Please welcome my dear GreenLana and Martee98 as they are so sweet to help me beta my work. My gratitude is eternal!

Chapter 1: The Beginning.

The words fell like a hammer on her head, as if her worst nightmare has come to life and it's no April Fool's joke.

Just moments before, the Ministry of Magic publicly announced all young men and women from the Wizarding World between the age of 18 and 45 would be assigned to another then be forced to marry and procreate new life to ensure the survival of the Wizarding gene because the Great Battle of Hogwarts had decimated the Wizarding population tremendously. Under the threat of being banned from the Wizarding World, the newlyweds were obligated to remain together for a five-year period, after which a split could be allowed if there were irreconcilable differences.

For a moment, Hermione wished they'd linked her to Ron Weasley, not because she would have been that happy as they didn't part as good friends but she would have preferred Ron to him. In fact, she would have preferred any other man to Draco, Pure-Blood-Lover, Malfoy.

As she waited, she considered running to another continent, joining the Muggle space program then moving to Mars or their ISS space station. Every possibility crossed her mind in an effort to escape him; any way out would be alright with Hermione but it couldn't be Draco as anyone else would be a better alternative.

She looked up to see him approach her with his face full of anger, an anger her own face mirrored. She watched his stern looking grey eyes as they were run over her face. With a hostile smile on his lips he took an even angrier stance as his body language told her he too believed he preferred any other woman than Hermione Granger to be his wife and the mother of his children. She understood his demeanour and knew his disdain for her was because of her lack of blood purity which ensured her the entire Malfoy family would reject her because of her dirty blood thus assuring her she would have no right to be part of the Wizarding community.

His voice was raspy, cold and distant, "So, Granger it seems we are..." as he rooted his hands in the pockets of his black robes while glaring down at her. She thrust out her chin, holding it high in the air, "Malfoy, allow me be clear, the only way you and I will ever sleep together or have sex will be if I'm knocked out and completely unconscious. I want you to know I'd prefer carrying Filch's baby under my heart than to give birth to any Malfoy offspring. "Clear? Clear," as she poked her finger deeply in his chest with every spoken word.

Before anyone could see her angry tears, she turned around cape swaying and exited the assigned Ministry office stomping her feet loudly.