I do not own Naruto or Sonic the hedgehog both belong to the respective owners





Hidden the Leaf Village

We find our story beginning in the Hidden Leaf Village where one incident will change the life of the village and one small child. We find a young 6 year old child with sunny blond hair and blue eyes like the sea walking down the street wearing a white shirt with a spiral in the center and blue shorts. This was Naruto Uzumaki Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi no Yoko not that he knows it. Naruto was walking around the village looking for something to eat since he was kicked out of the orphanage a month ago and barely managed to get by if it weren't for that nice ramen family he met. He started to notice that a some people are gathering behind him and following him.

Feeling nervous Naruto decided to walk faster, but still the group was following him. Naruto was about to run only to be knocked out by a ninja with silver hair. (guess who) As Naruto was knocked out the now fully formed mob took naruto out of the village and woke Naruto up to continually hurt/beat him, while only calling him demon, murder, and many other things. After they reached a good 5 miles the threw him to the ground and began to kick him until he finally fell unconscious.

The mob left the poor child in the middle of a clearing bleeding and alone.

When they were all gone a two new figure appeared out of the woods walking towards the injured child. Both of them didn't seem human, but human like animals. (Mobians) The first one looked to be the eldest of the two and seemed to be 16 years old. She was a blue furred female fox wearing a blue kimono with a white water like pattern with a dark blue sash. She also appeared to have dark flowing hair reaching her back with brown eyes.

The second one seemed to be a year older than Naruto. She was a white fox with dark hair like the older girl next to her, but seemed to have whitish blue eyes and wore a white black lined kimono with a red sash along with red wind patterns on her kimono. "Big sis why did they hurt him?" the youngest asked crying for the boy. The big sister looked at her little sibling with a sad look in her eyes.

"Those people are nothing, but fools along with the village they came from" Spoke the elder sister who took a quick look in the direction of the village and sneered in disgust. "Come now let's take him back home" spoke the eldest who quickly, but carefully picked up Naruto in her arms. The little sister then came close to the older sibling.

The eldest closed her eyes and began to concentrate and started to glow a greenish color. "Chaos Control" she said before disappearing along with her sister and Naruto.

Not long after the disappeared ANBU had shown up just a minute late. "The trail ends here" Hawk said. "There seems to be a bit of traces of an unknown energy" Bear said getting the attention of the other ANBU. "Is it the Kyuubi's chakra?" Dog asked. "No it seems to be something completely different" Bear responded. "And whoever or whatever was here took the boy and there seems to be no other trails, sents or chakra signatures." Said Falcon. Underneath Dogs mask you can see a sad look on his face before facing his team "Let's continue to search for any leads and if we can't then the mission is a failure and we must report to the Hokage about this" Dog said.

The rest of the squad dispersed leaving Dog alone to his thoughts 'Sensei I'm sorry. I have failed you' Dog thought before leaving to find anymore clues to where the blond might be.

Chapter end

Hello I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my new story

I also wanted to tell you to take a look at my other stories Freedom Planet A fox's Tail and The Maelstrom Dragon

I also hope you will take a look at my challenges that I have up for Freedom Planet and YUGIOH Arc-v and see if you would be interested

Thank you for reading and don't forget to review.