Day 4: Dorm Life

The news that UA was going to turn into a boarding school came as a shock to everyone in Class 1-A. The feeling of surprise quickly diminished however, as they began to get excited about the idea of living on campus as a class.

At least, almost everyone was excited.

The only ones that weren't excited were Izuku Midoriya and Ochako Uraraka.

Sure, they did feel excited about the change, but that was completely overshadowed by a feeling of worry. After all…

They had been dating for about a month and didn't tell anyone yet.

It all started when Izuku had caught himself staring at Ochako and started mumbling about her, which she was able to hear. From there they talked about what had happened, Ochako ended up blurting out that she thought he was cute, while Izuku ended up blurting out that he thought she was beautiful, and they ended up getting together.

They decided to try and keep their relationship a secret from the rest of the class for two reasons, the first was that they just weren't ready to tell them. The other was that they REALLY didn't want to be teased about it.

Before, keeping their relationship was simple, they would just spend their days off together at a certain beach that had all of it's trash mysteriously cleaned up. No-one they knew came by, and if someone did, they could just say that they bumped into each other. This was something that they had to tell Bakugou once.

Now though, it was going to be complicated.

They no longer had the freedom of going to the beach, as the rest of the class would surely notice that the two would often leave together and come back together. As such, they needed to do something else.

After brainstorming for a while, the two eventually decided to go ahead and try and have study sessions together, and that would allow them to spend some alone time together.

However, they knew that they weren't able to keep the secret for long, for one fateful night, they had forgotten to close the door to their room all the way, and Iida happened to walk in on the two mid make-out session while he was trying to retrieve them for dinner. He then went on to tell all the others what he had saw, and now everyone knew, which resulted in a very… interesting dinnertime.

While Iida apologized for his actions, with Izuku and Ochako saying that they forgave him, they still knew that things were about to get really bad for the two of them. Sure, they were thinking that they should be telling the others soon, but there was just one thing that was keeping them from doing so.

"HEY LOOK! THE LOVE-BIRDS ARE BACK!" Mina shouted out as the trio returned from retrieving the equipment for a movie night.

They now had to deal with the entire class, mostly Mina, teasing them for the rest of their lives.

This may be the greatest challenge they have ever faced.

The next day Izuku and Ochako were met with a bunch of knowing looks. Now that the class knew that Izuku and Ochako knew that they knew that the two were together, they were perfectly fine with questioning and teasing the two.

"Sooooo… how long have the two of you been together?" Toru asked on the way to class, making Ochako jump a bit.

"Uh… about a month now?" Ochako responded.


"I… I'm sorry, we just didn't feel comfortable telling everyone quite yet." Ochako said.

"Makes sense for the two of you. I always pictured that you would end up being the 'shy couple.'" Tsuyu responded.

"Wait, you knew that we would end up together?!" Ochako asked.

"Yeah, seemed kinda obvious. We all knew really, just didn't know when." Mina interjected.

"We even set up bets on when you two would get together… Speaking of, who bet on the two of them getting together during the first year again?" Toru asked.

Ochako heard from the distance what very suspiciously like Aoyama saying, "That was me!" But everyone seemed to either not hear him, or completely ignore him.

"Eh, we will worry about it later." Mina responded. "Soooooo… what is it like? Did you two go on your first date yet?"

"Uh, well, we met at the beach a bunch of times on our days off and spent the day together, if that counts." Ochako responded.

"Good enough!" Mina exclaimed.

"WAIT! THAT IS WHAT THE TWO WERE DOING THERE?!" Bakugou suddenly yelled out, making Izuku feel very nervous.

"Oh calm down, you heard what she said, they weren't comfortable telling us yet, so just let it slide." Kirishima said, trying to calm his friend down.

Bakugou didn't respond, but just simply stormed ahead, but not before giving the couple a threatening glare.

"I don't want to ruin everyone's fun with this, but I do think that maybe we shouldn't bother the two of them about this." Momo interjected.

"Huuuuuuh?! Why?" Mina groaned out.

"Well, they are clearly still very shy about their relationship, so maybe we should just give them some space until they are ready." Momo explained.

"I agree!" Iida called out.

"… Fine." Mina groaned.

"Thanks Momo, Iida." Ochako said with a smile.

"That's what friends are for. Now, onwards to class!" Iida exclaimed as they were approaching class.

Before they walked in however, Mina whispered something into Ochako's ear. "Just make sure you keep me updated on everything that happens between the two of you, got it?"

This got a chuckle out of Ochako. "Ok, sure."

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

The End.

Sorry, sorry, I know I said that I would try and stay caught up, but Thanksgiving prep and a lot of Black Friday shopping happened, and I kinda fell behind. That being said, I am going to get everything up today, so be prepared.

Anyways, in case you can't tell what this one is, this is actually a bit of a continuation, while changing a couple of things, for a previous story I did, called "A Speedy Surprise"

One reviewer said that they would want a followup to that, and I thought that it would fit the category for day 4. So I decided to change a couple of things up, explain how the two get together in that story, and show some of the aftermath of everything. I hope you enjoyed!

Anyways, like I said, I am going to try and get the rest of the chapters out tonight, but can't make any promises. So I will see you soon for Day 5: Growing Feelings.