This is the final part of the wedding. I hope you've enjoyed this and it's brought a smile to your face.
Part 3
The Reception
If anyone had their eye on Pallet Town that day (which, incidentally, most people did), they would have seen complete craziness permeating it. Cheers and Pokémon cries constantly split the air following the marriage of Ash and Serena. Everyone that was there was swallowed up by the wave of jubilation that washed through the crowd. Even those that hadn't been invited to attend the reception were still completely giddy to the point of packing up their tents and using their Pokémon to send their own fireworks up in the air as a mark of celebration.
Naturally, Clemont noticed, Ash and Serena had disappeared after their photo session, but considering that Shauna and Brock had disappeared with them (or so he assumed given Aria's presence, but no gawking Brock), the inventor was fairly certain that the two were freshening themselves up before the reception. He could only imagine just how crazy and exhausting actually getting married was. Heck, just standing there through the ceremony made him feel tired. It also made him gulp at the sight of both Korrina and Gurkinn coming over, joined by a conversing Astrid and Rocky. It was almost evening already by now, and Professor Oak appeared to have opened the bar in his backyard (even if it was a sight the inventor hadn't expected), with Tracey running it.
"Clemont! The ceremony was beautiful, wasn't it?" Korrina asked, draping her arm across her boyfriend once she'd made her way to his side. Clemont couldn't stop his knees from knocking together at the thought, especially with how pretty Korrina looked next to him in her cream-colored formal dress. "Serena made a beautiful bride."
"I'm sure you'll look just as beautiful, Korrina," Gurkinn coughed out, his eyes sliding over to Clemont. The inventor laughed nervously, wracking his brain for a response. It wasn't like he hadn't given thought to asking Korrina, of course. He'd brought it up numerous times…and when he didn't, Bonnie tended to. However, there was a mutual decision to not talk about it until after this particular event.
In the end, however, Clemont had no need to come up with a response, all thanks to the loud voice from the bar.
"Whoo! Wedding parties for everyone, yay!" Bonnie's horrendously loud voice wafted over those gathering at the reception. Clemont grimaced, and Korrina was right alongside him in doing so. Paying Gurkinn a small apology, the inventor and his girlfriend ran for the center of the lab's backyard, where numerous people were beginning to seat themselves at their table settings. Bonnie, naturally, was included in that group, sitting at the bar area. Near the center of the reception area, away from a large patch of grass where dancing would take place (albeit with a dance floor set up for the purpose), was the large wedding party table. Cilan was already there, regaling Lillie with tales of a particular malasada he'd once made, the blonde taking notes eagerly.
"Bonnie! What are you drinking?" Clemont yelled in abject horror.
"I'm not drinking anything! Just celebrating!" Bonnie called out, spinning around on her barstool. On the other side of the bar, Tracey was giving a lopsided grin. Oshawott and Pignite were there, too, alongside Corphish, each drinking…something. Whatever it was, Clemont only hoped that it wasn't the same as what Bonnie was having. "Our two best friends are married and we're partying! I think we should do these wedding things once a year…no, more!"
"Dene!" Dedenne agreed, diving into Bonnie's glass with gleeful abandon.
"I tried telling her not to, but Bonnie is a force of nature…" Max sighed out from his own seat further along. Bonnie seemed to order "another" without specifying it was, and to Clemont's complete and utter shock, Tracey apparently obliged her.
"You would know," May said from next to her brother, smoothing her dress' folds out. Max spluttered, turning a bright red, but Clemont wasn't entirely sure if it was from attraction to his sister or just indignation at the thought of it. Though he wanted to deny it, his sister was already sixteen and quite a beautiful girl. From what she said, she'd already had some boys she'd beaten in battle ask her out. Naturally, none of them could keep up with the girl. Only Max, as her "eternal rival", ever had enough presence to go after her in a battle capacity.
"I would not! I just know from our battles. What are you insinuating, May?" Whatever it was that she was insinuating, it was never spoken, since May sprung up from her chair to greet a green-haired boy in the gathering crowd at the reception. That left Max fuming as he stood from his chair. "Well, just you wait, Bonnie! Next time, we settle the battle between us once and for all!"
"Uh-huh, sure…good luck with thaaaat!" Bonnie said, tacking on a giggle. That appeared to infuriate Max even further and he left in a huff. Bonnie tipped her head back and let out a raucous laugh, one that Clemont saw Paul roll his eyes at further down, accepting an orange juice from Tracey. The purple-haired man soon made his way over.
"He isn't here yet?" came the question. Clemont blinked, unsure how to answer before finally shaking his head. That prompted Paul to sigh rather loudly. "Guess I'm sticking around…"
"Paul, you're sticking around through dinner, at least. Show some respect," his brother yelled after him as the trainer retreated. Clemont watched Ash's rival take his leave, and realized that in reality, Paul was never intending to leave at all. He probably didn't want to admit it, but he was likely a little glad at having been invited to the wedding, even if socialization wasn't high on his list of priorities. Seeing that, Korrina finally nudged him.
"Clemont, I think she's drinking apple juice." That made Clemont's face sink; Bonnie wasn't getting drunk at all…she was just being her usual manic ball of energy self.
"My sister is pretending to get drunk on apple juice…can we not invite her to our wedding?" he groaned out without thinking, slapping his hand to his face. Korrina's face lit up brightly, but she didn't pursue the issue, despite her hands clapping together. She, unlike Bonnie, knew what was appropriate for Ash and Serena's wedding.
"Yeah, Korrina, when are you going to keep Clemont? !" Bonnie shouted, spinning around on her chair gleefully. Corphish hopped up on the table, and Clemont soon discovered that Chespin was with him, the two acting like they were the best friends in the world, a glass in each of their hands. "I'm tired of having to ask, and after this wedding, it's too much fuuuuuuuun!"
"Bonnie, can you please calm down? This isn't about me or Korrina. And where's Squishy in all this? I didn't see him at the ceremony," Clemont asked. Bonnie stopped spinning and gave a wink. She was clearly teasing the whole time, but it was starting to drive Clemont completely crazy. It didn't help that some of the Champions were here, too, making Bonnie seem even crazier than usual.
"Fine, fine…Ooh, is that Lionel? Lionel!" Bonnie called. At the same time, Clemont saw Bonnie's dress move around her chest area, along with a light burbling. He wanted to slap himself once again, just before turning to see Lionel making his way over. Behind him, seated at a table, were the three familiar faces of Team Rocket, each clearly looking hungry. At the very least, Clemont reasoned, Bonnie hadn't brought her Pokédex along; the Rotom program would have driven them all even crazier. "How have you been?"
"Just dandy, Bonnie. You keeping up your training and education?" the man asked, leaning on the bar and winking to the blonde. Bonnie grinned toothily as the two gave each other a high five. "That was a fun ceremony, eh? Jack would be proud of Ash, I think. I wasn't able to be there for his wedding, but I'm glad I could be here for his son's."
"You're not here on business, are you?" Clemont asked of the darker-skinned man. Lionel cast him a brief gaze and then sighed.
"I'm always on business these days. From running stuff for the League to just little spelunking expeditions, it's always busy. But busy is good," Lionel noted. Tracey appeared again, sliding over a drink to Lionel without the man ordering it. He took it nonetheless and stared off in the direction of Team Rocket, the trio eyeing the Pokémon there like they were reminiscing about each defeat at their hands. Clemont wondered if they were about to start something, but paid it little mind in the end. "Pretty sure we've found almost every artifact in existence by now. Just looking for a few more."
"We should do some more adventuring one day," Bonnie said. Dedenne agreed, popping out of her glass and splashing the counter with apple juice. "I think we'd have lots of fun."
"That we would, but I think a wedding is adventure enough for one day, don't you?" the leader of ARC asked, reaching over to ruffle Bonnie's hair before she stopped him. "Speaking of, there's Diantha and Lance. Think I'll go speak to them before the married couple turns up."
"Okay!" Bonnie sang out. At that, Clemont reached out and swiped her apple juice from her. "Hey!"
"No more for you. Go and sit at the wedding party's table," Clemont instructed, pointing to where Lillie and Cilan were. Dawn now seemed to be making her way over, departing from two young men that Clemont knew were Kenny and Barry. Gary was already there, too, chatting briefly with the contingent of Kukui, Burnet and Akela. Sighing once more, the blond turned to his girlfriend. "Sometimes, she's too much."
"Aw, you're handling it great Mr. Groomsman," Korrina assured him, adjusting his suit for him and looking his figure over. Beyond, towards the entrance into the backyard, Clemont saw Maka and Keoni, a camera set up to clearly film Ash and Serena. Korrina leaned in and gave Clemont a kiss. "Very handsome. And I'll see you on the dance floor."
"That's what I'm worried about…" Clemont commented. Korrina gave him another pat on the back, and his shoulders slumped, finally deciding to head over to the wedding table. Numerous other guests were filling in at the reception, including Gladion, Guzma and their whole grouping of Aether employees. Plumeria offered Clemont a nod before slapping her boss upside the head. He had to admit that she looked quite nice, dressed for the wedding, but clashed horribly with her far more ruffian-like companions.
Either way, Clemont continued on his way to his seat at the same moment that Brock and Shauna seemed to arrive, making everything almost full up at the main table, except for a dashing Bonnie. From a side door to the lab, Clemont could see Mallow, Lana and Kiawe making their way out with towers of food. The reception was well and truly about to begin. This was especially true as the blond inventor saw everyone invited, from Miette, Sawyer and Conway joining Team Rocket to those from the Kalos Team Tournament days like Bruce, Trent and Portia seating themselves with Team Nova, including little Thea, Bethany and Christopher's daughter.
The last ones to be seated were the obvious family members of the bride and groom, including Professor Oak. Then, there was a sound over the microphone and Harry Kalas' voice, ever-familiar, boomed over the wedding reception with enthusiasm.
"Ladies and gentlemen, it's time, so give a great welcome to the new Mr. and Mrs. Ketchum, Ash and Serena, folks!"
Serena still couldn't believe it, even if the dress on her figure and the ring around her finger were proof enough. She was married! She was now Serena Ketchum, and her husband was staring at her with such a brilliant smile, that she was pretty sure she would melt if Shauna hadn't been supporting her up until now. However, at this moment, it was Ash, slipping his arm in hers, that was supporting her body.
"You got rid of that big long thing on your dress?" Ash asked. Pikachu slapped his forehead atop his trainer's shoulder while Braixen laughed.
"Yes, Ash, I did. I don't exactly want to be tripping over it through the reception," she answered him. He looked pretty interested by that, as though he'd learned some piece of crucial information that he hadn't known before. "Oh, don't worry. I think we're going to be sitting most of the time before the dancing and cake."
"I could go for cake…and cooking…I'm hungry," he admitted, laughing out with a rub behind the back of his head. Serena smiled at that, holding him tighter to herself. For a moment, she wondered if this were all some dream that she was just going to wake up from, but then she figured that Ash probably wouldn't be hungry in those dreams. At least marriage wasn't about to change him, and for that, she was grateful. Her own stomach soon rumbled, however. "Oh, good, I'm not the only one!"
"Getting married is stressful, I guess," Serena admitted, placing a hand on her stomach. She really hadn't realized how hungry she was before, and was glad that one of the famous Delia Ketchum dinners was waiting for them. Thinking on that, she laughed again. "But I'm a Ketchum now."
"Yeah! And our family is gonna be awesome!" Ash announced, pointing forward. No one else seemed to be around the lab they were standing in, merely waiting for the call to go out and take their seats. She was happy to see Ash in high spirits, in any case. "And…I meant what I said. You're totally awesome, too. And pretty. Really, really pretty."
"Pikapi…" Pikachu said, rolling his eyes. Serena appreciated it, though.
"Your vow was very heartfelt. Thank you, Ash," she said, reaching up a bit to kiss him. He returned it, giving his own silent thank you for her own vow. Or, at least, that was what Serena felt. Then an all too familiar face stepped inside the room, their own emcee for the reception flashing them a grin.
"Is our favorite couple all set?" Kalas asked. Ash threw him a thumbs up, and the man appeared to ripple with excitement, dashing to the outside. Serena gripped her husband closer and her bouquet to her chest, the two of them straightening up as Kalas' voice called out to the reception crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, it's time, so give a great welcome to the new Mr. and Mrs. Ketchum, Ash and Serena, folks."
"Here we go!" Ash called, showing all the enthusiasm he would before a battle. They lifted their legs up and took a step forward at the same time, through the door and out into the backyard of the lab. Like at the ceremony, itself, they were met with an eruption of cheers and well wishes. Music began playing in the background, but this wasn't courtesy of Nando, but instead of a video that was splaying itself on an erected screen.
"As a wedding gift from filmmaker extraordinaire, Maka, we have a special clip of the couple, tied together through many ordeals," Kalas spoke as they approached the table, grinning at all of their guests. Ash attempted to hold himself gracefully, though any of his missteps were covered by Serena. The wedding party all stood, with Trevor working his way in to take a picture of them all before the married couple stopped and allowed a few pictures of themselves. Of course, they'd already been through a bevy of photos earlier in the day, yet the smiles remained on their faces for those other pictures.
On the large screen was edited footage, put together by Maka and her whip smart film crew. From images of the Kalos Team Tournament to a surprise piece of footage from when they had recorded for a Pikachu movie during their time in Kalos. It was really a collage of all their different moments together as a couple, making slight tears rest on Serena's eyelashes. Ash even looked a little emotional, clearly remembering each and every one of those moments.
"I never expected you to get so emotional," she whispered to him, the closer they got to the table. Caterers that Mrs. Ketchum (well, the older one, Serena realized) were milling around, placing down plates of food in front of all the guests. Hau and Pipi looked ready to dig in until Gladion slapped him upside the head. Lillie muffled her giggles at the wedding table.
"Well, I mean…it is our wedding, right? No better time," Ash stated with a sheepish look. Serena beamed at him for that, remembering how he'd cried tears of joy at his Alola League victory. More than that, she remembered the most she'd ever seen him cry upon losing his father. Ash certainly had the capacity to be emotional, and she was glad that he had decided to show it here.
"Happy wedding, you two!" Maka called out as Serena watched the video finish to the applause of the guests there. The couple stopped at the black-haired girl having approached them, her flowery dress flapping a bit in the breeze. At her table, Keoni was tossing some green beans up in the air for her Oricorio to catch. "Thanks for letting me be a part of it."
"Of course, Maka," Serena insisted, hugging her former rival. Ash seemed to look off to some of his own. There would be no hugging involved there, for sure, but the nods from everyone, even a far too reticent Paul, showed that they were all congratulating him on the marriage. "And thank you for your gift."
"It was nothing," Maka insisted with a light blush of embarrassment. Then she turned right around and headed for her table. Shortly after, the couple finally reached their own, pausing for a picture with the rest of their wedding party before being seated, Serena placing the bouquet on the table. Kalas leaned forward, speaking into his mic.
"Well, everyone, we've got a fun night ahead of us, so dig in for some dinner in celebration of this power couple tying the knot!" he called out with a cheer. Some responded with their own cheers, digging right into their food, while others were more reserved. Some of the most reserved actually didn't even start eating, with one of them coming right over to the couple. Ash actually seemed to bemoan the fact he couldn't eat.
"You two make a beautiful couple," Diantha congratulated them. Ash stood to greet her, woefully leaving his food uneaten. Pikachu had no such compunction, joining Piplup and Dedenne further down the table to eat. Buneary was there as well, clearly swooning over Pikachu in his little suit. Behind them, Serena could see Pancham and Chespin eating alongside Hawlucha and Noivern. "Thank you for the invite. I made sure Kathi completely cleared my busy schedule just for this."
"I'm glad you could come, too!" Ash said, taking her hand. Serena stood, as well, smoothing out her dress to take the woman's hand, as well. "You should come by for dinner sometime, Diantha."
"Mm, I'd very much like to when I have an opening in my schedule. With the Hub finishing construction, I may not have the time right away….Ah, sometimes I wish you took the duties as Champion," Diantha admitted with a wink, but both of the top trainers laughed it off. Serena was glad to see them getting along, knowing how close the two had become as friends since Ash's defeat of her. "Either way, congratulations, and we'll definitely talk dinner, maybe even a battle of some sort; it's been some time."
"For sure!" Ash agreed, and the Champion soon departed. He now turned to his wife. "Should we just keep standing…?"
"Might as well," Dawn called across the table, popping some potatoes in her mouth and chewing. Ash looked at his food longingly, especially when he heard all of his Pokémon munching away happily. Serena just squeezed his hand and patted him on the back. Their gurgling stomachs would have to wait a little longer. "I'm just saying, you've already got, like, five people heading over."
"Are all weddings this big?" Lillie asked. Dawn shrugged, clearly not having the answer, which made Shauna laugh. Serena looked to her Maid of Honor and the two shared an amused look; both of them doubted any wedding could match theirs, unless it was between Diantha and Steven, or something like that.
"The size does lend a certain flavor to the whole meal. Like a tinge of-"
"A tinge of you shutting up would be nice…" Bonnie snapped, tossing her own carrot at Cilan. The connoisseur took it in stride, but decided to shut up indeed when Gary cleared his throat. Brock suddenly stood.
"Aria, my precious maiden! How lovely to see that you've come to this-"
"Gunk!" Croagunk called out, and Brock slammed forward, his face hitting his potatoes. Aria, who had indeed approached the table, reached out to pat him on the head consolingly.
"I'm glad to be here. Save a dance for me, will you? We haven't talked in some time," the former Kalos Queen spoke to the doctor. Serena stepped forward, taking Aria's hands while Ash regarded a giddily smiling Brock with amusement. "You both looked positively radiant up there. I know I saw you in your dress before, but it was something else up on the altar. Even Palermo thought so, and we both know she's usually a stick in the mud."
"Is she still here?" Serena asked, stepping back. To that, Aria shook her head.
"No, she had to go back with Monsieur Pierre. The Showcase season is starting up soon, and last year's competition was so high, they're looking to elevate it. Probably thinking of new things to improve it. You don't have any ideas, do you?"
Serena didn't, but it did give her mind something to think about for the future, to be sure. Regardless of that, Aria continued to congratulate the couple before leaning down to kiss Brock on the head and disappear back to her table. Ash and Serena waited a moment, greeting some of those that passed by in giving their congratulations, and when they reached a point that no one else came up right away, they sat back down and immediately started in on dinner.
Granted, dinner didn't go without any interruptions. There were a lot of people wanting to come and congratulate the couple on their nuptials, leading to a lot more standing and a lot more breaking in their food. From Misty and Iris, the former surprisingly starry eyed over the wedding ceremony, all the way to Meyer. There was even Seamus, with his assistant from his school looking like a sweet, shy Deerling in the media spotlight of it all. Thankfully, Serena noticed that the media's presence was contained solely to Malva, who was too busy engaging in conversation with Gladion to butt her nose in. The guests continued to come and go in general, with almost everyone looking to get their minute with the couple, who would sneak in quick bites in between all of the meet and greets. Serena soon noticed that even Guzma was eyeing them, only coming over when dinner seemed to be winding down and slamming his hands on the table. In the air, Latias (who was, indeed, attending the event) almost looked a little offended.
"Yo, nice job!" he said, bobbing his head up and down in the spirit of congratulations. "I…er…yeah. Nice weddin' and all that. Thanks for invitin' your boy Guzma, and…ya know…we should battle someday. I got a score to settle and all, so…yeah…"
"Sure thing, Guzma," Ash said in response, reaching out to clasp Guzma's hand. The man nodded, having said everything he needed to, and then he shuffled back off towards Plumeria, clearly letting a big breath out. The woman patted him on the back while Hau just laughed loudly. Hala joined his grandson in the action. From across the way, Serena caught sight of Kahili, the woman raising a glass to Ash. For a moment, Serena thought she wouldn't say anything, until she yelled across the backyard.
"Nice job, Ash! As your teacher, I'm proud! Serena's an awesome woman, so keep her, got it!" the blue-haired woman called. Ash looked mortified by it, but the crowd laughed at the sentiment shared. That was also the moment where Brock deemed it necessary to bang on his glass a bit and rise to his feet.
"What a day for my best friend, yeah?" the man asked, sending a knowing look in Ash's direction. Serena sat back, smoothing out her dress once more and catching sight of her mother. The two women locked eyes for a moment, and she could see the genuine pride and love within her mother's gaze, wishing her all the happiness in the world. However, Serena tore it away in order to listen to Brock's speech, the sun sinking ever lower on the horizon while the lights around the backyard came on. The Pokémon stood up at attention and Pikachu returned to Ash while Braixen came to her own side.
"I met Ash, what, over a decade ago now? At the time he was brash, and stupid and prone to doing lots of things no sane Pokémon trainer would ever think of doing," Brock continued on. Ash scratched at his head, looking embarrassed, while Misty chuckled at a nearby table. "But underneath all that beat a heart of love for people and Pokémon. Sure, he was a little dense most of the time, something that never really went away even after meeting Serena, but he showed a capacity for care that I think few others ever matched…until I met Serena.
"She was smitten with Ash. I could tell almost right away, but kept it to myself because it seemed to embarrass her. The more I watched her with him, the more I knew she cared, not just about him, but about everyone. She held the same altruistic heart as my best friend. Maybe that's part of what drew them together, but I can also say it was their compatibility and ability to inspire and grow from one another that truly made me look at them as a couple. That they survived through all of their hardships to today said as much."
"Hear hear!" Bonnie called, downing another glass of apple juice, but nearly choking on it. Clemont seemed exasperated, while Brock decided to finish up his small speech.
"Anyway, I've seen Ash grow into a competent and capable young man who has never once lost that love and care, and I am very happy to say that he's finally married today!" Brock called to the crowd at large, earning a range of applause. "I wish them the best of futures, knowing that they'll do it together in a way only they can. To Ash and Serena!"
"To Ash and Serena!" called the crowd, with Shauna's voice a little louder than most. Serena looked to her Maid of Honor, coming to stand as Brock sat, the man sending a wink in Aria's direction. The crowd quieted again, waiting for the next speech to be given. Bonnie looked to be bored.
"Serena's my best friend, which is sort of obvious," Shauna stated, flattening out her bridesmaid dress. The crowd was riveted on her speech as she continued on, swallowing. "We met around the same time I met both her and Ash. At the time, it wasn't really obvious to me just how much Serena admired him and cared about him, but the more we competed for the title of Kalos Queen, the more I saw how much they really drew from one another. Especially after their trip to Alola, they were like a whole different couple. Ha, I'll admit, it's hard for me to put it all into words what it was like seeing these two. I saw my best friend and rival go from someone so scared about her future to someone striding towards it because she had a light guiding her, and she helped to guide that light back in turn.
"At the time, I didn't consider it, but now that I'm older…that was love. Real love. Not the kind you see on television or read in the magazines, but one that would always give to one another, even if it took a small part in return. I remember Serena telling me one day that she dreamed of a world where people did both and shared all of their smiles with each other. But, you know…seeing Serena with Ash…she already did all of that for just one person. I'm…I'm really happy to see her married to him, and I know they'll be happy together. So, thank you Serena and Ash, for making me and everyone else here smile."
"Yeah!" Bonnie led the crowd in cheering and clapping. She seemed to go to stand up, as though she, too, was going to give a speech, but Lillie yanked her right back down at Clemont's insistent glare. Clearly the lemon blonde girl was not going to have her chance to say something. She did back up however and whisper harshly enough for some to hear, "Now you just have to make lots of babies. You know what that means!"
"Bonnie!" Meyer's voice boomed across the backyard to laughter. His daughter cowered, though, sticking a tongue out and looking sheepish. Then she scooted back in while Kalas took to the mic again.
"Well, after such heartfelt speeches, I think it's time for one of the most heartfelt moments between this couple to really open up the party! Who's ready for some dancing?"
"Chespin!" Chespin cried, running over to Sylveon and Bunnelby, snaking his vines out to join with the two of them. That was quickly curtailed by Vikavolt and Primarina calming them down, as if to inform who would really be dancing first.
Serena could feel Ash tense up, looking nervous at the prospect of dancing again, but Serena reassured him as he stood. He held his hand out, and she took it, rising to her feet. Bonnie scooted out again, looking sly and reaching into her dress to take Squishy out before throwing him right at Ash's leg. His knee buckled, and caused them to accidentally kiss. Serena rolled her eyes, but accepted it before the couple moved to the dance floor. Squishy returned to Bonnie.
The song began to play across the air of the backyard as Ash placed his hand on Serena's hip, taking her other hand with his own. They began to sway, and as planned, Serena recognized the song as the one they could have danced to at Monsieur Pierre's party back during their journey through Kalos, but had been interrupted. It seemed entirely fitting, and made Serena glad she had chosen it while the two began to whirl around.
"You're dancing very well, Mr. Ketchum," Serena said with a laugh. Ash scrunched his face up.
"That's because I'm trying really hard!…Mrs. Ketchum," he said in return. She leaned up, kissing him once more as the song began to taper down. That looked to be the cue for some others to move on to the dance floor, particularly her parents. Serena soon found herself dancing with her father, while Ash danced with her mother.
Others quickly moved on to the wide-open space, people and Pokémon alike. In particular, Pikachu took hold of Buneary, who snuggled against him, while Greninja and Braixen held an awkward dance. Talonflame and Unfezant likewise danced above with Staraptor and Swellow. Toucannon was dancing with Decidueye, and Serena had to not blink in order to catch the split second of Pancham dancing with Gourgeist and Lycanroc with Inkay (the latter looked particularly odd). Everyone was already joining in on the dance floor in different pairs that made the place positively packed and excited.
"Everyone's having a good time," Y spoke out, drawing Serena's attention to her father. "Your mother cried at the ceremony, and I have to admit, you made a dazzling bride. I think Ash thought so as well."
"Ah, thank you," Serena said. She stood up on her tiptoes to briefly offer her father a kiss on his cheek. It felt right; having him here, dancing with him here…she was glad she had found him.
"Any thoughts on the honeymoon? I don't think anyone's aware," he asked. Serena just winked at her father, getting a laugh in response while they spun away, changing their partners up, only for Serena to find herself in James' arms.
"Not a word, twerpette…" James muttered out. Serena was fine with that, thinking the male member of the Team Rocket trio actually looked quite handsome, all dressed up for the wedding. Jessie had somehow ended up in Ash's arms, her poor husband being tossed left and right by the maniacal dancer. James looked to take pity on the poor soul while Meowth and Wobbuffet danced on by. Beyond them were Maka and Keoni, looking rather combative in their courting dance, and the far more graceful Diantha and Steven. "Although…we did have a request…"
"Hm?" Serena questioned, but James didn't answer. He just looked over to Jessie, the woman seeming to mouth something along the lines of "after the cake". That was all that was discussed as there was another change in partners, with Serena ending up with Lionel.
"Couldn't miss a chance to dance with the bride now, could I?" the leader of ARC said to her. She took it in stride, curtseying a bit before they continued on. Around her, Serena caught Shauna dancing with Tierno as Dawn held an elegant dance with her friend Kenny. Lionel, however, instantly showed he was a much better dancer than her husband. From beyond the dance floor, Hau had dragged Lillie into a very awkward, but blushingly fun dance, while Bonnie and Max seemed to be playing a game of who could step on each other's toes the most. "Was it what the two of you imagined?"
"I'd like to think it was more," Serena told him, gracefully gliding along the floor without an issue. "Will you stop by for dinner sometime?"
"Hm, I'd like to, but it's all in the schedule. I'm sure the two of you would like some more alone time now that you're married, though," Lionel added with a wink. Serena blushed. She always figured that Lionel had been a bad influence on Bonnie, but now she knew just how. "Oh, relax! It's natural. Why, me and my wife-"
"I don't think I want to know, Lionel!" Serena argued. Lionel shrugged, indicating that it obviously didn't matter to him. He did offer her a kiss on the cheek, however, before their partners switched up once more. Ash was paired off with Misty, it seemed, while Serena ended up with Keoni. The young man seemed almost jaw locked, unable to say anything to her while they danced silently. It was really no surprise, given their history, but as the cycle of switching partners was coming to an end, and Keoni spun her once before letting go, he managed to say something.
"You made a good choice. I'm happy for you. Should have never tried to get in the way in the first place," Keoni admitted, chuckling and running his hand through his hair. Serena, seeing how embarrassed he looked, leaned over and kissed him lightly on the cheek.
"So did you," she whispered, and the man looked to Maka, dancing quite freely with her Oricorio and Brock. That was all he needed before Ash returned to his wife's side. "Glad we could have such a fun party."
"So am I," Ash answered, sneaking in a quick kiss while others weren't watching. "I'm still super hungry, though…You sure we can't have cake now?"
"In a little bit, Ash!" she said, swatting at his chest. That made him laugh, and Serena turned back, away from the dance floor and over to where her bouquet sat, quickly grabbing it. Her eyes were drawn to the arrangement of flowers, and her wedding band, glittering in the light. It was still real. She was still married.
While she reflected on this, the party continued on, and the couple took a small rest from it all, only speaking with those who came by, such as Ash's mother when she went to get the cake. Other than that, and a few other well-wishes, they continued to listen to the music and watch some of the dances, like May and her Coordinator friend as well as Alain and Mairin's clumsy one (not to mention the general mosh pit created by the former Team Skull, with Guzma and Plumeria at the center). Some of them seemed to look like meetings rather than dancing, but Serena paid that no mind. It all went on for a while until, finally, Shauna clapped her hands and Kalas cried out.
"All right, folks, looks like we're getting a brief interlude in the dancing for the bouquet toss!" he called out excitedly. The couples on the dance floor all stopped moving, while some of the women seemed to scrabble for the front as the men, particularly Clemont and Alain, hung back as far as they possibly could. Bonnie, naturally, decided to push certain people forward in the vein of Korrina, Lillie and Mairin.
"Are we ready?" Serena asked with a gaily laugh. They all cried out and Serena turned around, looking right at her new husband. Then, with a heave, she tossed it over her shoulder.
"Now, Squishy, as planned!" Serena turned around to see just what Bonnie was talking about as the green blob transformed into a dog and leapt forward, clutching at the bouquet and distributing them equally to the three women that Bonnie desired. "Yeah! Weddings for everyone!"
"You're insufferable, you know that?" Max asked of the lemon blonde, but she just sent a teasing wink out at him. He would have retaliated, but the sound of loud oohing from the crowd cut him off. From Ash's squeezing of her arm, Serena knew it was the cake, and she turned to look at it, her own eyes alight with joy.
It was an absolute marvel, Miette and Delia giddily beaming at them as the cart trundled carefully along the grass. The bluenette sent a wink Serena's way as the cake drew closer. It was adorned beautifully with white roses in three layers, each one more beautiful than the last and wrapped in a white chiffon frosting. At the top were two Pikachu, clearly showing off Pop Star Pikachu and one that was like Ash's own.
"Whoa…mom, you guys really outdid yourselves! I bet it's delicious!" Ash said, pumping his fists into the air energetically. Delia grabbed two plates and winked at him, holding the plates out to them.
"Well, why don't the both of you find out?" Ash's mother suggested as they took the plates, and then the knife. Ash looked at Serena and shrugged, the two of them stepping closer and holding the knife above the cake. Serena reached out to take her husband's hand and together they sliced downward, making the first cut in the cake. There was a flash of the camera as they made another slice, creating the first piece from the delicious dessert.
"Just remember," Miette said slyly, now hanging off of Sawyer's arm while her Slurpuff practically toyed with his Sceptile, "you're supposed to feed each other."
"Oh…we are?" Ash asked. Some people in the crowd facepalmed, but Serena just bit her lip. Ash clearly decided it was a non-issue, taking off a chunk of the cake and holding it out. She swallowed and opened her mouth, feeling more nervous than she had the entire time, until she felt it slide in, the frosting smearing against her lips. The crowd cheered and clapped again. "Your turn, right?"
"Yes," Serena said. From the corner of her eye, she could see Team Rocket inching closer to the cake, clearly looking to nab it all, judging by the cart they had secured in their hands, like Meowth and Wobbuffet would pop out at any time. Finally, she understood their favor…even if noticing it meant she missed Ash's mouth entirely and smeared it on his cheek before getting it inside. That made everyone there laugh and cheer…and then Team Rocket ran for the cake.
"Prepare for trouble the cake is cut!"
"And make it double, we'll get that, Pikachu and you'll deal with us!"
"Chuuuuuu!" Before Team Rocket could even make another sound, they turned at Pikachu's cry, looking positively giddy to see Pikachu's Thunderbolt aiming right for them. Jessie snapped forward, with Inkay going right for the cake and taking a couple pieces for the trio.
"All right, twerpette, this is our wedding gift!" Jessie yelled, right before the bolt hit them. James scrambled forward to grab the dessert with a grin.
"Well, that and the set of baking supplies Jessie picked-oof!" Jessie had elbowed James, and then the attack hit, sending all of their little party flying into the air, as though there was no other way to send them out of the party with style. Buneary seemed even more enamored with Pikachu. The group of Team Rocket flew through the air and disappeared into the night sky.
"Well, I'm sure we'll see them again," Ash laughed out, now officially cutting the cake to give the couple actual pieces. Once he had, his mother took over again, offering her son a kiss on the (frosting-less) cheek as she did so, passing out the pieces to each and every person in the final stages of the party. Ash and Serena, considering what they had left to do, chose to return to their seats to enjoy their cake in relative peace. When they were halfway through, Ash spoke up. "I like this. Being married to you."
"So do I," Serena agreed. They raised their left hands up, matching their rings against each other and clasping them in fists. "I love you, Ash Ketchum. Always will."
"And I love you, too, Serena Ketchum. Until the end," he said. They leaned forward, foreheads resting against one another while everyone was still distracted by the cake. Serena looked upward, kissing her husband once more without all the watching eyes, tasting the cake on his lips. "What do you think about getting out of here? We've already done everything, and Pikachu can handle crowd control."
"You mean like our honeymoon?" Serena asked with a wink in her husband's direction. He didn't give a reaction, but that said it all. Serena's hand slid down, taking his hand in hers and they stood. Up above, Latias appeared to see them, slowly descending for Ash to help Serena get on without anything happening to her dress. Once they had, the honey blonde looked back with the party still in full swing. A few, like their parents and Brock, noticed them going, but not many others, and none of them said anything. Only Bonnie asked about it as they slowly moved away.
"Wait, wasn't Ash supposed to do some sort of garter toss? That would've been interesting…" Bonnie said and Serena was sure the girl was wiggling her eyes.
"You're probably the reason he didn't," Clemont insisted to his sister, but then they both faded out of earshot. Latias took off then, giving them the brief chance to grab the clothes needed for their trip before flying off towards the distance and the destination of their honeymoon in Floaroma Town. They only stopped once they were there, arriving to a small cottage on the outskirts of the town, the air a little colder.
Latias flew off into the sky after they'd landed, as Ash clearly remembered what to do, picking Serena up and carrying her into the cabin. She was glad it was far removed enough from the actual town for no one to know they were there; no one but the flowers that whispered softly as the perfect place for a quiet honeymoon. Upon entering, they quickly made their way to the room and collapsed with exhaustion upon the bed.
The married couple just laid there awhile, hands clasped in one another as the sun rose through the window, and they stared at it before smiling at each other. Serena had always heard the saying that it was the first day of the rest of their lives, and now she truly believed it, lying right next to the man she loved with all her heart and soul. She rolled on to her side, her dress ruffling a little. They held each other's gazes for what felt like the millionth time that night, until she finally kissed him once more, his hand sliding up the bottom of her dress, feeling for the garter that had been there the whole time.
"I'd rather do it in private anyway," he said. She kissed him again.
"I couldn't agree more," she whispered back, leaning into her husband. It had been a day to remember forever, and she couldn't think of anyone else in that moment but Ash, her husband.
And the two that had become one joined together, as the sun rose over their new lives with one another, the same thought in both of their heads. It's the first day of forever with you, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Author's Note: And so, the wedding fic is complete! Whew! This one was actually really hard for me to work on, no lie. I mean, I didn't follow things through to the letter probably, but I tried to create the atmosphere of the wedding. Hopefully I was able to do just that. Sappy? Probably. But I would think even the manliest of men, and especially someone like Ash, would become a little sappy at their own wedding. Hopefully it was humorous as well; Bonnie is a handful. As for the honeymoon location, I want to thank Captain Luky Greace; it really worked. Maybe nothing special, but considering the flower motif I've used, it fit very well in my mind.
Now, all of that said, no, this fic doesn't contain really any heavy hints for Tomorrow. No, I am not writing a lemon despite the requests I've had. However, what will be happening is next week, when the prologue to Love in the Time of Tomorrow begins, and that is where we begin the final buildup process to the end of the Ancienverse. Hopefully you'll enjoy it.
All of that out of the way, time to thank the people commenting here: Black Fuego Rio, RubyOmegaGroudon, alrashidtaseen75, Mkchief34 and lovefanfiction120 for favoriting; FrivMasterAnthony2, Mr Chipote, Asucru and stardust902 for following; and a really huge thanks to Amourshiper35, MythGirl the Pokemon Master, Rajiv A. Rajiram, Omegaz, ShiningAura, Tenzalucard123, ultimateCCC, AdvancedAlto, Mike, TheEnigmatic97, Gehatik, FantasyLover88, ChE clarinetist, XDiamondX90, SinVallie, RWBYSanctum, aliensinnoh, potat lasaro, Alexandria Prime, studyshed, AmourshippingCanon, TheShapeH31, DrkMgcn and 2 guests for reviewing! I hope this wedding fic was enjoyable to you and, in some way, takes its place as a big wedding fic for the Amour community. But beyond that, please Review and, now and forever,
Dare to Be Silly,