[Hi everyone, I hope everyone is in good from today. In case any of you ask, I got the idea from this story after I read the manga for Rosario + Vampire (although I think I preferred the anime), and, while I really don't mind Tsukune's character, I thought that it would be good to add a character that is a bit less… scared of everything. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this story, and if you have any comments, please don't be shy.]

He was just staring at the wall in his room, lost in his thoughts on the night that changed him altogether. He was unable to forget the night that he lost his family, his friends and everything he knew and cared about.

Everyone he knew was involved in an accident when he was seven. His family was invited to a wedding reception of the parents of one of his friends, who also became friends with his parents. The party, despite what he was afraid of, was actually quite cool. While the adults were having a fine-dining celebration while the kids were let out into a playground that was right next to an ice-cream stand. He had enjoyed the company of his friend and all the other kids, all of them playing loads of different games, from tag to hide and seek (which he was brilliant at), it was great.

However, it all soon came crashing down. The kids soon started to smell smoke. Unsure of what was going on exactly, they soon started to get worried. The man standing at the ice-cream stand went back into the hotel to see what was going on. He tried to tell the kids that everything was alright as he left, but it didn't work, as they soon heard screams coming out of the hotel. He was soon starting to cry from the fear.

"What's going on? Why are people screaming? WHAT'S GOING ON!?"

"Hey, Ethan, Wake up!" came a voice.

The boy, now known as Ethan, woke up from his slumber. He sat up an looked around, wondering where the voice came from. As he rubbed his face, trying to get himself to wake up, he started to remember that dream. To him, it was the beginning of the end, something he wish could just have been a dream. After he managed to wake himself up completely. He hauled himself out of his bed, looking around. There was a white wardrobe, a wooden desk with a chest hidden under it and a desk lamp on said desk and a mirror over the desk. There was also a poster of a skeleton wearing a cloak and had a background of crimson flames, the words "Shinigami" written underneath the figure. Other than that, the room was completely bare.

He went to the wardrobe and opened the door, lifting out a pair of denim jeans, a white "V-neck" t-shirt and a black zip-up jacket. He put them on and decided to look at himself in the mirror. His facial features consisted of an angular face, green eyes and silver hair that had a slightly spiky fringe, but was much spikier at the back of his head. His hair naturally took that shape as he got older. He tried to style it to make it look normal, but it quickly returned to its original shape after just a few seconds. He gave up trying after a while. He just brushed his right hand through his hair briefly and made his way to the door.

"Hey, Ethan, are you still there?" came the voice again.

Ethan sighed. "Yeah, Yeah. Don't get you panties in a twist, Tsukune."

As he reached the bottom of the stairs, his nose met the scent of, surprisingly, chicken and cheese. He followed the scent into the kitchen of the house. His eyes soon met the sight of a boy who was the only person he considered a friend. He head brown, regular looking hair with a couple of spikes sticking out of the sides. He also had brown eyes, was less than 6 feet, and wore a simple, white t-shirt, striped pants and an apron that said "I love food".

Ethan sat down at the small table, sitting on a mat cross-legged. "Morning Tsukune, what's cooking?" Ethan asked.

"You're not going to believe it. I made… fried chicken for breakfast!" he exclaimed with a smile on his voice.

Ethan, who was seldom surprised by anything, slightly raised his eyebrows. It was unusual to see Tsukune trying something different to cereal or rice for breakfast. This would be because if there was anyway to describe the boy, Tsukune Aono, it was… "Average". He was average at everything, whether it be at sports, school work, cooking or anything else, his skills were, while not bad, were not very impressive. This wouldn't usually work well in his favour.

"Fried chicken? What happened to the Tsukune who never once strayed from a regular breakfast?" Ethan asked.

Tsukune gave him a smile as he gave him a plate of the chicken with a cup of coffee to go with it. "I thought, at your suggestion that I try to add a bit of variety in my life. What better way of doing that than making one of the best foods ever for breakfast?" he answered.

Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. He lowered his hand and looked directly at his friend. "Doesn't fried chicken give you a stomach ache if you eat it too early in the morning?" he asked.

"Yep, that's why I never go for anything too good until evening time." He said confidently.

Ethan stared at him for a moment. Soon after, he placed his breakfast on the table and stared at Tsukune with narrowed eyes and a small smirk on his face.

"What happened?"

Tsukune's face immediately paled and his confident smile turned into a nervous one. Once again Ethan has managed to catch him out, as he had been able to do since the two have met.

"Wh-wh-wh-what do you mean?" Tsukune asked, unable to shake the fear coming off of him.

Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose as he answered. "The only time you try to act "Un-ordinary" is when something's bothering you." He lowered his hand and looked straight at his friend, who had a more depressed look on his face now.

"C'mon, you're always telling me to open up about my problems, is there harm in trying it in reverse this time?" Ethan asked.

Tsukune was silent for a moment. He broke it as he went over to the kitchen counter, picked up a sheet of paper and handed it to Ethan. Ethan scanned the page quickly. When he was finished, he let out what could only be a sigh of defeat and looked up at his friend.

"Another rejection? C'mon, that's the third entrance exam you failed this month!" he said.

Tsukune slumped back onto the ground, an aura of gloom practically radiating off of him now. The main problem about him being an average kind of person in general was that his school grades weren't able to compete with others. All the other kids in the country were able to pull ahead of Tsukune and take a spot for themselves in the registration for different High Schools. He had applied to many, but once again he had fallen short.

"I don't know if I can keep doing this, Ethan. No matter how hard I try, all the study and tutoring has gone to waste." Tsukune said, his depression now visible in his voice.

Ethan briefly looked offended. "Hey, I managed to help you out with co-ordinate geometry, right? Without me you wouldn't have been able to pass at all." He pointed out. He took a quick sip of his coffee before continuing to speak. "Besides, there are still plenty of good options out there. You just have to keep looking."

Tsukune's head was now resting in his hands. "Yeah, right. Who would want a dull, ordinary guy like me when they can have the sportiest and smartest kids available? I'm just a joke compared to them."

With that, Ethan picked up a knife and quickly pointed the tip at Tsukune's nose, causing him to roll backwards with fright. When he recovered, he saw Ethan giving him a steely expression on his face.

"Give that up, man. You're going to make something of yourself one day. I know it. So don't just sit around feeling sorry for yourself; if you don't like something, do something about it instead of moping and crying about it." He said sternly.

Tsukune gulped. He was always amazed at how terrifying Ethan could be when he wanted to be. It was one of the reasons he didn't have a lot of friends in his last school (that and he broke a bully's right arm and all his ribs when he made fun of him), so it was a miracle that Tsukune was able to work up the courage to talk to him. Ethan kept ignoring him at first, but the average boy was persistent, not giving up until he managed to get somewhere.

Then one day, Tsukune had been trapped by a group of bullies. He wasn't able to do much, as he didn't really know how to fight. He received a strong punch to his left eyes, causing him to fall back and yelp in pain. The bullies laughed at him. The attacker was about to stomp on Tsukune's head when, as the foot was inches away from his face, a hand appeared and grabbed onto the foot. Tsukune looked to where the hand was coming from and saw that it was Ethan who stopped him.

With a strong vice grip around the foot, he pushed it back up as high as he could, causing the bully to fall onto his back. Ethan then gave him a powerful fist to his chest, causing a few ribs to break inside his chest. The other bullies tried to beat up Ethan, but he proved to fast for them; he gave one an elbow to the side of his head, knocking him out cold, another received to side kick to the stomach that sent him flying away from the group. Two more both tried to punch him simultaneously, only for Ethan to roll under their punched and stand up behind them, grabbing onto their heads and smashing them against each other.

When he was finished, he walked up to Tsukune. Tsukune was afraid that he would be next, closing his eyes in preparation for whatever might come his way. Instead, he opened his eyes to a helping hand and a small smirk from his defender. With a large smile, Tsukune took his hand, and the two have been friends ever since.

Tsukune quickly nodded his head to show he understood what Ethan said. The latter put the knife back down and picked up his coffee mug, downing what was left inside. He then picked up a piece of chicken and took a bite.

"Well, we can worry about the school thing later. You started the day off with a weird surprise, so why not make the rest of the day spontaneous?" he said half-joking, knowing that Tsukune was rubbish at "spontaneous".

"How about we go to the video arcade, you still owe me a match at that "Time Crisis" game." Tsukune suggested.

Ethan shrugged his shoulders. "Sound good to me. Get dressed and let's get going." He answered.

Tsukune gave him a smirk. "Who are you? My mother?" he asked sarcastically.

"If I was, I wouldn't have held a knife to your face." Ethan pointed out.

Tsukune made a slight chuckle before heading upstairs. While Ethan waited, he picked up a magazine he saw and read an article talking about a new film coming out next month. He didn't go to the movies much, but he liked staying up to date on things around the world, whether it be actual news or pop culture.

When he was finished, he heard Tsukune walking down the stairs. He was now wearing a black shirt, denim jeans and white sneakers. Ethan threw the magazine on the table and they both made their way towards the door.

"Get ready to lose again, bud. When it comes to shooting games, I never lose." Ethan stated.

"Yeah, well, today I say I'm going to have a little more luAAAAGH!" Tsukune said. Before he could finish his sentence, he was slammed into the wall by the front door as he was just about to open it. Ethan was a little bit behind him, so he managed to avoid getting hit with the door. He looked to see what had happened, only to see Tsukune's parents walk in through the door.

"This is a perfect day today!" Mr. Aono said.

"I couldn't be any happier than I am now!" Mrs Aono said. When she finished, she saw Ethan standing at the doorway. "Hello, Ethan. How are you? I hope you're comfortable in our house this summer."

"Thank you Mrs Aono, I'm okay. Tsukune and I were about to hit the arcade, actually. Speaking of which, I think he's still stuck behind the door." Ethan replied.

Confused, both of Tsukune's parents were confused at first, until they looked behind the door and saw their son now planted into the wall.

His mother simply smiled. "Oh, Tsukune, there you are. I have great news!" she said. She then turned to Ethan. "Is it alright if we talk to him for a bit before you head out?" she asked nicely.

He gave them both a thumbs up. "No problem. Just need to get him out first." Ethan went over to his flattened friend and peeled him off. Tsukune thanked Ethan while he was being carried back into the kitchen. When he was put down on a stool, he came back to his senses, and his parents started to talk to him.

"Tsukune, do you know how you haven't been doing well in the entrance exams for all those different High Schools, lately?" Mrs Aono asked.

Tsukune immediately slumped. "Yes, I know."

"Well, we have good news! We found you a school that is willing to take you in without the need for an exam!" Mr Aono said.

Tsukune and Ethan both looked at the parents like they had two heads. Ethan suspected that wherever they were, they must've been serving many beverages.

"Where exactly did you hear of this school?" Tsukune asked.

Mr. Aono handed him a flyer. Tsukune read over it as his father answered his earlier question.

"I got this flyer from a creepy looking priest that we were walking past on the way back here. The flyer fell out of his pocket, so we just picked it up and read it out of interest. Isn't it great?"

Tsukune looked at his parents with pure disbelief while Ethan looked at his, now suffering, friend with surprise. "Your folks must be reeeally desperate at this stage." He said.

"Guess so." Tsukune said. The parents were dancing with joy, much to Tsukune's further disbelief. They were planning on sending him to a school that they had never heard of before, the only piece of information being from a flyer they got from a person they didn't even speak to. Somehow, what was left of his luck was now flushed down the toilet.

"Alright, now you two can go enjoy your games now. See you later." Mrs Aono said.


Ethan and Tsukune took the liberty of skipping the game arcade for the time being. Tsukune didn't feel up to it, while Ethan felt it wasn't fair to beat him when he was this upset. Instead, they went a a nearby diner and got burgers and fries. Tsukune got them both chocolate milkshakes, which Etan didn't have much of. Tsukune left his head on the table, still thinking about what had happened.

Ethan sighed and started to eat his fries as he tried to cheer his friend up. "Look, I know it was a bit of a shock, I would probably feel the same if I was in your position. But, well, you never know. It might be pretty good." He said. After a few seconds of letting it sink in, he saw that he wasn't getting anywhere.

"Can I see that, by the looks of it, talking to you won't get us anywhere." He said. "Do you still have the flyer?"

Tsukune rubbed his face up and down, a form of depressed nod Ethan saw from him before. Tsukune pulled out the flyer and handed it to Ethan. The latter scanned the flyer. According to it, the school was called "Yokai Academy". It basically said that it was a place for unique individuals, each of whom were given a chance to live a better life, away from the hustle and bustle of the world.

Ethan re-read it a few more times. He wasn't so sure about it anymore. What it seemed to be promising was a little too good to be true for his liking. He finished the rest of his fries before coming up with an answer to the solution.

"Well, it seems like you're going to go to this school whether you like it or not." Ethan said.

Tsukune raised his head. "I thought you were trying to cheer me up!" he exclaimed. He grabbed his milkshake and started draining it, not giving a rat's backside whether or not he gets brain-freeze.

"Which is why I'm going with you." Ethan finished. This caused Tsukune to spit-take, just narrowly missing Ethan's head. When he was finished, he looked at Ethan with a shocked expression on his face.

"WHAT? WHY?" he asked.

"Well, aside from wanting a change of scenery, it wouldn't be fair to send you there without back-up. Besides, it might actually promise what it preaches, and provide us with a good education in the process. So, you okay with this?"

Tsukune wasn't sure what to say. Ethan had already earned a few requests to go to a number of high schools after he did so well in his exams and tests in the school they both went too, all of them were of great quality. He sighed, knowing that he couldn't let his friend risk his future like that.

"I'm sorry, Ethan. I can't let you do it." Tsukune said.

After a moment of silence, there were a couple of chuckles coming from somewhere. Tsukune looked up and, much to his surprise, saw that it was Ethan laughing away to himself. When he was finished, he shook his head.

"You're pretty funny, Tsukune. You actually think I'm letting you think you've a choice in this matter." He picked up his milkshake and took another sip. "I know it may seem a little bit of a pain, considering your parents are making you go there, but like it or not, I've got your back."

Tsukune was at a loss for words. His face changed back to a smile and thanked him.

Ethan raised his glass into the air. "What are friends for? Cheers."

Tsukune raised his glass into the air. "Cheers."


"Man, the one thing I don't miss about school." Ethan said to himself.

After Ethan and Tsukune told them that they were going to the school, they were more than happy to help both him and Tsukune with getting the supplies they need. They had the schoolbooks required, stationary, bags, even their uniform, which consisted of a white shirt, red tie, yellow pants and a green blazer. Tsukune didn't mind, but Ethan felt really uncomfortable in it.

"You never know, you might get used to it." Tsukune offered.

"Yes, certainly. Who wouldn't get used to an outfit that's designed to make you itchy like hell." Ethan replied.

Tsukune sighed. He hoped that when they arrived at this school, no one would try to get on his nerves. Ethan has proven time and time again that he could beat someone senseless (even tearing a phone book in half to scare a couple of guys who tried picking on a girl a couple of years ago), he would need to make sure that he keeps him calm before he tears someone limb from limb.

They talked about a few more things for a while before they heard a car horn blaring. They turned to where they heard the source and saw a school bus coming their way. It seemed like a normal bus. When it stopped right in front of them, the doors opened, revealing a man in his forties, pale skin, a bus-driver uniform, the hat that went with the uniform covered the top half of his face, except for his eyes that seemed to glow underneath.

Ethan wasn't fazed by his appearance, but Tsukune was shivering slightly when he first saw the driver. They got on the bus, the driver giving them a smile and telling them to enjoy the ride.

"Well, this is it. You ready?" Ethan asked, making himself comfortable on one of the seats.

"I don't know. If it comes to it, please put me out of my misery." Tsukune said, getting a chuckle out of Ethan.

Ethan had fallen asleep while Tsukune was left alone with his thoughts. He thought what his new school was going to be like. Life wasn't exactly extravagant for him; the only interesting thing that ever happened to him was meeting Ethan, who was practically a human shredding machine.

Tsukune often wondered what happened to him when he was younger. For as long as he knew him, Ethan had been orphaned when he was little, moving from different foster homes, not just in the states, where he was born, but in different places around the world. Under different circumstances, the idea of seeing the world sounded great, but he knew that foster care was a difficult process for kids. When he hit Japan, and a couple of weeks after Ethan saved him from the bullies, Tsukune's family offered to take him in; both Ethan and Tsukune were happy with this, as they had become good friends quite quickly.

Now, however, they were both headed into a whole new environment. While he was worried he would make a mess of things for himself, he was worried that Ethan would find it troublesome to find new friends.

He sighed as he continued to stare out the window. After a long while of sitting on the bus, he was close to falling asleep himself. However, he was given a strong hit to his back. Getting his breath back, as it was literally knocked out of him, he turned and saw Ethan standing above him with his backpack, pointing towards the door.

"The driver says we're here, you want to get off or head back home?" he asked.

"No way, Mom and Dad would kill me!" Tsukune replied.

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "Them? Really? You're Dad cried when that fruit-fly died... for a week."

Tsukune immediately sweat-dropped at the statement. His dad was always a bit of a softie, a bit too much of one for his liking. He still couldn't believe he gave the fly a whole ceremony to honour it.

"It was one hectic week." Tsukune said as he walked off the bus first.

Ethan followed him soon after. "Hey, you've got to admire his respect towards life, at least." Ethan pointed out.

Before the two could get any further from the bus, the driver spoke up.

"You guys be careful, alright?" he said.

Ethan turned back to him with a blank expression on his face while Tsukune looked quite confused.

"What do you mean, exactly?" Ethan asked, his voice as emotionless as his face. He would act like this when he was curious. Tsukune could never tell why.

"This academy can be a pretty scary place, even more than what I'm pretty sure you can handle, spiky. If you two really want to stay, you'd best watch out." Said the driver before he closed the doors.

"Wait, what does that mean?" Tsukune, now looking more worried.

The bus soon drove off, leaving the two on their own. Ethan turned around, his eyes catching the whole of the environment they were in. His eyes rose with a hint of surprise. Tsukune was still looking at where the driver had driven off to. He looked up to Ethan.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked. When he didn't receive a response, he turned to where Ethan was looking. He saw what seemed like a dried up forest, grey soil, dead trees, a crimson sea and a large castle in the distance.

"WHERE THE HECK ARE WE!" Tsukune roared, clearly shocked by what he saw.

Ethan shrugged his shoulders in response, clearly having heard him that time. "I don't know... certainly not Kansas."

Ethan walked on, Tsukune staying right by his side, afraid of what might pop up. They walked for a few more minutes before coming across a graveyard. They looked around, hoping to find a sign that could direct them to where they were supposed to be.

"It's official… we're lost." Ethan said.

"Aw man, there's got to be something to show us the way." Tsukune said.

Ethan's ears perked up when he heard, what he thought, was the sound of bats flying over them. He then heard the sound of bicycle brakes going off. He took the liberty of stepping onto a patch of dead grass, off the roads.

"Huh? What're you doing?" Tsukune asked.

"You may want to move too." Ethan said.

Before Tsukune could asked what was going on, he heard the sound of the bicycle breaks screeching like no tomorrow, as well as the sound of someone screaming "LOOK OOOUT!"

Tsukune looked behind him, and was soon hit by a speeding bicycle, which sent both him and the cyclist flying through the air. Ethan saw them, but chose not to act as he could tell not much damage had been done. After a second or two of flying through the air, they both landed on the ground. Ethan narrowed his eyes slightly to see what the damage was. He then decided to go over to them and see what was going on.

When he arrived, Tsukune looked up to him with a very angry face. "YOU LET ME GET HIT WITH THAT BIKE! YOU DIDN'T PULL ME OUT OF THE WAY!" he yelled.

"You didn't ask me to pull you out of the way." Ethan pointed out.

Tsukune continued to yell at Ethan, which only prompted Ethan to chuckle at his unusual rage, until they were soon stopped by the sound of a person moaning in pain. They looked towards the source, only to be stunned by the sight of the source in question.

It was a girl, roughly around their age, with long, pink hair, emerald eyes, slightly pale skin and a heart-shaped face. She wore a similar version of their school uniform, except that she wore a skirt rather than trousers. Tsukune was drawn in by her beauty, while Ethan was focused on checking that she was okay. Before he did though, he gave a small cough, catching Tsukune's attention. Tsukune looked at Ethan, who motioned his eyes towards a particular direction; Tsukune looked and saw that his hand was resting on the girl's thigh. Embarrassed, he withdrew his hand before she could take proper notice.

"Hey, uh, are you okay?" he asked.

The girl moaned slightly before speaking. "Uh, yeah. I'm sorry, I think I got a little dizzy." She rose her head up, giving the two boys a proper view of her face. Tsukune was absolutely mesmerized by her beauty, unable to take his eyes off of her. They were staring at each other for half a minute before the girl gasped. He quickly looked to Ethan, who was trying his best to hold in a strong bout of laughter for some reason. He put his hand to his face, thinking there was something on his face.

His face suddenly went scarlet when he realised that his nose was bleeding.

"Oh my god! You're bleeding! Here, let me help." The girl said. She pulled out a white handkerchief and rubbed his nose clean.

Ethan couldn't help but notice that Tsukune seemed rather pleased to be so close to the girl. He couldn.t blame him really, it's not too often you would have a girl, who you met, this close to cleaning your face. He also had to admit, like he didn't react as strongly as Tsukune, he thought that she was quite the looker.

An eyebrow was raised when he saw the girl starting to sniff him and, oddly enough, the bloodied handkerchief. Tsukune noticed this well.

"Oh… oh my. You smell… so good." She said

Tsukune and Ethan gave each other confused looks.

"I'm sorry. I can't help myself." She said. She started to lean closer to Tsukune. Ethan could see his friend's eyes widening to the size of saucer plates. "Because I… I…" her head was right up against his neck.

"I'm a vampire." She finished. She opened her mouth wide. Her canines elongated into long, sharp fangs and sunk them into the flesh of Tsukune's neck.

Tsukune's reaction was instantaneous. He immediately screamed to the high heavens, after she was now draining him of blood.

Ethan wasted no time in helping him out. He pulled out a small silver ball and threw it at the two. The ball landed between the two, causing it to burst into a large cloud of smoke upon impact. Ethan ran in and yanked the girl away from Tsukune's neck. He threw his friend away and stood between the two, readying a fighting stance.

"YOU BIT ME IN THE NECK!" Tsukune roared. Ethan remained silent, focusing on the girl with a steely glare.

The girl didn't seem to notice as she seemed incredibly gleeful. "Wow… your blood is AMAZING! Thank you for the taste." She said.

Tsukune felt the area where he was bitten. He soon realised that there were no bite marks, as if he was never bitten.

"Did she really bite me? Maybe I just imagined it." He thought. He stood up, placed a hand on Ethan's shoulder and, after the fighter looked back, pointed towards his neck to show no injury. Ethan was immediately confused. They both looked back at the girl.

"Uh, okay. Sorry about the smoke bomb, I just kind of reacted." He said.

"It's okay, it was my fault for just jumping onto him like that." She said. Suddenly, her happy domineer changed and, much to the boys' surprise, looked afraid and nervous. "Do… do either of you… hate vampires?" she asked.

Ethan lowered his stance. He looked back at Tsukune before looking back at the girl. He wasn't sure about what to say. While he could tell that the girl was indeed a good person, he was a bit sceptical allowing the vampire near them in case something bad happened. Before he could give his answer, Tsukune intervened.

"Hey, I've got no problem with vampires, if you want to call yourself one that's fine with me." He said confidently.

Ethan raised his eyebrows with surprise and disbelief. He felt like palm-facing himself after hearing Tsukune say that. It was clear that he thought it was all make believe. Then again, Ethan would've thought so too had he not seen the girl's fangs.

Said girl immediately perked up, running towards the two males and hugging them both at the same as well as knocking them onto the ground. She pushed herself up on her hands, looking down at them. She noticed how happy Tsukune looked while Ethan was still bewildered.

"Do you want to be friends, I don't know anyone else here and I think it would be easier if we stuck together. My name is Moka Akashiya, by the way."

"Uh, my name's Tsukune Aono." Tsukune replied.

Ethan sat up, looking at the girl for a moment before giving his name. "Ethan Drake."

The girl, now named Moka, grabbed a hand from either boy and started to pull them towards a certain direction.

"C'mon, we'd better get going, we don't want to be late." She said.

As she pulled them, Ethan noticed that he seemed a lot happier than before... and stronger, as his arm felt like it was going to be pulled out of its socket. While Tsukune seemed sore, Ethan was smiling. More than likely he was going to have a better time here than he originally believed. However, now knowing that if one mythical beast was attending this school... it would make things much more difficult.

"How many more monsters are we going to see here? Are we even going to survive after all?" he thought to himself.

While they were being dragged off, none of them noticed a figure standing on one of the branches of a dead tree. He was wearing a white cloak with a medallion around his neck. While the top half of his face was covered, his eye seemed to glow yellow underneath. He stared at the trio as they walked off, more precisely at Ethan, with a look of concern.

"This is going to be an interesting year. Human, vampire… and a very interesting case." The figure said. He immediately vanished out of view, leaving no trace of where he just stood.

[And that's it for now. After writing this, I think that there's a fair bit of potential in this story, so I say that I'll keep going with it for now. If anyone has anything to say, please, say whatever's on your mind, I'd love the feedback. Tanks very much. See you later and have a nice day.]