A Zeo Beginning

"My name is Emma Gilbert, and I'm no ordinary girl. I'm a mermaid, and a Power Ranger. At least, that used to be true. Something recently happened that made me question everything I ever knew, the lines between reality and fantasy blurred beyond recognition. Just when I was starting to get used to everything, something happened that shook all of us to the very core.

Somehow, Rito and Goldar managed to infiltrate our Command Center and plant an implosion device. They also managed to steal the Zeo Crystal, the only thing that would be able to restore our powers.

"Ai-yi-yi-yi-yi." Alpha whined.

The Rangers exchanged a confused glance. "Alpha, what's wrong?" Tommy asked.

"Rito and Goldar have stolen the Zeo Crystal." Alpha answered.

"But little did we know that our world as we knew it would come crashing down. And our lives as Power Rangers was about to come to an end."

In the midst of the silence, the entire Command Center shook, signaling the detonation of the bomb planted by Goldar and Rito. The shockwave knocked the Rangers off balance and they grabbed onto the control panels to steady themselves.

"Rangers!" Zordon called. "You must evacuate the Command Center immediately."

"We can't leave you!" Adam yelled.

Another explosion went off, causing the Rangers to tighten their grips on the control panels and eachother. "Hurry Rangers!" Alpha shrieked.

"Come with us Alpha!" Rocky urged.

Another explosion rocked the Command Center. "Alpha, teleport the Rangers to safety." Zordon ordered.

Alpha wobbled his way over to the main console and started to iniate the teleportation sequence. Billy raced to stop him, and ended up saving the robot from an exploding console but was injured by the sparks. Alpha finished the sequence, succeeding in teleporting the Rangers out.

The Rangers landed outside the Command Center, just in time to see it destroyed in a massive fireball, throwing them all off their feet.

The six teenagers stood at the top of the mountain, looking upon the ruins of their Command Center. "I hope Zordon and Alpha survived." Tommy muttered.

Emma took a few shaky steps forward, wrapping her arms around herself, "I thought the Command Center was the one safe place Rita and Zedd could never touch."

"Now look at it." Adam shook his head.

"There's got to be something we can do." Rocky's hands fell down to his sides.

"I just wish I knew what." Billy admitted.

Feeling down and defeated, the Rangers sat down on large pieces of rubble. Emma held a jagged stone in her hand, her heart sinking in her chest. She closed her fist around it, lowering her head.

Beside her, Tommy threw another piece of debris off to the side, "It's been completely wiped off the map." he shook his head.

"It happened right under our noses." Emma muttered, taking a shaky breath. "We were so preoccupied with the Zeo Crystal and the Alien Rangers, our resources were stretched so thin the alarms didn't even register Goldar and Rito." She clenched her hand tighter around the stone she held, a light cool mist escaping from what little opening she created. A light crunch sounded and Emma opened her palm, seeing the stone had been frozen solid and turned translucent, almost like glass, and had shattered in her hand.

"Well, looks like you've got your powers back." Tommy noted, looking up at the blonde.

The corner of Emma's lips curled, and she let the pieces fall, wiping her hand on her shorts. "I honestly can't even think about that right now." she admitted, turning to the White Ranger.

Seeing the sadness reflected in her bright, blue eyes, Tommy wrapped his arm around Emma's shoulders and let her rest her head on his shoulder, giving her a comforting and reassuring squeeze. Emma relaxed in her friend's embrace and sniffled, wiping away a stray tear that fell from her eye.

Adam caught sight of something glowing underneath a pile of rubble and jumped up to get a better look. "Hey, you guys. Look." he called to the others, pointing to the sliver of glowing light.

Rocky raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Could it be?"

Emma quirked a brow, getting to her feet, "Is it possible?" She glanced up at Tommy.

"Let's find out." the team leader voted.

The Rangers ran to the rubble pile and proceeded to dig out whatever was buried. When the last piece of debris was removed, the Rangers' eyes widened and grins spread across their faces. There laid the Zeo Crystal, all intact. Tommy held it up for the others to see.

"Rito and Goldar must've dropped it." Adam noted. "I can't believe it survived the blast."

"But does it still have it's power?" Emma asked.

Five colored orbs of light flew from the crystal, stareling the teens. "I think it heard you, Em." Rocky chuckled.

"Tommy, you'd better not hold it." Billy warned. "There's no way of knowing what the implosion had on it."

Once the crystal was laid on the ground, it glowed once more and the ground beneath the Rangers started to crack. "Well, I think we're about to find out." Tanya noted, trying to keep her balance.

The shaking intensified and within seconds, the ground beneath the Rangers crumbled and sent them falling down a deep pit.

The six crash landed in the tunnels that were beneath the Command Center, falling onto various boxes.

"Everyone alright?" Tommy called out, helping Emma to her feet.

"I think so." Billy answered, looking around. "I think we might've fallen into the lower level of the Command Center."

Emma helped Tanya and brushed some dirt from her tribal dress. "You okay?"

The dark skinned girl nodded, "Yes." she replied with a smile. "Thank you."

A loud noise spooked everyone, making them look down a dark tunnel. "What was that?" Adam asked, him and Rocky exchanging an unsure glance.

"I don't know." Tommy answered. "Let's follow it, just stay together."

"No worries there." Tanya muttered. Emma took her hand and gave her a warm smile.

The six teens stayed together as they wandered the tunnels, searching for any signs of either their intergalactic mentor or their robot companion.

"I didn't even know the Command Center had a lower level." Emma muttered, looking around. "How did you know about this Billy?"

"I'm pretty sure this is where I saw Zordon and Alpha working on the White Ranger powers." Billy answered his cousin.

A familiar voice echoed through the chambers, making the Rangers slow their pace and look around. "Guys, that kinda sounds like Alpha." Billy noted.

"Ai-yi-yi-yi-yi." the voice echoed, and all the Rangers smiled.

"Now that really sounds like Alpha." Tommy agreed.

A shockwave hit and the six teens braced themselves against the walls. "Okay, I thought all this shaking was over with." Emma groaned, pressing herself against the wall between Tommy and Tanya.

As the shaking died down, the six teenagers relaxed, "The foundation must be resettling." Billy informed. "Let's hope that it was nothing."

"Rangers." Alpha's voice beckoned. "Step into the vortex."

"The vortex?" Tommy repeated.

"I don't see any vortex." Rocky looked around.

Sticking close together, the Rangers turned the corner and continued down the next tunnel. At the end was an ornately decorated stone door, which opened once the Rangers were in close proximity. On the other side was a swirling, green vortex. Alpha's voice came from the other side, continuing to beckon them to step through it.

Tommy hesitantly reached his hand out and it passed through without much incident.

"This is still a bit out there for me." Emma mumbled, her eyes focused on the swirling green void.

"This coming from the girl who grows a tail." Rocky muttered under his breath, earning a side-glare from the blonde.

"I've got three words for you Rocky." Emma warned. "Living ice sculpture."

After exchanging glances with one another, Tommy was the first to step into the vortex. Emma stepped up to follow a few seconds later, offering her hand to Tanya, who took it with a smile, the two girls passing through together. Billy stepped through next, followed by Adam. Rocky was left standing there alone but was suddenly pulled through by Billy.

When the vortex dissolved away, the Rangers found themselves standing in the middle of a new high-tech facility. There were control consoles and monitors stationed all around the area.

"Unreal." Billy sighed. "I've seen plans for this in the mainframe, but I had no idea it actually existed."

"Hello Rangers." Alpha greeted, stepping out of a section of wall. "Welcome home."

"Alpha!" the Rangers grinned and ran to the robot, hugging him. "Alpha, we thought you were gone forever." Emma patted his shoulder, relieved he was unharmed.

"Oh, it takes more than a little implosion to keep me down." Alpha chuckled. "I'm sure you all will be happy to know that all systems are online."

"Alpha, how did you-" Rocky stuttered. "I mean-where did this place come from?"

"The Power Chamber has always been here." Alpha answered. "We knew there could come a time when the Command Center would become vulnerable to attack."

"Alpha, what about Zordon?" Adam asked, knowing it was on everyone else's mind as well.

"Yeah." Emma added, rubbing her arms. "Is he?"

"Oh, don't even think it Rangers." Alpha squealed. "Zordon is just fine."

Relief swept over the Rangers, the six teenagers visibly relaxed at the news. A second later, the plasma tube at the front of the room began to glow and Zordon's face appeared. "Welcome Rangers." he greeted. "I am relieved you are safe. How do you like our little surprise?"

The six teens stood behind the main control panel, smiling at their mentor. "Alpha has been working on it for months." the intergalactic being continued. "I'm sorry we kept this from you, but we didn't want to worry you unnecessarily."

"Well, I think we're all just glad you're both alright." Billy spoke up, the other five teens nodding in agreement.

"Tanya, I'm sure this must be quite a shock to you." Zordon assumed. "I regret that you didn't have much time to adjust to your new surroundings."

The African teen smiled, "Well it is a little different, I'll say that." she admitted with a chuckle.

"Although we do have cause to celebrate, time is of the essence." Zordon admitted, his tone changing slightly. "You must listen closely to what I am about to tell you. A dark and evil force has descended upon our galaxy."

"Would that be Rita and Lord Zedd?" Tanya questioned.

"I wish it were that simple." replied Zordon. "This force is more powerful than Rita and Lord Zedd could ever hope to be. Rangers, you must prepare to battle the Machine Empire. It could prove to be unstoppable."

"Machine Empire?" Adam repeated, shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't get it. Who are they?" Emma asked.

"Yeah." Rocky agreed. "Where did they come from?"

"And how come we've never heard of them before?" Billy asked.

"How can we fight them without our powers?" Tommy added.

Alpha-5 tried to get the Rangers' attention, but with so many questions being asked simultaneously, his circuits began overloading. "Too many questions. Need time to process." the robot spoke in an automated tone, sparks flying from his shoulders and head.

"Sorry Alpha." Billy apologized. "There's just so much we need to know."

"And so you shall." Zordon replied. "Billy, in time I will try to provide answers to all your questions. Beware Rangers, do not underestimate the powers of the Machine King. These next few days may be the most perilous you have faced since you became Power Rangers."

The six Rangers exchanged glances with one another, knowing that they were Earth's only hope against this new threat. Each giving a nod, they stood before their mentor, ready to hear about the Machine Empire.

"Rangers, the time has come for you to familiarize yourselves with our newest enemy." Zordon instructed, the six teenagers turning to the enhanced Viewing Globe. An image of a blue and silver mechanical being wearing a gold rotating crown came into view. "This is King Mondo, the ruler of the Machine Empire." The image switched to a tall, slender, golden female machine. "And this is his wife, Queen Machina. They have broken away from the United Alliance of Evil and have set their sights on our galaxy." A stout blue and silver machine appeared the screen, resembling a young child with a small gold crown on his head. "This is young Prince Sprocket, heir apparent and his father's eager student." The last image shown was a red, silver, and gold humanoid robot with a smaller, toy-sized robot. "These are Klank and Orbus, footmen of the throne. Together, they make up the leadership of the Machine Empire. They will stop at nothing to control the whole universe."

Tommy shook his head, "I can't believe Rita and Zedd are gonna put up with this." he sighed.

"The Machine Empire is so powerful that even Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa have fled, fearing for their very existence." Alpha informed the Rangers.

"Rita and Zedd, gone?" Adam raised an eyebrow, not fully believing the statement.

"No way." Rocky muttered under his breath.

Emma brushed a few loose strands of hair from her face, "This must be really bad for those two to run."

"Yeah." Tommy agreed.

"Your concern is well-founded Rangers." Zordon noted. "As you can see, the Machine Empire is coming well equipped with fighting machines."

An image of silver plated robotic soldiers appeared on screen along with hovering vehicles firing weapons. "What are those things?" Rocky asked, his eyes widening.

"Those are called Cogs." Zordon answered the Red Ranger. "They are the robotic foot soldiers of the Machine Empire. They have no fear and must be completely dismantled to be completely destroyed."

Tanya pursed her lips, "I don't get it Zordon. What do they want with us?"

"Our solar system is the only one left in a string of galaxies that is not conquered by this evil force." informed the galactic being.

"So once they conquer us, they'll have complete control." Billy deduced. "They'll be no one left who can defeat them."

"That is correct Billy." Zordon confirmed. "Quite literally, the future of our galaxy rests in your hands."

"No pressure." the Pink Ranger sighed under her breath, her low pigtails draped over her shoulders.

"Zordon, how are we supposed to beat this King Mondo dude when we don't even have our Power Coins?" Rocky asked, feeling slightly discouraged.

"Although your Power Coins are gone forever, your recently completed quest has provided us with a new energy source." Zordon explained. "One that will grant you powers than you ever thought possible. Rangers, behold the fully energized Zeo Crystal." a holographic image of the crystal appeared before the Rangers.

"Zordon, before you continued, there's something I'd like to say." Billy cut in, making all the Rangers look in his direction.

"Yes Billy." Zordon granted. "I have I feeling I know what you're going to say."

"What's up, Billy?" Tommy asked, concerned.

The Blue Ranger turned his back, "Well, as we know, the Zeo Crystal has five sub-divisions, which means there's only enough power for five Rangers." he noted. leaning against a smaller control panel.

"I'll step down Billy." Tanya volunteered. "You all have been here longer than I have, and you know how to handle the power."

"True, we have been here longer." Billy agreed. "But, I think there's more to consider than that."

"Like what?" Emma asked.

Billy turned to face his cousin and friends, "Well, working with the Alien Rangers made me realize something, that having me here may be more important than me being a Power Ranger."

"What are you sayin, man?" Rocky questioned, not fully believing what he was hearing.

Billy cracked a small smile, "I'm saying, that I think it's time I pass the power onto someone else." he clarified. "Tanya, I'm giving my crystal to you. From now on, you are a Power Ranger."

The newly welcomed Ranger gave a sincere smile. "Billy, are you sure you wanna do this?" Tommy asked.

"Tommy, trust me." Billy assured. "This'll be good for everybody. Trust me."

"As you know Billy, it is never easy to see one of you give up your powers." Zordon spoke. "However, in this case, I believe you will be of more value to us stationed here in our new Power Chamber."

Emma's lips curled in a smile, her hands resting in her pockets. "Billy, you've done so much for us."

"Emma is right." Zordon agreed. "In our recent time of upheaval, you assumed the role of leader without question. Thanks to you, the Rangers were able to bring the Zeo Sub-Crystals safely home."

"Thanks Zordon." Billy smiled. "And if there ever is an emergency, I can still assume the Zeo Power."

"Absolutely." Zordon agreed.

Tommy stepped forward, "I think you're doing the right thing, Billy." he smiled, glancing at the other Rangers. "We're behind you all the way."

The other Rangers slapped high fives and patted his shoulders. Emma embraced her cousin with a grin, "It'll be weird not having you out there with us." she said, pulling back.

Billy chuckled and tucked some strands behind Emma's ear, "You're a great Ranger Em. You don't need me to hold your hand anymore. Besides, I'll still be here to offer advice if you ever need it."

The blonde nodded and kissed his cheek, "Love you cuz."

"Love you too." the former Ranger replied.

The moment was cut short when the Power Chamber's alarm sounded, making everyone jump. "What is it Zordon?" Adam asked, him and Tanya exchanging a worried look.

"Our atmospheric sensors have picked up a disturbance in the outer security grid." Zordon answered. "Apparently King Mondo is wasting no time. He has sent his Quadrafiighters to survey the Earth's defenses."

Alpha set down five new wrist morphers in front of the Rangers, "Power Rangers, a new day is upon us, and it is time to assume the powers of the Zeo Crystal." Zordon continued, the five teens lining up before him. "These are your Zeonizers, they will allow you to morph and access your new Zeo powers. Value them and protect them as you did your morphers and your Power Coins."

The five teengers stood at the back of the Power Chamber, with their new Zeonizers strapped to their wrists. The Zeo Crystal appeared before them, splitting into its five sub-crystals. "The Zeo Crystal will bestow upon you new powers." The five sub crystals each glowed Pink, Yellow, Blue, Green, and Red. "Emma, from now on you will be known as Zeo Ranger I, Pink. Tanya, you will be known as Zeo Ranger II, Yellow. Rocky, you are now Zeo Ranger III, Blue. Adam, the power of Zeo Ranger IV, Green belongs to you. And finally Tommy, you will assume the identity of Zeo Ranger V, Red."

The sub crystals glowed brighter and the five teens were transformed into their upgraded Ranger forms. They removed their helmets to look over themselves in their new suits.

"Rangers, the power of the Zeo Crystal now resides within you." Zordon informed. "How do you feel?"

"I feel totally energized." Tommy grinned.

"Yeah, me too." Adam agreed.

"Along with this new power, you will have new tools to help in your fight against evil." Zordon continued. In the glass cylinders behind the Rangers were their old uniforms and weapons. "I am very proud of all of you. As Power Rangers, you have served your planet well. But the Power Rangers as you have known them are gone forever. In their place has emerged a new, and more advanced, fighting force. You have now become the Power Rangers Zeo, the next level in the fight against Evil!"

The alarm blared once more, signaling an imminent threat for Angel Grove. "Alright guys, this is the first test of your new powers." Billy smiled at his friends, knowing they were going to be just fine out in the field against Mondo's forces.

"Thanks Billy." Tommy nodded to his friend. "For everything."

"Power Rangers, Zeo!" the five yelled in unison, merging the two parts of their new morphers.

"Zeo Ranger I, Pink."

"Zeo Ranger II, Yellow."

"Zeo Ranger III, Blue."

"Zeo Ranger IV, Green."

"Zeo Ranger V, Red."

The Cogs scanned a large junkyard, searching every inch of the place. The Zeo Rangers appeared, leaping over the foot soldiers and landing on a parked trailer. "Tell King Mondo if it's a fight he wants, it's a fight he's gonna get." the Red Ranger stated.

When the foot soldiers didn't back down, the Zeo Rangers leapt into action. Emma stuck her landing, facing off against four Cogs. She balanced on one leg, spinning around and knocking three Cogs on their backs, and slammed her palm in the center of the last one standing, a mist billowing into the air. Within seconds, the robot was frozen into a translucent sculpture and with a single kick, it was shattered into pieces.

Adam fought off three Cogs from atop the crane. He ducked under the punches coming his way, getting behind the mechanical trio. Once there, he spun kicked and knocked them to the ground where they were destroyed on impact. Beneath the crane, Rocky easily dispatched three more Cogs.

Tanya was surrounded on all sides, trusting in her new powers to help her in her first fight as a Power Ranger. She took her time, taking one Cog at a time. She ducked when a laser was fired at her, and jumped to avoid two Cogs coming at her, and they ended up crashing into eachother.

Taking on a large group of Cogs, Tommy was testing his new powers and pushing to see how far he could go. He jumped from the ground to the top of a large machine, waiting till all of the Cogs were close together. Once they were in place, he leapt down and with a single kick, knocked them into eachother.

The Rangers stood tall, regrouping after their single confrontations. "Yeah, we're back you guys." Tommy grinned under his helmet.

From his new home base on the moon, King Mondo was watching the fight. "Hmm, maybe the Earth isn't defenseless after all." he noted. "It could be interesting to have a formidable enemy. Don't you agree?"

"Yes." chimed Queen Machina. "Our journey to galactic domination has gotten boring. Do the Rangers worry you?"

"Not at all." Mondo replied. "The Rangers seem like worthy adversaries, and may be difficult to defeat. However, it will make it that much sweeter when we scatter them to the far corners of the galaxy."

Back on Earth, Tommy, Billy, Adam, and Rocky were at the beach waiting for Emma and Tanya. "I never thought I'd miss Rita and Zedd's Tengas." Tommy sighed, shaking his head. "Those Cogs were brutal."

"Tell me about it." Adam agreed. "And there's a lot of them."

"Yeah. Zordon said that King Mondo can manufacture them at a rate of one an hour." Billy informed.

"Thank goodness for the Zeo Crystal, giving us those new kickass powers." Rocky chuckled.

"So Billy, what's gonna happen if the Machine Empire mounts a full assault?" Tommy asked. "Now that Ninjor's back in the temple and Zords are gone, we're gonna need help."

"Don't worry, Alpha and I are working on it." Billy assured.

Emma pulled her into a parking spot next to Tommy's Jeep, cutting the engine. "Alright Tanya, you ready?" she asked, turning to her friend.

"Yeah, thank you so much Emma for helping me get settled in." Tanya smiled.

Emma nudged her shoulder, "Hey, I know what it's like to be the new Ranger. It can definitely make you question everything you thought you knew about the world, what with fighting evil aliens and monsters every week." she giggled.

Tanya nodded in agreement, the two girls stepping out of the car. "I think I'll get used to it, with a little help."

"Well, that's what we're here for." Emma linked her arm with Tanya's and the two headed down to meet the guys at the shore. "Now, along with the whole Ranger secret, there's something else you need to know."

"Hey, girls!" Adam called, waving.

"You two look like you've won the lottery." Tommy noted, seeing the grins on their faces.

"Well, Emma's parents said I could stay with them." Tanya informed.

"And we've got her enrolled in Angel Grove High." Emma added. "Barely made the last minute enrollment deadline."

"That's great." Billy grinned.

"So Em, you ready to see if everything's back to normal?" Rocky asked, raising an eyebrow.

Emma rolled her eyes, "Well, normal for me anyways." she sighed, looking out at the open ocean. "This is gonna be the longest ten seconds of my life."

Tommy walked up to her and took her hand, "Well, let's get it over with." he smiled down at her.

"What exactly is going on?" Tanya whispered to Adam.

Adam's lips curled into a smile, "Do you believe in magic, Tanya?" The African girl raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Tommy and Emma walked to the edge of a rock overlooking the ocean, hands clasped together. "On three." the Ranger leader whispered, glancing down at the blonde. "Ready?"

Emma looked up and met his eyes, nodding. "Yeah." She took a deep breath, "One."

A grin crossed Tommy's lips, "Two." He gave her hand a tight squeeze.

The two Rangers exchanged a glance and a smile, "Three." They jumped off the edge and hit the water, their hands slipping out of one another's. The water around Emma began to bubble and her body began to glow a light pink. In a bright flash, she was transformed into a mermaid and her lips spread into a grin.

Tommy smiled and swam up for air, seeing the others at the edge of the rock. "Well, what's the verdict?" Rocky asked.

Emma broke the surface, treading water with her arms, grinning ear to ear. "I'm back guys!" she laughed, splashing water up at them with her tailfin.

Tanya's eyes widened when she saw the golden scales on the mermaid's tailfin. "Is that what I think it is?" the new Yellow Ranger asked.

Adam nodded, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Yep." he answered.

"My cousin's a mermaid." Billy added.

Emma smiled, leaning back to admire her tail. The sunlight hit the scales, making them shine. "See, I told you that you'd get your tail back." Tommy reminded with a smile.

"Well, fearless leader, you were right." Emma smiled back. She wrapped her arms around his neck, grinning ear to ear. "Thanks."

Tommy returned the embrace, "You're welcome." he replied. running his hand over her hair. "Now, everything's back to normal."

Emma pulled back, "Well, our version of normal anyway." she corrected with a laugh.

A/N: Well, there you have it guys, the premier of "Zeo Mermaid Ranger". Hope ya'll enjoyed it and are looking forward to the sequel. Reviews are greatly appreciated.
