When it seemed that Bella wasn't going to get noticed by Edward during lunch she began to plot her way back into the vampire's heart and the world, even though she was unaware of what Edward was at that moment in time. She would find a way and when she did she knew that Edward would be all hers and no one and she meant no one would be able to infringe upon the union that she and Edward had. It was then that Athena felt a chill run down her spine, something was going on and she knew just *knew* it had dealt with her, Edward and the Cullens. Edward noticed the change in Athena instantly.


"I think Bella has lost her mind and is planning to get you back by any means" Athena whispered knowing that the Cullens could hear her just fine but the rest of the population couldn't. Most figured that the pair was sitting there discussing homework when in fact that wasn't the case.

"How do you know?" Edward asked, he was unable to read the girl so he knew nothing of what she was thinking about or about to do, which had drawn him to her in the first place, the second was the scent of her blood it sang to him, luckily though he had been able to break out of his singer high and realized that she didn't want he wanted or needed in his life. Then again wet dogs hanging around Athena could have help speed that processes along.

"Let's just say that I've had enough of Fate playing with me to know when something is about to change and Fate has a hand in it," Athena explained. Not wanting the Cullens to find out about the Wizarding World and the battle that was going on but what none of them, not even Alice knew was that Athena had an odd relationship with the deity she called "Fate". "Fate" loved messing with Athena and if a chance arose she was more than likely to take it then to let the situation go away. Hence a crazy man out for her blood, vampires in her life and shape-shifting wolves.

"Should I worry about you?" Edward said a concerned look on his face, he would be guarding Athena's house with or without wet dogs living in there. Speaking of which, he would have to speak to Carlisle and Esme immediately once he arrived home to ask about the living situation with Athena. He refused to have Athena unwelcome in the house he called home, and if it went to the point where he would have to move out then he would do so. It would hurt the family, but this time he was going to get it right and right in his world was Athena. Everything began and ended with the small teen that sat next to him. Athena wasn't worried about getting old. So made Athena made the perfect candidate to become a vampire if it came down to it.

"Swan has her plans and I fear they may interfere with you and the shape-shifting wolves" Athena had decided as she spoke that the La Push tribe or pack was nothing more than shape-shifters with hate against vampires. Edward and his family hadn't even known about the La Push tribe until one day when they were out hunting and ran into of the pack members, the alpha in fact. It was then that tensions arose and then the treaty was the result.

"We will deal with it as they come," Edward said before taking Athena's hand and giving it a quick squeeze nothing that no one noticed but something that Athena felt.

"We'll need it," Athena said a small smile. A whispered word from Alice prepared Edward for the on-coming Bella, he hadn't been quick enough to warn Athena so it was a complete surprise that the girl was standing next to their table while Edward pointed out some important facts that he thought would be on the quiz.

"Edward, I've decided that if you think that this, this little friendship you have with *her* is going to stop our relationship then you have another thing coming"

"My friendships and family are my own, and my breaking things off with you had nothing to do with my friendship with Athena and everything to do with you," Edward said not happy with the tone that she was using when she spoke about Athena.

"But, but, but….." Things had not gone the way that Bella had assumed they would. She figured she would sway her way over and then Edward would take her back once she said that he could remain friends with *the girl* as Bella referred to her as. Sadly it hadn't got that far and now she stood here looking very much like a fool, something she didn't like at all and all because of the girl that was sitting next to *her* boyfriend.

"Bella just leaves, Mike and Jessica seem to want you," Edward said pointing to the pair that had begun waving the girl off the moment she stood up and decided to make her way over to the table that Athena and Edward sat at.

"Fine" Bella said before tossing her hair over her shoulder and then thinking up something that she was certain would send Edward into a fit, it had before and she was certain it still would.

"I'm so glad that Jake understands me," she said before walking away waiting for Edward to call her back, she walked slowly but eventually she got back to her table and Edward hadn't called her or even said a word to stop her from going back to her table. This just enraged her even more, this was *NOT* how things were supposed to go. She had figured that being the new girl at school would land her the guy of her dreams, and it had but now he seemed almost disinterested with her and she couldn't seem to figure out why besides Athena feeding lies to him about her. Even she didn't know her so she knew nothing of the history that she had back in Phoenix as a stuck up bitch with a superiority complex, she had begged and pleaded with her mother to send her to private school but when she had told her for the 100th time that they didn't have the money and that she was going to be on the road a lot with her new hubby, she needed a stable home environment and that would be with her father, not a private school. She had a fit and hadn't spoken to her mother for days, actually, she still wasn't speaking to her mother and she had gotten on the plane without a tear in her eye. She would pay, just like everyone else that stood in her way to get what she wanted and what she wanted right now was Edward Cullen. His family may be a bit odd, but she figured she would be able to lie her way into making Edward leave his family for her. Now though her plans were ruined and she had to figure out a way to get her plan back on track.

"I fear for whoever marries her," Athena said which she saw out of the corner of her eye Rosalie smile, something that was a huge feat in itself. Rosalie never smiled and if she did it was usually because of something one of the coven members said, or something that humiliated the humans that she hated oh so much.

"Me too" Edward answered before he was back to pointing out things that he was certain would be on the quiz. After all, he could read the minds of everyone except for Athena and Bella. Soon the bell rang and Athena felt wholly unprepared for the quiz that she was about to take.

"You'll do fine, you seem to know what I'm talking about," Edward said which made Athena feel a bit better but not by much, after all, she understood perfectly when the vampire explained it but when it came to trying to talk about it she was totally at a loss. "That's because you explained it," Athena said before blushing, she hadn't meant to say that but it seemed that it had slipped out.

"If I could blush," Edward said before taking Athena's hand and holding onto it, he cared little at this point on what the population of Forks High School thought of him and his relationship with Athena. Athena had warmed his once thought dead heart yet again, he had missed the general warmth that Athena always made him have. He would for sure be talking with Carlisle and Esme about Athena and his living arrangements. He knew that Esme would be devastated when Athena gave her the cold shoulder, but it had been her idea to make Athena move out just in case Edward decided to include Bella in their life on a permanent basis, so if she got the cold shoulder she had it coming to her.

"Edward" Athena whispered harshly, no one had noticed that their hands were linked but she knew that Bella or one of the Rumor Mill Whores would notice and there would be hell to pay.

"I don't care, you matter and if that means I want to hold your hand then I want to hold your hand" Edward said boldly, this was probably the first time that he ever really admitted to having these sorts of feelings for Athena, even when the small teen had been in his life before he had pushed away the thoughts of being with Athena in something more than friends, now though he was seeing that it truly didn't matter what gender a person was, just so long as they loved you and you loved them, something he had just figured out. He was very much in *LOVE* with Athena and very much *NOT* in love with Bella. She would be what people expected, the new girl getting the hot guy but that wasn't going to happen to him, no he had a small teen that had taken over his once thought dead heart and he was willing to fight for the love that he had for the small teen.

"But what about your….family," Athena said worried, she would hate to break the coven apart. She knew that sooner or later Edward would become bitter with her if that happened.

"They will either accept it or not," Edward said quietly, he knew there would be a coven meeting the moment they stepped foot into the house, just what he wanted to discuss the status of Bella and Athena in the Cullen family/coven.

"Right, accept it or not," Athena said with a nod of her head knowing that the words were being directed to the vampires of the high school and not her.

"Now come on you, you have a quiz to pass," Edward said before standing and making sure that he never broke the connection with Athena's hand. Athena could feel the stares and she knew that one of them had to belong to Bella, something that she feared. The girl was vicious when she got you one on one, but when people were around it was a whole different story which Athena had firsthand knowledge of.

"You matter to me and I won't let *them* think otherwise now," Edward said now pulling Athena up easily, it didn't take much to begin with and it was with a bit of a stumble that Athena fell into Edward the whole time blushing red and knowing that the Rumor Mill had begun speculating what was going on between the pair of them. As the pair left the cafeteria a huge burst of noise followed them, what was going on between Athena and Edward? And it was true that Edward and Bella had broken up? That much they had seen and heard; now it was just a matter of figuring out what the hell was going on. They knew that nothing would be said at least until the end of the day when Bella had free reign of the parking lot where everyone was certain she would make some sort of stance about Athena and the friendship and maybe more if the holding of hands meant anything. There were so many things that had no answers and the end of school couldn't come fast enough for those that wanted and needed to know.

"I'll be here to pick you up after class," Edward said unnecessarily, Athena knew that the vampire would be there for her even though she didn't want him to be there. Athena just nodded her head knowing that Edward would be there no matter what she says and it seems things were back to normal. The whole class period Athena got questions peppered to her during the times that the teacher had their back turned and/or were outside of the room for some reason.

"What's up with you stealing Edward from Bella?" Jessica said in a nasty tone of voice, now don't get her wrong she was willing to move in for the kill if she knew that Edward was in the free and clear but the Athena aspect was making her a bit confused on how far she would get if she tried yet again to make a move on Edward.

"I didn't steal anyone from anybody," Athena said, she too was confused on things. she knew that she meant more to Edward than she had before but she was uncertain on if that was because of the fact that Paul had come out of her house acting as if he had made himself right at home or if in fact Edward realized that Bella Swan wasn't what he wanted in his life for all eternity which it would have to be since once she found out she would have to be either killed or turned and Athena didn't see the first option happening, even if she was a huge cunt with a complex. Athena was certain that the three rulers of the vampires wouldn't find any charm in Bella Swan and her plain features.

"Right, so the whole holding Edward's hand was what? An accident?" Jessica hissed, but her hissing was a touch too loud for it brought the attention of the teacher to her.

"Ms. Stanley there is no talking during the quiz" the teacher reminded her and took a look to see that Jessica had yet to start her quiz while Athena, who he assumed that she was talking to was almost halfway done with her quiz making him wonder on if Jessica was attempting to get answers from the small black haired teen.

"Ms. Stanley your quiz and stay after class," the teacher said, he figured that Jessica was attempting to get answers and Athena was unwilling to give them, hence the rise of her voice.

"But I'm not done," Jessica said looking at her quiz and seeing that she had only put her name and date on the quiz. This didn't look good for her at all, it was bad enough that her sister was the prima donna of the two of them but now it looked as if she would be getting in some serious trouble if she couldn't explain her way out of this one.

"That is the point," the teacher said before putting out his hand and then waiting for Jessica to hand over her quiz, which she did so most reluctantly. Athena watched for a moment along with the rest of the class and then continued. She only had a few more questions and she could already hear Edward's voice telling her the answers. That was the one thing that Athena had missed while they had been apart but right now she was unsure of what to feel, being able to know and hear Edward's voice in her head. She wasn't sure if it was due to Edward being one of her power mates or if it was that she just *knew* what the vampire would say to her in her head.

"That's not fair," Jessica said with a pout, she was going to play the role of Athena trying to get her to give her answers.

"We can discuss that after class but until then just sit there and wait for everyone else to turn in their quizzes."

"Fine" Jessica said still pouting, she would make sure that she sold the teacher on the fact that Athena had been attempting to get answers from her and that was why she had been unable to get any answers written down on her quiz. Forget the fact that she was going to fail it since she hadn't studied but he didn't need to know that, now did he? For the rest of the period, students turned in their quizzes and waited for the teachers to give the okay for moving on to the next topic that he had planned. Athena had turned her quiz is shortly after the teacher had collected Jessica's quiz from her. It was fortunate that by the time the last quiz had been turned in that it was the end of class, so no new material would be started that day.

"You are released, Miss. Stanley" the teacher said before watching the students pack up and leave the room while Jessica sat in her chair and pouted like that was going to get her somewhere. Athena knew there would be more fuel to the fire of the Forks Rumor Mill when Edward showed up at the door ready to take her to her next class for the day and show up she did, it seemed that the whole Cullen/Hale group were at her classroom door waiting for her.

"Is everything okay?" Athena asked a touched afraid of what the answer might be.

"Perfectly, but you have been demanded by Esme to come home with us" Edward said with a smirk on his face, the moment that she had heard about what had happened between Edward and Bella and then Athena, she had demanded to seek out Athena and apologize to her for what she had done to her and all over some silly human girl that wouldn't ever fit into the family, even with the transformation that occurred when you became a vampire. Hearing this Athena was pissed she glared at Edward and 'his' siblings and said in her ice queen voice

"Sorry but no". If they really and truly wanted her to be a part of the family/coven then they would have to prove it and demanding that someone come to visit you weren't winning any sort of points with Athena at this point in time. It just pissed her off, one minute you think that maybe things would work out and then BAM something like this happens. Granted it wasn't a huge deal but to Athena it was, she always seemed to be doing whatever the Cullens told her to do and that had to change she had thoughts and feelings too usually the Cullens discounted her feelings and made her do whatever it was anyway. She figured this would be no different, which lead to a long-suffering sigh, she just couldn't get a break could she Fate?

"No," Rosalie said surprised, she had figured that would be the last thing out of Athena's mouth when they told her of Esme's flurry to get her back in the Cullen home as soon as possible.

"No, I have house guests and I am not going to be rude to them," Athena said she knew the vampires understood what she wasn't saying; that just because one of them wanted or demanded something that didn't actually mean that it would happen.

"I'm sure the wet dogs can manage for an hour or two," Rosalie said her nose stuck up in the air while speaking. She did so hate the werewolf population of the area, and she always wondered why they came back here knowing that the dogs would up eventually show up.

"That "wet dogs" has a name and its name is Paul and the pack. And No I wasn't talking about them, I'm talking about my friends who came all the way from London who is patiently waiting for me at my house, and If you don't like Paul, I don't care….leave your nasty comments to yourself." Athena had always hated when Rosalie along with other members of the coven called the shape-shifters 'wet dogs', she hated people judging people before they even knew them. Rosalie showed her surprise at Athena sticking up to her, only the other coven members would be willing to do battle with her since they were built just as indestructible as she was if it came down to that. It surprised the group just enough that it sent Athena going towards her car to make her way back to her house, no doubt her friends and Paul would probably be waiting for her wondering how things had gone with the vampires. Paul had slowly stopped calling the Cullens leeches; instead he referred to them by their last name, something that Athena happily took since she took that as Paul was willing to bend some of his ideas about the vampires of the area to continue to be with her, by that time the Cullen/Hales noticed that Athena was no longer in front of them.

"Then what was it like?" Athena asked turning towards Edwards and showing him her electric green eyes and the fury that was held behind them, this was why Voldemort feared her, this was why Dumbledore was on a manhunt to find her. The look in Athena's eyes pulled Edward up short, he had never seen Athena this angry before, this side of her oddly made him understand. She was powerful, and it was finally showing.

"And don't give me don't mind Rosalie talk, she knows exactly what she is saying and she chooses to speak those nasty spiteful words. I never liked it and I won't allow her words any leeway any longer." Athena said pulling her arm out of Edward's hand.

"Please Athena" Edward knew there would be a huge fight tonight at the house but what Athena had said was true, they were always covering for her, something that probably only made the situation worse not better. "Please," Edward said in a whisper, he needed to talk to Athena and he needed to do so most desperately, even if that meant putting up with werewolves.

"Fine, my house in an hour" Athena finally broke down, this would give her enough time to talk to Paul and her friends hopefully this would give them enough time to figure things out before the vampire came over. Edward nodded his head and then did something so uncharacteristic of him, he ran his hand down the side of Athena's face with the whole school watching. Athena said nothing to the move, she instead got in her car and made her way to her house where Paul and her friends were probably going stir-crazy with waiting for her. She knew Paul and her friends she just knew they were waiting for her and wanting to know the outcome of her day at school. When Athena arrived home it was to see her friends and Paul standing on the front porch with only a pair of tight fitting jean cut-offs on.