Hello! Frost190 is here! I've said that I will take a break for a month or so...but I just can't stop writing! The urge to start writing the sequel as soon as possible won't leave me and I can't stop but wanting to write the whole chapters I've thought up! That's why I'm publishing the sequel of Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Bonds of Pendulum and Presage of Malevolence: Prologue, this fanfic Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Presage of Malevolence, NOW! My hand just won't stop typing ideas and chapters...I wonder if this is a side-effect of regularly writing and updating the previous series...

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy reading this first chapter of Presage of Malevolence!


"Here it is! We finally found it!" A worker said to his fellow workers, pointing at the hole he just dug.

Since two month ago, Leo Corporation men were digging at a wide land after a researcher found a signal of a wormhole there. When they arrived, there was no wormhole anywhere, but the radar they have created got the signal from the underground, which mean there was something beneath the land. Hearing this, Reiji has ordered for the place to be excavated. As there is a possible involvement with dimensions, the Leo Corporation President enlisted help from a former Lancers Duelist, Shun Kurosaki, in case something unwanted happened. After days digging, they finally reached the end. What they discovered underground, however, was beyond their imagination.

It was a small town deeply buried within the earth. But the most surprising thing that they found from the town's remains was the town has more advanced technologies more than any technology that can be found in this era. They even found a Duel Disk, computer, and various things they have in the current era but far more advanced. The town could be described as metropolitan, with its gleaming white, free-form buildings standing on the uneven slopes.

"This town…it has been buried for around a thousand of years ago. Or maybe even more…" One of the archeologists said while he checked the remains.

"A thousand years ago or more?! That's impossible!" Shun exclaimed in disbelief. There has to be some kind of mistake. How an apparently ancient site has technologies more advanced than theirs?

"I don't think it's impossible." Reiji said from Shun's two-way radio transceiver. The said president was waiting in the command room. "We have most likely found the remains of the hyper advanced pre-historic civilizations."

"What's that?" Shun asked as he raised his transceiver.

"There are those who believe that there were civilizations even more advanced than ours that thrived long before our recorded history. Ages ago they reached the summit of civilized development, and then for some reason collapsed. Our civilization basically had to start from scratch." Reiji explained, observing the ancient site from the monitor.

"Looks like we just proved that this pre-historic civilization did exist, and this place is one of the artifacts." Shun remarked while looking around the site. The town has been covered by thick layers of ashes and dirt for thousands of years but it has been preserved because of the long lack of air and moisture.

"Still, am I really necessary to be here? I know a signal of a wormhole possibly lead to another dimension outside ours and we, Lancers, have experience in dimensional travel, but I don't see anything so dangerous in excavating ancient site that it required a Duelist." Shun questioned Reiji.

"I have a strong bad feeling that I can't shake. You're the only one I can count on right now." Reiji replied, uneasiness evident in his tone.

"President Akaba! Kurosaki-san! I think I've found the source of the wormhole signal!" A worker told them in hurry through the walkie-talkie, waving his hand from the quite faraway location.

Shun went to the said location while leaving the other workers to do their own respective work. The worker with his designated group led Shun to a stair that leading down to another wide area, and they found what seemed to be an old temple. Being a temple, it has less modern design than the town. The temple itself was made from polished black-colored obsidian that was studded with gems. It was etched with ancient hieroglyphics and pictographs they have never seen. When they went inside, there were a number of chambers, interlinked by tunnels.

"Here it is!" The worker stopped as the device he was holding was beeping at a green round wormhole at the end of a chamber.

"So this is the wormhole… Do you think this lead to some other dimension that we don't know about?" Shun asked Reiji. However, the response he got was a buzzing sound from the transceiver. It seemed the signal has weakened. At the same time, the monitors in the command room showed nothing.

The air became tense when they heard something coming from the wormhole. Shun told the workers to get behind him and he raised his Duel Disk, preparing for anything that will come that possibly dangerous. And then, from the wormhole, something came out. A hand. Along with the hand was a cold hostile intent. Before shun realized it, he was sweating. Whoever was going to come out is dangerous. He just knew it.

"All of you get out of here! Tell the others to leave too! Now!" Shun told the workers behind him.

Already filled with fear, they all nodded and ran out without hesitation, leaving Shun alone to confront who appears to be an enemy. They immediately did as Shun told them to, telling the other workers to leave the site at once and informed Reiji of what happened. Not too long after they warned everyone, a blast came out from the temple's roof. The blast reached the sky, visible to everyone in Maiami City. By that time, the monitor in Leo Corporation's command room finally working again, allowing Reiji and everyone inside to see the blast.

"W-what is this?!" Nakajima exclaimed as he looked at the monitor that showed the blast.

"Kurosaki? Can you hear me? What happened there?! Kurosaki!" Reiji shouted, trying to connect with Shun. However, he didn't receive any respond, only buzzing sounds.

Within the temple where the wormhole was, Shun was nowhere to be found, only his transceiver lying on the floor with a splash of fresh blood.


"Yukiya, I'm going to the mall now. Are you–"

A girl with long grey hair opened the door that led to her younger brother, Yukiya's, room. She stuck her head inside to find her younger brother has fallen asleep on his bed. She sighed with a smile and decided not to bother her brother's sleep so she quietly closed the door and left.

When Yukiya opened his eyes, he was inside a stadium he was positive he had never seen, but yet it felt familiar. He looked at himself and he realized he was taking a form of his avatar in LINK VRAINS, but he wasn't wearing his blue glasses. His attention turned to the person in front of him. It was a boy around his age in real life. He has green and red hair like a tomato, wearing a goggle, white jacket uniform with tight orange shirt and dark green pants. The boy was crying, and seeing that made his heart ache.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Zarc asked. His lips were moving without his consent.

The boy smiled sadly. "We finally get to know the two of you properly… But now…we must separate…" He replied. Zarc blinked and finally realized there was someone beside him and the boy. Beside him was his best friend's avatar, Ray. Beside the boy was a pink haired girl who was also crying like the boy.

"We can't…see you again…" The pink haired girl said.

Zarc and Ray's eyes softened at the boy and girl. They smiled kindly as they pulled them into their arms, patting their heads and backs. After a while, Zarc and Ray pulled them away but didn't let go of their shoulders. They then placed their foreheads against them.

"We understand. We wish we could stay a bit longer. But our time has come and that's how it supposed to be. Do not be sad for us. Please be happy for us." Zarc told the boy, wiping a tear from his face.

"You set me free from the darkness. You helped me remember my true wish and rekindle everything I had believed. Now, I can finally rest in peace." Zarc then pointed at the pendant around the boy's neck and made the boy to look at his eyes.

"Yuya, you may have surpassed me, but the path we walk is still the same. Never forget that hope can turn into despair in the blink of an eye, just like a pendulum. By surpassing me, you have become a 'Supreme King' in your own story. While we, entertainers, must fight for people's desire to make them happy, we too must fight for what we believe in. Always remember that, otherwise it won't be long before you turn into a demon like I did, or even more horrifying than I ever was. Never let your conviction wavers." Zarc told the boy. While he didn't know why he felt that way or what exactly happened, he hoped that this boy in front of him wouldn't fall to the same path as him. He prays that this boy will accomplish what he couldn't.

"Yeah. I will! I promise!" The boy said, smiling again as he wiped his tears.

"We are truly grateful to the both of you. No, I mean to all of you. Thanks to you we have finally fulfilled our dream and promise. Now we can let go of the past that had bound us." Ray removed herself from the pink haired girl to look at who seemed to be their families and friends who have gathered and waiting for them.

"Reiji, Reira, please take care of Father. Help him return to the way he was, just like Yuya and Yuzu did for us." Ray pleaded to a young man with glasses wearing blue-sleeved shirt with red scarf around his neck and a little girl holding a teddy bear.

"Yes. Regardless of what happened, we are still family after all." The young man, Reiji, gave Ray his words, and the little girl, Reira, also promised the same without voicing it.

"Continue to bring smiles with your Dueling, Yuya." Zarc told the boy, Yuya, for one last time.

"Now and always!" Yuya replied cheerfully before Zarc's surrounding became all white.

Yukiya awoke slowly to the flickering light of his room. He let out a tiny gasp—for just a moment, ghost pains assaulted his brain, and he lay there paralyzed. And then it all disappeared, and he was left lying on his comfy bed, staring forward at the dark tree canopy outside his window, fluttering in a night breeze that let some of the stars peek between the leaves.

"That dream again…"Yukiya mumbled while covering his eyes with his right arm. Yukiya flexed his fingers, and they responded easily. His body felt all right, he thought as he slowly sat up. No dizziness. He must have gotten a lot of sleep.

"How many times I have that already…" Yukiya wondered. Ever since a week ago, every time he falls asleep, he would always dream about this boy, Yuya. Even though he was positive he never met this Yuya person before let alone in his Zarc identity, the boy was strangely familiar to him. It was like he had known this Yuya for long time already yet he couldn't remember. How was that even possible?

Yukiya turned to the clock on his table. It was already 11.00 AM. Time for his usual schedule. He looked at a photo beside his clock. A photo himself together with his best friend. She has long, maroon and dark red colored hair tied-up into a long ponytail. Both of them were wearing a uniform consisted of a slate-colored jacket with light blue trim over a white dress shirt with a blue tie and a pair of black pants for Yukiya and a black skirt for the girl who was wearing a necklace with a shape of her name – Sara.

"I'm coming to see you now, Sara."


Yuya blinked at a pile of books and pamphlets placed by his mother on the living room table right after lunch.

"Mom, what is this pile that is taller than me when I'm sitting?" Yuya asked while looking at the pile.

"Choices of high school to attend and tutoring for high school entrance exam." Yoko said, huffing while crossing her arms.

"Do I really need these many?" Yuya asked. He sweat dropped at the amount of the piling papers and books.

"Isn't it obvious? Considering the scores of certain subjects you got are below average, this is necessary!" Yoko said while leaning her face close to her son and pointed his forehead with her finger.

A year has passed since the four dimensions became one. After many complications, representatives from the whole countries have all finally settled everything and everyone is now living in peace. Yuya, who became a Pro Duelist a year ago, not to mention being hailed as a war hero after the dimension war, instantly became famous around the world. He received many challenges from other Duelists who are interested in his strength from many different countries. There were also many people who came to Maiami City simply to see him and such. The many Duel challenges gave him difficulty to balance with his school life. While he is actually quite pretty much already a working boy as being a Pro Duelist and winning many challenges earned him lots of money, his mother won't have it.

"Duel Champion or Pro Duelist or not, you're still young who has a lot to learn! I won't let you neglect your study!" That's what Yoko said to Yuya when Sora suggested that Yuya should just quit school.

And that was why Yuya still regularly go to school like normal students does. Yusho and Yoko needed a lot of persuasion to convince Nico Smiley, who proclaimed himself as Yuya's sponsor, to discuss any Duel schedule with them first, and Yoko even almost resorted to use her old connection with her biker gang to threaten Nico if she has to. Fortunately for Nico, Yusho managed to find a peaceful solution to this problem for both sides. Yuya was grateful to this since as much as he loves dueling and makes many people and monsters happy, he also needs a long break to catch up with his studies. He would sometimes ask for his friends' help with his studies; Yuzu and Yuto in particular, are good tutors.

"I won't let you making excuses to skip your studies or quitting school altogether! Education is important in life! Plus, school is an important part of youth that you mustn't miss!" Yoko argued, smacking her son's back that caused him to wince.

"Okay, okay, I got it! I'll read them a bit…" Yuya sighed while taking one of the pamphlets to look.

"Good. Now I'm going to go shopping for dinner. We'll have curry for tonight. See you later!"

"Okay~" Yuya replied lazily while reading the pamphlet. He then moved next to read the second pamphlet and blinked.

"This school… Yuzu said she is going to go to this school…" Yuya mused as he looked at the pamphlet. He happened to overhear Yuzu's choice of high school when a classmate asked her. It's rather obvious, but if they move to different schools, he won't be able to eat lunch with Yuzu or going home with her so often like they always do since elementary school. That made him sad…

Yuya slump his face to the table. Last year he finally realized his feeling for Yuzu. She who he used to consider as best friend and older sister has now became the girl he likes. But since then, nothing big happened in their relationship. They passed their days as usual, not so different from when he still thought of her as a friend. He just couldn't do something romantic like in romance manga. It was too embarrassing! He was also afraid if she doesn't reciprocate his feeling and it may change their relationship if he confesses, so he has stayed quiet until now.

"Maybe I should try to apply this high school too…" Yuya thought, but he wasn't so sure. The high school Yuzu chose isn't exactly a high level school, but with his low grades, it'll be hard for him. And choosing high school with 'impure' motive like this doesn't seem to be right.

"I'm such an idiot…" Yuya sighed dejectedly at himself and forced himself to read the pamphlets again.

"Argh! Just seeing this pile exploding my head! I'm gonna take a walk outside!" Yuya stood up, deciding to read the rest of pile later. He needed fresh air.

Wearing his roller boots, Yuya opened the door, ready to go – only to come face to face with Yuzu who was standing on the other side, her hand was raised as she was about to knock the door. Yuya's face heat up upon seeing Yuzu's face and instinctively, he slammed the door close again, shocking the pink haired girl and he leaned on the door while the girl was banging it.

"Yuya?! What's wrong?! Why are you closing the door again?! Hey!" Yuzu asked. She was a bit offended that Yuya closed the door right after he saw her. What did she do wrong?

"S-sorry…! Please just give me ten seconds!" Yuya replied nervously. His heart was pounding hard and he clutched his chest to calm it down.

"Great! Why she is here now of all times?!"


"How is the situation of the wormhole today?" Reiji asked Nakajima.

"I'm afraid nothing has yet change, President. The wormhole is still unstable. We also haven't find any sign of Kurosaki's location." Nakajima answered, holding the report from the site.

"How about the hieroglyph and pictograph? Have you deciphered them?" Reiji asked again. The hieroglyph and pictograph were their only clues to find out what exactly happened in the past and hopefully about the wormhole itself.

"They said they are close in completing it." Nakajima answered again.

"I see. Inform me for any update." Reiji covered his face with his hand. This was the first time ever since the war he has been this worried. He just hoped that there won't be a second dimensional war. People were already suffering enough with the first.

Reiji and Nakajima were interrupted by LDS worker who slammed the door opened in hurry. He panted for breath, having run to the room as fast as he could.

"President! There are signals of Duels from four different places at the same time! The power of the summoning performed by the Duelists has the same power as the energy coming from the wormhole!" The worker told them, shocking the two.

"What?! Where are they?!" Reiji questioned, standing up from his seat with his hand on the table.


Yuzu went to Yuya's house to invite him to go shopping with her. Since he wanted to go out anyway, Yuya accepted her invitation. Yuya was walking with Yuzu beside him, but the girl realized he was making quite a distance between them, which was unusual and plain strange for him. Another thing, Yuya's face was all red and he avoided making eye contact with her. Yuzu thought it was due to summer heat, so she decided not to press it so much.

"Yuya watch out!" Yuzu yelled when she realized where Yuya was walking to.

Yuya spun around quickly, almost crashing into the people that were walking by. He was so deep in thought that he didn't realized he nearly bumped into lamp post. He looked around before turning another corner into the bustling street. It was teeming with people buying food and meat produce. There was not a single place on the street that was not filled with people. He gave a long tired sigh, its summer season and in the middle of crowds with high temperature didn't really please him, but it was better than staying at home with that pile of books and papers.

"What's wrong with you today? You're being even more a klutz than before." Yuzu asked in concern, sighing exasperatedly.

"I'm not a klutz! I-I'm just wondering about something!" Yuya retorted and just ushered her to continue shopping. Yuya then meekly glanced at Yuzu who was busy looking some clothes.

"Confession, huh… Nope. No way after all. If I confess, I wonder if anything would change… Should I do it?" Yuya contemplated while staring at Yuzu. Noticing his stare, Yuzu turned to him.

"Why are you staring at me like that? Is there something?" Yuzu asked.

"No. Sorry, it's nothing." Yuya looked away again. "It's impossible! Super impossible!"

Yuya inwardly cried out. His head was about to burst just thinking about confessing. After all, what if she says no? Can he face her again? He'd seriously die! But at the same time, he was also curious how her reaction would be.

"I wonder if she'll be happy, or if she'll be annoyed. Wait, why am I seriously considering about this?! I'm such an idiot! Calm thy self, Yuya Sakaki!" Yuya scolded embarrassedly at himself.

"Hey, Yuya, four months from now Leo Corporation will be holding Maiami Championship again." Yuzu started a new conversation.

"Y-yeah. I didn't realize it'll be so soon." Yuya replied.

"This year, I'll definitely win the championship and advance to Youth Class." Yuzu then turned to Yuya, confident smile on her face. "Just watch! I'll catch up to you soon! Then, we'll have a rematch as Pro Duelists!"

Yuya's cheeks reddened seeing her like that, but her words saved him from being so nervous. Instead, he chuckled and returned her smile with his own.

"Yeah! I'll be waiting! And I will win again!" Yuya replied.

Yuzu giggled and smiled in relief. "You finally look at me and smile." She said.


"You've been thinking about something for the past few days now, haven't you? If it's something I can help you with, I'll try to help you, so don't hesitate to ask, okay?" Yuzu told Yuya, and the latter sighed. He made her worry because he was thinking too much. He was so stupid.

"Nah…I'm just thinking about high school and my future afterwards…" Yuya finally answered. He half lied. There's no way he would talk to her about his feeling for her that will be the same as confessing.

"That's surprising. I didn't expect you to think about that." Yuzu blinked, completely surprised by the answer.

"Rude! My future is important you know!" Yuya retorted.

"Well yeah, but…we're not even a high school student yet. I don't think you need to think much about it. Just take it easy for now. I'm sure it'll turn out all right." Yuzu patted Yuya's back in assurance.

"Take it easy, huh…" Yuya repeated in wonder.

Yuya, Yuzu, and Gongenzaka have reached their third year in middle school. They were 15 years old now. For the last year, nothing in particular happened and he and his friends begun moving on with their normal lives as graduation steadily approaches. It almost felt the dimensional war was like a dream if it were not his ability to communicate with his monsters that keeps reminding him. Fighting in the war was hard, but now he felt that growing up is just as hard as dueling while risking lives on the line. It doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy the life he has now. He definitely enjoys it. But lately he felt something was bothering him yet he couldn't put it into words.

"Maybe I should try to convene with Gongenzaka or the others about this too…" Yuya first tried to contact Yuto. However, he received no answer. Now thinking about it, Yuto hasn't reply his call or messages for the past week. He also tried to call Ruri and Shun, but they didn't answer his call too. This happened the day after a mysterious blast was seen at the outskirt of Maiami City. He heard that Leo Corporation has something to do with it and he had asked Reiji, but the latter said he was stil investigating it himself and didn't share more. It was unusual, and Yuya was honestly worried.

Yuya shook his head, giving up to continued making assumptions or speculations or else he might lose his hair for thinking too much. Reiji will tell him eventually when he is ready. Yuto and the others must be so busy with something that they can't give him any reply. He can see them any time anyway. For now, he'll just focus on his own problem. But first, he'll refresh his mind with a bit snack.

Just as he let himself be pushed into the crowd,

"Having fun, Yuya Sakaki?"

Yuya and Yuzu stopped walking, not minding anyone bumped into them. They froze as they heard the cold eerie voice. They were too afraid to move as they felt another person stand beside Yuya. Without looking, they knows whoever it was, this person was planning something not good from his presence. The presence was cold that it made them shivered. They noticed a real gun in his hand, but not pointing and pull the trigger…yet. Not with so many people around them.

"Who are you?" Yuya asked.

"Let's just say…I'm one of the people who caused the blast you saw a week ago and I cam from another dimension." The guy replied.

"The blast?! You mean the one at the excavation site?!" Yuzu quietly exclaimed, unconsciously holding Yuya's hand tightly. The guy nodded in reply.

"And from another dimension...?! You mean there is still another dimension other than ARC-V?" Yuya glanced at the guy in disbelief.

"ARC-V? So this dimension is now called 'ARC-V', huh?" The guy made interested sound. "We can talk about that later, but first let's have a talk, shall we?"

"Yuzu, go on ahead and tell Reiji." Yuya told Yuzu.

"What?! There's no way I can leave you alone!" Yuzu insisted, tightening her grip on Yuya's hand.

"I suggest you do as the boy said, Yuzu Hiiragi. You don't want…an accident to happen to some of these people walking by, don't you?" The guy warned her, making Yuya and Yuzu's face went white.

"Yuzu, I'm okay. Just go! I promise I'll see you again!" Yuya firmly told her, freeing his hand from her grip.

Yuzu looked conflicted. She didn't want to leave Yuya alone with such a dangerous person, but she also didn't want any harm to come to the people around them. Locking gaze with Yuya whose eyes telling her to go, Yuzu bit her lip and clenched her fists before she finally left the shopping district, running to the Leo Corporation as fast as she could.

"Good boy. Though, it's not like I'll let you get away." He grabbed Yuya's arm tightly, making the Entermate user winced a bit by his strong grip.

Yuya slowly faced the guy in the eyes, this time without fear and instead it was bravery and valor within those eyes. Now that he looked at him, he was wearing hooded orange clothing that covered his face, but since they were close, Yuya could see his menacing green eyes. The guy smiled passively as he faced Yuya back, letting go of his arm. Yuya rubbed his arm that was gripped. It was red, proving that the grip was very strong.

"Not here, let's talk somewhere else." Yuya requested.

"I figure out you will say that." The guy said again.

"Let's go, but first I warn you," The guy motioned the Entermate user to follow. When he turned around, it took everything Yuya had not to fall into his knees by his gaze and murderous intent. The guy's green eyes had deepened, darkening, and his mouth slowly parted into bloodthirsty, losing all of the previous passiveness.

"This won't be just a nice talk." He told Yuya. As he said so, Odd-Eyes within Yuya's Deck began to glow.


"The academy is going to hold a Duel Festival next month." Serena revealed while making coffee for her two friends who were playing chess at the moment.

"Fufufu. It's my turn to shine. In the festival, I will steal the visitors' hearts with my show! My fans around the world will come to see me, so I have to do my best." Dennis said, not looking up from the chessboard. Yuri moved a piece from his side. He remained silent as Dennis moved his knight.

"You mean thanks to the announcement you made in your blog? Just don't go showing off too much. Give the other students a chance to shine. It's for their career too." Serena said with a sigh at her orange-haired friend.

A year after Yuri has been exiled for unknown times, it has finally been settled that Yuri will stay in exile for two more years before he is allowed to be free. Normally, the sentence should be 10 years, so they were glad to hear this as it was far shorter and far better. Yuri didn't seem to mind it as well. However, somehow Serena felt that something wasn't right.

"Yeah, whatever – checkmate! Looks like I win this round!" Dennis said triumphantly as he leaned back on his chair.

"I beg to differ," Yuri murmured as he made his move. "Checkmate," he said.

"Darn it!" Dennis cursed. "When did you get this good in chess?" he demanded.

Yuri crossed his arms smugly "It's given since I was born. Want another round?"

"No thanks." Dennis replied flatly.

"Loser." Yuri teased. Serena smiled as she served the beverages to the two before putting back the chess pieces. When she was about to put back the chess, a burst of coffee splattered on her shirt from her left side.

"What?! How can anyone like this thing?" Dennis riddled in his head as the beverage swished within his mouth, earning a smack from Serena. She wiped herself with a small towel before smacking Dennis again.

"Rude! I tried my best! You should thank me that I even bother to make a drink for you!" Serena exclaimed. For once she thought of making a drink for her friends, and this is what she got?

"My bad Serena, but Dennis is speaking my words here. This is terrible." Yuri agreed with the Entermage user. He effortlessly dodged Serena's smack as he enjoyed his sandwich. "You'll need a lot of practice if you want to serve this ever again."

"S-shut up! I'm trying my best you know!" Serena said, preparing another coffee.

"Wait, you're still making that? I don't wanna! Plus, this lady-like thing is so not your thing, Serena-chan!" Dennis pushed his mug back to Serena.

"Hey, you're the one who wants a help to ease your muscles since you were so tired after taking a job from Reiji! If you don't like it, then why don't you ask Yuri for an advice?" Serena pointed toward the Predator Plants user.

"I used his methods before, but it doesn't work now. That's why I am asking you, which was the wrong thing to do." Dennis spat back.

Like Yuri had told him before, two cold showers and three cups of caffeine-loaded java were helping, but nothing replaced a good, natural nights rest. Dennis learned that over his intense years of training in Academia while under the Professor's reign during his first year joining, but fortunately, he had gotten used to functioning without it. The body never truly adapts to sleep deprivation, but with enough practice, it gets easier to ignore its side effects.

"If you want to do something so lady-like, you need to learn from Yuzu, Ruri, and Rin. They are definitely very much more girls than you, Serena." Dennis said with a sigh, earning him a kick on his head.

"No, thank you very much. I'm completely comfortable with the way I am now." Serena said before pouting, angrily drank the coffee by herself, ignoring the taste completely.

"I'm going to fix the taste in my tongue with one of your fruits in your garden, Yuri." Dennis excused himself to pick some fruits that Yuri has grown himself. He also planted some fresh vegetables to eat. All of fruits and vegetables Yuri has planted were taken care nicely that all of them were delicious. Once you taste it, it won't be an exaggeration to call it high-class.

"Don't pick too much." Yuri told as Dennis left, leaving only himself and Serena in the room.

Now that there were only the two of them, Serena sat right beside Yuri on the sofa.

"What's bothering you?" Serena asked straight to the point.

"Nothing at all." Yuri replied immediately without turning to Serena.

"Liar. I know that you're thinking about something for a while now and it has been bothering you. Is this about your sentence?" Serena said again, this time looking at Yuri. When he still won't look at her, Serena grasped his collar and forced him to face her.

"Tell me. What's bothering you?" She asked again.

"Are you asking me or interrogating me here?" Yuri said with a tinge of annoyance.

"Just answer the question." She told him.

"This is something I'm going to keep for myself. You can't do anything to help." He replied.

"What makes you so sure about that? We haven't even tried!" Serena tightened her grip on his collar. It was then Yuri's gaze hardened and his brow furrowed while looking away. It looked like he was struggling with something but he didn't want to share it with anybody.

Serena slackened her grip on Yuri and opened her mouth to speak again, but they were interrupted by a loud sound coming from the garden followed by the shaking house. Looking at each other in wonder and alarmed, Yuri and Serena wore their Duel Disks and then rushed to the garden to find out what just happened.

"Dennis, what's wrong?!" Serena asked as she slammed the door to the garden. What she saw made her breath hitched. Even Yuri wore the same expression.

The once beautiful garden filled with pretty flowers and fresh fruits and vegetables was now covered in flames and thick smoke. Dennis was lying on the ground with some bruises and dirt on his body. Not too far from him was a skinny built man with tan yellow-emerald hair and a wolf's tail style ponytail. He also wears violet spec glasses over his violet color eyes and wearing orange hooded cloak.

"Dennis!" Serena and Yuri rushed to Dennis. the former held Dennis in her arms as she checked his injuries. Fortunately, nothing was severe.

"Yo! Sorry that I messed up yer garden. The one with thick eye brows, yer Yuri, aint'cha?" The glasses man said, pointing at Yuri.

"It's a common curtesy to introduce yourself first." Yuri calmly replied, though his eyes were ready for the kill.

"Oh, yeah! My bad!" The man said with a laugh. He scratched his head before raising his Duel Disk and activated it.

"The name's Shing. Long story short, I was ordered to come here to beat ya up." Following Shing's statement, Starve Venom inside Yuri's Deck began to shine.


The orphanage where Yugo and Rin were staying has been renovated completely. The one that once was a dilapidated house has turned into three floors house with more than descent furniture and various other things needed for the children staying in the orphanage. In front of Yugo's room, Rin quietly twisted the knob of his room and opened the door just a crack to look inside. The door flew open, revealing Yugo with his hair sticking at odd places and a wrench on his hand. He was wearing a pair of black sweat pants with a white t-shirt. He was sitting on the corner, staring at the window.

"You're okay? How is your cold?" Rin asked in concern. Five days ago, Yugo caught a cold. When the doctor examined him, he said that Yugo was exhausted from moving around too much, so he should take plenty of rest for a few days.

"I'm totally fine now! I'm all healthy thanks to you nursing me!" Yugo said energetically.

Rin sighed. "Still, you need to take care of yourself more, Yugo. Don't be picky on your food too. Eat something healthier." She lectured.

"I know, I know. I'll be careful from now on! Let's have a Duel now! I'm bored lying on my bed! It's like forever I haven't Duel!" Yugo held Rin's hand while pointing outside, excitedly wanting to duel.

"But no Riding Duel or Action Duel, okay?" Rin set her condition. Yugo just recovered, so he shouldn't move around too much. Besides…

"Also, lately there are cases of several Duelists around our neighbours being attacked by someone. Most of the Duelists were sent to the hospital. I don't doubt your skill, but I'm worry about your condition." Rin told Yugo. It happened around four days ago. Several Duelists were attacked and left severely injured. Investigation has been conducted, but there was no clue so far. Warning has been issued for the citizens who are Duelists not to go alone or report any possible sighting. As the result, there were less people coming out.

"Then let's just duel at the indoor park. It's fine over there, right? Let's go!" Yugo said eagerly as he pulled Rin.

Yugo and Rin were about to rush out of the house, only to have the Speedroid user's room blasted by an explosion from the window, making the house shake and a huge hole on the roof of Yugo's room. Hearing the loud explosion and the shaking building coming from Yugo's bedroom, several children together with the orphanage head rushed to the second floor into Yugo's room, finding the room was all messed up and Yugo and Rin steadied themselves.

"Stay back! Don't let the children come here!" Yugo motioned them to back down, which they did without a question.

"Who's there?" Rin went to her battle stance.

"Such a cute opponent. Too bad I need to defeat you." A girl appeared from the thick smoke. She has long orange hair, wearing magenta colored eyepatch next to her only emerald-colored eye, over then appearing as a beautiful figure. She was wearing a lighter orange-colored cloak.

"Who the hell are you?! And look what you did to my room! We just renovated it!" Yugo protested at the girl. The room he had longed for was finally finished two weeks ago, and now it was destroyed almost to nothing.

"But if I didn't do that, it won't be a surprise, so just deal with it." The girl replied nonchalantly, showing no remorse whatsoever in her action. She then raised her Duel Disk.

"Never mind that. My name is Neon. I will have you in my winning record, Yugo-kun~"


"Don't worry. I'm sure he is okay." Yuto comforted Ruri who was close to tears. They were sitting on a bench at the park.

A week ago, Shun was called by Reiji for a help with something. Shun accepted and promised Ruri that he will come back the next day. However, the next day, she saw the news about a blast from Maiami City that came from where her brother was supposed to be working at and quickly tried to contact him to no avail. Together with Yuto, they went to the Leo Corporation to ask Reiji directly of what happened, and they answer horrified them. Shun was missing after confronting someone from a wormhole that appeared in the excavation site, and the only thing remained was his bloodstained transceiver. Ruri almost fainted from hearing that. Hearing of the possibility that Shun was most likely in another dimension connected to the wormhole, Yuto was more than eager to go there to look for his best friend if he wasn't stopped by Reiji. As the wormhole became unstable ever since the blast, no one is allowed to enter into the wormhole. He didn't want to risk of sending anyone to possible void between dimensions instead of another dimension. With that, Yuto and Ruri returned to Heartland dejectedly.

Hoping that Shun is okay and maybe is somewhere in this world, they tried to look for him, asking their former Resistance friends to help them looking for Shun. They contemplated to ask for Yuya and the others' help as well, but Reiji had told them not to tell anyone to keep the panic to the minimum as they have yet to understand about the wormhole and the ancient hyper-advanced town they have found. And so, they looked for Shun with the only available people they have in Heartland. A week has passed, but their search resulted with no fruition.

"We both know how strong Shun is. He won't die so easily." Yuto pulled Ruri closer to him, ruffling her hair comfortingly.

"Yes… Thank you, Yuto…" Ruri thanked him as she leaned closer and stayed that way for a little longer. She needed this comfort. She has been worried sick and barely sleeps for the past week. She just couldn't stop worrying for her brother. She never stopped praying that he is alive and all right somewhere.

"I'll try to ask Yuya and the others help later. You should go back and take a rest for a bit. You don't want to worry Sayaka and the others, right? I'll tell you if I find something, okay?" Yuto softly told the girl, wiping a tear that started to form in her right eye.

"I'm sorry. You're right. I will take a break for a bit…" Ruri stood up from the bench, trying her best to smile at Yuto even though she was still sad. She already troubled her friends with her request to help her looking for her brother, so she didn't want to worry them even more.

"I'll see you later then, Yuto. Be careful, okay?" Ruri excused herself/

"Yeah. I'll be fine. I promise." Yuto replied tenderly.

Yuto looked at Ruri's direction. When they were at quite a distance, they waved to each other one last time before she left. He continued to see her retreating form until he couldn't see her anymore. When he made sure that she has left, Yuto finally stood up from the bench.

"I'm alone now. Show yourself." Yuto demanded.

"Oh? So you noticed my presence?"

The Xyz user faced the bushes and trees where the voice came from. Sounds of footsteps became louder, showing that the person was walking closer to him. He revealed himself fully. He was a muscle-built black man with dark-brown hair styled in curls, to even a ponytail, wears violet spec glasses over his brown color eyes. He was wearing an orange-colored hooded cloak.

"My apologies if I ruin your moment with your girlfriend. That is not my intention, but I have to follow my orders to face you." The man apologized sincerely.

"Who are you?" Yuto questioned the man, ready to raise his Duel Disk to fight. Inside his Deck, Dark Rebellion started to glow.

"My name is Rowan. I'm sorry, but I have to defeat you here and now."


Yukiya didn't particularly like hospitals. Not that there was anything wrong with them, per se, but they stank of death and they were always full of whether hurt or dying people, no matter how hard the nurses tried to plaster smiles on and tend them. Seeing them made his heart aches, making his wish to help them all if he could.

On second thought, maybe he did like hospitals a bit.

This was a first for him, actually as far as he remembers. Yukiya had never really been to a hospital just to visit someone before. Instead, he used to be the one who stayed and visited by his friends, his family, and his relatives. It's been a week since his best friend was in a coma. For the past week, he didn't have any chance to visit her because he was too busy looking for the culprit who made her like this and find a way to wake her up.

Since he still hasn't found any lead, he decided to visit Sara.

When he found Sara's room, he exhaled and inhaled twice, feeling somewhat nervous. Yukiya entered alone, walking to the bed where she lay. He looked down at her quiet, still form, connected by wires and tubes to the machines keeping her alive. He placed the bouquet of flowers on the vase before turning to the unconscious girl.

"You should be stronger than this," Yukiya murmured. "You're always cheerful, lightening up our mood when we depressed, telling us jokes, humors, and all…" He looked sadly at her. "It's been a week already…and you're still between dream and reality…"

Yukiya sat on the chair, watching her closely, half hoped that she will wake up. But she didn't. He kept looking at her that he didn't realize his ace card, Cyber Cosmos Link Dragon, was shining.


"Yuno-sama, it's about time for us to return." A blondish tan haired man in suit told a boy with darkish blue and black hair who was staring at the card in his hand.

"Yes. Just a little bit." Yuno replied while looking at his ace card, Mad Abyss Ritual Dragon that was glowing. He sighed. His last hope for his premonition not coming true was not answered. This can only mean one thing. This is maybe their only hope to end everything.

"You think so too, huh?" Yuno said to his ace monster, his sworn friend, roaring as the card's glow intensified. He looked up at the transparent ceiling, looking up at the wide blue sky as flock of birds flew pass by.

"They're coming here soon…"


Blazing Inferno & Demonic Temptress – Yuya is challenged by a Duelist named Tsukasa. Both seem to be at stalemate, but Yuya then feels something strange is happening as the Duel goes on. At the same time, Yugo is confronted by the attacker of Duelists around his neighborhood who introduce herself as Neon. They commence a Duel in which Neon quickly gain the upper hand with her Deck.

Hello everyone. How do you think for the first chapter of the sequel? Oh, and I want to ask, should I make a modification to the Master Duel and Speed Duel rules or not for this fanfic? I personally don't like the new rules and it would be difficult to write for Yuya's Dueling considering his Deck, but I would like to know your opinions first. I made a poll in my profile for this. The deadline is once chapter 5 is released. Please give your vote. As for the Action Duel rule, I have decided to make the rules the same as the one in the manga. This will be explained in the next chapter.

In case there are people who forgot this message in the last chapter of Bonds of Pendulum and Presage of Malevolence: Prologue, I'll say this again: The main protagonists from the other Yu-Gi-Oh series (Yugi, Judai, Yusei, Yuma, and Yusaku) WON'T appear in the sequel. Adding them usually lead to demands like 'I want them to do this', 'they need to do that', 'make them appear more' and so on, and if that continues it may make original characters from ARC-V being neglected before I know it. I actually don't hate the idea of having crossovers story with the other Yu-Gi-Oh protagonists. In fact I'm interested, but if in the future I'm going to write that, I'll do it in a brand new fanfic, not this sequel (But please DON'T take this as me promising to write a crossover fanfic). The sequel is still an ARC-V story and I don't want to take risk of adding the main protagonists who may outshine Yuya who will still be the main character of the sequel. And I do not accept OCs or Custom Cards.

I have completed most of the original cards in my profile, but as I have said before, there are several cards that I purposely won't include.

Lastly but not the least, I finally got a job. Even though this job is one that I can do at home, it's many and not so easy to do, so I can't determine exact update schedule yet. I will try to balance my work and writing this fanfic. Thank you for your understanding.

Don't forget to review this chapter~