
Shit, shit, shit.

Chloe knelt over her partner, trying to assess the damage. He was bleeding heavily and she started to panic. Calm down. Focus. Head wounds always bleed a lot. He's going to be fine.

She called in the ambulance, her hand shaking slightly. She was angry with herself for letting this happen. He was a civilian, after all. A civilian with no regard for his personal safety. The way he kept stirring up trouble everywhere they went, something like this was bound to happen sooner or later. She should have realized it and stopped taking him along when doing field work. This was all her fault. Pull yourself together. This is not the time.

She took a deep breath and tried to collect her thoughts. Right. Don't move the head, there might be damage to the neck. Stop the bleeding as best you can. She looked around and her eyes caught sight of the steel pipe lying a few feet away. The suspect had dropped it when he made a run for it. There was a smear of blood on it and an actual dent where it had impacted with Lucifer's head. Chloe had to fight down a sudden onslaught of nausea. He'll be fine. He has to be fine.

Chloe sat next to the hospital bed, trying to keep the tears at bay. This was all wrong. Lucifer always seemed larger than life, somehow. Invincible. The way he carried her through the flames and shrugged the burn off as if it was nothing. The way he acted as if getting shot by her was nothing more than a minor inconvenience.

Now, lying in the hospital bed, his head wrapped in bandages, dark circles under his eyes, he looked all too vulnerable. She had just spoken with his doctor and the man seemed genuinely baffled. He had been going on and on about some anomalies showing in the brain scans and when she had asked him what that meant he'd only said that he'd never seen anything like it and they would need to run more tests. That was probably not a good sign.

She rubbed her eyes tiredly and took a deep breath. He's tough. He'll pull through. He'll be fine.

She heard a noise by the door and turned around to see Amenadiel sneaking into the room. He clearly hadn't expected her to be there and looked like he had been caught doing something he shouldn't. Lucifer was an enigma all on his own, but his family was a whole new dimension of weird. She tried to imagine Lucifer, Amenadiel and Charlotte having a Thanksgiving dinner and failed.

Amenadiel gave her a measuring look, apparently weighing his options.

"I'm taking Lucifer home", he stated, matter-of-factly.

Chloe gaped at him, completely baffled. Amenadiel always seemed like the responsible, reasonable kind, and this decision was neither of the two.

"You can't. He could have-", she stumbled over the next words, her breath catching in her throat, "-brain damage. He needs to be monitored."

Amenadiel sighed. "Trust me when I tell you that they cannot help him here. He'll be provided for at home."

Ah, now this made more sense. Of course, Lucifer would have some expensive private physician. She nodded. He probably would get specialist help that the LAPD could never have afforded. It was comforting to think that he'd be well taken care of.

"You should go home and get some rest, detective. We'll call you when he wakes up." Chloe was about to protest, but then decided against it. She could really use a shower and there wasn't anything she could do for him while he was unconscious anyway.

She took a last look at Lucifer in the hospital bed, then she turned to the door. "You call me the minute he regains consciousness. Promise."

Amenadiel nodded and gave her a reassuring smile.

It was only much later that Chloe realized that he'd said when not if Lucifer wakes up, like there was no question that his brother will regain consciousness. Hopefully he was right.

Maze scrutinized Lucifer's sleeping form, a worried expression on her face.

"Do you think he'll make a full recovery, now that you put some distance between him and Chloe?"

Amenadiel just shrugged helplessly. Who knew how this vulnerability deal worked. Maze moved her questioning glance from him to Linda, who raised her hands defensively.

"How many times do I have to tell you people that I am not that kind of doctor? And besides, it's not like they were teaching human-related archangel vulnerability 101 when I studied."

"Well, you're all we got, doctor", Amenadiel stated calmly.

"I'm not sure I feel comfortable with that. At least in the hospital, they could have-"

Amenadiel cut her off. "Out of the question. We cannot risk humanity getting proof of the divine."

"Well, I think in this case, we should consider-"

A soft groan emanating from the bed interrupted their argument. They both fell quiet and turned to look. Lucifer's eyelids fluttered open. His gaze was unfocussed at first, but quickly become more lucid. He looked from Maze to Amenadiel to Linda, a confused expression spreading over his features.

Amenadiel smiled brightly at him, relieved that his brother had recovered so quickly. "Welcome back, Luci."

Lucifer's eyes narrowed, his gaze quickly shifting between the three of them as if he were looking for something and not finding it. Finally, his eyes met Amenadiel's again. Lucifer's reply wiped the smile right off Amenadiel's face, a cold shiver running down his spine.

"Who are you?"