And here's the last chapter!

Thank you to everyone who has read this. It really means the world to me :)

Raphael got ready for the gala just in time. He wore one of his expensive suits. He loved wearing suits, they were like an armour to him. All dark colors and fine lines. He wore a deep red shirt under the jacket and polished black shoes. He also styled his hair, taking care of his curls so they were straight and none of them stood out of place. With one last look at the mirror, he made his way towards out. He had agreed with Simon that he would pick him up and they would make their way to the gala together. Just a few moments later, he found himself in front of Simon's dorm room. He knocked twice and waited for someone to open the door. He heard a loud 'thud' from the inside, some silent cursing and then Simon opened the door, panting. He was just in his boxers and a pale pink button-up shirt. Raphael raised an eyebrow at him.

"While I enjoy the look, I don't believe it is appropriate for a gala" Raphael commented, stepping around Simon and walking inside the room.

"Shut up" Simon mumbled, blushing and closing the door quickly.

"Why are you not ready yet?" Raphael sighed, looking at the mess of clothes around the room. "We'll be late"

"I knoooow" Simon moaned "But I don't know what to wear"

"I thought you had already picked up your suit?" Raphael asked crossing his arms "Simon, you should have had this ready ages ago"

"I know, okay? I know!" Simon groaned "I thought I had it...but then I realised I didn't and then I couldn't think of anything and I don't own anything that is half decent for this kind of thing"

Raphael sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He moved towards Simon's closet and started looking at the clothes he owned, trying to find something.

"Put this on" Raphael called, throwing a pair of navy blue dress pants to Simon.

"But I don't have a jacket to match that" Simon frowned, looking at the jeans "I wasn't even aware I owned these"

"Solo pontelos" Raphael repeated in Spanish "Come on, we don't have much time and we'll have to go to my room to get you a jacket"

"You're going to lend me a jacket?" Simon asked with wide eyes "No way...Rapha! Your jackets are more expensive than my life"

"Shut up" Raphael rolled his eyes "They're, take your flower crown or whatever you'll put on your hair and let's move"

"I'm not sure flowers would be a good idea" Simon bit his lower lip "I's a serious even, isn't it? I don't want people to make fun of me because I'm wearing a flower crown"

"Simon" Raphael said seriously, moving to put his hands on Simon's shoulders and forcing the younger boy to look at him in the eyes "You should never be ashamed of how you look. Flowers are part of you, and if you wanna wear them, then wear them. If anyone makes fun of you, I'll kill them"

"You don't have to commit murder for me" Simon smiled warmly, pecking Simon's lips "But thank you"

Raphael smiled back and then the two of them left. Simon grabbed a flower crown with different pink flowers. They matched with his shirt, and Raphael rather liked how they loved how it looked. Especially with Simon wearing his navy blue suit jacket. But he would never say it out loud.

The gala went smoothly. There was a big dinner, an open bar, and a dance floor. Live music was playing, some group of students who played jazz. Raphael and Simon spent most of their time hanging out with Clary and Jace. Or rather, Simon and Clary spent time together and Raphael and Jace trailed after them. Raphael didn't mind too much. It wasn't as if Simon was ignoring him, he always included Raphael in the conversations and whenever Clary made some rude comment towards the hispanic boy, Simon instantly defended his boyfriend.

Some time during the gala, Raphael dragged Simon along to greet some people he recognised. Raphael introduced Simon to some of his classmates and people he knew around college, also some professors who had seen Raphael's work and were very impressed.

"Well, who would have thought" Lily Chen exclaimed as she approached Raphael and Simon

"Lily" Raphael said as she approached "It's good to see you"

"Obviously, I'm a delight" Lily grinned and then hugged Raphael tightly.

Simon's eyes widened. There were not many people who were allowed to hug Raphael, much less in public. Raphael had spoken about Lily before. She was a classmate of his, and they usually did any group projects together because they knew they could work well together.

"Simon, meet Lily" Raphael said after they had broken apart "Lily, this is Simon. My boyfriend"

"It's a pleasure to meet you" Lily said grinning while shaking Simon's hand "I have to say Raphael, I'm impressed. I really you would get yourself a boyfriend. Especially someone as stunning as him!"

"I...uh...t-thanks?" Simon blushed, getting nervous at the attention he was receiving.

"Oh he's adorable!" Lily gushed pinching Simon's cheeks "Wait until I tell Elliott about him, Oh My God!"

"Lily" Raphael glared at her "Could you please not talk about Simon as if he was not standing right here?"

"We should double date!" Lily exclaimed, completely ignoring Raphael's comment. "I gotta go...but I'll text you the details!"

She hugged Raphael once again, hugged Simon, and then she was gone. Lily Chen was quiet a character. She was demanding and had everyone doing exactly as she wanted, without even having to lift a finger. Of course, she was a good person. She was a close friend to Raphael after all.

Simon and Raphael spent some more time greeting different people that were in the crowd or just making conversation between themselves. They drank a few cups of wine, and then Simon dragged Raphael towards the dance floor. Some couples were dancing close together. The mood of the music had softened a bit, and now the musicians were playing more intimate songs. Raphael tried to protest at first, but still allowed Simon to drag him towards the dance floor. Simon wrapped his arms around Raphael's neck and cuddled close to him. Raphael wrapped his own arms around Simon's waist and pulled him closer to his body.

"Thank you for coming with me" Simon whispered, close to Raphael's ear.

"I should be the one thanking you" Raphael said.

"Why?" Simon chuckled, pulling back slightly to look at Raphael in the eye.

"For helping me with my project. For being such a perfect muse. Just for being you"

Raphael grinned happily as Simon started to blush. His cheeks dusted with a light pink color, making his freckles stand out even more than they already did. Before he could stop himself, Raphael moved forward and captured Simon's lips in a soft kiss. Simon smiled against his lips, pressing back against him. They parted after a moment, resting their foreheads together. Simon closed his eyes and just allowed himself to enjoy the moment. Raphael's hands on his hips, how he could feel Raphael's eyelashes against his cheeks, their breaths meddling together, and their slow and steady movement as they danced in circles. Simon tried to save it all in his memory, knowing moments like these would be the ones he would keep with him forever.

The opening of the gallery was a success. Simon and Raphael joined the rest of their small group of friends and went together. They went through the art exhibit first, where they saw Clary's painting. It was a picture of an angel with some sort of cup in it's hand and a sword in the other. Clary's painting usually involved the whole world that lived in her head. When she was a kid, she would make up stories about it. Simon knew all about them. Soon after Clary started to make drawing about them and that's what really got her career as an artist going. The details in gold were beautiful and breath taking. Everyone congratulated her before moving through the rest of the exhibitions.

They walked through all the statues and architectural art and some short-films that were being displayed. Soon after they reached the photography area of the exhibit. Raphael's photos were displayed on the wall at the back, where the biggest photos were shown. They walked through the rest fast until they reached Raphael's work. Simon blushed furiously when his eyes landed on all of his photos. Raphael smiled proudly, and wrapped his arm around Simon's waist. Everyone else gushed about the photos and congratulated Raphael on his work and Simon as well on his modeling.

After a few more rounds around the exhibitions, everyone went their own way. Magnus dragged Alec towards the area where the fashion designs were being shown. Isabelle followed after them. Clary returned to the art area with Jace, leaving Raphael and Simon alone in the photography part.

"I can't believe that's really me" Simon said, his eyes still glued to the photos.

"Why?" Raphael asked, confused.

"Because I look good!" Simon exclaimed and blushed afterwards "I mean...I actually like how I look in those!"

"Simon, tu eres hermoso" Raphael told Simon he was beautiful in Spanish.

"I still don't know if you're insulting me or complimenting me"

"I guess you'll never find out" Raphael grinned.

"Hey!" Simon pouted "That's not fair"

Raphael laughed, lacing his fingers with Simon's. He nudged him softly and started pulling him away from the exhibition. Simon was still pouting, but he followed after Raphael.