AN: Happy Christmas to all who celebrate! And I hope good things for the new year for all!
Chapter Thirteen: Epilogue
Christmas morning dawned early that year. The sun was hidden behind snow clouds, but the glistening white expanse was enough to make sure that the scenery was absolutely gorgeous. When they had arrived back home after the train station, the two of them had fallen into bed where they tried a few new things. Alfred wanted them to be married right away and so Arthur decided to make his fiancée wait for a few things. The next day, after the holiday was over, they would be headed to the courthouse to make everything official. Alfred had already booked a bed and breakfast in town for them to spend their first night together as husbands and they were both looking forward to it.
The entire family was gathered in the living room around the large tree, all laughing and passing wrapped presents to one another. Arthur had a small pile in front of him and he was so grateful that Denise and Joseph had accepted him so thoroughly into their family. He looked forward to all the Christmases that were in their future. He was excited to have a family again.
Alfred could hardly leave Arthur's side. Gilbert commented more than once how sickly sweet they were before Alfred stuck out his tongue at his friend and they both laughed. "You know," Arthur said quietly after a moment, squeezing Alfred's hand. "I never thought when I read your article that it would turn out like this."
"Me either," Alfred whispered, leaning over to press a kiss to Arthur's cheek.
A small electronic ping sounded on Arthur's phone and he pulled away to glance down at it. His face broke into a huge grin and he turned to Alfred. "My royalty check came through," he announced happily. "I guess that means you don't have to pay me anymore."
"That's good," Alfred leaned forward and nuzzled his fiancée. "I didn't want to have people talking about how I hired my boyfriend forever."
"You better get used to saying 'husband' after tomorrow, love," Arthur smiled softly at Alfred.
"I think I can do that," Alfred promised. "I love you so much Arthur."
"And I love you too," Arthur kissed him fiercely as Gilbert hollered encouragement at them from the corner of the room. They smiled as they broke apart, their eyes never leaving each other's.
"Merry Christmas Artie."
"Happy Christmas Alfred."
AN: And that's it! I hope you enjoyed this bit of holiday fluff. I know I did :)