The Good Doctor is owned by ABC

When I saw the promo for Apple, I thought that it was Shaun that got shot. When that didn't happen, I decided to write this fic.

Shaun had just woken up when his neighbor starts banging on the door. Slowly, he walks up to it, and lets her in.

"You won't believe the crap Armen pulled last night.

He cut the power to my apartment! That's right! No lights, no Wi-Fi, nothing. For fifteen minutes!" She exclaims.

"Mm." Shaun says, wanting her to continue.

"And if I had been on a ventilator, I could've suffocated in that time, right? You're a doctor." Lea insists.

"You're not on a ventilator." Shaun says factually.

"Thank God for that, but I could be! I mean it was dark, I could've tripped. I should sue him." She growls. Shaun's eyes widened when she bites into his apple.

"Sorry, were you gonna eat that? I stress eat." She apologizes. Shaun doesn't know what he did after that, but he'd upset her somehow. Shrugging, he decides to go to the grocery store for another apple. He's holding onto the apple when a man comes in with a gun. The man's shouting at him to put his hands where he can see them, but he wants Shaun to get his wallet too.

"I can't." Shaun speaks.

"Why the hell not?" The gunman demands.

"You said keep my hands where you could see them. My wallet is in my pocket. You can't see my hands if-" he tries to say. He points the gun at Shaun.

"Are you trying to be a hero?" The man demands.

"I'm a surgical resident." Shaun says, trying to calm the man down.

"Huh? Hey! Hey! Shut the hell up! This isn't a game man! I'm serious!" The man shouts.

"Okay!" Shaun gasps, still holding onto his apple.

"Put your damn phone and wallet on the ground right now.

Hey, do you see this, man? I am not playing around! Just put your phone and wallet on the damn ground!" The man demands.

"Come on man just do what he says!" Another customer pleads.

"Please listen to him!" Another customer pleads.

"Shut up! Just shut up and get on your knees! Put your hands and knees on the ground. Get your wallet out right now!" The man demands as the customers complied. Shaun continues to hold onto his apple, covering his ears.

"Hey! I will shoot your crazy ass, I swear to God." The man threatens, pointing the gun at Shaun.

"Okay." He says, utterly terrified.

"Are you listening to me?! I'll do it!" The man shouts.

"Yes." Shaun says, still holding his ears.

"Hey! You hear me? Hey!" The man shouts, and that's when he shoots Shaun. Shaun places his hands on his abdomen, feeling blood pour out before his world goes black. The shooter was knocked out after that, and that's when Shaun was rushed into an ambulance. Meanwhile, at St. Bonaventure Hospital everyone was starting to worry.

"Is he okay?" Claire asks with concern.

"We don't know. This is routed through Basecamp." Jared sighs.

"It says Shaun was there, but it didn't say if he was hurt or not." Claire panics.

"Well, EMS has two critical inbounding. Their hands are a little full to chat right now." Melendez sighs. Suddenly an ambulance rushes through, carrying someone on a gurney.

"25-year-old male. Single gunshot wound to the abdomen.

Hypotensive and tachycardic. Two liters of saline en route." The woman informs, and that's when they all stared in shock.

"Oh my God!" Jared gasps.

"Shaun!" Claire gasps. They're moving fast at this point, rushing him to the O.R. He's fading in, and out of consciousness, only able to look at them for a few seconds at a time.

"Shaun? Shaun? Stay with us. You hear me? Stay with me!" Claire pleads, tears in her eyes as he's rushed to the O.R. She can't do this, she can't operate on him. Sobbing, she runs out into the hall, collapsing into the chair next to doctor Glassman as he holds her. The doctors start working on Shaun, trying to get the bullet out, and to get him stable.

When Shaun wakes up, he finds himself in a hospital. He recognizes this place: it's St. Bonaventure Hospital. He starts walking through the halls, wondering where everyone was right now. He continues to walk through until he sees someone that looks like his brother.

"Steve?" He asks with confusion.

"Hi Shaun." Steve greets with a smile.

"Am I dead?" Shaun asks.

"Not yet." Steve answers, walking him down the hall.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you." Shaun apologizes.

"Hey, none of that. We were both kids. You couldn't have saved me then." Steve scolds.

"I'm still sorry." Shaun informs as they walk into the hospital's chapel. Slowly, they sit down as Shaun looks at him.

"I miss you." He sighs.

"I know you do Shaun. Come here." Steve pleads, holding out his arms to give Shaun a hug. Shaun was hesitant at first, but eventually he finds himself walking over to Steve and pulling him in for a hug.

"What is this?" Shaun asks. He's still not convinced that he isn't dead right now.

"I believe it's called a coma." Steve answers. Shaun's eyes widened. He's in a coma? His injuries must have been more extensive than he thought.

"My injuries must have been worse than I thought they were. "Shaun thinks out loud.

"Hey Shaun, why don't we get out of this nasty ol' hospital?" Steve suggests.

Claire hates this. She really hates that Shaun needs a ventilator. She hates that he's in a coma even more. The worst thing of all, though, was that she's still on her shift, so she can't even visit Shaun right now. Melendez has been wracking his brain trying to figure out what went wrong with Shaun. They'd done everything right, so why was he currently in a coma? It doesn't make any sense. They did everything right… didn't they?

"Don't do this to yourself man. You did everything that you could to help Shaun." Marcus says, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know man, I still feel like we missed something." Neil sighs.