Prepared for Thanksgiving

Arthur Carlson looked both ways before walking down the WKRP hallway as quietly as possible. So far the day had been better than he expected, mostly because he hadn't seen anyone. If he could make it to his office the hardest part would be over. Maybe he wasn't going to be reminded of the event one year ago.

Two steps from his door a loud "GOBBLE GOBBLE" was shouted from behind, startling him into a collision with the door. He slumped as he could hear Johnny Fever and Venus Flytrap laughing hysterically from a now opened door to the studio. He turned to see them sagging against the wall, weak from the guffaws.

"As God is my witness..." Carlson started to say.

"...I though turkeys could fly!" came a duet of Jennifer Marlowe and Bailey Quarters, out of sight in the front office as they added their voices to the occasion with giggles. He slipped into his office, closing the door behind him.

"It could be worse Big Guy" Andy Travis, the station's program director, consoled as he sat in an office chair. "You have to admit, they haven't said a word about it for a whole year."

"I know Andy; I don't blame them for it, I just don't like being reminded about possibly the worst day in WKRP history."

One year previously as a publicity stunt for Thanksgiving, Carlson had decided the station would give out turkeys. Unfortunately, he had chosen to give them out from a helicopter flying above the city. Had he chosen wild turkeys it would have been fine, but the turkeys used were raised to be consumed and hadn't the faintest ability or even the notion of how to fly. The resulting chaos from the plummeting poultry made for headlines in the local paper, radio and TV news.

"I was talking it over with Les, and he thought that we should do something to make up for last year's debacle. I've given it a lot of thought..."

"You didn't ask me for my opinion!" Andy said, becoming a little nervous.

"...don't worry, I'm not going to do the same thing again. I'm having the station give out prepared turkeys this year" Carlson proclaimed proudly.

"That's great Mr. Carlson, I think you've got the idea now. I think the animal rights people will be relieved. I know I am."

"I should hope so. Instead of going off on a whim, I've prepared this year. Oh," he said, looking at his watch "I've got to go down for the distribution. Les is already on his way to cover it too."

Andy stood up and clapped Carlson on the back. "See, like I've told you before; a station that plans is a station that grows."

"Thanks Andy. The hardest part was getting all the little parachutes with our logo printed on them to strap on to their backs. Anyway, I'll see you later" Carlson said as he left the office.

Andy sat back in the chair and thought about the previous year's failure. No, he thought, that wasn't going to happen again. Good thing the Big Guy was able to get...parachutes?

Jennifer was sitting at her desk in the reception area when Andy ran by shouting "MISTER CARLSON!" as he went out the door. He ran back in almost immediately.

"Jennifer, call the Air Force. Have them shoot down his helicopter if it takes off from the airport."

"Which helicopter?" she asked calmly.

"Better make it any helicopter. It will still be easier to explain later..." he yelled as he ran out the door in pursuit again.

The End

A/N: Truly a classic holiday episode from a great show, I figured a short sequel was in order. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!