"Im an enigma. An unknown. You can't really figure out what I'm going to do next. I like it like that."

~ Emmitt Smith

Chapter 2

Since Her encounter with Bellatrix in the bathroom several hours had passed. To Hermione's great surprise the dark witch had stayed true to her word; she really does have an unwavering will to survive. Of course they both had followed through on their promises, though some things did unfold rather unexpectedly. Thanks to Hermione Draco had retreated with his family unscathed, though neither witch were bothered about saving Lucius' hide he did, however, manage to find himself retreating with his wife and son. Thanks to Bellatrix, in part, the dark lord had fallen and Harry survived; as did Tonks, her mother, and most of the Weasley's. Though Hermione could grasp a semblance of relief that the dark lord had fallen and her best friend could now move on, the feeling was short lived, as the war was not yet over for Hermione Granger, no not in the slightest.

Bellatrix had agreed to meet Hermione a ways into the forbidden forest after both could find an appropriate time to slip away from the rejoicing masses; hopefully unnoticed by prying eyes. Funnily enough Hermione was met with more skepticism than Bellatrix, something she knew would prove troublesome for the duo at a later date, but currently she was focused on removing Bella from public attention and into a setting in which only she'd conceivably be able to reach her.

Slowly making her way through the dense trees, now shrouded in darkness, Hermione eyes scanned the forest for the black clad witch she was seeking. The location of their meeting place were quite vague, near that hovel that beast calls a home; is how Bellatrix affectionately put it.

She stopped in a small clearing; an open and visible spot that hopefully Bellatrix would stumble open sooner rather than later. Wet leaves crunched behind her and she immediately spun around wand drawn and aimed at whatever was approaching.

"Tsk tsk dearie, I thought we had an understanding now?" as the dark figure drew nearer to the young witch she was able to more clearly make out the form of 'comrade'. "No need to be on the defense, we both know you wouldn't stand a chance either way." Walking in a slow circle around the Gryffindor the dark witch drew her eyes up and down her slender frame like a predator sizing up its prey. A minute or so passed like this before she went to speak again "now muddy, we best get a move on… There are many seeking us back at the castle; I didn't manage to slip away quite as unseen as we had hoped."

Hermione's eyes grew wide, shit what did she do this time, "What happened?" Hermione was still hesitant when asking anything of the dark witch before her. Her inquiries were often met with anger or violence, usually both as the two often went hand in hand when it came to this particular enigma. Enigma? She scoffed to herself since when had Bellatrix become an enigma to her? That would take some sort of fascination on Hermione's part. She decided to chalk it all up to better understanding those of the Black line already in her life; the normal ones.

"Well I could hardly leave my poor little sister without a parting gift could I?" Bellatrix sing songed, the witch had quite the knack for sounding like a six-year-old.

"Narcissa? She left before Voldemort fell I don't understand"

Bellatrix growled lowly at the use of her lord's name but decided it was prudent to not harbour over the young witch's words, she was a mud blood after all. "Not Cissy no, I.. let's say stumbled upon another of my kin on her way to the apparation point outside the castle... nothing quite says blood traitor whore like a quick round of crucio… didn't have time to indulge as much as I'd have liked to but you were so insistent that we leave as quickly as possible." She finished her thought with a stylish eye roll; words dripping with contempt.

Panic quickly flooded Hermione's veins. Selfishly she wasn't thinking of her dear friend Tonks losing her mother, no she was left pondering her existence without Andromeda in it. They had a tentative and fragile friendship, the parameters of which weren't exactly clear to either witch. Shaking the imprudent thoughts from her mind she drew her attention back to the witch in front of her, I suppose they do bare quite the resemblance… if you look beyond those horrid teeth and that look of toiled vacancy in her eyes… Hermione chastised herself; if she had learned anything from spending time with Bellatrix bloody Lestrange it was that her occulemency skills stood no chance; If Bella was anything like her sister she could read Hermione like a book.

"You are making it very difficult for me not to indulge my nosey impulses" Bellatrix looked bored with the whole situation, antsy to get a move on from the dark forest. "Although…" she clicked her tongue and caught Hermione's gaze; "… I find your concern rather curious…" sporting an over dramatized pout "does our Andy have her little fist wrapped around your heart" … the feigned concern fading away replaced by a sick growing grin. Bellatrix stepped in her personal space leaning in closely so her breath was hot against Hermione's ear, "be careful love, us Black girls have always got our jollies from playing with our food before we devour it whole" leaning away so she could look the girl directly in the eye; she slowly dragged a nail along her jaw before bringing it the girls chin; "especially such a delectable little specimen, even if you're blood is pure filth."

Hermione's heart was beating faster than she was willing to admit. How could she have been so transparent in front of her? This was meant to be strictly business; the thought never crossed her mind that her… her… confusing relationship with Andy would every come into light with Bellatrix, as she was under the impression that Andromeda was of no concern to the dark witch. She filed the thought away for a later date and neutralised her expression. "You're right we ought to get a move on." She said with minimal expression; extending her arm inviting the older witch into her embrace so they could disapparate away from the very conversation that had her unnerved.

"Tell me I'm right more often muddy and this may just play out in your favour", the unsettling and suggestive sentiment was polished off with a dramatic wink as Bellatrix slid a strong arm around Hermione's waist. "So dearest where is it you plan on stowing me away? ... Hmm?"

"The forest of Dean" 'Pop' with that the witches were gone.

Flashes. It all came and went in flashes. Not a single cohesive or continuous memory, just fragments as if not of it really happened. She knew it must have of course it did. The processing of digesting that all of it had come to end be long and painfully slow. Sitting like a brick in her stomach she figured she might as well start the process off on the right foot. Appearing back outside Hogwarts with her son by her side Narcissa Malfoy had not a clue what awaited her. Figuring that showing her face and lending her hand at repairing the carnage left by the people with whom she had spent her whole life associating with would send a better message than disapering into the depths of Malfoy manor to await the aurors. She knew that the likelihood of being arrested upon appearance was fairly high but she hoped the former was more likely than the latter.

Narcissa and Draco began down the long causeway that led to the castle; noticing her son had fell behind she stopped and turned to inquire. "Draco dear-"

"shhh mum, listen" being cut off by her son was not something she was accustom to but before she could utter any sort of reprimand she heard what had stopped her son. "It sounds like there's someone out here?"

"Whatever it is, it doesn't sound good." Narcissa pushed passed Draco and started off in the direction from which the noise was coming, the first line of trees of the forest. Stopping with no one in site she called out "Hello? Is there someone here?" no response "We aren't here to hurt you!" a soft whimper came from her left "Hello..?" again a whimper but it was followed by a muffled sentiment.

"I'—m… I'm over here…"

Narcissa turned to the direction from which the voice came and saw the boots of a witch sticking out from behind a tree. Moving with haste she approached the tree and came around to see.. "Andy.." she breathed out before kneeling alongside her long since disowned sister and surveying her injuries. "My god Andromeda what happened?"

Andromeda was clutching a gash in her side and breathing in ragged breaths, tears threatening to fall. "I don't know…. It all happened so fast" hissing in pain as she tried to compose herself she went on "I was leaving…. My grandson.. and then.. and then I was hit from behind" a painful sting coursed through her rib cage clamping her eyes shut to keep her tears from falling she averted her face from her sister "I didn't see who it was."

Narcissa placed her hand on her elder sister's upper arm and gave it a light squeeze "Andy it's okay… I can help but you are going to have to trust me."

Andromeda's eyes filled with worry and went to protest before realising if she didn't relent she could die without anyone ever knowing she was out here. A single tear managed to escape down her cheek as she nodded.

"Good. I'm going to do what I can with my magic out here.. hopefully get you strong enough to apparate to your home so we can get you to your grandson." She stopped and looked her sister deep in the eyes. While time had been generous to both witches there will still obvious signs of aging; despite the light crow's feet around her sister's eyes she still had the same soulful deep brown eyes she'd always had. Smiling weakily in attempt to reassure her long lost sister she moved her hand away from the wound in her side to replace it with her own; "this is going to be painful, so deep breaths"