A ray of sunshine pierced through a small crack in between the curtains of the room and landed atop the closed eyes of the Savior of the World, waking him from his slumber. Letting out a small groan of pain, as if he had been stabbed suddenly by a kunai rather than woken up prematurely, Naruto knew trying to go back to sleep was for naught, he was already awake. Sitting up in bed with a sigh, Naruto rubbed the sleep out of his eyes with his hand, glancing over at the curtains laying his windows. They had been moved during the night, allowing the sunlight to sneak in, and Naruto knew only one culprit. Literally rolling across the bed, Naruto glanced over the edge to notice his many-tailed companion had disappeared and that the door to his room was open, allowing the Bijuu to briefly escape Naruto's tired wrath.

The blonde haired teen got out of bed with a protesting groan, his aching muscles providing a dull throb of pain throughout his body. Stretching his arms and shoulders as he walked down the stairs, Naruto made sure to move quickly as the cold wooden stairs seemed to be trying to freeze his bare feet.

The house he now shared with Gabriel was surprisingly bare and lifeless when she wasn't there, as the girl seemed to have some kind of otherworldly charisma that seemed to light up the room. Placing his hands into his pajama pockets to keep them warm, the blonde haired shinobi silently moved through the living room, taking a better look at the area now than he had the night before. It was only now that he realized that above the big cabinet in the living room, seemingly out of reach for the petite Gabriel, was a picture frame.

Casually reaching up and grabbing it, Naruto couldn't help but smile at the photograph. A young Gabriel, maybe four or five years old, stood on the left side of the photograph with a huge grin on her face as she held up a peace sign to the camera with her right hand. On the right side of the picture was another familiar face and Naruto almost didn't recognize the younger form of the Archangel Michael, appearing perhaps only slightly older than his younger sister, with a big smile of his own. The two stood beside the kneeling form of an older man in a white robe, his entire face not in shot due to being too large. Nonetheless, the children looked happy in the photo and the way the man had a hand on their shoulders in a loving manner only seemed to add to the nostalgia of the photograph.

Gently, Naruto returned the photo to its original place and moved into the kitchen, glancing upward at the clock sitting above the stove. Nine in the morning, maybe the smell of food would awaken his sleepy host. Opening the fridge with one hand and peering inside, the smile on Naruto's face disappeared. Dammit, he needed to get groceries...

Two hours had passed since Naruto had awoken and multiple new advancements had occurred. One, apparently the numbers from his world and this world were the same so Naruto had been able to access the prices and then only had to point at the ingredients he needed while he was at the market in order to purchase them. Two, Kurama had managed to evade Naruto's attempts to search for him the entire morning so far and it was actually beginning to become quite impressive. Three, the smell of bacon and pancakes had not awoken his roommate like he had initially expected. In fact, were it not for the fact he could hear her breathing with his hypersensitive ears, he was pretty sure she was dead.

Glancing a final time at the clock to confirm the hour hand had passed eleven, Naruto reluctantly trudged up the staircase to Gabriel's room. Rapping lightly with the knuckles of his right hand on the door, Naruto placed his ear against the wooden door. Yep breathing, maybe a little bit of snoring? Naruto snorted lightly before opening the door gently, his eyes taking a moment to adjust to the darkness of the room.

For such a small girl, Naruto wasn't quite sure how Gabriel had managed to sprawl herself out across that giant bed by herself. Her white covers had been thrown off in the middle of the night and in her tossings and turnings, so had the white pajama the angelic girl was wearing. Her white lace bra seemed to be fighting its hardest to contain the girl's massive chest, that somehow managed to look amazing on her petite body without being out of proportion. Pale white skin, an unreal amount of bounce everytime she moved, the slight silhouette of hardening...Now, the Savior of the World had been lucky enough to meet many big breasted women over the years (Tsunade, Hinata, Mei, etc.) and could pretty much say it was never the biggest attractor for him. But Gabriel's body was literally heavenly…

Naruto took a step back, literally falling into the doorframe as his hands came up to contain the bleeding from his nose. That sound, however, was apparently all that was needed to awake the refreshed Gabriel from her sleep and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she sat up in her bed and took a-look-around. Boy, was she surprised to see her roommate on the ground, draped against her door frame with enough blood escaping him that it looked like he had been shot.

So of course, Gabriel being the kind hearted soul that she was was, ran over to her friend. "Naruto!"

Naruto could only watch in awe as the heavenly being before him seemed to break the laws of gravity as things began to jiggle in ways he never thought things could jiggle before. Before he knew it, Naruto found himself pressed up against the half-naked Gabriel who held him against her chest thinking that he had been wounded. What Gabriel didn't understand was that by pressing her roommate against her flat stomach and in between the massive...she had, she was only increasing the rate of blood loss until Naruto eventually succumbed. Right before he passed out, Naruto looked down beneath Gabriel's bed to see the two crimson eyes of his best friend staring back at him. The bastard…

"Damn, he really can cook…"

Those words were what eventually awoke the blonde haired shinobi as his eyes snapped open, taking in their surroundings immediately. He was in the kitchen, sitting across from Gabriel who was chowing down on a mini-feast of her own. Fourteen pancakes, thirteen waffles, sixteen strips of bacon, eight sausage links, a pitcher of orange juice and a strawberry to make the meal healthy.

Gabriel had thankfully put on a shirt since the early morning fiasco but a light breeze through the room made the boy realize that he had been stripped of his own pajama shirt. His upper body was incredibly defined and muscular from his hard work and training over the years, a fact that Gabriel seemed to eye every couple of seconds.

"You cook like this for yourself and you have a body like that? Sheesh…" The girl muttered to herself as she angrily stabbed at her pancakes with a little heat in her face. Said by the girl with the super body, the irony...

"Eh?" Was Naruto's only response, unable to hear what the girl said under her breath.

Gabriel almost choked on the bite of food in her mouth in surprise, having not expected Naruto to be awake yet. "Nothing nothing!" Glancing away, she played with a strand of hair that had separated from the rest. "Oh! I washed your shirt. It had blood on it."

Naruto thought for a moment before trying the phrase he had been taught the night before. "Sanku yu."

"Th-th-thank-k-k you." Gabriel over enunciated the more difficult sounds in the word, slowing down her pronounciation a little as well.

"Thank you?" Naruto tried again, trying as hard as he could to make those difficult noises although the accent of his native tongue was still very strong.

But the brilliant smile that seemed to appear on Gabriel's face out of nowhere made the effort worth it. "Much better!"

A light bulb seemed to turn on in Gabriel's mind as she snapped her fingers, remembering something that had eluded her earlier. Moving to the other side of the island in the middle of the kitchen, the small energetic girl reached down and picked up an annoyed orange fox whose nine tails were swinging lackadaisically from being removed from his resting spot in front of the oven. "Oh Naruto! Look how cute this fox is!"

Kurama gave Naruto a look that screamed, "Don't you say a word you dumb monkey" but Naruto couldn't help the smile that came to his face. The "all-powerful, crusher of mountains and bringer of tsunamis" was being lifted up by a girl like a common house cat. "You've taken a quick liking to her."

"She fed me while you were napping the day away," Kurama shot back, his crimson eyes meeting Naruto's in a battle of wills. A tick mark appeared on the corner of Naruto's brow as the blonde prepared a string of curses in their native tongue to unleash on the annoying tailed beast.

Gabriel looked back and forth between the fox dangling from her hands and her new roommate as the two glared at each other comically, mock lightning sparking between the two eyes. "You two know each other?"

"Kurama," Naruto explained, pointing at the fox dangling from her arms to make the connection apparent to the girl.

Doubting that that was the word for fox from the intonation that Naruto gave the word, Gabriel turned the fox in her hands to face her, bringing her face really close to his in the process. "Your name is Kurama?" All the most powerful bijuu had to do was nod before he found himself crushed to death in the teenage girl's arms. "Wow you're so smart and cute!"

Naruto's eyebrow twitched at the sight of Kurama squeezed against Gabriel's admittedly giant chest, a reaction that earned a giant foxy grin from Kurama. "I can tell why you like her too,"

"Fuck off!" Naruto roared as he lunged across the kitchen table for his oldest friend, almost knocking over the entire breakfast he had prepared in the process.

Kurama let out a small yip as he fell from Gabriel's arms and took off like an orange bullet across the kitchen. Before Naruto could chase him down and have roasted fox for breakfast, the Shinobi was stopped by the small angelic girl sliding herself in between him and Kurama, placing her hands on her hips angrily. "Hey! Leave him alone!"

"I'll get you later, ya fuzzy orange bastard..." Naruto cursed the monster fox who had taken refuge on the couch, protected by the immovable object that was Gabriel. The girl had not moved, her hands had not fallen from her wide hips and that same displeased frown remained on her lips.

After a few moments, Naruto knew it was pointless to fight and sat back down at the table just in time to catch the clean white shirt the girl tossed him. "We're heading into the city to see a good friend of mine. He really wants to meet you."

Naruto, registering some of the words in the sentence, tried one of the phrases/words that he had learned the night before. "Really?"

"Yep! Time to get ready!" Gabriel didn't even pause as the sudden gear change shocked even Naruto as she grabbed a pancake, tossed it into her mouth before racing up the stairs to get ready in her room. Naruto sighed in disbelief at the inhumane amount of energy his roommate had before turning to follow her, grabbing a quick slice of bacon as he did so. Heaven knows he'll need the energy chasing Gabriel around.

As he slipped through the crowded streets of Heaven, Naruto was glad that the city had begun to accept him slightly more, although he still got a few strange looks every now and then. Clothing wise, he looked just like the average man strolling through the city with the trendy lightweight white cotton pants and shirt that had been bought for him by his lovely roommate. His preference would have been something orange but beggars can't be choosers.

What made the man stand out, however, was his ridiculous musculture, odd whisker marks and spiky blonde hair that was like a beacon to everyone near him. He stood a few inches taller than the average man and towered over his little roommate, a fact that he found incredibly amusing whenever she tried to see something over the person in front of her. Despite feeling more familiar in the city, Naruto still had trouble telling place from place and Gabriel's hand on the sleeve of his shirt kept him both close to her so Naruto couldn't escape and a light tug usually told the shinobi when he needed to change direction. Eventually, after hopping on the trolley car system that had been installed in Heaven to transport the non-flying civilians of the city, the two found themselves at their destination.

Naruto tilted his head to the side, taking in the full view of the giant circular building in front of him. It was huge, probably double the size of the arena he had fought in for the final stage of the chunin exam, but gave off roughly the same vibe. Gabriel strolled through the entrance like she was familiar with the place and the smiles she gave the workers made it seem like she was a regular.

Passing through the corridor, the two found themselves in an huge open arena, with hundreds of rows of stadium seats extending outward from the center. Naruto squinted his eyes, there were far too many seats on the inside to fit the exterior. Must be some sort of space-time jutsu that expanded the inside of the building. Walking further in, he was able to glance upwards toward the open skylight that provided the light for the entire stadium, giving the whole area a light glow.

"This place is called the Colosseum."

Naruto glanced over at Gabriel and tilted his head to the side, trying out the word for himself. "Karoshiamu…"

Gabriel leaned forward, squinting her emerald eyes to see a figure standing on the opposite side of the arena talking to another man with a tray in his hand. A slight flow of chakra to his eyes and Naruto's eyesight was enhanced at least threefold, allowing him to clearly see the man that had caught Gabriel's attention. The man appeared to be young, maybe around Naruto's age, and had blonde hair just like him, although the man's was slightly more shaggy and long. Sharing similar green eyes and skin color to Naruto's roommate, the shinobi would not have been surprised if this man and Gabriel were secretly siblings. Naruto glanced down at his clothes before looking over at the man once more, who was wearing something similar just in a black and white color scheme. Ah, so this was the donator of his clothing.

"Dulio!" Cried out Gabriel as she ran across the arena to wrap the man in a slamming hug.

"Ah Gabriel-san!" Unlucky for this Dulio person, the container of nachos that was in his hand had to be carefully tossed into the air to avoid splattering the most powerful female Seraph in the world with gooey cheese sauce. Lucky for Dulio however, Naruto's quick reaction time was fast enough that he was able to catch the nachos before they fell and hit the two.

"Oooh good catch!" Dulio commented, giving the man a thumbs up. Quickly returning the hug to the girl before carefully taking back the nachos, the man held out a hand towards Naruto. "Oh hi! I'm Dulio Gesualdo! Pleasure to meet you!"

"He's upbeat." Kurama said suddenly, causing Naruto to smile as Gabriel returned to his side. "I know right."

"Naruto Uzumaki. Naisu to meet you." Naruto responded, shaking the man's hand.

Dulio cocked his head to the side slightly, trying to place the accent while Gabriel just shook her head with a smile and a little shrug. "He's learning."

Dulio nodded understandingly. "I see." Glancing at Naruto's overall muscular build, one that was obvious from the tightness of Dulio's clothing on him, the exorcist smiled. "You look like a fighter."

"He asks do you fight?" Gabriel simplified after seeing her roommate's confused look, further emphasizing by lifting her fists up like a boxer.

Naruto nodded, a small smile on his face as he tried to replicate one of the words used. "Yes. I am fighter."

"Great!" Dulio's smile seemed to somehow grow even wider. "So am I! Wanna spar?"

"This sounds like a really bad idea-"/"This sounds like a really bad idea-" Simultaneously Kurama and Gabriel seemed to understand what the situation was about to come down to but neither could stop it.

"Let's fight!" Naruto exclaimed, holding out a fist to his new friend. The other man mirrored the move, an identical grin on his face as he did so. This motion was all that was needed for the popcorn vendor, standing at the side of the arena, as he quickly snapped a photo and posted it on his heavenly social media account. The Traveler and the Trump Card of Heaven were about to face off...

It probably took about five minutes but the stadium was packed to capacity. Men, women and children had dropped what they were doing to clamber into the stands for the free show, a casual match between their favorite Dulio-sama, the most powerful exorcist in the world, and the new face in town, a man who had survived a crash landing into Heaven without any serious injuries and was living with their beloved Gabriel-sama.

Dulio smiled, his hands hidden inside the folds of his robes, as he surveyed the now packed Colosseum, filled with everyone eager to see the man that was likely to become their next Seraph spar against the newcomer. "Pretty nice crowd."

Naruto nodded, his own eyes scanning the crowd himself. Although it was obvious that the people were rooting for Dulio, he was pleasantly surprised to see that they were looking forward to seeing him as well. His eyes locked onto Gabriel, standing in the first row in the center of the arena, out of harm's way but still with the best seats in the house. He grinned, she was in for a show. They all were.

Brushing off the dirt from his hands, Naruto casually slipped into a loose fighting stance, facing his smiling opponent who mirrored his action. Hands open, right foot in front, eyes forward. With a thunderclap, Dulio's ten angelic wings sprouted from his back in all their holy glory, signalling the man's true arrival to the match. Naruto took a deep breath, allowing the gentle trickle of chakra to flow through his limbs, lightly sparking at his fingertips at the ready. This was his first taste of what combat in this new world was going to be like.

A little blue flag was thrown into the air by the referee on the side, beginning the match and instantaneously there was a blur across the field. It was only Naruto's honed reflexes as a shinobi that allowed him to dodge the ice spear aimed to disable his left shoulder, as he dodged to the right. There was a gasp from the crowd, who had barely even seen the attack in the first place and was terrified of its speed, but Naruto was just grinning.

A second ice spear came for his right but with a sweeping right hand, Naruto caught the spear with ease, spinning the long frozen polearm around his right side and across his back in one fluid motion. Spinning the spear once, he threw the projectile back toward the still stationary Dulio with almost double the original speed. Dulio, seemingly unfazed beside the casual eyebrow raise, raised his right hand and from nothing, erupted a eight foot tall wall of flames that incinerated the ice instantaneously.

"Hyoton and Katon..." Mumbled the shinobi to himself, his eyes narrowing slightly in thought. "Let's try and see if we can stay in Base Form."

The Demon Fox within him mirrored the motion, analyzing the situation for himself as he watched from Naruto's perspective. "Be careful."

Seeing the opening from the Exorcist's momentary blindness, Naruto dropped and struck the ground with a punch rather Tsunade and Sakura-like. "AHH!"

Like the epicenter of an earthquake, from where Naruto struck radiated a trail of destruction that uprooted the ground and threatened to swallow everything on the field. Alarmed, Dulio leapt into the air silently, floating gently with the help of the ten wings on his back flapping back and forth slowly. It was lucky he had, as the earth beneath where he had been standing had leapt up and would have skewered him with debris if he had been there a moment too late.

Naruto frowned. "So those wings aren't just for show…"


Naruto leapt to the right, dodging a blast of lightning that came barreling at him by flipping sideways, landing with a skid to the right. He barely even had a chance to stop moving as a pillar of fire erupted from the ground beneath his landing spot, almost catching the shinobi with the blast had it not been for a gust of wind chakra from Naruto's feet that gave him a quick little double jump off of the air, allowing him to change directions quickly on the fly. Landing on all fours like a cat, Naruto dropped to the ground and grabbed a small rock, launching it at the exorcist's face like a bullet. Dulio, however, dodged the projectile with ease by moving his head to the side, allowing the rock to fly by him.

Raising an eyebrow, Dulio gave Naruto a deadpan stare. "Really? Throwing rocks?" Naruto simply responded with a shrug.

Dulio clicked his tongue in annoyance before forming a large boulder from a brown magic circle hovering over his right hand, the earth projectile quickly growing to be larger than the exorcist himself. "My turn."

Naruto's hands instinctively went to the side of his leg to grab a kunai only to curse lightly under his breath from his lack of weaponry. Instead he extended his right hand and allowed the instinctual flow of chakra that he had mastered as a child swirl in his hand, growing into a small hurricane of blue chakra condensed into ball form in his hand. Moving his arm like one would throw a ball, Dulio launched the boulder with an incredible amount of force and it barreled toward Naruto at speed that would make most people terrified. Naruto wasn't even fazed.

Leaping into the air with incredible poise, he met the boulder in midair and slammed the ball of energy directly into the giant rock. "Rasengan!"

There was a gasp from the crowd as the momentum of the boulder seemed to disappear instantly as the Rasengan burrowed through the rock like a grinder. After a moment, like a drill through stone, the attack along with Naruto punched through the boulder and continued to fly at the exorcist, who suddenly looked rather alarmed.

"Ghiacciare." Dulio's command came out calmly despite his moment of panic and the light blue magic circle that appeared in front of his two extended hands instantly began to glow as Naruto got closer.

It was then the magic took hold and Naruto found himself frozen in midair, the ice magic having caught him and restrained his movements entirely. He couldn't move a muscle but instead of being distressed, the blonde man seemed to have never been happier.

Grinning, Naruto said something that sent chills down Dulio's spine. "It is me!"

It was then Dulio felt like he got hit by a truck as the same kind of swirling ball of energy that had just punched a hole through a boulder nailed him between the shoulder blades and swatted him out of the air. Dulio felt his head whip back as he plummeted to the ground like a meteor, slamming into the earth hard enough to form a crater as the Rasengan ground him into the earth before erupting into a dome of blue energy.

There were gasps from the crowd and whispers began to travel as everyone watched with eyes wide in amazement. Dulio was the trump card of heaven, a master of the second strongest Longinus ever who had the power to literally destroy Heaven a dozen times over. Gabriel was practically on the edge of her seat, her eyes in disbelief at what just happened.

Casually, Naruto stepped out of the giant cloud of dust that emanated from the battle zone, coughing a little to get the debris out of his mouth. "Nasty."

Staring out toward the crowd, he was surprised to get a round of applause from the crowd, who had enjoyed the good battle even if it wasn't from their favorite son. Blushing a little awkwardly, Naruto waved out toward the crowd, remembering the phrase taught to him earlier. "Thank you!"

Glancing up, he noticed the familiar form of Gabriel float down from the stands, her angel wings unfolded as she captured everyone's attention from Naruto onto herself. Running up to him, she slammed into Naruto for a big hug before jumping up and down with in amazement. "How did you do that?"

"Uh, how do I say this…" Naruto muttered to himself in his home language, scratching his whisker mark awkwardly. He was saved from his wondering by the appearance of Kurama, who summoned himself out of the seal, on his right shoulder.

Kurama yawned as he relaxed on Naruto's shoulder, stretching himself out to lay on his paws. "Kage Bunshin, Kawarimi then Henge. Old school."

"No school like the old school." Naruto said with a grin, earning himself a fist bump from the old fox.

Gabriel was still confused by the mutterings in the unfamiliar language between the two and stamping her foot a little to grab the two's attention, she placed her hands on her hips expectantly. "Wait how did you win?"

Naruto shrugged, an action that rustled the resting Kurama and earning him a light blow to the head from the fox's paw. Suddenly realizing he could just show the girl, Naruto placed his hands together into his signature cross hand seal and with a light puff of smoke, formed two identical copies. Everyone who was still in the arena was still watching gasped in surprise at the identical clones the strange blonde boy made instantaneously.

"Kage Bunshin." Naruto explained, pointing at the two clones he had just formed besides him.

As if to demonstrate their tangibility as well as their stupidity, at that exact moment one of the clones pointed at his twin, mirroring Naruto's movement. Apparently this first clone got a little too close and got his arm swatted away by the annoyed second clone, now annoying this first clone. Whipping around, both clones seemed to be angry to the point they both proceeded to punch each other in the face, dispelling both.

"Fucking idiots/Idiots." Commented both Bijuu and Jinchuriki simultaneously, although Kurama was chuckling and Naruto face palmed.

Gabriel let out a little giggle of her own as Naruto quickly made another two clones and allowed them to recreate his winning battle plan. One of the clones transformed into a small rock, which the second clone picked up from the ground, and proceeded to throw skyward. Now, the only remaining clone extended his hand and allowed the familiar rasengan to form in his right palm before jumping into the air, like Naruto had to destroy Dulio's boulder. Dispelling himself in midair to represent Naruto getting frozen by Dulio's strike, all eyes turned to the thrown rock that was beginning its descend. Suddenly transforming back into the original clone in midair, the clone quickly formed a rasengan and thrust it out, as Naruto's clone had to strike Dulio in the back and end the battle.

Gabriel was almost speechless. "Amazing…"

There was a shuffle behind the two and from the dust emerged an angel, glowing in golden light, who looked like he had just been run over by a tractor-trailer. Dulio's flowing blonde hair was covered in dirt and his priest robes had been destroyed by the grinding destructive nature of the rasengan. Despite this, Dulio seemed to only have become more powerful with the four glowing halos hovering over his head and the twelve golden wings sprouting from his back.

A single flap of his wings was enough to eliminate the entire dust cloud around the stadium. "Indeed. That was an incredible strategy…" Dulio smiled, flames beginning to beckon to life on his fists. "Ready for Round 2?"

"He's grown much more powerful…" Kurama frowned from Naruto's shoulder, a sight that would have looked funny if Naruto hadn't been slightly concerned. "Whatever elemental power he was using before must have been activated to the second level."

"Sage Mode time." Responded the shinobi as he stepped in front of Gabriel, blocking her as he began to absorb the earth's energy as quickly as possible.

Just as the orange markings were about to appear on his eyes, Naruto heard the flapping of a different set of wings from above him. "Both of you power-down please. I don't want anyone of the spectators getting hurt now."

"Michael-san!/Michael!" Shouted Dulio and Gabriel in surprise, with the exorcist straightening his back slightly at attention.

As the heavenly form of Michael floated down to land beside the three beings on the ground, Naruto's reaction was much different from the two as he felt his jaw clench slightly. This would be much more of a real battle if something were to go down.

Michael's smile was kind and politically neutral, his eyes appearing as eternally sad as always. "Hello Dulio, Gabriel," Those sad green eyes turned toward his newest acquaintance and his expression did not change, although he gave a little nod. "Naruto."

"Michael." Naruto said, returning the nod although his face was just as neutral. Kurama was unusually silent, watching the scene intently from around Naruto's shoulders.

"You're speaking much better," Michael raised a hand to his chin, breaking eye contact for the first time. "Your learning speed is quite remarkable..."

Shaking his head to break himself from his thoughts, Michael placed his attention on Dulio and Naruto. "Anyway, I think it is obvious to all that you two are powerful and this was a good display of your power."

"I hope I can trust Gabriel's protection in your hands whenever we are not there to help her." Naruto didn't quite understand what the archangel said at that moment but his roommate seemingly did by the way she took a step toward her older brother, a look of anger on her face as her twelve wings unfolded behind her.

"I do not need protecting Brother-" Michael placed a hand up, stopping his sister's rampage with an apologetic smile.

"Of course not Gabriel," Michael's eyes seemed to harden suddenly and for a moment, the sky of heaven seemed to darken. "But this world is changing."

"Allies and enemies come and go, we must be ready for when they appear." Gabriel was unusually silent as her brother spoke, her eyes stormy.

Michael gave the other two men a wave as his wings slowly began to flap, lifting him into the air. "Good match boys, enjoy the rest of your day." And like that, he was gone.

"I don't know how I feel about him…" Kurama said, breaking the silence after a moment.

Naruto nodded, his jaw setting into a small frown. "Agreed."

Dusting off his hands, a smile returned to Dulio's face as he glanced over at Naruto. "This was a nice sparring session. We should do it again."

"Yes, it is nice." Naruto said with his own smile. It was always nice meeting true warriors who were also kind, they were difficult to find no matter what world you were in.

"I'll see you two around, Gabriel, Naruto." Dulio said his goodbyes before he took to the air himself, his own relatively new angel wings flapping rapidly as he disappeared in a few moments.

"Bye Dulio!" Gabriel said, waving until her friend was out of sight. Once he was gone however, she turned her attention to her roommate and friend, hopping up and down in excitement. "You didn't tell me you could fight!"

Naruto shrugged, while Kurama began to chuckle. "Oops."

Gabriel shook her head in disbelief and glanced around. Almost all the fans had left the stadium and the afternoon was going to be over soon, might as well begin the wind down for the night.

"Come on! Let's go get some food!" Said the angel as she grabbed Naruto by the wrist and began to drag him out of the stadium.

"Gabriel likes food..." Although Naruto said the comment as an innocent observation, he did not understand the connotation as the girl with him immediately stopped in her tracks. It was then Naruto felt the coldness began to seep into his body, as if someone had just used the Reaper Death Seal and had just summoned the Shinigami to come take his soul. Slowly, Gabriel turned around, a fire alit in the girl's eyes as she walked up to the ninja with her hands on her hips and rage forming an aura around her.

"Whatchu tryin' say?" Naruto swallowed.

One part of him wanted to laugh at the 151cm (5') tall girl trying to intimidate him, 183cm (6') tall and made almost entirely of muscle. The other smarter part of him wanted to go smack the living hell out of the stupider part of him that thought that doing anything other than apologizing at the terrifying girl in front of him was the right move.

"Naruto no say a thing?" Naruto tried his best to calm down the girl, his hands raised in innocence.

Gabriel gave him a good hard glare before turning around and beginning to walk out of the stadium. "Good. That's what I thought…"

As Naruto watched her walk away, he glanced over at Kurama who was watching this scene in amusement and slight horror. "Scary."

"Man, you're lucky her hair doesn't float brat…" The comment earned the monster fox a strange look from his jinchuriki but before he could question him, Gabriel turned back around.

"Naruto! You're coming right?" But something in her tone left no room for debate.

"Yes Gabriel!" Naruto responded as he quickly closed the distance between the two of them, finding his step beside the happy angel girl. Kurama let out a snicker from his front row seat.


Colors. The world was filled with a myriad of colors as far as the eye can see, twisting and spinning like a kaleidoscope for all of eternity. For almost all, the Dimensional Gap was overwhelming and suffocating, as the nothingness within the space between worlds threatened to crush any foolish being that so much as stepped foot into the gap. For most, this space was a death sentence. For Ophis, this place was home.

A young girl seemed to float in the middle of space, seemingly standing still on nothing, as her long black hair cascaded down her back. Cloaked in black gothic lolita fashion, the young girl's grey eyes stared at the only other presence in the dimensional gap with a strange combination of apathy and annoyance. Her pointy ears seemed to twitch at the mighty roar the giant red dragon let off in the distance, as the sound seemed to radiate throughout the void.

This was not the silence that Ophis wanted. That foolish dragon simply would not leave her space and continued to act like an flamboyant idiot with his flips and tricks. Frowning, Ophis felt the green energy within her begin to seep out beneath her feet in the form of snakes but just as she was about to launch them at the target of her annoyance, she stopped. The energy slowly began to recede as the Infinite Dragon God turned to her right, her grey eyes instantly catching onto the faint trail of golden energy floating throughout the gap. With a thought, she drifted over to the trail and carefully ran a hand through it, only to nearly dissipate it entirely. Her eyes traveled upward, to where the trail began to extend into the gap. This was new, this felt...powerful.

Her interest peaked, she began to follow it, flying beside the trail of energy as it twisted and winded throughout the dimensional gap. Flying past the realm of the Shintos, Norse and seemingly every other pantheon, Ophis continued to follow the stream of energy until it stopped. Directly in front of the crossroads between Earth, the Underworld and Heaven. The energy trail had faded at the last moment and could have lead to any of the three realms. From which realm the energy trail had either eliminated from or traveled into was impossible to tell.

Ophis frowned, once more annoyed, as she stared at the three glowing orbs that represented the entrance to the three worlds. Whatever had left the trail through the gap was powerful, very powerful, in order to even survive the dimensional gap for that long and even leak excess energy. In order to even survive the gap unassisted required immense amounts of power, nearing some of the higher level gods. This being might have been so powerful it might help her finish Great Red once and for all.

"I will find you…" And with that, The Infinite Dragon God reached out a hand in order to enter the realm before her. Disappearing in an instant, there was an eerie silence radiating throughout the area.

A new player just entered the game.

AN: Long time no see guys! School sucks and I literally have had no time to write these chapters besides on my phone during my commute. So please Follow, Favorite and REVIEW! These last few chapters have been kind of lackluster in terms of response! I love hearing from you guys! Until next time!