NOTE: I'm sorry it's been a while since I've uploaded more, I've just been very busy and was focusing a lot on writing a different story before I remembered about this one. I'm in the process of editing all the old chapters before uploading new ones. There probably won't be any significant changes to the plot, I'll mostly just be adding in some small details and removing ones I don't need and such.

In this fic, Corrin's feelings are generally based off my own, but I think it's important to note that I have not been diagnosed with depression myself. Please be advised that there will be sensitive issues in this story that may not be suitable for everyone, and if you have any comments or criticisms of any kind, let me hear them. I'm very receptive to feedback.

It's already seven… Five hours of sleep last night.

Her phone's screen illuminated Corrin's still-dark bedroom, making her face look paler than usual. She had been lying awake for the past hour, so two cups of coffee this morning would be needed get her through school without nodding off in history, or stumbling during soccer. Just last week, she'd fallen asleep moments after resting her head on her desk, only to be jabbed awake by a classmate with braided blue hair and a terrifying scowl.

She didn't glance in any mirrors on her way to the kitchen- Corrin could imagine how tangled her waist-length, silvery hair would be. Her attempts to bleach or dye it never seemed to change the peculiar shade.

Should I get dressed…? No, no point yet. I'm barely awake as is.

To Corrin's surprise, Xander's door was open and a lamp was on, and she peered inside. Her older brother wasn't there, only an open book on his bed and the curtains drawn, though the sky was still a deep blue. He was probably getting ready for work early today, while Elise was snoring behind the next door, and Leo was dreaming about whatever fantasy novel he was engrossed in this week.

Corrin managed to get the coffee maker started with only a few splashes of water on the counter top this morning, then she sat at the empty table, scrolling through Google on her phone without really reading anything. All the words were just a dark blur. Her 3DS was only a room away, but it felt too far for her to reach. None of the games she had interested her, anyway. Instead, on her phone's word processor, she typed a few sentences.

Why is anxiety the only thing that my body has an infinite supply of? No matter how scared I get and for how long, there's always more to come, every day and every night. And it comes so easily, and I can't do anything to stop it. I should feel like the safest person in the world...

"Corrin? First up again, your brother and sister could learn much from you."

Xander walked into the little kitchen, already dressed in pressed pants and a crisp-looking shirt.

"Oh, I'm alright," Corrin answered, hoping there was some spirit into her voice. "I wouldn't want to be late again."

"I'm sure your teachers appreciate your being punctual, but you need more rest," Xander was saying, although he had a sympathetic smile, and his hand on Corrin's shoulder was a comfort. "I want to see you in bed by nine tonight, understood? If you're having too much trouble sleeping, I can look into seeing a doctor."

"I'll be okay, but thank you, brother."

Corrin managed a halfhearted smile as she said it, and Xander was apparently convinced enough to walk to the doorway. But he did call over his shoulder before leaving, "Good luck today, little sister."

I know there's only four maximum characters in fanfiction's tagging system, but here's who's going to appear in the story in order of significance: Corrin, Leo, Takumi, Hinoka, Xander, Camilla, Elise, Azura, Ryoma and a few others.