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Chapter 4: Arrested

Dick's POV

"Can I drive?" I asked Rohrbach.

"No." Said Rohrbach.

We've been patrolling around the block for half an hour, and frankly it's getting really boring.

"How 'bout now?" I asked again.

"For the 100th time, No! You're not allowed to drive! How the hell did I end up getting partnered up with you?" Said Rohrbach. I laughed. "Honestly Grayson, you're so annoying sometimes."

"You're welcome." I said smiling. Sometimes, It was fun annoying her.

"Hey, something is happening over there." There was a fight happening in front of a convenience store.

Officer Rohrbach sighed. "People in this city are getting dumber and dumber."

Rohrbach and I got down from the police car. There was a crowd forming around the fight. Some smarter people walked away when they saw us, but the dumber ones didn't even care.

"Hey, break it up!" Said Rohrbach. We're pushing our way through the crowd. "Hey! I said stop fighting!" Shouted Rohrbach. But they didn't stop, the just keep on punching and kicking each other. The more I watch, the more embarrassing the fight was. The guy was aimlessly punching the wrong way, the tactics were all wrong. While the other guy wasn't defending himself properly. Instead of dodging left, he moved to the right, getting a punch on his fight. It was getting way out of hand. Just as the guy wanted to punch the other guy, I stopped his fist.

"No offence, but that is not how you punch someone." I told him. He got angry and tried to use his other hand to punch me, but I dodged it and twist his arm. He cried in pain."Attempting assault on a police officer? I'm gonna need to arrest you for that." I said while handcuffing him.

"What?! You should be arresting him, he stole my wallet!" The guy said.

"I didn't do nothing! I was walking out of the store when he started accusing me and attack me!" said the other guy.

I analysed the man. He's in his late 30s to early 40s, he reeks of cigarettes, definitely addicted to smoking. He's not wearing a ring and I'm definitely sure he lives alone. And based on his fighting skills just now, I can tell he's those kind of people who's forgetful, always losing keys and wallet. He either left his wallet in his car or his house, or maybe in the convenience store. I ignore their bickering and enter the convenience store, leaving Rohrbach with the two idiots. "Grayson! Where are you going?" asked Rohrbach.

"I'll be quick." I said. I walked around the convenience store and sure enough, I found a wallet near the counter, just beside the lighters. I took out a driver's license and unsurprisingly, the guy's face was on it. I sighed. Officer Rohrbach was right, these people are dumb.

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Nobody's POV

The fastest man alive and the protector of the oceans were bored out of their minds. They were in the batcave alone, the rest of the league still hasn't arrived yet.

"This is sooo boring." said Aquaman.

"Who knew the batcave can be boring." said Flash.

Suddenly Aquaman came up with an idea. "How 'bout we do a little exploring around the cave?"

"Uhh...Batman said we aren't allowed to touch anything." said Flash.

"Come on, what he doesn't know won't hurt him right?" said Aquaman.

Flash and Aquaman walked around the batcave, touching everything and anything that could get their hands on.

"Hey, what's this?" said Flash, looking at something that's covered in a big cloth.

"Only one way to find out." said Aquaman while pulling the cloth. Under the cloth was a partly finished batmobile.

"No wayyyy, a new batmobile." said Flash.

Just then, they heard Cyborg.

"Hey Barry, Arthur, where you at?" said Cyborg.

Aquaman quickly cover the batmobile back with the cloth. "Umm...Coming!" said Aquaman.

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After the meeting, Aquaman and Flash find themselves alone in the cave again.

"Hey Barry, how about we go for a drive?" said Aquaman, looking at the new batmobile.

"Are you kidding me?! Batman will kill us if he sees us speeding through his city with this." said Flash.

"Who says we'll be driving around Gotham?" said Aquaman.

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Dick's POV

I looked at my watch. It's almost nine, which means my patrol is almost over. That is until it happened.

After hours of asking and asking, Rohrbach finally let me drive. Just then, the police radio beeped. "We got a car speeding through the streets, running over trash cans and street signs." Suddenly, a car sped right past us, giving me a good look on the car.

"Oh crap." I thought.

"Yeah, we're on it." said Rohrbach. I didn't move, all I can think was: "What the hell?!"

"Grayson, drive!" shouted Rohrbach. I turn the car around and began chasing the speeding 'car'. My mind was racing, but then I thought, "There's no way he's in that 'car', the driving is too reckless. I mean, com' on, running over trash cans? Seriously? There's definitely someone driving, but it is not him."

Grayson! Where are you going? The car is going that way." said Rohrbach.

"I know." I said. "I have an idea."

I drive around two blocks and stop the police car in the middle of the road. "Just wait.They'll be driving right to us." I told Rohrbach. And I was right. A few seconds later, the 'car' turn and drive right towards us.

Nobody's POV

"The police car is not moving, why isn't it moving!?" shouted Flash. Aquaman and Flash were in the batmobile panicking. They were driving through blüdhaven (Or at least they were trying to. Driving a batmobile is way harder than driving a car), and suddenly a police car started chasing them. And now, they're driving straight towards the police car.

"Stop the car! Stop the car!" shouted Flash.

"I'm trying!!" Aquaman shouted back. The Batmobile loses control and hit a lamp post. "We're soo dead." said Flash.

"At least we're not wearing our suits." said Aquaman.

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Aquaman and Flash were sitting in the police station, behind bars.

" We. Are. So. Dead. Batman is gonna kill us." Flash keeps saying.

"You're worry about Batsy while I'm worry about the cop who locked us up." Aquaman muttered. "Didn't you hear what we said? He said, 'I didn't know superheroes could get arrested.'

"Exactly." said Flash. "We. Are. So Dead."

Suddenly, a police officer opened the cell door. "Barry Allen, Arthur Curry, you can go." said the police officer.

Aquaman and Flash looked at each other, they were equally confused.

"Who bailed us out?" Flash whispered to Aquaman.

"I have no idea." said Aquaman, walking out of the cell. "But I ain't staying."

Aquaman and Flash walked out of the police station.

"Wait...what about the batmobile?" said Flash.

Just then, a paper airplane flew past them. Flash noticed that there was a bat symbol on it, he caught the paper airplane and opened it up. There was a note on it. 'Back alley, 15mins.' There was also a drawing of what seems to be the batmobile.

"We don't have a choice, do we?" said Flash.

"Nope." said Aquaman. "Let's just hope this guy has the remote for the batmobile."

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Aquaman and Flash went to the back alley, and at the end was the batmobile.

"Oh, thank God." exclaimed Flash.

"Where is this guy anyway?" said Aquaman.

"Or girl." said Flash.

Just then a dark figure appeared out of nowhere and landed on top of the batmobile. "Sorry guys. I had just finished up patrolling."

Aquaman looked at Flash, but Flash was looking straight at the guy. Flash could clearly see the guy under the lamp post. "You're Nightwing." whispered Flash with a shocked expression on his face.

"Who?" said Aquaman.

"Nightwing, blüdhaven very own superhero! He was in the list of the top ten greatest, newest superhero. You never heard of him?" said Flash.

"Umm...No." said Aquaman.

"Ouch. I'm hurt.' said Nightwing. "Considering that we just met an hour ago."

"We did?" said Flash.

"Yeah. I said that I didn't know superheroes could get arrested. And you keep saying that 'you were so dead.' " said Nightwing.

"You're the cop?! That's so cool!" said Flash. "You're a cop and a superhero. You're a supercop."

"Supercop. Great. Awesome. Can we have the remote back?" said Aquaman.

"Maybe." said Nightwing. "Nice batmobile, by the way."

"We...borrowed it." said Aquaman.

"That's...what we did!" Flash laughed nervously. "And it's umm..."

"It's so old." said Nightwing.

"You told me it was new." said Aquaman looking at Flash.

"Well, I thought it was new." said Flash.

Nightwing just laughed. "Get in, I'll drive."

"Excuse me?" said Aquaman.

"Come on, you two clearly don't know how to drive this thing." said Nightwing.

"Of course we do." said Aquaman. Batman won't borrow it to us if we don't know how to drive it, would he?"

Nightwing rolled his eyes under his mask. "You guys are terrible liars. Get in, I'll drive you to the bridge."

"I called shotgun!" said Flash, speeding into the batmobile.

Nightwing started the engine. "Let's see how fast this thing can go."

"Isn't there a law against speeding?" said Flash. "I do not want to get arrested again."

"This is Blüdhaven, there are no laws against speeding. But there are laws against destroying public property." said Nightwing.

The batmobile sped through Blüdhaven, driving at top speed. Finally, they reached the bridge connecting Blüdhaven and Gotham City.

"That. Was Awesome." said Nightwing.

"Let's do that again!" said Flash.

"Let's not." said Aquaman getting out of the car. He was not feeling the aster.

Nightwing threw the remote to Flash. "Well, good luck."

"What, why?" Asked Flash. Then he realized why. "Oh...Batman..."

"Totally forgot about him." said Aquaman.

"Want some advice? Go now, He should be out patrolling, so the batcave is empty. But try to avoid him in the streets. There's a 50-50 chance he won't see you."

"Umm...Thanks. How did you know he's out patrolling?." said Aquaman.

"I know stuff." said Nightwing.

"Uh huh." said Flash. "Wait, what about Alfred?"

"Damn that butler." muttered Aquaman.

"Nahhh, don't worry. Alfred probably won't tell." said Nightwing.

"...Probably?" said Nightwing

"Well, Adiós." said Nightwing walking to the edge, near the sea. He then jump off the cliff.

"Did he just...jump?!" said Flash.

"Yup." said Aquaman. "I kinda like that kid. He's fun, wayyy better than Batman."

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