
Disclaimer; all characters and copyright belong to SM.

A/N-thank you for the kind reviews and for still following this story!

Chapter Fifty Eight

Jacob was devastated by the fact that Bella had been forced to endure another confrontation with Carlisle on her own. He was constantly blindsided by the evil doctor and it was beginning to make him question everything he was doing to keep her and everyone on the res safe. Bella was especially vulnerable because of the pregnancy and he was concerned that all the extra stress could make her miscarry. She brushed aside his worries when he tried to talk to her about them. She was determined to carry on as normal.

"Carlisle did it because he wants to frighten us." Bella had pleaded with him. "Don't you see this is what he wants. He wants you to start doubting yourself. Don't let him win, Jake."

"You know I think you're stronger than all of us." Jacob swept her up into a hug and placed her on his lap. After everything she had been through she was still fighting. He admired her fierce determination. "I love you so much." He whispered into her hair as he kissed the top of her head.

"I love you, too." Bella leaned her head against his broad chest. She could hear his heart beating strongly. It was such a reassuring sound. Whenever she had trouble sleeping, or when her own doubts would start creeping in, she would place her ear against his chest and listen to the rhythm of his heart. It reminded her that they were still alive and breathing. This life they had built together was worth fighting for.

After a while Jacob pulled away and cupped her sweet face in his hands. "Everything is ready for tonight." He told Bella. "Emily and Kim have finished preparing the food. Quil, Embry and Jared are nearly done building the bonfire." A grin formed on his lips. "It's so huge it's gonna look like a beacon from space."

Bella was glad to see the smile back on his face. God, they all needed this time together. The party would alleviate some of the stress they had all been living under. It was chance for everyone to come together. She felt Max brush against her legs and she glanced down at him. The dog looked eagerly back at her. He seemed excited too. Bella took this as a good sign. "Right, I need to start getting ready." She declared, slipping off Jacob's lap.

"Why?" Jacob pretended to pout as he reached for her again. "You look beautiful just the way you are."

"Jake, I am not going to this party dressed in my ratty old jeans and guess what neither are you." Bella grabbed his hand and tried to pull him up, but he stubbornly stayed in place. "Jake, c'mon just this once." She batted her eyelashes at him playfully.

"Ugh...I hate wearing clothes. They're too confining. It's just family, honey. Can't I just wear my shorts?"

"No." Bella frowned and put her hands on her hips. "Us girls are making the effort so we expect you guys to do the same." She pointed a finger toward his room. "Go and put your party clothes on, Jake."

"Bossy much." Jacob rolled his eyes as he laughed. "I'm only doing this for your sake, honey."

"Thank you. I'm touched." Bella smiled and blew him a kiss as he reluctantly headed to his room to get changed.

It was a beautiful night. The air was warm and balmy. The bonfire was as large as the house, the sparks flying well above the tree tops. It's dark smoke was lost in the night, grey melting into black, dulling the shine of the stars. It took centre stage as it lit up the eager faces of the large group gathered around it. For the last few hours Billy and then Old Quil had shared stories about the tribe's past. It was like an induction for Colin and Brady who were only hearing the legends about the past wolf packs for the first time. Bella rested against Jacob's warm body, feeling completely relaxed and at ease. The party had gone off seamlessly. There had been enough food to feed everyone, even to satisfy the wolves stomachs. For a time, after the stories had ended, a few of them had drifted off into smaller groups, before coming back together again when the bonfire began to die down.

Looking at the beloved faces of the people she had come to regard as family made Bella feel a fierce sense of pride that she had been accepted by the community. All her life she had been seeking exactly this, a family, friendship, a place to call home. Now she had it. And now she, and all the people that were gathered in this one place together, people she loved, were going to fight for this home. They were going to fight to make it a safe place for future generations to grow up in. Because Bella realised this fight wasn't just about getting rid of Carlisle Cullen's evil. This fight was about sending a message to the vampire world, letting them know that they were not welcome here. That the pacific north west was a dangerous place for any nomad to roam because it was under the protection of a noble pack of wolves, who would defend their homeland from any threat seeking to destroy it.

Bella felt her eyes closing at it neared midnight. Max's head was resting in her lap. She stroked the soft fur between his ears absently. It had been such a peaceful night, and also an inspiring one. The bonfire may have burnt out now, but the fighting spirit within the spirit warriors was still burning. Some of the pack had already left to go on patrol. Jacob had stayed behind to supervise the clearing up. He put Colin and Brady to work. The young shifters were eager to impress their Alpha and did their duty without complaint. Bella fought to keep her eyes open as she watched the two young boys running around doing Jacob's bidding. They were already on the cusp of manhood. It was too soon for them. Much too soon. This thought sobered Bella and her hand drifted to her rounded stomach. Was this her baby's future too?

"May I talk to you, Bella?" Old Quil asked warmly as he settled beside her.

Bella shook herself awake. She returned his smile tiredly. "Of course." Max huffed, seemingly irritated at the interruption. Bella rubbed his ears soothingly and he calmed down.

"I hope you don't mind but Billy asked me to help him research this mysterious Nahuel." Old Quil said cautiously.

"I expected he would." Bella patted his hand to reassure him. The elder looked concerned, as if he was worried she might burst into tears. "It's okay. I promise."

"That's good." Old Quil relaxed. He took off his baseball cap and began to turn it around and around in his hands. "At first I was going to wait and talk to you all together but then I thought that perhaps I should talk to you privately first."

Bella was immediately more awake and alert after he said this. "Have you found something?" She held her breath, waiting.

"Yes." Old Quil said faintly.

Bella noticed that the old man's hands were shaking as he kept twisting his baseball cap around and around in a nervous gesture. She suddenly felt sick to her stomach. "It's not good news is it."

"No." Old Quil's gaze was full of sympathy as he looked directly at her. "You have been through so much, my child. I wish I could deliver happier news."

"Just tell me, please." Bella felt Max tense beside her as he picked up on her unhappiness. "What did you find?"

"When Billy told me the name of your potential grandfather something stirred in the back of my mind. I swore I had come across the name before." Old Quil's dark eyes drifted away from Bella as if he was looking into the past. "It took me a while to figure out where. At first I thought I had come across it in one of our ancient manuscripts, then quite by chance I came across an old etching of my father..." He gulped as if finding it difficult to speak suddenly.

"Are you okay?" Bella asked in alarm. Old Quil's complexion had turned grey. "Shall I get someone?"

"'m fine." Old Quil took a deep breath. "I've lived a long time, Bella. I was alive when the last wolf pack roamed these forests. My father was my hero, along with Levi and of course Ephraim." The elder's rheumy eyes became wet with moisture. "They were good men, proud warriors...but you already know that Ephraim wasn't always wise in his choices. He made the original treaty with Carlisle Cullen and convinced my father and Levi that it was the right thing to do."

Bella took the old man's hand and clasped it between her own. His skin was paper thin. "Are you sure you don't want me to get you anything? Water perhaps?" She offered again.

"No." Old Quil shook his head emphatically. "I want to tell you the rest."

"Okay." Bella felt Max stir next to her. He had risen to his feet and was focused intently on the elder.

"It was only when I saw the etching of my father that something that had been buried in the back of my memory came to light. I've met Nahuel, Bella."

"What?" Bella gasped. She was incredulous. She stared at the old man in shock. "How?"

"When I was a child." Old Quil continued softly. "He was in the company of my father. It was only a brief meeting. But I remember thinking he was a warrior, just like my father. I assumed he was from another tribe of some sort, although I couldn't tell where. When I asked my father about him all he would say was that he was negotiating a deal with Nahuel."

Bella stilled as she met Old Quil's stricken gaze again. "Oh my god he was the chief negotiator wasn't he? He was the one who brokered the deal between Carlisle and Ephraim. He was the go between."

"It seems so." Old Quil agreed heavily. "I don't think even Ephraim would have truly trusted a cold one's word. But we now know that Nahuel was a hybrid. He would have seemed so human to Ephraim and my father."

"And therefore more trustworthy." Bella shrivelled up inside. All her hopes and dreams about Nahuel had crumbled to dust. He was in league with Carlisle, he had been working for him. "Do you think he might have had something to do with Ephraim's disappearance? If they trusted him..." She couldn't finish.

Old Quil's face crumpled right before her eyes. "I always wondered what had happened and now we know."

Bella was forced to put her arms around the elder. His memories had hit him hard. He trembled with emotion as he grieved for the past. She felt her own tears wetting her skin. She was feeling betrayed by a man she had never even met. It wasn't fair or right. It took Bella a moment before she noticed Max was behaving oddly again. He was shaking his head as if a fly was buzzing around his head and he was trying to shake it off. She let go of Old Quil and stood up, quickly running over to the stricken animal.

"What is it, Maxie? " Bella caught hold of his head and made him look at her.

Old Quil had joined her as he tried to compose himself. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"I don't know." Bella was getting frightened. She glanced around for Jacob. She saw him in the distance still supervising young Colin and Brady. "JAKE!" She called loudly. "YOU NEED TO COME HERE."

Jacob came running immediately. The two young shifters were hot on his heels. He covered the ground in record time and fell onto his knees beside Bella. "What's going on?" His attention was immediately focused on Max. The dog was trembling violently. Wolf's dark eyes were alight with misery. "Bella, get back." Jacob ordered her immediately.

Bella complied at once. She pulled Old Quil along with her. Jacob remained n front of Max, watching him warily. "What is it, wolf?" He said in a low voice.

Max whined, pawing at the dirt. Then suddenly his whole body jerked and twisted. He rolled over and over with Jacob hastening to capture him. But as soon as he touched wolf's hot body he dissolved right in front of him and morphed into something else completely. It was a man, smaller in stature then Jacob with skin a rich dark brown and eyes the colour of warm teak. He lay on his back, breathing heavily as he gazed up at Jacob in despair.

"Who the fuck are you and what have you done to wolf?" Jacob raged as he grabbed hold of the man's long braided hair and forced him to rise onto his feet.

"I am wolf." The man cried in a deep voice like molten chocolate. "You recognised the warrior inside. I am Nahuel. I can morph into what animal I choose. It is part of my gift and allowed me to get close to my granddaughter. I have been trying to protect her in the only way I can. Tonight the old man remembered me. He told my granddaughter, but he got it wrong. He got it so wrong. It was time for me to show myself. It was time."

A/N-thanks for reading!