear it, for Kyoko and for Tsuna.

The next day she was called in the principal's office, she was given a letter, with a Univeristy heading.

"Sensei?" she asked.

"This is a letter from a University abroad apparently they saw your creation in the science fair, they asked us if you want to be a transfer student in their school." The principal beamed and blabbered how it will help the school's fame and how it is a great glory for them.

Haru accepted the offer of course, her father was relocated as a professor in a school in Osaka, so whatever her decision will be, she'll still be parting with Namimori, she had her parent's blessing though, so she passed her requirements and she was immediately accepted.

"Haru-san." She was on the airport that time, her last day in Japan, when she looked back she saw the whole gang, there to send her off.

"Hahi!" she exclaims.

"Haru-san we brought something for you!" Tsuna, oh Tsuna she thought, smiling with the group, while they gave each of their prepared departing gifts.

"Yoh!" Yamamoto, their goofy friend, gave her some special Japanese sauce that he said she'll miss. She accepts it. "Good luck." He added.

Gokudera didn't bring anything, he just told her some of the facts he knows about the country she's going, and Haru just thanked him, this is their last day so she won't bicker with him.

Tsuna handed her a book, it was about some math problems. "Kyoko-chan told me, you love those. Ehh…" he said, Haru just smiled at him and hugged him.

"Thank you Tsuna-san."

"Haru?" it's the girls time now, Hana, Bianchi, I-pin and of course Kyoko-chan, they had a group hug, but Kyoko was the last to let go.

"Haru-chan I'm sorry." She said surprising Haru, Kyoko tightened her hug. "Take care."

"You too…and don't say sorry Kyoko-chan… Haru will always be happy for you."

As soon as she landed in London, the real world started for her, her studies became more intense, she had a few time for socializing but it was all worth it because she finished with flying colors. She was also considered the best inventor in their batch due to her imaginative and analytic mind.

She never lose her past interests though, such as costume making, she's still good at that, and bakeries, however she lost her Hahi's, appreciation days and she speaks in a very serious manner all the time. She was the youngest to be recruited in London Police Tech squad, later on she was a part of the bomb squad because of her good understanding of wires and circuits.

But of course, there are things that happens in life that you least expect it to. When it happened to her, she went to a different path and found herself into the Mafia world.

-End of Flashback-

Haru stood before the door of her new room, as soon as she opened it, a girl possibly on her last teenage year, was waiting for her, she instantly made her way to help the brunette with her luggage.

"Oh my God! You're the Haru Miura, right? Right?" she asks before helping her get her things inside. "I'm Yuki Amaya." She beamed.

"Well, you know my name." Haru replied as she closed the door.

"Wow! You're so pretty! I thought you look like a nerd, with big glasses, pimples and braces. This is my room by the way." She points her room's door, it has a 'Yuki's room' sign on it and a picture of Marilyn Monroe. "This is yours." She points the door beside her room,a plain white door, then she opened it and it was like the size of her old room before, with a bed, some cabinets and AC. She puts her trolley inside and some of the bags she was bringing.

"Thanks." She said laying her laptop on her bed. The room's pink, just enough color to boost her lost girliness.

"You have a few things?"

"Yeah… most are delivered here yesterday, they're techy stuffs and they're in my secret lab." She winks. "So how'd you know me, again?"

"How' did I know you?" Yuki looked at her as if the answer's very obvious. "You see, you're so famous in Midori, you're legacy lives on even now. Well, you're just the first Midori alumni, ever to be offered a scholarship in Oxford!" she giggles.

"Ohhh…geez." She smiled. "So Yuki Amaya, right?"

"Yes…yes… I'm a Midori-an you see, 19 years of age, and currently a student of Namimori U! I'm taking theatrical arts by the way. I want to be a great actress!"

"Wow, you're 7 years younger than me." She said. "Like a little sister."

"You don't look older than me, you know you're so pretty! Can I call you Roomie?" she asked. "If I called you Haru-nee, everyone will like say 'she's so younger looking blahblahblah', please?"

"Sure…Calling me Haru-nee would make me older."

"This is so cool! I'll just tweet that "The Haru Miura" is my dorm mate, woohoo!" Yuki ran off to her room, retrieving her iPhone, Haru removed her jacket and started opening her bags to place her clothes on drawers and cabinets.

She had few clothes and things that unpacking wasn't that hard for her, it only took her about an hour to settle her things in the room. She went out in their joint living room to see Yuki talking to someone on the phone while lying on the couch. She's still probably gloating to her Midori batchmates that she's her roommate now.

"Oh I'll talk to you later!" Yuki ends her call. "Roomie! Sorry I was talking to my high school friend, are you going to use the phone?"

"No. I'll just watch something, if you don't mind?"

"No I don't." Yuki smiled.

"I'm usually into National Geographic channel." She plops on the couch. "I figured you're onto dramas."

"I'm fine with what's available actually." Yuki gleams. "You really must be proficient in math, I never loved the subject, forgive me… but you like had it quite well."

"Ahh well… the things you do for love." Haru muttered.

"Ehhh? Love you say?"

"Ahh No. I love math, that's it." She beamed. " must have a pretty boyfriend eh? Belonging to Theatrical arts." Haru never socialized with younger girls before, she thought boys are a good topic.

"No." Yuki blushed. "I broke up with my boyfriend last year! He's a douche bag."

"Douche bag?" she turned on the TV and was welcomed with a news flash. "The weather's good."

"Yeah." Yuki replies watching the news too. Suddenly a sports event was flashed, regarding a major league in baseball. "Oh! That guy's so cute, the Cager's batter that number 80 Yamamoto."

Haru looked at the screen clearly and she remembered that boyish grin, though he had a more manly stature right now, she can still see his playful and friendly aura, it seems that she isn't the only one who made it to national TV.

"I know that guy, I was friends with him before, when I'm still in Midori." Haru boasts.

"Oh…I thought because he's your ex…You'll look good together." Yuki remarks.

"Ex? No. haha, we're friends but we never really had a moment or something, he's a friend of a friend but he turns out to be very friendly."

"Yeah… they say he's really kind and good looking in person, and he lives in Namimori."

"I agree, he's cute."

"Eh, How about you roomie? What's your boyfriend like?"

"Oh…I don't have a boyfriend." Haru answered.

"You're exes then, how are they? Mine are fine I guess but the recent one's a total shit head."

"I've never had a boyfriend. It was just a luxury I never had the chance to have." Haru's eyes were on the TV.

"Ahhh Roomie! Love's a free feeling for everyone." Yuki stood up "You want something to eat?"

"Sure… but I want to visit some old places, wanna join me? Some places are different here I guess I need a guide." Haru stood up.

"What? Really? Oh my! I'll just dress up!" Yuki ran to her room to pick some clothes. "It'll be a sec, wait up for me." She called from her room.

"Sure." she smiled looking around and suddenly she ponders on how she'll be able to find her own love someday.

A/N: This story was created even before KHR ended but I didn't have the guts to post it hahha, it may seem OOC, outdated, but please consider it as an AU hahaha...

I love Haru by the way, so again...I used math, cuz I love math, though I'm not a techy person, I like Techy girls and I just want to give Haru a good position in Vongola hahaha, also there's a made up villain yooohoooo...

Thanks for stopping by. =)