Consequences of Fate
Ch. 2 Consequences of the Night Out

Harry was starting to regret having a one-night stand with a complete stranger. It had been a few weeks since then and the dark-haired teen had been dealing with an on and off again bout of sickness and stomach pains ever since. He was convinced that the wizard he had slept with had some form of sickness that he had passed to him. It would be just his luck if that was the case.

With a groan, Harry pushed himself off of the bathroom floor, where he had been stuck with his head in the toilet for the past 15 minutes, and flushed. Looking in the mirror while he rinsed his mouth out made him cringe. He looked paler than normal, even with the glamour that hid his true looks. He had bags under his eyes, which were once again hidden behind his disgustingly outdated glasses, and his hair was back to being a bird's nest. He hated having to hide his looks, but he needed to keep way off of Dumbledore's radar. He was supposed to be the broken and malleable pawn; not the healthy, young lord he actually was.

"Harry?" Hermione's voice was muffled through the door as she tapped softly against the wood. She was worried, as was Ron and Remus. They were the only three that had noticed his deteriorating health while they had been stuck in Grimmauld Place. None of them liked being there. It reminded Harry and Remus of Sirius and his death and Ron and Hermione didn't like how miserable it made their friend.

"I'm fine 'Mione." Harry sighed as he opened the door.

Hermione took in how her best friend looked and didn't like what she was seeing. He was pale and shaking slightly still from the shock of throwing up so suddenly. It didn't look like he had been sleeping well either.

"Please Harry, you need a Healer. What if it's something serious?" She fretted as she followed him back up to the Black library, that they only had access too now that Harry was the new Lord Black thanks to his Godfather.

Remus was still sitting in the arm chair where he had been when Harry had suddenly lurched to his feet and took off to the toilet, but he was no longer reading. That was the second time that day and it wasn't even lunch yet. Not to mention the Werewolf had heard him up around midnight getting sick as well. His amber eyes were locked onto the almost 17-year-old and filled with worry.

"It's not serious. It's probably just something temporary that I picked up from someone." Harry muttered, not looking at Remus in slight shame. The last true Marauder did not know about the 3 teens sneaking out a few weeks ago and he would really like to keep it that way. Remus had a look that could make a saint feel guilty and Harry did not want to be on the receiving end of said look. It was practically Moony's super power.

Hermione pursed her lips and looked to the last member of the Trio who was reluctantly doing his summer homework under the Bookworms orders. It was obvious he was listening to them though and after she looked at him, added his opinion.

"You should listen to her mate. We are all worried about you. I have never seen you sick before, Harry. I was starting to think that you had some sort of super immune system." The worried look on Ron's face said just how truly worried they all were. Like Hermione often said, the Weasley had an emotional range the size of a teaspoon. For him to be so worried, it had to be bad.

Then again, this was Harry Potter they were talking about. He was fates whipping boy and for all they know, he could be dying from a disease that hadn't been seen in centuries.

Harry sighed tiredly and ran a hand through his unruly hair. The truth was, he never had been sick before. He never caught a cold, or the flu, he's never even had a runny nose before. Of course, with relatives like the Dursleys raising him that was a very good thing. They would have just shoved him into his cupboard so he wouldn't infect any of them.

"You know I can't just go out and see a healer, you guys. Not only would the Order stop me from going, but even if I did get out, I'd be lucky to avoid an attack, either from the Death Eaters, or the freaking reporters of the Prophet." Harry sighed and rubbed at his temples as a headache started to build. They've been arguing about this for the last two days. "And we don't know how trust worthy Pomfrey is, so going to her is out."

"Would you at least let me run a diagnostic scan? I may not be much of a healer but I at least know how to cast a general one." Remus asked softly, realizing his pseudo godson was getting aggravated.

Harry looked up at the werewolf and saw his worried, pleading face and gave in. He nodded in resignation and held still as the older man aimed his wand in his direction. He just had a feeling that he wasn't going to like the results.

Remus muttered the incantation and quickly snatched the parchment that shot out of the end of his wand to read. He was silent for a moment, just staring rather blankly at what was on the paper.

The young Lord fidgeted in his seat, growing increasingly concerned the longer the werewolf remained silent. He was dying. Or he developed some incurable disease. Maybe he has some sort of magical parasite that was slowly devouring him from the inside out!

"Harry." He finally said in a falsely calm way, his eyes slowly leaving the paper to stare at the 16-year-old with growing incredulity. "Are you seeing someone? A boy, to be specific?"

Harry's panicked mind screeched to a halt in confusion. What did that have to do with anything?

"No." He denied slowly, his confusion clear, "I'm not seeing anyone, boy or girl."

Hermione, having grown increasingly impatient, looked over Remus's shoulder to read the paper and gaped in silent shock. How did she not know this was possible!?

"Have you had sex with a boy recently?" Remus's blunt tone shocked Harry and a blush stole across his face. What did that have to do with anything? Oh Merlin, please tell him he didn't have some sort of sexually transmitted disease!

"I...might have." He hedged nervously.

"And did neither of you think to use a contraceptive charm?"

What? Was all his mind could come up with. Why would he think to use a contraceptive charm? They were both boys. Why would he even know a contraceptive charm? He was gay!

He looked past the werewolf to Hermione, who had a gobsmacked look on her face and then glanced at his red-headed best friend whose face had developed both a horrified realization and a look of self-loathing as if he blamed himself for whatever was happening. Neither of those looks boded well for Harry.

"Why would I have needed a Contraceptive charm, Remus? We were both men."

In answer, Remus handed over the paper and Harry looked down almost reluctantly. Maybe he really didn't want to know.

Pregnant. Approx. 4 weeks.

The words were clear and bold, yet his brain just couldn't comprehend their meaning. It was impossible. Even with magic, men just could not get pregnant, right?

He looked up at the werewolf, whose face still held that falsely calm look and said, "Men cannot get pregnant."

It was Ron who answered though, "Muggle men cannot get pregnant Harry. Usually it takes both a charm and potion for it to work, but there are documented cases of Wizards falling pregnant without them, if both partners are powerful enough. I didn't even think to warn you since both partners have to be pretty equal in power to fall pregnant accidentally and let's face it mate, not many people can match you in power."

Harry felt the blood leave his face and glanced back down to the damning line. Pregnant. Him? Of course, he was. He was Harry Bloody Potter after all. Every unlikely thing had to happen to him. Oh Merlin, he didn't even know the father's actual name!

"So, who have you been having sex with? It would have to be a Weasley, since they are the only ones that were here four weeks ago. Unless you and Severus have gotten over your differences." Remus's voice was calm, but his eyes flashed gold, showing exactly what he thought of his young, previously thought to be innocent, pseudo godson participating in such activities.

Harry had a deer caught in headlights look about him. Oh crap. What did he say to that? He couldn't lie with his werewolf side so close to the surface, he'd be able to sense it. Harry didn't want to lie to him anyway but the truth is really going to set him off. And why did he have to mention Snape? That is definitely an image he did not want to see!

"I'm waiting Harry." There was a faint growl in his voice now and Harry gulped, almost glad that he didn't know the father of his growing baby. At least he won't have to worry about a raging werewolf hunting him down.

"I... I don't actually know his name...?" The Boy-Who-Lived, soon to be the Boy-Who-Was-Grounded-For-Life, will forever deny that he squeaked those words.

"Excuse me?" Remus's voice had gone rumbly and his eyes stayed golden.

The Golden Trio exchanged nervous looks. They had never seen the usually mild-mannered man so close to losing his shit before.

"We might have gone out a few weeks ago... To the club in Knockturn." Harry almost decided to run for it as the older man's eyes narrowed dangerously. "And I might have had a one-night stand with a man I don't know in one of the rentable rooms at the Nightingale Inn right next to it." He rushed the last sentence, somewhat hoping that Remus couldn't understand him. It had taken all of his Gryffindorish courage just to say all of that out loud to the last parental figure in his life.

"And what was this man's name?" The question came out a hiss and if Harry hadn't of known better, he would have sworn that Remus was speaking Parseltongue. "Surly you didn't sleep with him without at least getting his name."

"Marvolo! He said his name was Marvolo, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't his real one."

"Well." Remus started, fingering his wand, "I happen to know a nifty spell that will show us if you're right or not." His voice was almost pleasant just then.

The werewolf pointed his wand once again at the last Potter, and this time Harry had to fight not to duck for cover. Remus muttered the spell and a soft yellow light circled the Savior's still flat stomach before drifting into the air and forming words.

Barrer: Hadrian James Potter
Sire: Tom Marvolo Riddle

Remus dropped his wand. Ron yelled in shocked horror. Hermione covered her mouth as she gasped with wide eyes. And the Boy-Who-Lived, the prophesized savior of the Wizarding world started to sway as he read and re-read those words. I slept with Voldemort. I'm having Voldemort's child. Then his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fell out of his chair in a dead faint.