Author's Note: Hey guys! I wanted to publish a different series, but I decided to finish this one first instead. Although this is the sequel, the narrator is supposed to be a mystery, so it's not obvious until later in this chapter. Don't worry though; all will be revealed in its due time. Enjoy!

Do you remember the day we first met?

No, rather than calling the day we first "met" it was more of the day we both learned that we existed.

The day on which we officially befriended each other, alongside Domon.

You, with your childish eyes, staring off into the cotton-dotted sky, football in hand, smiling. And I, gazing from afar; quietly admiring both you and the beauty of the scenery before my eyes.

If Domon hadn't been there, I would have never even known your name. For that, I'm grateful that Domon offered me the opportunity to acknowledge you. Because of him, our friendship was possible, and thus, the beginning of our lives as football players.

The years following our encounter were some of the best moments of my childhood, without a doubt.

I loved my childhood, both rain and shine.

If I had to select a day to re-live... I would choose our third Christmas together.

As I recall it, there was a violent snowstorm at the time. That day, your father called that Christmas to tell my parents that the car you were in was stuck on the road, so there was no way you could make it to the evening party.

But my father insisted that he should go find you. He reached for his winter coat without wasting another breath, and trudged outside.

I was feeling particularly brave at that point in time.

I don't remember exactly why, but I wanted to be your hero, so I decided that I should accompany my father on his mission.

I snatched my parka, telling my mother that I'd be back, and rushed my way out into the unforgiving blizzard.

I hollered out to my father, asking where he was, and he shouted back, telling me to hop in behind him on his snowmobile.

I followed the engine's echo, relying more on my half-frozen ears than my clouded sight. I finally found him, hopped onto the snowmobile, buried my face into my scarf, and nudged him, signaling for him to advance. In a split second, the snow surrounding us spung upwards, and we disappeared into the blocked horizon. The snow stung my face like darts, but that was the least of my concerns.

I was more concerned with saving you, imagining your face as I carried you in my arms all the way back to my warm house.

Away from the punishing blizzard.

Away from danger.

We soon found your car, lodged on top of a large log, which was sticking out from the side of the road. My father figured out that the slippery snow covering the log was the reason why the car couldn't move.

I would have noticed that too, but as soon as I saw your car, I bolted towards it, trying to find your face.

I pressed my head on the window in the back, and there you were, those same childish eyes meeting with my gaze. I expected you to be frightened, which would have made it possible for me to comfort you and be your hero, but you were calmer than ever, huddled into the backseat as if you were on a normal roadtrip.

If anything, it was you who comforted me. You relieved me of my deep worry, and encouraged me to help get the car unstuck.

In no time, the car was finally free of the log, and my father and I escorted you to our place.

That Christmas, you, Domon, and I exchanged gifts as if nothing happened. The adults were dining in the hearty kitchen, the atmosphere was lively, and I couldn't have asked for a better Christmas.

Days like those felt timeless, and I wished that it would've lasted an eternity.

I sincerely wished that the day would never come where I had to go separate ways from you.

But fate itself thought otherwise.

My wish to become your hero... came true.