With the help of kelly and boudica Roman was rebuilded though it took many many ours and daies and months. A new ascropolis was built with shrine to all the old gods and statue of Kelly and booduica in the center as the new gods of powar and love to all of the people of the land if any enemies wold threaten roman again they wold come and smite them to death to protect the poeople. Chief becomes the new Ceaser and leaded the alliance of Roman gauls and britons into a new era of peece and richening with the two godess to guide him. They knew Remus was a efil bad man but his brother had been unkid to him so tjey vow to be ruler of a fair and just land. Kells and Boiduca trained with their god powars and eventual manage to gather more powers from the gods that had dyed they dediced to go to the underworld and use them to bring back darkula and tutanshakman and Elkus and all he rest that hard helped them and share the godly powars with them aswell dracolak becomes god of death but a good one not like the bad Hades Elkus became god of animals and beastes and the wildness palces of the Roman Tuteknamah was god of magikcal spells efen General scoprion bevame god of war and battle tactics Salandoris was god of secrets and wisdom kand then Sherk and doinkey was gods of partys feasts a nd music working together they made sure Roman was sfatey. And Boduca and kelly could finally settel down there was no more evils to fite so when they wasnt doing their duties as godessess of the land they would walk together amogst the stars hand in hand and sit and kiss each orther beneath the sunset over the horison ebery nite before bed and they were the happiest peolpe in all of Roman.