Final Author's note (In all its unedited, commaless glory ^_^):

Well, Glitch's story has come to a bittersweet close. I thought the plot twist was a nice touch and I hope you agree. It's a Matrix fic…there has to
be a plot twist you know? Hell to be honest I didn't even know it was coming until like chapter 8 or so, so it was a surprise to all of us. (I hope…) I noticed in the first movie that Smith and Trinity never really squared off and fought so I decided to write a fic about what I thought was the reason…plus there had to be a reason as to why Smith hated Neo so much.

Now…onto the cookies!

Rei: *yanks lever* Ha! Cookies to you for posting and putting up with my comma errors! I'm trying to work on that! Thanks also for making me see the Matrix for the first time so technically you get credit for this too!

Lira and Gaia: My idea machines! Thanks so much you two! Sorry I didn't see Armitage in time!

Kreeesten: Who put up with the cookie chapter to read the rest of it! Hope the ending passes your happy story test! (not! ^_~)

Cookies to my reviewers, xavioraaz, 939597, crashed, Amy, Anna (now do you understand about the hacker? It was Morpheus! Thank you for your brutal honesty!!! ), TheRedPony, Smithfan, Little she-bear, diamonds-r-forever, Dreamofagents, Scourge Of Middle Earth, Bagheera, Exodus, Sapphira, Lady-Dragonknight, Kristen (I heart you!!!), Jezrael the Jealous, Soshika, Leilyra, and Destiny Chaser. I wouldn't have wanted to finish this without your support and criticizms!

Thanks also to the singers and lyricists of the songs I used as well as to the creators of the Matrix! This exists because of your original idea!

Well that's about it! There will be no sequel to this fic to my knowledge but keep your eyes peeled because I will possibly be posting my Harry Potter Mary Sue quadrilogy, Playing the Game.

Happy cookies to all and to all a good night!

Love and Cookies,

Hester D. Byrde

The Master of the City