Dario, who was seated at the kitchen table considering his breakfast options, almost didn't recognize his own sister when she emerged from the bedroom six or seven hours after she went back to bed. Her transformation was literally jaw dropping, and, although Dario eventually managed to shut his mouth, he couldn't stop staring at her. He prayed that Elena wouldn't show up until after Gabriela had come to her senses and changed into something modest, because the ghost would be mortified to see her daughter dressed like this.

Gabriela had traded her T-shirt and jeans for an all-black ensemble consisting of a mesh tank top with deep slits down the sides that exposed her lace bra, along with leather pants so snug it was a miracle she could walk. Dario recalled that Catrina had donned similar attire-if not the exact same combination-in the past. There was a matching tattoo choker around Gabriela's throat, and a round silver hoop three or four inches in diameter dangled from each earlobe. Her wavy hair hung loose, and, although Dario had seen her wear red lipstick before, the smoky eye was a new look on her.

Her clothes-or lack thereof-temporarily rendered her half-brother speechless. The dark sexuality that Catrina exuded made such an outfit look natural on her, but the same clothing on Gabriela came across like an obscene costume. Dario was tempted to grab the spare button-down shirt Catrina had brought him and cover his baby sister up on the spot.

Incredibly, she managed to make him feel even more uncomfortable by strutting into the kitchen and smirking at his discomfort. His cheeks burned as he forced himself to lock his gaze on her face.

"That's, ah, a different look for you," he stated with as much tact as he could muster, even as he wondered what the hell had gotten into his youngest sibling. He hoped this wasn't how she planned to dress every day now that she was finally out from under their controlling father's thumb. Then again, Halloween was right around the corner..."Or perhaps it is your Halloween costume?" Gabriela studied him with her head tilted, but she didn't offer an explanation.

Shaken by her brazenness, her half-brother looked to Catrina to learn what she thought of the indecent makeover. She had been engaged in taking inventory of the refrigerator's contents and making a list of items they needed to stock up on, but she turned around upon overhearing Dario's comments to see what, exactly, he was referring to.

To say that the undead woman looked displeased would be putting it mildly. She didn't quite slam the refrigerator door, but she definitely rattled the hinges as she closed it abruptly and stalked over to Gabriela with a pen and paper still in hand.

"Although I'm flattered that you wish to imitate my style, I don't recall giving you permission to borrow my clothes," she said to the younger woman in a tone that could have caused frostbite. Catrina quirked an eyebrow as her glare traveled upward. "Is that your jewelry-or mine?"

Dario flashed back to entering his office and reciting the missing items out loud-his gold bull, a bottle of champagne, the rest of the cash he'd left in a desk drawer-then later discovering that both the bull and Prince Puma's discarded mask graced Gabriela's coffee table. He didn't know why she felt compelled to steal, but she had crossed a line by taking Catrina's belongings, and she needed to cut it out before she got herself in hot water.

"I'm sure she was just borrowing your things. She'll ask your permission next time," he hastily assured Catrina when Gabriela opted to ignore the other woman and head straight for the kitchen table as if she either didn't hear her or simply didn't care about her opinion. "Won't you, Gabriela?"

There was only the sound of chair legs scraping against linoleum in response as Gabriela claimed the chair across from Dario's. She placed her hands on the table, palms down, then started to play with the gold ring she had charmed last night.

"That isn't a good look on you, Gabriela," Catrina called out after exchanging a disbelieving look with the other Cueto. "What do you think, Dario?"

"She's right. No offense, but that outfit is both too much and not enough at the same time," he remarked with a disapproving frown. For selfish reasons, Dario would never discourage Catrina from dressing in a risque manner-and it would thrill him if she dressed even more provocatively-but seeing his sister imitate her turned his stomach.

Gabriela finally raised her head to meet Dario's eyes, and the emotion he detected in hers struck terror in his heart and caused a shiver to run down his spine. Although his siblings had mastered the same penetrating, and sometimes menacing, stare, Gabriela's reflected nothing but evil intent at the present. Dario recognized that look at once, having witnessed it many times before in the eyes of his mother. It had always preceded being berated and receiving a beating over some perceived wrongdoing.

Dario was so on edge that he excused himself and asked Catrina if he could have a word with her. As soon as she followed him into the living room, he hissed, "I think there's something wrong with my sister. She looks...angry."

Catrina's expression plainly said there was no cause for alarm. "And with good reason: her world has been turned upside down. It will take some time before she is herself again."

He sighed and glanced over at Gabriela, who was examining the kitchen as if she'd never been inside the room before. "You're probably right. I will try to be more patient with her." The poor girl had almost certainly been in a state of shock yesterday, and now her raw emotions were finally rising to the surface. Between learning their father had murdered her mother and being recruited in the war against the Order, Gabriela had legitimate reasons to be pissed off, but Dario hoped she wasn't holding a grudge against him personally. As soon as Catrina left, he intended to clear the air between them.

Catrina patted his arm and blessed him with an empathetic, if fleeting, smile. "It is easier to learn patience when you have all the time in the world." Although Dario was momentarily distracted by how good her ass looked in her skirt as she sauntered over to the kitchen table, the uneasy feeling stirred in his gut again when he trudged back to his seat.

"I am about to leave for a grocery store," Catrina announced once he arrived. "Any requests?" She glanced first at Dario, then Gabriela, and she narrowed her eyes as her critical gaze lingered on the younger woman. Maybe she, too, had picked up on the same odd vibe that Dario had detected earlier.

"I suppose you should just stock up on what we already have," he suggested wearily after he and Catrina had endured several minutes in silent anticipation of Gabriela's food and drink selections. He wasn't feeling especially hungry at the moment and had no suggestions of his own. "Let me get my wallet-

"No need." Catrina waved him off. "I still have most of the money you gave me last time." Because Dario had shoved a stack of hundred dollar bills at her. "Summon me if either of you wish to add to the list." Catrina snatched her purse off the countertop and was gone.

Dario turned back to Gabriela. "If you like, I can have Catrina pick up Mexican food for lunch or dinner," he offered, thinking it might cheer Gabriela up to have a taste of home. Then again, his good intentions could backfire and only leave her feeling homesick, and, anyway, she seemed to have something else on her mind...Dario sighed loudly and steepled his fingers. "Listen, I know you've just been to Hell and back, and I'm sorry, but I promise you some good will come out of this. With the Order out of the picture, you'll have the freedom to do and be anything you want. You can bring your mother back, visit your relatives in Mexico...Hey, maybe you can even go to art school. And, of course, you're always welcome at ringside during our brother's luchas." But he would object if she insisted on stepping into the ring to compete or hanging out with PJ Black and his arrogant friends...

Her eyes finally softened, and, a moment later, she smiled that warm smile reminiscent of Elena's, causing Dario to relax instantly. He believed that all was forgiven-until she abruptly stood, reached out to him with both hands, and slammed his head into the tabletop.

When Dario came to, it was because a wave of pain exploded across his face with a resounding crack and a female voice was yelling at him in Spanish, commanding him to wake up. Because he was cursed with a splitting headache, foggy vision, and ringing ears, it took him awhile to realize that he had been unconscious and slapped back into waking reality. He could feel something wet and sticky running down his forehead-blood-but he had no idea why he was in such a sorry state or how he had ended up on the floor.

The shadow of a black-clad woman stood over him, her identity partially obscured by a mass of long hair. Dario had to blink a few times before his half-sister's features came into focus. Her expression informed him that she was clearly enraged about something-or at someone. Him?

"Gabriela? Why?" he gasped as he pressed his palm against his throbbing forehead, which bled like the blood was coming from a faucet. He yelped as she kicked him in the ribcage with a bare foot, and his free hand flew to the sore area.

"That isn't my name," she growled, again resorting to Spanish.

"What?" On top of his other injuries, Dario felt like he had just been punched in the stomach. Surely, he hadn't heard her correctly..."What are you talking about?"

"Don't you recognize your own mother?" she asked in a taunting tone, and the icy feeling that washed over Dario went bone deep. His thumping heart sank even further when he finally noticed that Gabriela wasn't wearing the amulet which protected her from the dead, confirming his worst fear. It was now crystal clear to him why "Gabriela" had been acting so erratically: the ghost of Dario's mother had taken advantage of his sister when she was alone and especially vulnerable, and now Mama was in complete control of her body.

While he was still processing that surreal scenario, she began to rant and rave like she used to when her sons were growing up. "You ruined my life...You let Matanza murder me!" she seethed, then proceeded to use Gabriela's fingers to tick off a list of people whom she held grudges against. "You, your brother, your father...All of you are going to pay for what you did to me!" She reached behind her and withdrew a small dagger-a boot knife-from the waistband of her borrowed pants. Dario had but an instant to suspect it belonged to Catrina's wall-mounted knife collection in the bedroom before the dagger came down.

He wrapped his hands around Gabriela's wrists and squeezed hard, but a maimed Dario was no match for determined soul occupying the form of a healthy young woman, and she soon broke free. She still had a grip on the handle and swiftly brought the boot knife down again. Just before it connected, Dario instinctively crossed his arms in an "x" position to shield his upper body. When the blade sliced through his sleeve and into his flesh, it caused only superficial damage. Still, Mama looked pleased to have at least wounded him and to hear him cry out.

"You're not my mother. Elena is," Dario snarled. His heartfelt words had the intended effect of distracting his biological mother just long enough for him to roll out of the way as she made a third attempt to stab him. This time, the tip of the steel blade lodged in one of the linoleum tiles, and Dario was positive that she had been aiming for his heart. She howled in outrage and immediately reached for the knife. Despite already feeling the effects of the assault, her son managed to stagger to his feet and start backing away, one hand pressed to his forehead and the other clutching his ribs. "And that's my sister's body-not yours-so get the fuck out!" Dario addressed his mother because he knew there was no point in trying to get through to Gabriela, whose soul was destined to remain in a dormant state until she was no longer possessed.

Mama shook Gabriela's head and smirked as she advanced with the dagger's dulled blade pointed at him. "It's my body now, and I'm never giving it back," she insisted. Dario stumbled and nearly lost his footing as he dodged another swipe of the knife. "And, after I kill you and the rest of those Cueto bastards, I'm finally going to live the life I always dreamed of-through her." Mama recklessly gestured to Gabriela's physical form with the weapon, then cackled like the lunatic she was.

All Dario could think of was getting the hell out of the apartment and finding a safe hiding place. He didn't want to do anything that might hurt Gabriela, and that's why he was reluctant to involve the amoral Catrina. What he needed was time and space to figure out how to solve the problem.

Mama had backed him into the living room now, and Dario wouldn't dream of turning his back on her until he was close enough to reach the front door. She seemed to be taking her time stalking him-perhaps, after her initial murder attempt failed, she had decided to prolong his suffering for her own amusement. He passed the coffee table, then took the briefest of glances over his shoulder to determine the location of any other obstacles that might be in his path. A cold, shrill laugh echoed throughout the room and caused Dario to look at his sister-turned-mother again. She had stopped in her tracks to point at the red bull with the blunted dagger and a maniacal grin.

"It's karma," she explained with such glee that the hairs on the back of Dario's neck stood on end. "You're going to die the exact same way I did-beaten to death with the Cueto family heirloom."

"Gabi! Dario! What's going on?" Dario didn't think Elena could look more astonished than she already did, having just teleported in to the sight of her stepson all bloodied and her daughter with a knife in hand and murder in her eyes, but that all changed when Mama directed her hateful gaze at her.

"This doesn't concern you, bitch," she sneered, and Dario could clearly hear Elena's gasp from where she was stationed midway between them. She gave Elena a look as dark as any she'd ever given to her children. "I'd kill you, too, if you weren't already dead." The astonished ghost craned her neck to look to Dario for an explanation.

"She's possessed by my mother!" he blurted out.

"I'll get Catrina!" Elena exclaimed, and she was gone in a flash. Relief and dread waged war inside Dario's heart because help was on the way, yet Gabriela would also get caught in the crossfire. For a split second, Dario debated trying to grab the bull, but his mother was closer and wasted no time in trading the small knife-by dropping it at her feet-for the heavy sculpture.

She was blissfully unaware of the undead woman's imminent arrival. "Cheer up, Dario. You're about to join your beloved stepmother in the afterlife."

Dario placed a hand on the headrest of Catrina's armchair to steady himself, then slipped behind the heavy furniture as his mother rushed towards him. Inspiration struck, and he toppled the chair just as Mama almost caught up with him. A second later, Gabriela's knee slammed into the side of the chair, and the rest of her tumbled over it with a cry that expressed surprise and possibly pain, too. The bull flew out of her hands and came to rest on its back several feet away.

"Sorry, Gabriela," Dario said under his breath, but he desperately needed to buy himself some more time.

He had finally managed to reach the front door when his mother launched herself at his knees. His back slammed against the carpeted floor, knocking the wind out of him, and Mama collected the bull and scrambled to her feet while Dario was lying there trying to catch his breath. As she stood over her prone son, she unleashed a kind of battle cry and raised the sculpture high above her head with both hands, preparing to crush Dario's skull with it as Matanza had done to her and as Dario himself had done to Mr. Cisco.

As he covered his head, he really regretted not summoning Catrina earlier...

A sudden clap of thunder was followed by a shriek. Dario lowered his hands in time to see Catrina standing behind the possessed women, one hand wound in Gabriela's tresses. He cringed when the former threw the latter face down on the living room floor, but at least Gabriela was still alive, if moaning in pain. As soon as she-as they-rolled onto her back, Catrina straddled the witch's midsection and pinned her arms against the gray carpet before she could either get up or reach for the red bull again. The restrained women instantly fought back with the strength of the possessed, kicking out, screaming incoherently, and even spitting in Catrina's face.

"Get her amulet!" the latter barked at Dario while he wiped blood off his face with the back of his hand.

He stood with some difficulty. "Where is it?" he yelled over the almost demonic racket his mother was making using his half-sister's vocal cords. He hoped Catrina's neighbors had already left for work by now and that nobody was home to report the altercation to the police.

Catrina had to raise her voice, too. "Try her purse!"

Dario-who was still reeling from his head injury-staggered into the bedroom, spotted the bag on the desk, and dumped its vast contents onto the wooden surface. He was sidetracked from his task by a handwritten list in Spanish that started off sloppy in black ink but became increasingly neater.


1. Kill Dario

2. Kill Matanza

3. Kill Antonio

4. Learn how to use magic

5. See the world

5. Have a lot of sex with a lot of sexy men

Dario couldn't stomach reading even one more item on the long bucket list his mother had created while residing in his sister's body. He crumpled up the paper and jammed it in his pocket, determined to keep Gabriela from learning the full extent of Mama's horrific plans for her. Her goals spanned the entire front half of the page and probably spilled over onto the back, too.

"Did you find it?" Catrina shouted at him. Dario remembered why he was in the bedroom in the first place and began sorting through the pile of miscellaneous items, which included keys, a wallet, assorted cosmetics, lip balm, a hairbrush and comb, multiple receipts, and a bottle of aspirin. All the while, his mother's incoherent screeching continued to bore into his pounding skull.

"There it is!" Elena had appeared beside him to point at at a gold heart sticking out from beneath the pile. Dario thanked her, snatched the attached chain, and returned to the living room as fast as his wobbly legs would carry him. He prayed that Catrina's plan would work, because the next step was an exorcism...

"Put it on her," Catrina instructed. Dario's hands were shaking and slick with blood as he knelt beside the thrashing woman, but, as he reached out towards her, she lunged forward and sank Gabriela's teeth into the thin skin of his wrist. He jerked his hand away with a little cry, still clutching the necklace, then tried again for Gabriela's sake. This time, the amulet landed on his sister's sternum as he tentatively reached around both sides of her neck with the chain, half expecting to get bitten a second time.

Although he had not yet fastened the clasp, the amulet's power was activated when the enchanted fourteen karat heart made contact with it's owner's vessel. As it began to glow, Gabriela-or, most likely, Dario's mother-let out a scream of pure agony. At the same time Catrina was knocked backward by the amulet's protective force field, Mama was expelled from the Gabriela's body as if yanked out by an invisible hand. Catrina managed to spring to her feet and seize the malevolent soul by the upper arm before she got a chance to flee.

"Oh, thank God!" Elena breathed. Her hands were clasped over her heart like she had just said a silent prayer, and she was beaming as if said prayer had been answered. Dario knew exactly what she would have asked for. They were all incredibly fortunate that her wishes had been granted.

"How did you know it would work?" he asked Catrina, impressed she had come up with a solution that didn't require a priest.

"I didn't. I just hoped that a ghost couldn't occupy a body protected from the dead."

Gabriela's eyelids fluttered as she came to her senses and while Dario was attempting to fasten the chain around her neck. He caught the little heart when she propped herself up on her elbows and it rolled off her chest. It was hot to the touch, as he had known it would be.

"Dario?" she asked groggily. "What are..." She sat bolt upright when she realized he was leaking blood from several locations. Her wild, darting gaze told him that he must be a dreadful sight to behold. "You're bleeding! What happened?"

"I'll explain in a minute. Here, let me put your amulet back on." Gabriela's brow furrowed as she swept all of her hair to one side and draped it in front of her shoulder so that he could more easily fasten the clasp. Dario's hands were a bit steadier now that their harrowing ordeal was over, but they were still painted red, so he wiped them on his pants leg before starting to make his task easier. He released his breath when the jewelry was once again secured around Gabriela's neck, and he felt only a trifle guilty about staining the precious metal. "There. That's better."

"I'm taking her soul to the valkyrie in hopes that she will know how to dispose of her," Catrina said to him, while Mama made a failed bid at teleporting and instead flickered like a light bulb about to burn out. "Stay together until I return."

Dario nodded. There was no place he'd rather be at the moment than by his baby sister's side, keeping a watchful eye on her, and seeing Catrina disappear with their tormentor further raised his spirits.

Gabriela scanned the room, taking in the misplaced bull, the bloodstained dagger, and the overturned armchair before she turned back to her brother with an utterly baffled expression. "Will you please tell me what the hell is going on? Because I'm starting to get really freaked out..."

"What's the last thing you remember?" Dario asked her, and touched his forehead again. Still bleeding.

"Um..." Gabriela's own forehead scrunched up and her nose wrinkled as she reviewed her most recent memories. "I remember going into the bedroom and looking in my bag for the amulet, and then...then I woke up here." She glanced down at her outfit and gasped. "These aren't my clothes..."

"No. They belong to Catrina." Dario took a deep breath before spilling the details. "My mother possessed you and attacked me, but it's okay. I escaped with only minor injuries." They were certainly minor compared to his fatal gunshot wounds or the severed artery that had taken Elena's life, although he would still need first aid. Gabriela's features were inscrutable as she listened, and her half-brother knew she would be torn apart once she fully comprehended her role in his real life horror story.

She suddenly dropped her head in her hands and muttered through the cracks between her fingers. "This is all my fault! If I had remembered to put the damn amulet back on..." Elena looked like she wanted nothing more than to hug her daughter and reassure her that she was innocent of any wrongdoing. Which was impossible, of course, but Dario could try to offer some consolation.

"Don't blame yourself, Gabriela," he interrupted as he touched his youngest sibling's shoulder in sympathy, careful to avoid brushing her bra strap through the mesh garment, before using his palm to help staunch the blood flow from his forehead. She raised her head and stared at him with such remorse that it broke his heart. "It's over now, and my mother can never hurt either of us again. Nothing else matters." But, even as he said it, his chest tightened with guilt triggered by both today's events and vivid memories of the past. What happened to Gabriela was yet another reminder that Dario was failing in his duties as a big brother.

"You shouldn't blame yourself, either, Dario." Elena's voice floated towards him from nearby. Startled, he looked up at her. Did she know him so well already, or were his feelings just written all over his face? "You can't watch your sister every second of every day...Not even I can do that," she added with a wry smile.

After letting her sibling's words sink in for a long moment, the stricken look on Gabriela's face vanished, then she got up-wincing when she put weight on the knee that had collided with the armchair-opened one of the two suitcases she had left in the living room last night, and began digging through it. She eventually pulled out a small, zipped red bag about the right size to hold makeup or pencils.

"What have you got there?"

"It's a kind of magical first aid kit. Come on." She took Dario's free hand, helped him to his feet, and led him to the bathroom, where she placed her bag on the counter, then shut the toilet lid before pointing to the porcelain bowl. "Sit."

Dario sat and used a wad of toilet paper to wipe off the blood that continued to drip down his brow. He watched his sister wash her hands, then rummage through the cabinet drawers until she found the washcloths and spare hand towels. She soaked a washcloth in water, wrung it out, collected and trashed the toilet paper he'd just used to mop the blood, and dropped the washcloth into his left hand.

"Keep this on your forehead while I take care of your arm."

He followed her instructions and waited while Gabriela tucked her hair behind her ears, then started removing items from the kit. Her features transformed into a stoic mask as she added tap water and potent herbs from a small glass bottle to a paper cup and stirred the mixture with a wooden tongue depressor-or maybe it was a recycled popsicle stick.

"Another herbal remedy?" Dario would need to get over his aversion to strong odors and candles in order to become a full-fledged witch.

Gabriela nodded. "It heals wounds, prevents infections, and relieves pain." She paused with the loaded wooden stick hovering just inches over his mangled arm. "This is going to sting."

She wasn't kidding. Although Gabriela tried her best to be gentle as she slathered the cure over his still-weeping wounds, Dario squirmed and hissed through gritted teeth when the substance made contact. He was rewarded after the initial burning sensation gave way to tingling before fading away entirely.

"How did you get her out?" she asked out of the blue. "An exorcism?"

He started to shake his head, but stopped when the movement made his headache worsen. "No. I just put your amulet back on. But it was Catrina's idea-not mine." She would have been proud of him for giving her due credit.

"Oh..." Panic suddenly flashed across the young woman's face like a bolt of lightning. "Did my mother see what happened? Or El Dragon Azteca?"

Dario's first instinct was to lie, but then he noticed Elena giving him a stern look from her current location in the hall just outside of the doorway.

"Tell her. If she ever finds out you lied, she'll never be able to trust you."

He took her advice because he was desperate to earn Gabriela's trust. "El Dragon Azteca is not here, and I assure you that your mother didn't witness much. We were alone when Elena showed up...I explained the situation, and she went straight to Catrina for help. She is a hero." Gabriela seemed to be having an internal debate as to whether or not he was being honest, but she must have believed him because her posture relaxed after a minute or so and she resumed her work in silence. Too late, Dario remembered that he could have used his key to heal himself, but nursing him back to health seemed to ease his sister's conscience, so it was probably for the best that he'd forgotten to call on his own magic.

"I'm no hero." Elena shook her head at his glowing description of her. "I was only doing what any mother"-she realized who she was talking to and immediately corrected herself-"what any decent mother would do."

Dario meant what he said earlier about Elena to his biological mother. He wished he could think of a respectful, motherly title to call her by that was more personal than her first name, but he didn't want to step on her daughter's toes, either. If Elena hadn't shown up and fetched Catrina when she had, Dario would be dead right now and Mama would have taken off in Gabriela's body in search of her next victim.

"There's something I've been wondering..." Dario began. Gabriela, who had already bandaged his knife wound, stopped in the middle of wrapping the bite mark to give him an inquisitive look that prompted him to continue. "Your mother once told me you wanted to host a goddess. I hope that is no longer the case." The irony was not lost on him: Gabriela had finally-albeit briefly-achieved her dream of becoming a host, but, in a cruel twist of fate, a ghost had possessed her instead of the Aztec goddess she had intended.

Gabriela quickly shook her head, a haunted look appearing in her eyes. "Yeah, I've definitely changed my mind. Being an actual host-even just to a ghost-is nothing like experiencing the power in the gauntlet."

"Well, that's a relief." In more ways than one...Although Dario was still curious about Gabriela's inspiration for hosting a goddess, he bit his tongue. Her reasons were no longer of importance now that she had lost interest. He caught a glimpse of Elena's face, which reflected his own emotions like a mirror. "I've already lost you once, little sister, and I'll be damned if I'm going to lose you again."

She finished her work in silence, ending with a final application of salve and a large bandaid for her oldest brother's forehead, then leaned over and hugged him tightly. Dario was so relieved to have her back that he reciprocated as soon as the initial shock wore off.

"I'm glad you weren't hurt even worse-or killed," Gabriela said into his ear as he stared over her shoulder at her mother. Elena couldn't have looked prouder of the progress her children were making towards becoming a close knit family.

"And I'm glad you're back to being yourself again."

She at last pulled away from him, and her smile was contagious. "Me, too."

You failed again, Mama, Dario thought. You tried to destroy this family, but instead, you only destroyed yourself and brought the rest of us closer together. Excluding Antonio, of course...Dario planned to pay Taya a handsome sum for her services-and to double the amount if she agreed to deposit his father in the same godforsaken place Mama would be rotting in from now on.

Maybe Agent Winter and the rest of the Order could join them.

"This place is amazing!" Ricky gushed as he wandered around the lavish mansion his idol shared with his girlfriend and their dog and acted like a starstruck tourist. In the front hallway, he had used his phone to snap a memento of the extensive photo gallery of the three. Then, in the living room, Ricky had spotted the framed, life-sized poster of Johnny-wearing tiger print pants, sunglasses, and a fur-trimmed, studded black coat, his hair blowing in the wind and the Lucha Underground championship hoisted above his head-hanging over the mantle. He took a photo of that, too, along with various paintings, pieces of furniture, and the lime green area rug that was as fuzzy as the boots Taya wrestled in. Now that the entire Worldwide Underground had migrated to the kitchen, he had followed them to capture images of marble countertops and stainless steel appliances. It was a wonder he could see any of the items he was photographing, since his eyes were covered by a pair of sunglasses which were an exact replica of Johnny's trademark cross-adorned lenses. He grinned and announced to no one in particular, "I'm totally going to redecorate my apartment 'Johnny Mundo style'!"

"Ugh. Who invited Ricky?" Taya asked the others with a wrinkled nose as they took their places on the bar stools surrounding the kitchen island and settled in for coffee and donuts. Although she didn't blame him for idolizing Johnny, Ricky's obsession with emulating the man had gone from humorous to borderline creepy in a hurry. Every now and then, Taya found herself wondering if Ricky had the potential to become the next Marty "The Moth" Martinez.

"Don't look at me," Jack snorted just before taking an enormous bite of a glazed donut. Taya rolled her eyes at his rudeness and told herself today would be her "cheat day" as she reached into the cardboard box and selected a plain cake donut to accompany her vanilla latte. She firmly believed that broaching a subject as grim as Ragnarok called for a side of comfort food.

Johnny shook his head when Jack shoved the box of assorted donuts at him. "No junk food for me." He patted his mouthwatering abdominal muscles through a fitted charcoal gray T-shirt that coordinated with Taya's tank top and showcased his equally defined arms. "Abs are made in the kitchen." He glanced at Ricky and chuckled as the younger man flushed and withdrew his empty hand from the box, having apparently reconsidered a second donut upon hearing Johnny's excuse. "Anyway, I'm pretty sure the kid invited himself-and who could blame him for wanting to be in the presence of greatness?" Johnny motioned to himself with a smug look.

Taya sighed and raked her fingertips through her two-toned hair. So much for the serious discussion she had planned on! Moments into the meeting, Johnny was already bragging about himself, Ricky was gazing at him in adoration, Jack was busy stuffing his face with sugary treats, and PJ was staring out the window as if he had somewhere else he'd rather be. Even Prince Presley, the black-and-tan Pomeranian belonging to Johnny and Taya, had fallen asleep at PJ's feet. The tiny dog apparently sensed a kindred spirit in the werewolf and made a beeline for him every single time he came over. Taya thought their pack dynamic was adorable.

She leaned across the island and tapped her silent friend's nose twice with her index finger to get his attention. "Either you're as worried about the end times as I am or Gabriela cast a spell over you. Which is it?"

"A spell? Wh-What makes you say that?" he stammered. Taya was taken aback when her innocuous joke caused the blood to drain from PJ's face, but then she recalled that the police had asked both of them to befriend, and eventually betray, the doomsday cult's witch. Although Taya had readily agreed, PJ hadn't yet made a decision. Were his options weighing heavily on his mind? She had expected the Darewolf to commit wholeheartedly to the plan.

Taya shrugged. "It's just that you ever since you met her, you seem...distracted." And I can see why. She's beautiful, she thought with a glare at Johnny, but he was busy chatting with Jack and therefore oblivious to the dirty look his girlfriend was giving him.

"We've talked a few times," PJ admitted, which made Taya's brows inch upward, "and I really like her. But she's no witch-just a normal human."

"Maybe she found a love spell online," Ricky speculated. Taya hadn't realized he was eavesdropping, but she guessed he did that a lot since nobody ever wanted to include him in the conversation. "Anybody can use those, right?"

"It was a joke, you idiot," Taya snapped at him. Ricky flushed scarlet and his gaze slid downward to his black Johnny Mundo T-shirt. The valkyrie took out her frustration on Jack next: "Jack! Will you please close your mouth when you chew? That's disgusting."

"Maybe we should get down to business," Johnny suggested in an unusually serious tone. Taya's faint smile showed her relief at finally being taken seriously. Although Johnny had bailed on her when she initially broke the news about Dario and the doomsday cult to him, he quickly came around to her side once she pointed out that the end of the world also meant the end of her, Prince Presley, the Worldwide Underground-and Johnny himself. And it went without saying that he was opposed to anything that stood in the way of reclaiming the title he had just lost...

"Thank you. Now, as you all know, I-"

This time, Taya was interrupted by Catrina-whose arrival was heralded by blinking overhead lights-and a screeching, blood-drenched ghost of the female persuasion.

"I need to speak to you in private, valkyrie," Catrina said over the spirit, who was so intrigued with her new surroundings and the individuals already there-two in particular-that she soon ceased threatening Catrina in Spanish.

Since nobody else could see or hear her, the men directed their confused stares at the women they couldn't miss. Taya was just as perplexed as they were. Due to a mutual, if different, connection to the dead, she had more in common with Catrina than any other woman in Lucha Underground. But the two had only briefly crossed paths once before, when Catrina attacked Taya's opponent, Ivelisse, during their match at Ultima Lucha Dos. So why the hell was Catrina standing in the middle of her kitchen, holding the arm of a creepy phantom?

"Meet me in the backyard," Taya told her with an exasperated sigh as she pointed to the backdoor. She then crossed her arms over her chest and took a moment to address the ghost, who was licking her lips and alternately eyeing both Johnny and PJ like a cat about to pounce on a bird or mouse. "Um, in case you haven't noticed, honey, you're dead." Taya poked her for emphasis-her finger went straight through the startled entity's sternum-and wore a look that was part possessive girlfriend and part valkyrie ready to engage in combat. "So stop drooling over my man and my friend, okay?"

"Uh, Taya? What's going on?" Johnny asked with a justifiably uneasy expression.

"I don't know, but it involves a ghost," she muttered. It was a relief to watch Catrina take her away so that she could no longer ogle Johnny and PJ.

He frowned. "Besides Catrina, you mean?"

"Yeah-and Catrina is something else entirely." Sometimes spirit and sometimes flesh-and capable of physically subduing the souls of the dead just like a valkyrie-she was an undead enigma. Taya stepped out the backdoor and discovered Catrina and the dark-haired apparition waiting for her on the porch that led to an outdoor oasis blessed with an in-ground swimming pool, a hot tub, sculptures, abundant trees, and a colorful garden.

"What the hell is that"-Taya jerked her chin towards the ghost, who was now trying to wrench her arm free after a failed attempt at teleporting to freedom-"and why did you bring it to me?" If she had to guess, the spirit's cause of death had been repeated blunt force trauma to the head; the blood spatter had created a tie dye effect on the upper portion of her otherwise boring dress. Without Johnny around, her attention was drawn to the only individual besides Catrina to acknowledge her presence.

"This is an evil spirit who escaped the Other Side-and not just once-and possessed an innocent woman, then attempted to commit murder while in her body." Taya's mouth fell open as she glanced at the irate phantom, whose eyes were filled with malicious intent. "Fortunately, I intervened before anyone died." Catrina paused. "As a harbinger of death, I was hoping you could help me get rid of her-forever."

Taya considered what she was asking of her. "Well, I could take her soul to Hel-one 'l,' not two, the Norse version-where the worst of the worst suffer for eternity, but-"

"Is there any chance of her escaping from this place?"

"Escape?" Taya laughed out loud at the absurdity of the idea. "That's literally impossible. It's never happened before." Again, she looked back at the bewildered-looking spirit, who clearly didn't understand a word of English and had no idea of the horrors that awaited her.

Catrina smiled. "Then it sounds like the perfect solution."

"So, what's in it for me if I help you?" Taya demanded. Besides personal glory and good karma...

"Your friends-and your boyfriend-will be safe from the sadistic ghost who just possessed PJ Black's friend, Gabriela."

Taya gasped, floored at hearing the familiar name. It was hard to believe that the young woman PJ had feelings for was also the victim Catrina had referred to earlier. "I know Gabriela-kind of." Well, she knew of her, and could identify her in a crowd..."Wait...How do you know her?" She was positive they weren't friends-Catrina didn't have friends-but maybe Gabriela had a dark side and had cut some kind of a deal with Catrina. If so, it would be a terrible idea for PJ to get mixed up with someone like that.

"There is a ghost who wished to speak to her, and she wouldn't leave me alone until I passed along her message. That is all."

Taya's smile was tight. "You know, I actually believe you." The same thing had happened to her on many occasions. Once a ghost realized you could see them, he or she could be a real pain in the ass until you gave them whatever they wanted. She had heard enough and extended her right arm towards them. "Give her to me. It will be an honor to take her psychotic ass to Hel." It was bad enough that the ghost had possessed someone with homicidal intent, but putting Taya's friends and lover at risk made this a personal issue for the valkyrie.

Catrina had just transferred custody of the dead woman to Taya when the backdoor slid open and PJ werewolf-sped over to the trio in a blur before skidding to a stop in front of them. "I overheard you guys talking about Gabriela. Did she really get possessed?"

Catrina nodded. "Yes. She is recovering as we speak."

"I need to see her. Now," he growled when she failed to react in any discernible way. In his agitation, he bared his fangs and let his hazel irises turn a wolfish yellow-orange, which would have freaked out just about anyone else. For a second, even the ghost looked disturbed, but then she went right back to openly lusting over him again. "She's my friend, and I want to see for myself that she's okay."

Taya was startled when PJ began to "wolf out"-as he described his actions-right in front of Catrina. She had never seen such raw emotion in his eyes or heard him speak in an urgent, panicked tone before. Evidently, his attraction to the human woman was more than just skin deep.

Taya was as distraught over this revelation as she was touched by it. Although she herself had fallen in love with a human, she didn't think it was wise for a werewolf to get too close to a non-supernatural. Gabriela might reject him once she learned the truth, or PJ might lose control and accidentally turn or even fatally maul her...

"I will teleport you to her," Catrina agreed, again raising her voice make herself heard over the ghost, who was swearing to kill Taya if she didn't let her go of her right now. Luckily for PJ, his heightened senses didn't apply to detecting the presence of the dead, or his ears would likely be bleeding. "She could probably use a friend right now...Give me your hand."

PJ obliged with a promise to Taya that he would be right back, and, a second later, the two of them vanished. The dead woman pouted over his absence.

"Things are getting really weird lately-even by my standards," Taya grumbled while the vile spirit who had become her responsibility started protesting again in a shrill tone. "Will you shut up already? You're giving me a migraine." She made her complaint in Spanish, and the ghost's eyes became enormous when she realized that Taya was fluent in her own language.

"What are you?" she demanded. "I know you're not human...What are you going to do with me?" Although her demeanor was defiant as she tried to wriggle out of Taya's unyielding grip, a trace of fear had crept into her voice and her dark brown eyes. And now those eyes were begging Taya to set her free. "Whatever that undead woman told you, it's a lie! I didn't do anything wrong! "

She was tempted to plug her ears with her fingers, but she knew that releasing her charge for even a split second would prove disastrous. She might even become the next one possessed by the devil woman..."You're the liar, bitch!" she spat, again resorting to her second language. Taya's cranky mood lifted as she reminded herself that delivering a would-be killer to Hel would go a long way towards regaining the trust and respect of her Norse peers and superiors.

Johnny poked his head around the half-open door and looked around. "What's going on, babe? Where is everybody?"

"I'll explain when I get back. Promise!" Taya practically had to shout to hear herself over the dead woman, who was still pleading her case, which made Johnny look even more puzzled because his secret admirer was invisible as well as inaudible to him. But the valkyrie couldn't ignore the other woman's glazed eyes as she watched Johnny turn around and go back inside the house.

She smirked deviously at Taya once the door closed behind the man and he disappeared from sight. "If I possessed you, we could both have some fun with the pretty boys." Longing dripped from every strongly accented word.

Gross, Taya thought. She wrinkled her nose and her blood pressure soared at the lewd suggestion. The harbinger couldn't help but feel sorry for Gabriela for having her body hijacked by such a depraved soul. At least the nightmare was over now and there would be no more victims.

She stared into the ghost's eyes with a frigid smile and spoke to her in her native tongue. "That isn't going to happen, you sick freak, because I'm about to escort you to your new-and permanent-home. It's called Hel, and I have a feeling you'll fit in perfectly..."

The second he saw Gabriela, PJ released Catrina's hand and jogged over to the young witch, who rose from the sofa and walked towards him with an uncertain look on her heart-shaped face. Apparently, PJ's supernatural healing ability meant that teleporting had little, if any, ill effects on him. He seemed to have already forgotten that Catrina was in the room, and she doubted whether he even noticed a slack-jawed Dario seated on the black leather sofa just feet away from his sister.

Dario started to stand, then clutched his head with both hands like he was suffering from a headache and sat back down with a groan. He glowered at Catrina as she popped over to him and made herself comfortable on the arm of the sofa.

"Why did you bring him?" he snapped in a hushed tone while making a small hand motion to indicate PJ. His irritated tone caused Elena, who was standing as close to her daughter as the amulet would permit, to frown over her shoulder at him.

"Because he insisted," Catrina murmured, completely unconcerned about his feelings on the subject. PJ Black wasn't a threat to any of them-except when there was a full moon. At the present, he was only a man genuinely concerned about his friend's welfare, and his chivalrous behavior reminded Catrina of how Fenix used to rush to her defense whenever Mil got physical with her. For those reasons-along with PJ's inability to pinpoint their exact location due to being teleported-she was on board with him visiting Gabriela.

Catrina gave Dario a once-over. His sleeves were rolled up, exposing two separate bandages that covered the majority of his right forearm from the wrist to inches shy of the crook of his arm. His forehead was no longer gushing blood like a fountain because he wore a large bandaid over the wound. Notes of a clean, herbal fragrance hung in the air, indicating that a little magic had gone into the first aid.

She was frustrated with him for not summoning her the instant he realized his sister was possessed. He could have spared himself a great deal of physical and psychological torment by doing so, so why hadn't he reached out to her? His decision was especially bewildering because Dario had often looked to others to rescue him when he was in peril.

"PJ? What are you doing here?" Gabriela had turned slightly so that Catrina could see her in profile, and she was staring at the PJ as if debating whether or not he was a hallucination. Catrina wasn't pleased to discover that the human was still wearing her clothes-and possibly her earrings and choker, too-but she supposed taking care of her injured brother had been higher on Gabriela's list of priorities than getting back into her own clothing. The important thing was that the amulet was in its rightful place.

PJ took Gabriela's hands in his and studied her face, perhaps searching for evidence of trauma. "I overheard Catrina tell Taya that you got possessed by a ghost, and I had to make sure you were okay. So...Are you?"

The young woman let out a short, brittle laugh. "I'm not exactly 'okay'-not yet-but at least I'm myself again." Gabriela's gaze drifted downward to her bare feet and polished toenails. "You didn't have to check on me," she mumbled.

"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to." Now that he was convinced Gabriela was safe and sound, PJ stepped back and turned his attention to the man who used to be his employer. "Oh, hey, Dario. Uh...How are you?"

"Alive. I see you've already met my half-sister." He almost certainly believed he had dropped a bombshell on the werewolf, but Dario was the one in for a surprise.

PJ just nodded calmly, implying that Gabriela had already confided that information to him. His next statement confirmed as much. "Yeah, I know who she is-and I think she's great." When he beamed at the subject of their conversation, Catrina understood at once why Gabriela's features flooded with relief. She knew from personal experience that being born into a famous family with a centuries-long reputation of any kind was a terrible burden that could cause much suffering throughout one's existence. Marie and Catrina's ancestors were no doubt ashamed of their descendant for her vicious and narcissistic ways-but, in a twist of fate, they were finally all on the same side.

Dario's eyebrows went up as he leaned back against the sofa and folded his arms over his chest. "Her being a Cueto doesn't scare you off?"

A smirk formed on the other man's bearded face as he shook his head and stuffed his fists into the front pockets of his jeans. "Nope-but I'm not easily scared." Dario frowned but said nothing, and PJ shifted his focus back to Gabriela. While his concern over her welfare had prevented him from noticing the young woman's revealing attire earlier, he could no longer ignore it. A flushed, wide-eyed PJ gaped at her for a long time before he finally snapped out of his trance. "Um...That's an, uh, interesting outfit you have on."

"It's mine," Catrina told him, smiling ever so slightly at his squeaky tone. So, Gabriela's crush on the "Darewolf" was indeed reciprocated. That knowledge would surely please her-and horrify Dario.

Gabriela arranged her hair in front of both shoulders and over her chest. Catrina found the belated attempt at modesty amusing. "My brothers' evil mother put it on after she possessed me. I haven't had time to change."

PJ immediately looked past her at her oldest brother, his expression incredulous. "Wait...Your mother did this to her? Why?"

"Because she wanted to live again and to kill the rest of her family." Dario shook his head, an angry glint in his eye. "I don't understand why she wasn't already serving an eternal sentence in Hell."

"She should have been trapped on the Other Side," his sister confirmed with a glance over her shoulder at him. "Has she crossed over before?"

Dario nodded and made a face as he presumably relived his other near death experiences. "Twice-and she tried to kill me both times."

"Having a purpose and a strong connection to an individual-emotionally, through blood, or both-makes it easier for the dead to cross over," added Catrina. She caught Elena's eye and thought to herself that she was the perfect example.

"So do supernatural objects." Gabriela pointed to the trio of items displayed on the coffee table. "If she already had one foot in this realm, she could have drawn enough power from both these things and our emotional energy to escape from the Other Side long enough to"-she scowled-"possess me." The objects she had referenced included Catrina's rock, Jeremiah's Ouija board, and possibly even the red bull that Dario sometimes stroked like a pet.

"What is the significance of the bull?" Catrina asked, positive that at least one of the Cueto siblings could provide her with a background story. Since her stone was capable of restoring life to the dead and the Ouija board allowed the living to communicate with spirits, she assumed that the sculpture must also bridge the gap between realms.

"It saved my life," Dario volunteered. "Matanza used it to kill our mother when she was trying to beat me to death." His eyes watered as he recounted that pivotal moment in his young life, and his stepmother made a choked sound and covered her mouth while tears filled her own eyes. The others had gone silent, although Antonio must have relayed the anecdote to Gabriela at some point because she didn't express visible shock.

The red bull didn't seem to be infused with the supernatural, but it was connected to Dario's survival and his mother's demise. Maybe that counted for something...Maybe not. Either way, the spiteful bitch had somehow managed to soak up enough power from a variety of sources to cross over for longer than a short trip; perhaps she had been sneaking into the apartment whenever Dario and/or Catrina was elsewhere and laying her hands on those mystical objects. Finding a vulnerable host was just icing on the cake.

"So, what did Taya do with her, anyway?" Gabriela wondered out loud.

Catrina smiled with ghoulish delight. "Her soul now resides in the Norse equivalent of Hell. The valkyrie says there is no chance of her escaping this version of the afterlife." That was a subject she was relatively ignorant of, yet eager to explore. She was confident Taya would happily agree to deposit Antonio in that godforsaken place, too, when the time came.

"Good," the others all declared in unison-even Elena, which earned her odd looks from both Dario and Catrina.

The ghost shrugged off their startled reactions. "That woman is as evil and heartless as Antonio. She had to be stopped before she hurt-or killed-anyone else." When Dario resumed staring holes in PJ, Elena left Gabriela's side to join him and Catrina, positioning herself in front of Dario and-temporarily-drawing his attention away from the others. "You have nothing to worry about, Dario. I told you I would keep an eye on them, remember?" Her tone contained a gentle reprimand against intervening in the budding relationship, but her stepson just nodded and went back to keeping watch. There likely would never be a man he considered good enough for his "baby sister."

Although Catrina respected Dario's determination to protect his only sister, she also thought he was acting paranoid and overprotective. She knew firsthand the frustrations of being a woman caught between two-or more, in her case-men.

"I believe the wolf has good intentions toward your sister, and she could use a friend right now," she insisted. Her statement was issued as a warning to both men to play nice, and, although PJ couldn't help but overhear the faintest whisper, he appeared to be fully absorbed in whatever Gabriela was currently saying to him.

Elena bobbed her head. "I agree."

Dario gave her a wounded look for siding with Catrina. "You could be her friend," he insisted to the latter with a touch of defensiveness.

Catrina looked away, startled to suffer a stab of pain in a heart that felt numb more often than not. "I don't know how to be a friend to anyone." But she had things in common with Gabriela, Dario, and even Elena-shared experiences they could bond over if they discussed them. Wasn't that how friendships were formed? That was one subject she didn't own a book on.

"It's never too late to learn-or to change," Elena reminded her with an encouraging smile and compassion for Catrina's struggles swimming in her honey-infused brown irises.

The undead woman didn't know how to respond to Elena's faith in her-having a supportive mother figure around was an experience as foreign to her as it was to Dario-but she decided it would be smart to take her advice. Catrina squared her shoulders and inhaled deeply. Only a fool would throw away the opportunity that had fallen in her lap: an opportunity to make friends with, and become part of, a supernatural family who loved and looked out for each other. Her increasingly complex feelings towards Dario, as well as Mil and Jeremiah and their jealous obsession with her, complicated matters, but Catrina was nonetheless determined to seize what might be her last chance at happiness. No, she could never get Fenix back, but that didn't mean she had to be alone for the rest of time.

Besides, Elena and her daughter provided a convenient alibi for avoiding Mil. Surely, he wouldn't begrudge her helping a ghost if doing so created an ally out of a powerful witch-both female.

"Perhaps I should take you back now, PJ. I got the impression that Taya has something important she would like to discuss with the entire Worldwide Underground." She placed a slight emphasis on "entire," hoping he would take the hint. Dario might spontaneously combust if he had to remain confined in the same room as PJ Black for much longer.

"It can wait," PJ said without so much as glancing at Catrina. Instead, he grinned at the witch standing before him. "For a little while, anyway."

But Gabriela shook her head and made a shooing motion with both hands. "Go. I don't want you to get in trouble with Taya."

"Are you sure? Because I'm totally willing to risk her wrath-"

"It's okay." She stifled a yawn. "I need to give Matanza his breakfast, anyway."

"All right," PJ conceded with a sigh. "Besides, I'm sure you and your brothers have a lot to talk about..." He blinked. "Uh...Does Matanza even talk?"

"Sometimes," Dario replied coolly.

"But he's a very good listener," Gabriela said. "Thanks for checking on me, PJ. It means a lot to me."

"That's what friends are for, right? I'm just so happy you're not possessed anymore." He put his arms around Gabriela, who returned the favor without hesitation-a fact which did not go unnoticed by a fuming Dario. When the embrace came to an end, PJ lapsed into a short silence before adding in all seriousness, "Being possessed is...traumatic. I know because I turn into a wolf every full moon."

Dario rolled his eyes to the ceiling. "That isn't exactly the same thing," he pointed out.

"No, but he understands her better than you might think," Elena piped up, startling her stepson into closing his mouth and giving her a questioning look. Catrina bit back a laugh at how easily Elena had put Dario in his place without so much as raising her voice or even just giving him a disapproving look.

Gabriela cocked her head, looking intrigued. "So, the Darewolf is actually a werewolf."

He nodded. "Yeah." His grin was fleeting, and he tugged at his ponytail in what looked to Catrina like a nervous gesture. So much for being fearless, she thought. "I hope you're not freaked out by the whole werewolf thing. I swear I'm more or less human the rest of the time."

The youngest Cueto witch put him at ease with a ready smile. "Don't worry. I like werewolves." PJ's returning grin couldn't be broader. Catrina stole a glance at Dario, whose jaw was so tightly clenched it was a wonder he hadn't shattered his teeth, and willed him not to say a word with the power of her glare. Now wasn't an ideal time to criticize the company his sister kept, and it would also be smart to form alliances with fellow supernatural beings. They would need all the help they could get.

After extracting a promise from Gabriela to keep in touch, PJ thanked Catrina profusely for letting him see her. Like Gabriela and a handful of others, he was one of those rare individuals who showed neither fear nor discomfort in the presence of the undead woman. She both admired that attitude and thought it a mistake at the same time.

She took him aside and spoke quietly but urgently. "Do not tell anyone about either Gabriela's connection to the Cueto family or that Dario is alive and staying with me," she commanded, then squeezed his hand until he winced to drive home the importance of obeying. "Doing so could put your friend in danger."

PJ nodded again, his countenance unnaturally grave compared to his usual demeanor. "I won't. I swear I would never do anything to hurt her." Dario might refuse to believe him, but, as Catrina looked into his dark eyes, she knew that he meant every single word. "Why are you helping the Cuetos, anyway? I thought you hated them and they hated you."

"We have bigger problems than each other. A truce was in everyone's best interests." PJ still looked confused, but Catrina didn't feel that she owed him a detailed explanation. The less he knew, the safer he would be.

She closed her eyes and visualized Taya as she had last seen her, confident that the valkyrie had already completed her task and Catrina wouldn't accidentally teleport PJ and herself into Hel. A second later, the two of them wound up back in the kitchen she had visited earlier. The rest of the Worldwide Underground was still gathered-some seated, some standing-around a half-eaten cardboard box of donuts on the island in the center of the bright, spacious room. Johnny and Ricky jumped and backed away from the ghostly entity, whose presence startled Jack into dropping a cinnamon sugar donut on the floor. The fluffy little dog who had been yipping at the visitors got distracted and pounced on the sweet tweet treat over Jack's objections, which caused his friends to burst into laughter. Taya stopped laughing when she locked eyes with the other woman and nodded solemnly. The dead bitch was gone, never to return.

If only all of Catrina's problems could be solved so easily...

She counted four donuts left in the box. "Are you done with those?" she asked, directing her question at Taya. Since she might someday need the valkyrie's assistance to deal with the corrupt soul of Antonio Cueto, it made sense to be polite to her in the present. A visibly startled Taya nodded and pushed the box toward her even though Jack whined that he wasn't done eating and questioned-under his breath-why a ghost needed food. Nobody else dared to complain. Catrina let Jack's query go unanswered as she scooped up the open box and left. Because a panicked Elena had interrupted her grocery shopping and dragged her home, Catrina had been unable to restock the humans' food supply, so bringing them breakfast was only fair.

She returned to her apartment, secured the lid on the donut box before placing it on the coffee table, then waited in her armchair with one leg crossed over the other. According to Dario, who was busy filling a paper plate with raw meat for Matanza, Elena had already left for the Temple. Gabriela then excused herself to change clothes and fled to the bedroom. Catrina was left with a few minutes of uninterrupted time to herself, which she used to reflect on her ambitions.

Although she recognized that she, like both her mother and the first Cueto matriarch, had become a woman so thoroughly consumed by a goal she had harmed innocents in pursuit of her dreams, all was not lost. It wasn't too late to change her wicked ways and take a different path-yet only a select few individuals would be allowed to witness her transformation. Like Dario, she had a fearsome reputation to uphold in the public eye. But, if he could act differently in the presence of his family members, then there was no reason why Catrina couldn't do the same.

While she wasn't quite ready to contemplate relationships deeper than friendship-such as reconciling with her mother or getting to know Dario more intimately-or apologize to Fenix, Catrina was interested in finding a way to live again that didn't involve stealing the life force from either the firebird or Marie. If Gabriela couldn't figure out a magical solution, then a consultation with Vampiro or raiding Jeremiah's home library again might prove useful.

From now on, I will only kill people who deserve to die, she vowed. Making friends was hard, and she didn't want to make it even harder by doing anything that might alienate her potential companions. She knew that Dario would understand her dilemma, for he also had a bloody and treacherous history to overcome and people he was afraid of losing.

Catrina smiled to herself. She was beginning to believe that the "hope" Aerostar felt during his trip to the future applied to more-so much more-than the possibility of replacing Elena's destroyed body.

It might even apply to Catrina's own future.