Because I feel bad for Huang Shaotian as my first ship but got abandoned with me creating other ships story... Or in other word, what's with me trying so hard creating and failing many times in HuangYe fics... This one is one of those but finished.

I love you my people!

I just made a Tumblr Account. Because I'm so desperate in gaining TKA's ship pictures. Once again whoever could read chinese please translate those delicious fanarts... Sobs, I beg you! Please! Or come along and make some fanfics with me! Let me read yours! Let meeeee!

Anything is fine! Be it HanYe, HuangYe, YuYe, XiaoYe, ZhangYe(Jiale or Xinjie), SuMuqiu/YeXiu, YeQiu/YeXiu, ZhouYe, WangYe, JunYe(Lord Grim/Ye Xiu), OneAutumnLeaf/YeXiu, YeXiu/AllofHisSecondaryAvatars, SunYe, what else? Brotherly WeiYeFang, anything! MoYe, platonic or romantic QiaoYe, BaoYe, QiuYe (my newest OTP btw, love you Qiu Fei), An Wenyi/Ye Xiu? LinYe? F*ck I'm desperate. Heck I also even ship Sun Zheping/Ye Xiu after I unintentionally read the spoiler! Yes.. Yes... SunYeZhang giggles... Another OT3 after YuYeHuang and HanYeZhang... Giggles.

Give me fics give me my ships! Do it guys! I can't be a proclamator if I'm only alone without anyone watching my back- and not just watching.

Red Thread of Fate

Pairing: HuangYe, rather crack.

Tags: Soulmate!AU, Red Threads, Everyone gave up rather easily, I tried.

Warning: Thy might found typos and grammar mistake, thy should know I tried my best. Oh, and there might be switch between Ye Qiu, Ye Xiu in this chapter, but you got the gist.

Disclaimer: The King's Avatar © Butterfly Blue.

Red Thread of Fate


In this world there's a thing about soulmate.

It's said if you and your fated one do a handshake, or even only brushing hands, a red thread of fate will suddenly appear encircling one's wrist connecting one to one's fated one. Leading you into your rest happily ever after.

But those who found their soulmates are few and even rare, only about 15% of the population could luckily found their soulmates. The rest? Not everyone is willing to keep searching until they're old and thus' some people mostly chose to marry with the person they're currently in love with.

Personally, Huang Shaotian didn't really care. He's a free spirit who is more interested in the joy of life instead of love.

And Ye Xiu, since childhood he never immersed himself in love except for familial love for Ye Qiu (and Ye Qiu only). Beside his parents are also not soulmates couple, mentally Ye Xiu acknowledged it as a reason why they never get their happily ever after, love is rather troublesome.

So here they are at the end of sixth season where Blue Rain is decided as the champion and currently celebrating their triumph. Everyone stared.

Blue Rain's ace is staring shockedly to his wrist that have a circling delicate red thread which connecting it to Ye Xiu's own wrist, Ye Xiu also stared at thread with wide eyes. The surrounding people is gawking at them in disbelive.

To be fair, in all this year Huang Shaotian and Ye Xiu indeed never even brushed hands. Ye Xiu is not a touchy feelly person, unless someone initiate it first he would never initiate a handshake. While Huang Shaotian is more to a type that slaps shoulder as a greeting rather than a handshake.

So after Blue Rain's victory where every players congratulate them. Ye Xiu felt it was only appropriate to congratulate them of course with a handshake. Only he never expects a delicate and beautiful red thread would suddenly formed and connect him to Huang Shaotian when the Battle God shook the Sword Saint's hand.


Everyone is too shocked to say something before a gasp resounded courtesy of Chu Yunxiu, the romantic typical girl. "SOULMATES?!" Chu Yunxiu excitedly looked at the red thread in between her newest OTP.

Su Mucheng also jumped in joy, "Ye Qiu..." Su Mucheng's eyes glittered in sincere happiness as if the one who just found a soulmate is her and not others.

"C-congratulation you two." Yu Wenzhou immadiately snapped out of his stupor and hurriedly congratulated the newly-discovered pair of soulmates as a good captain he is.

"W-whoah! Congrats! Congrats!" Lin Jingyan clapped his hand sincerely.

"So lucky..." Zhang Jiale murmured enviously, "... But then again, maybe not" he silently added, it's unknown who is he reffering to.

"And today, we might have witnessed an occurence that might change the world's fate." Li Xuan whispered to Wu Yuce who nodded agreeingly.

Ye Xiu tugged the red thread and let it falls back smoothly, eyes containing a myrth. "So I guess, we're actually soulmates..." no wonder, Ye Xiu could withstand Huang Shaotian even a bit.

Huang Shaotian snapped out of his shock, "No shit!" he exclaimed before also gathered the red thread in his hand, "I can't believe it! I can't believe I've even found my soulmate and even befriend him for two years before knowing he's my soulmate!" Huang Shaotian rambled his inner thought.

"Do you need me to pinch you to convince you this is real?" Ye Xiu asked.

"No way, I knew I've win this season. This isn't a dream." Huang Shaotian glared to his soulmate, but it's void of anger.

"Such display of shamelessness.." Han Wenqing furrowed his brows before sighing, "Congratulation."

"Congrats for finding your soulmate, Ye Xiu, Huang Shaotian," Wang Jiexi smiled helplessly. He actually lost twice today... Not a good day.

"Congrats! Congrats! I'm waiting for the celebration feast," Yang Cong laughed.

"Just wait for Blue Rain's victory celebrating feast," Ye Xiu professionally said.

"Shameless!" Yang Cong speechlessly cursed before shaking his head. This battle god actually tell him to freeloading from enemy's team? "Yu Wenzhou! Look at him!"

"Ha ha. We don't mind it really," Yu Wenzhou joked.

"Senior Ye! Congratulation! I'm happy for you. Huang Shaotian, you should treat Senior Ye Qiu with care and respect alright?" Xiao Shiqin warmly congratulated Ye Xiu and biasedly reminded Huang Shaotian.

Huang Shaotian feels wronged, "Xiao Shiqin, as a fellow golden generation why the hell are you cruelly admonishing me instead?!"

Xiao Shiqin readjusted his glasses, "But I'm also a master tactician. Beside, senior Ye Qiu is fairer than you are." Xiao Shiqin deffended and the rest nodded agreeingly. Ye Xiu's brows raised, feeling quite petrubed, why is he being treated as the lady?

"Congratulation Senior Ye, Huang Shaotian. I hope you guys could reach your happily ever after." Zhang Xinjie congratulated solemnly after that.

Excellent Era snapped out of their daze and flustered over why the other team's player congratulated before them, "Brother Ye, congrats!"

The event quickly turned from Blue Rain's victory celebration to congratulating the soulmate pair of godly players enthusiasticly like the newly discovered pair just announced their wedding days. Many of them even requested to touch their red thread of fate that's somehow made the two soulmates feel violated after the thread is surrounded by a dozen or so players.

"Congratulation Ye Qiu~" Su Mucheng cooed adoringly and hugged her brother figure tearfully.

"Congratulation! I'm so happy for you two!" Chu Yunxiu couldn't resist laughing out loud in joy even the one who discovers their soulmate is not her. As a typical ideal romantic girl, she really love soulmates system.

"Thank you girls," Ye Xiu kindly replied and patted Su Mucheng's head.

Huang Shaotian sighed ruefully, "who knows my victory day would be the day I discovered my soulmate?" Huang Shaotian shook his head, everything still feels surreal to him. "What would I say to Old Boss Wei?" Huang Shaotian lamented.

"What's Old Master Wei got anything to do with this?" Yu Wenzhou asked confusedly.

"I betted if I ever got a soulmate it would be a hot babe." Huang Shaotian bluntly said earning everyone's strange gazes. "I was still young and rash!" Huang Shaotian deffended.

The room's temprature dropped to a chilling degree so suddenly and everyone instinctively glanced to the other half of the soulmate pair. Ye Xiu is smiling, "I see, so you wanted a hot babe instead huh?" Ye Xiu looked sideways, cold glint in his eyes make everyone (even Han Wenqing) shivered in fear.

"No! Of course not! You're no hot babe but you're absolutely hot and gorgeous!" Huang Shaotian hastily stated. Everyone sweatdropped.

The room temprature warmed a bit, "Oh, you. You're still good at praising people." Ye Xiu chuckled.

"Nice save..." Zheng Yuan from Blue Rain wiped his sweat and silently give a thumb up for Huang Shaotian. Everyone rolled their eyes.

"Now, I want to see Old Wei's reaction if he knew this..." Ye Xiu said amusedly.

"He'll have an heart attack!" Huang Shaotian joked with a laugh.

"Yes! Especially since he wished I got a soulmate that will be the death of me. I need to tell him, he's right and he's the one who brought my death." Ye Xiu blow his smoke.

"Hey..." Huang Shaotian said tickedly.

"So... Will you come home...?" In Su Mucheng's eyes there's an additional glint of mischief when she asked this.

Ye Xiu stared and Huang Shaotian grinned, "Nope!" Huang Shaotian answered as he grabbed Ye Xiu's arm.

"He won't go back home. At least for a week!" so the Blue Rain's ace stated.

Ye Xiu didn't come home for a whole month, neither did Huang Shaotian after they sneaked out in the dead of night in the second day of Ye Xiu's stay.

Blue Rain fully take the blame for their ace player had kidnapped Excellent Era's captain.

Their relationship never made to public until later on when Ye Qiu's proclaimed retirement and Huang Shaotian blurted it out to the public.

Huang Shaotian's expression is strange as he listens to the news. The other Blue Rain's players keep giving the chatterbox inquiring glances.

"Shaotian, do you know anything about this?" Yu Wenzhou finally asked, glancing concernedly to the tv then to Huang Shaotian.

"No. He never mentioned anything about retiring..." Huang Shaotian responded a bit lost. Everyone fall into a silent, they knew this is a touchy subject, one had to know in Blue Rain you don't mention how Ye Xiu is hard to read... Because Huang Shaotian also felt he was hard to read and that annoys him as a soulmate.

"What had happened?" Huang Shaotian asked to himself before a scowl -pissed off scowl graced his face, "Who forced him to?"


The news of Ye Qiu's retirement did not just affext Excellent Era but also other club teams. Basically every pro players keeo getting harassed for their opinion about this retirement that shook the Glory's fandom. Now tell these pros how to react when they didn't even know what exactly happened? Ye Qiu did not have any contacts that could be bombarded, at the very most is his QQ, but Ye Qiu doesn't have a phone dammit!

So as Ye Qiu's soulmate, Huang Shaotian become the target of questioning.

Chu Yunxiu: Seriously, What the hell has happened?! Troubling Rain Troubling Rain! What's going on?!

Li Xuan: WHY?! THIS IS SO F*CKING SUDDEN! YE QIU YE QIU. Tell me something, someone please. Old Ye is the last person I would ever thought to retire this season. Troubling Rain do you know anything?

Zhang Jiale: Ye Qiu So you too huh? Why? You have three years domination under your belt. Did you change your mind dear friend? Troubling Rain say something in your soulmate's behalf.

Wang Jiexi: With how sudden it is and what with Ye Qiu didn't tell us anything there must be something more to the eyes. Huang Shaotian Troubling Rain do you know the situation? Has he ever said something?

Zhang Xinjie: Tyranny is in dillema. What is going on with Senior Ye? Suddenly having your enemy vanished without any confirmation is not a good feeling. Troubling Rain please do tell us what happened.

Han Wenqing: Useless. No need to ask that kind of question Zhang Xinjie, if he retired then he retired. Not saying anything meaning he's guilty, about what we don't know. If he refuse to stand up again and chose to leave, then let him be.

Zhang Xinjie: ... Captain Han...

Xiao Shiqin: I need an answer! Troubling Rain what did Senior Ye says? Is he with you right now?

Yang Cong: True! Excellent Era did not even throw a goodbye party! Troubling Rain, Huang Shaotian tell us something. Why did he retire?

Sun Zheping: I saw the news... Seriously what happened? Any of you guys know anything.

Zhang Jiale: We don't. Big Sun, that guy suddenly vanish just like that without even giving us the slightest clue!

Lin Jingyan: What about Su Mucheng? Dancing Rain...

Chu Yunxiu: It's useless... She went completely offline even before the news is revealed.

Wu Yuce: So it got to be an internal problem right? Call someone from Excellent Era!

Han Wenqing: Enough! Don't meddle with others' bussiness!

Zhang Jiale: You may could say that. But we're all his friends... Troubling Rain, you're our last hope...

Huang Shaotian: IDK!

Huang Shaotian glared at the noisy chatroom, everyone keep asking Huang Shaotian about the reason of Ye Qiu's retirement. In the end he just typed down the extremely short message and sent it before turning off his phone, gazing out of the car window. Not in the mood to say anything.

Yu Wenzhou sat beside him, his eyes also locked onto his phone where the chatroom is full and bustling about. In the end he sighed.

Yu Wenzhou: No one knows anything. In the end he chose directly lurked out. I only hope he's gonna be fine the next time we met. #Ye Qiu's retirement.


Huang Shaotian huffed annoyedly as they neared the center building where the gathering will be hold. He knows he will be instantly surrounded with questions once he arrived.

And right to him, once they arrived a sea of reporters welcome them. As the chatterbox, Huang Shaotian is of course their favourite target. After all Huang Shaotian is the most likely to blurt everything in their eyes.

In the middle of reporters there are also several other teams. Zhou Zekai and Samsara were standing desperately there along with Excellent Era and their new Sun Xiang tch!

Huang Shaotian looked back to his share of reporters who started to haul a horde of questions at the same time that almost overwhelm Huang Shaotian. Huang Shaotian's head began to hurt.

"Huang Shaotian, what's your opinion about Ye Qiu's retirement?!" "What do you think?!" "Do you...!" "Can We...!"

"I don't know..." Huang Shaotian answered unsurely but then he smile brightly, his image is thus' a noisy all sunshine cheerful chatterbox, naturally he won't show otherwise. "Haha! It's too bad really! No one ever know what's in that guy's mind." Huang Shaotian said bitterly.

"Do you have any other opinions?" "Yeah! Surely, has he ever express his wish to retire in the pros circle?"

"This..." Huang Shaotian trailled off. He really did not have any other opinions, complains he has many but not opinions. His soulmate suddenly retired and he lost contact of him. It had been really stressing for Huang Shaotian and to be frank he really does not want to talk right now... He's indignant.

What kind of soulmate that gone just like that without any news and information for a whole month?!

Huang Shaotian playfully smiled and looked to his other teammates pretending to do a silent conversation of "Do we tell them or not?". His teammates are understanding enough to play along with a helpless smile on each of them.

Yu Wenzhou shook his head, "No comment. We only hope the best for senior Ye Qiu." Yu Wenzhou stepped up and wished sincerely.

Huang Shaotian leave it to his captain and looked around. Xiao Shiqin and Thunderclap just arrived, Zhou Zekai looked like he'd rather die (good) and Excellent Era is still caught up in their pleasantries and drama.

Huang Shaotian rolled his eyes before his gaze naturally shifted to Su Mucheng who doesn't even hide her unusual displeasure. Her pretty face is expressionless and there's this tiredness and unwillingness in her beautiful honey brown eyes. Su Mucheng caught Huang Shaotian inquisitive gaze and smiled at him with a nod of acknowledgment. Huang Shaotian nodded back, a silent understanding flashed in between them.

"He might feels guilty and frustrated about our performance even though it's not entirely his fault. We were also shocked at first, remembering this is a crucial time in the season. But we respect his decision," The line made Huang Shaotian froze. That might sounded like the Excellent Era is being sincere and all nice also supportive (As if). But they also subtly pushed all the blame toward Ye Qiu, their former captain... They tried to make him fall from the fans' heart.

The cold weather become colder as Huang Shaotian's gaze lingered on the invisible red thread on his wrist. "Stupid soulmate, I've said to you if you suffer any injustice just tell me. I would make Blue Rain purchase you if needed and beat Excellent Era!" Huang Shaotian rubbed his wrist and sighed before turn to the cameras and reporters with a dazzling mischievious smile.

"To be honest, it's really a shock for me. I think his retirement is too suspicious!" Huang Shaotian suddenly laughed obnoxiously. Blue Rain gaped at their ace player while the reporters' eyes gleamed.

"He didn't even give me a head up," Huang Shaotian continued.

"Oh, did you have a close relationship with Ye Qiu, Huang Shaotian?" "You two are close friends?" some reporters asked with heated eyes, while the others stayed silent to listen.

"More than that!" Huang Shaotian chuckled.

"Why did you think Ye Qiu's retirement as suspicious?!" a female reporter urged.

"Well it's because he once said, the day he retire would be the day he agreed to marry me!" Huang Shaotian cheerfully informed. Blue Rain gasped disbelievingly at their ace player. There it goes their lifes! They won't come out of this raging sea! Yu Wenzhou smartly and quickly call for more reinforcement to open up the way. On the other hand, Everyone's voices ceased to exist, the originally noisy place turned into akin like Underworld's silence.

At the distant away, Xiao Shiqin choked and Thunderclap blanked.

While Excellent Era openly gawked, "W-what?!" Cui Li, Excellent Era's manager, choke out. Aside for the pros circle, no one else know Huang Shaotian and Ye Xiu are soulmates. Although the pros are somewhat shameless in gossiping about their peers, it was only applied for their own circle. No one really interested in blurting it out outside the circle. It was Ye Qiu's and Huang Shaotian's bussiness to let other knows.

And players that had debutted after the sixth season never really got a trustworthy confirmation. Gamers nature are always playful, the ones who doesn't know treat it like a joke even if there's someone who casually mentioned it. So Sun Xiang is also gawking incredulously at Huang Shaotian.

"M-marry you?" the reporters began to hesitate, Huang Shaotian is famous for his trashtalks so they're not unsure. Is this a playful statement or the truth?

"Yeah. He had always refuse to get married because he wanted to be free a little. Seriously, it's alway an ache to my heart whenever my soulmate says no." Huang Shaotian sighed dramatically while clutching his chest. Inwardly, he grinned... One.. Two... Three...

""""""SOULMATE?!"""""" All reporters instantly snapped out after hearing that word. One had to know you can't easily claimed someone is your soulmate no matter if you really love that person, as long as there is no red thread connecting them, they're not soulmates. Of course even those who are not soulmates are free to love and marry whoever they wanted. But the word 'Soulmate' is sacred especially if it comes out of one's mouth.

Everyone is shocked but the reporters immadiately shivered in excitement like a horde of perverts. They heatedly stares at Huang Shaotian like a hungry pack of wolves finally finding a prey... A delicious prey.

"That's right! Although... Err that's a secret though," Huang Shaotian said sheepishly. One slip can burn the world, the reporters rejoiced over Huang Shaotian's slip or else they would never know this absolutely juicy gossip. But is that really a slip on Huang Shaotian's part? Blue Rain gulped.

Inwardly, Huang Shaotian smirked, "Secret? That's what you got for retiring without saying anything nor updating on your soulmate, Ye Xiu!" Huang Shaotian grudgingly thought.

"Unexpected! The Sword Saint and the ex-Battle God are soulmates? Wow!"

"My! What a perfect pair you two!"

"Does anyone aware of this before?!"

Horde of questions bombarded Huang Shaotian who calmly smiled, "Yes, we never really expected it really. Actually the first time we know we're soulmates were when the sixth season ended. That was a very big shock yet the best victory present I've ever received" Huabg Shaotian boasted.

"I've proposed many times before but he rejected me tenderly. He said he'll marry me for sire when he's retired. That's why I was very surprised when I got the news. I mean, we haven't even picked the wedding date and he never said anything. It's suspicious really. But I'll search for him later to interrogate-ehem! Question him." Huang Shaotian happily elaborated while waving his right hand. A faint delicate red thread magically appeared around his wrist, going down before becoming more illusionary and invisible. Only the thread's owners that could see where the thread led to.

Everyone inhaled a cold breath, this is the most trustworthy proof that Huang Shaotian did not bull his way. Everyone shivered in excitement just as the reinforcement guards come.

"Huang Shaotian! Are we expecting good news from you soon?!"

"Huang Shaotian! Are you happy with Ye Qiu!?

"Huang Shaotian do you have any mind in inviting reporters to your wedding?!

"Huang Shaotian, are you..."

"Huang Shaotian, is..."

"Huang Shaotian!"

Huang smiled cheekily as the perverts- scratch that, reporters began to got pushed away by the burly guards. "Oh my, time is tight. Gotta go go everyone. Good day! Goodbye~" Huang Shaotian skipped away toward the carved way while the miserable bodyguards are doing their best to prevent the crazy reporters to chase after team Blue Rain.

Blue Rain safely slipped in but they're unsure if they could slipped out later. Just as team Blue Rain is lamenting their fate under everyone strange gazes, team Thunderclap slipped in, haggard and out of breath. Xiao Shiqin lost his spectacles somewhere.

"Huang Shaotian! You're crazy! Absolutely lunatic!" Xiao Shiqin, the ever polite and cinnamon roll-like Xiao Shiqin, actually cursed and glared at Huang Shaotian as if the chatterbox just trying to assasinate him. That might be not far from the truth as they're almost dead out there if it hadn't because of Xiao Shiqin's quick wit.

Huang Shaotian ignored the Master Tactician, in fact he seems to be preoccupied by something in his mind, "Ehehehe, Ahahahahaha... AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Huang Shaotian slapped his knee and laughed further very much like a villain planning for world domination baffling everyone in the guest hall.

"Hiding and not informing anything to me, your soulmate, Ye Xiu you truly dared!" Huang Shaotian cursed tickedly. Every pros looked at him and convinced about Xiao Shiqin's words earlier, they began to slowly backed away toward the lift punching the button pleading it to be faster to get down here.

Huang Shaotian grabbed the red thread and tugged on it forcefully, "So what if I exposed our relationship? Just see what will I do after I found you!" Huang Shaotian chuckled insanely. Yu Wenzhou urged Zheng Yuan to go and fetch a medic as well securities

On the other side of the red thread. Ye Xiu's right hand slipped because of the tug and Lord Grim missed, resulting in 10% health lost. Ye Xiu tilted his head and frowned as he glanced at the delicate red thread. Irritation glowed in the thread symboling Huang Shaotian's mood (It's usual). Ye Xiu tugged back the string and keep playing like usual.

Huang Shaotian's right hand flinched and his eyes twitched at the apparent apathy, "AAAAAGGGHHH!" Huang Shaotian yelled frustratedly

Ye Xiu pursed his lips as the breaking news on the tv played out... Well it's really a breaking news.

"Gasp! I can't believe that noisy Huang Shaotian is god Ye's soulmate!" Chen Guo gasped along with the other Excellent Era's fans.

"The Sword Saint and Battle God... Somewhere a cult might have been formed."

"Right? Right? If what Huang Shaotian said is right. Then our god Ye will marry him soon?"

"That could be possible!"

"Maybe god Ye wants to settle after all."

"What do you think? Who's the seme and who's the uke?"

"Obviously it's god Ye being the seme!" Chen Guo snapped to the last question.

"Ehh? But we know nothing about god Ye... He might be the meek and gentle type, if it's like that Huang Shaotian is more suitable to be the seme..." a girl who is a frequent customer in the internet cafe, Cai Lin, argued.

"Xiao Cai, what do you know? I want god Ye to be the seme, because I idolize him!" Chen Guo argued back.

"Girls, calm down."

"HuangYe is live!" Someone in the crowd cheered.

"Woohoo! Make god Ye wears Red!"

"I support YeHuang!"

"B*tch shut up! HuangYe is way better!"

"Oh no... It starts again, the shipping war!"

"Girls will be girls."

"I said, it's god Ye who be the seme!" Chen Guo not accepted.

"Saint Huang! I love god Ye, that's why I want him to be the uke!" Cai Lin stomped her feet spoiledly.

"What kind of logic is that?!" Chen Guo cried out.

"Chen-jie doesn't understand me! Tang-jie, you're in my side right?" Cai Lin turned toward Tang Rou.

Ye Xiu horrifiedly looked at the smiling beauty, "Yes. Ye Qiu might be suited to be the uke. It would look splendid" Tang Rou answered smoothly. Ye Xiu choked on his cigarrete. Even if that's right, people shouldn't said outloud right?

Ye Xiu fiddled the red thread in his right wrist absently, this situation gets more complicated. He facepalmed. And decide might as well contact Huang Shaotian soon although it's already too late.


Ye Xiu barely supressed a flinch at the sudden slam. His eyes dramatically trailled up to see a suspicious man in a really closed off outfit.

Ye Xiu smiles innocently (a kind of smile that always get him his way, not even the strict Han Wenqing would continue pursue a trouble if he glimpsed on this smile). He doesn't need a close inspection to know who's the suspicious man. After all, the man has a red thread circling on his sleeved wrist connecting him with Ye Xiu.

"You ungrateful boyfriend! Ingrate lover! Unfillial soulmate! Gone without giving any updates, do you think it feels good when your soulmate just gone without any information for months?! You're lucky I love you toomuch or else I'll issued a divorce! A Divorce!" Huang Shaotian hissed venomously venting his rage on his so called unfillial soulmate.

Ye Xiu picked on his ear, "We're not even married," Ye Xiu bluntly replied.

"You-! And You'd think just why we haven't yet?!" Huang Shaotian is almost driven inyo the verge of madness because of this troublesome soulmate of his'.

"Because I still want to seize another championship?" Ye Xiu said cheekily.

"That's-! Wait, WHAT?!" Huang Shaotian's jaw dropped.

"No way! F*ck no way! F*ck NO! Ye Xiu, you said you'll marry me right after you retire! You're retired now, let's get married!" Huang Shaotian forgets his earlier grudge and urgingly proposed.

"No." Ye Xiu smilingly answered in a blunt way. An imaginary boulder with word "No" fell on top Huang Shaotian's head making him almost instantly lifeless.

"At least not yet, my dear soulmate." Ye Xiu whispered consolingly when he sees his soulmate somewhat lost his will to live. Huang Shaotian recovered somewhat.

"No way, Ye Xiu... Ye Xiuuuu!" Huang Shaotian wailed desperately.

"Sssshhh!" Ye Xiu urgingly shushed the noisy younger man. Huang Shaotian effectively shutted his mouth understanding the situation.

"But, you promised!" Huang Shaotian whined

"One championship." Ye Xiu coaxed and cupped his hand apologizingly but des not look guilty at all.

"You're crazy!" Huang Shaotian slumped over the counter and whined more.

"If you reallt want a championship that much, let's go to Blue Rain and wait for your one year dispensation there. With us plus Yu Wenzhou we'll win for sure!" Huang Shaotian holds Ye Xiu's pale delicate hand in his and tugged it like a child... One had to wonder if he's really the seme with his way of act.

"Haha, I'll naturally come back," Ye Xiu stated."In any case, did you bring an account card with you?" Ye Xiu asked and walked off leading them to the secluded are where the sword saint would play.

Huang Shaotian scowled, knowing Ye Xiu doesn't want to pursue the topic, and pulled out an account card. "I got paid so much just for playing one match yet here I am bothering to go out in the dead of night even preparing my own account card just for you. Such a pure true love I reserved for you," Huang Shaotian righteously claimed heartfeltly

"Yes, Of course." Ye Xiu decided to humour his boyfriend, continuing in leading the way to the very corner and empy area.

"Such a heart-shaking love for you!" Huang Shaotian boasted.

"Uh-Um..." Ye Xiu nodded lovingly hearing Huang Shaotian's self esteem.

Huang Shaotian snatched Ye Xiu's arm and keep his distance close while keep walking, "So, do you have a solitary bedroom here?" Huang Shaotian shamelessly whispered.

Ye Xiu's calm smile crumbled into a helpless expression, "No." he answered deadpannedly.

"Damn," Huang Shaotian cursed.

Yu Wenzhou amusedly glanced to the overly calm blademaster player who seems to be rather pre-occupied in staring at the recording of one topic they had just talked about. No one knows what's in the chatterbox's mind ("Hmm... Lord Grim slipped there hey, wasn't it when I pulled Ye Xiu over and kiss him? Ah yeah, he lost some weight..." is what Huang Shaotian thought)

"So, how Ye Qiu is doing?" Yu Wenzhou asked. Huang Shaotian flinched and forced out of his flashback from some nights before to face his captain sulkily.

"Ehh, I don't know captain... I think he's currently happy?" Huang Shaotian solemnly looked to his right wrist where the red thread is glimmering with amusement.

"The day after our triumph over Excellent Era, you slipped out in the dead of night. Coincidentally during your absent, the record is broken and Ye Qiu s team gained a temporary member, a Blademaster." Yu Wenzhou leisurely recounted.

"Really? Ahaha, something like that happened?" Huang Shaotian gulped silently.

Yu Wenzhou raises his brows, "So...?" he waits for the response.

"Uhm... He was so close. I knew I have to take the chance." Huang Shaotian lied smoothly. If said like this no one would ever expect he's actually invited first by Ye Xiu and accepted.

"That's why I gone to visit him. Captain Yu, you know how much I missed that unscrupulous soulmate of mine." Huang Shaotian admitted, fiddling with his red thread.

"I see..." Yu Wenzhou is an understanding type. After all who wouldn't miss that annoying man? Let alone, Huang Shaotian- the soulmate. Even Yu Wenzhou starts to miss Ye Xiu and his... Many annoying deeds.

"So, how was the situation?" Yu Wenzhou asked again, wanting to hear about the information that Huang Shaotian might got when visiting his adorable soulmate. Yu Wenzhou's mind filled with so much calculation.

"Not good at all..." Huang Shaotian sighed regretfully with a hint of helplessness. Yu Wenzhou froze, not good at all? What make the ever optimistic Huang Shaotian said that? Is that mean the next time Ye Xiu come back he'll trample them all like ants? That's so called flexible weapon is that strong? But no matter what it's ultimately only a weapon right? Or had Ye Xiu somehow gathered undiscovered ultimate talents and is nurturing them to become experts?

Just When Yu Wenzhou is solemnly formulating a plan Huang Shaotian continues, "He still doesn't want to get married and worse thing is he didn't even have a solitary and private bedroom there. I tried to coax him into going out and book a hotel but he ruthlessly rejected me saying he got a shift sigh... Not good at all" Huang Shaotian sighed regrefully.

Yu Wenzhou almost fell down from his seat, "S-Shaotian, what I meant is the non-sexual situation..." Yu Wenzhou almost lost his cool at Huang Shaotian's 'situation'.

Huang Shaotian blanked, his mouth formed an 'o' "Oh..." he then grinned sheepishly.

Yu Wenzhou facepalmed.

And Huang Shaotian long and windy journey to marry Ye Xiu officially started with new motto "Advance quickly. Seize every chances. And Marry Ye Xiu!"

Blue Rain got many petition after that to drag Ye Qiu into the team "After all he's gonna be married in" is what the fans said while EE's fans are enraged and curse Blue Rain's despicableness in taking their god for marrying the sword Saint. EE is demanded to prepare a dowry, because finally the EE's fans are willing to let go of their beloved mysterious god if it's meaning to let him have his happily ever after. Some other pros had readily sent a huge celebrating bouquets for the soon to be happy couple until Huang Shaotian mentioned in the QQ, the wedding won't happen anytime soon.

Sigh... It's the longest One Shot so far in my draft. Actually there's supposedly another scene but because of certain things, I cutted it off... I'm still unclear what's the rule in the competition and the spoiler I unintentionally read doesn't even gave a detail of rule.


Soulmate: here from the thread you can see and feel what your other half's mood is. You can follow the thread to find ye soulmate.