So it was about 10 year since the end of Kelly part 2 and kells and boudcai had been ruling the Roman and Britian together in peece for many years. Together they had maked the world a safe palce to live again and had worked to get many romans dollr for them and for the people aswell it was a gold time to be alive! even the salves had many dollars. Chief from Gaul had also maked his alinace with them so all the lands was been at peace and they had maked a council of ruling them in Roman inside Kells and Boudica house it was a big house with roman pillar and a polished marbale floor and ceelings and torches that burn with a saecred fire inside as well and all along teh walls was statues of those what had died in parts 1 and 2 inclueidng Darucla and Tutensakmum and most of all the Caeser. Elkus had gotten his own house it was a stabel maked from ghosty brick and it was some cobweb on the walls and a ancient grandtather clock and some ravens that sat on the roove and did caw caw caw at nite time yes it was very good for Elkus. But one feignful day it was early mordning and Kells and Bouwdica had just waked up form bed Kells kiss her and sayed "good morning boudica what are we to do otday?" we shold go for a nice walk" relies Bodica and kells says "yes that sounds good OK were to go?" "We will go to the ancient roman moors?" "yes" and so they gotted dress out off their payajmas and into roman robes and wented out to moorlands to wealk. the walk was very nice and the sun was out it was very pretty and they was holding hands. Then suddeny kells notice a thing up in the sky it was moving throw teh sky was it a showting star on to make a wish? But then she looks closer and "oh no"! crieys Kells "look wat is that" it was a object moving and a extrmeely fast speed it was coming form space "Oh not what if it is a spaceship!" and they watehcd for few momens as the spacesip hurdled in the sky over Roman and down to the land of Persia in the east. "This cold be bad" mention Boudcia "what if this spaceshup is dangerous!" "do not worry my love we will injestigate it!" and so Kells and Boudica wented to put on their battel clothes and go out to investigate space ship in the desret!