Update 10/2019

Hello all,

It's been a while since you heard from me and you probably weren't ever expecting another update. Since I'm sure you've all read enough from me and I've bored you with words enough, I will keep things as brief as possible and then talk more at lengths after I hit the main point. A long time ago, someone approached me about turning this fanfic into a full fledged mod for DDLC. Well, you can find the link here ( git hub (d o t) c o m (slash) Jokeyz (slash) DDLCHE) to download. For those unfamiliar with github, simply click the "Clone or Download" button and "Download as zip". Copy the files in the "DDLCHE-master" folder into your DDLC install directory and then delete the " ". You should be able to pick it up and play all the way through to the credits, progressing down any of the routes. If you have any problems with getting the mod to run or come across bugs/errors, feel free to contact me either through here or directly through Discord ( spudmantwo #3039 ).

More Information:

While I had considered making this in the past, my own artistic limitations had always prevented me. However, with the work of that individual we were eventually able to create it. Unfortunately, development stopped just short of full compeletion. I actually have worked professionally as a real software engineer on other visual novels before for certain companies, so I took it upon myself to carry this project across the finish line.
While the very end may not have come out as well polished as many of the other sections and I'm sure there will be grammatical errors, I am still proud to give unto you all, what I would call the finished product. If you come across any unaccredited assets, please contact me and let me know if you want inclusion or the assets to be removed.

I'd like to remind everyone that this is a mod for DDLC and that it is imperative you complete the base game first. While there are many parts of the story that remain unchanged, there is large swathes of things that were rewritten (even from this fanfic such as adding poem responses).
If you're interested in something more original than I advise you to stay tuned as I have another story that is in it's second final draft stage and I'd like to share with people soon, should they decide that my original writing fancies them. I will most likely be putting that on AO3 as well as putting that on here to start out with. To stop myself from being too long winded, I'll cut it off here and say the most important words I want to say you to all.

Thank you all for your continued support!


First off, obligatory all characters are the intellectual property of their original creators. Please support the official release. Secondly, this is designed as a fan work that takes place after the end of the game. If you haven't already played through the entirety of Doki Doki Literature Club, STOP NOW. GO PLAY IT! THIS WILL JUST SPOIL THE ORIGINAL EXPERIENCE. With that out of way, the small explanation needed for where this story takes place. This takes place in the event that instead of deleting everything at the end, that Monika agrees to try and make the game what you originally wanted to experience. A completely normal romantic visual novel. There are four different paths to choose from as the story can then go in four different directions. I'd recommend you read whomever's story interests you most first. If that's Sayori, then read hers. If it's Yuri's then skip to hers. If it's Natsuki's then jump there. If it's Monika's, well, you get the point. I would also reccomend you read the read others if you'd like to see the different ways things could have turned out. The endings are mostly consistent with each other, with minor variations based upon how you, the player, would have changed each girl's life. I would also like to point out that while a large portion of the text comes from the varying outcomes from the game's script, there are very distinct and key differences, so if you find yourself reading something familiar, be careful as I've most likely snuck in a small change to keep you on your toes. With that, let's start a new game!

Update: 1/8/2018:

Hello again everyone. It's SpudManTwo again. Upon a couple of requests I have written and now included two more additional routes for people to go down if they would so choose. As a few have pointed out, if this truly did become a visual novel, there would also be a typical "harem" ending as well as an ending where you end up with none of the girls. Thanks again for all the reads and views, I take my time to read every single message and review and I truly appreciate everyone's feedback. At this point, this story is concluded. If anyone can make a compelling enough reason for me to continue this story, whether it be something I overlooked or enough people wanting it, then I may try to reopen it, but for the time being, it is finished and will be seeing no new additions. Thank you again for reading and have a wonderful day! 3

For Russian ( русский ) Translation as provided by aleksds1:


Story Start:

?: Heeeeeeeyyy!

I see an annoying girl running toward me from the distance, waving her arms in the air like she's totally oblivious to any attention she might draw to herself.

That girl is Sayori, my neighbor and good friend since we were children.

You know, the kind of friend you'd never see yourself making today, but it just kind of works out because you've known each other for so long?

We used to walk to school together on days like this, but starting around high school she would oversleep more and more frequently, and I would get tired of waiting up.

But if she's going to chase after me like this, I almost feel better off running away.

However, I just sigh and idle in front of the crosswalk and let Sayori catch up to me.

Sayori: Haaahhh...haaahhh...

Sayori: I overslept again!

Sayori: But I caught you this time!

You: Maybe, but only because I decided to stop and wait for you.

Sayori: Eeehhhhh, you say that like you were thinking about ignoring me!

Sayori: That's mean!

You: Well, if people stare at you for acting weird then I don't want them to think we're a couple or something.

Sayori: Fine, fine.

Sayori: But you did wait for me, after all.

Sayori: I guess you don't have it in you to be mean even if you want to~

You: Whatever you say, Sayori...

Sayori: Ehehe~

We cross the street together and make our way to school.

As we draw near, the streets become increasingly speckled with other students making their daily commute.

Sayori: By the way...

Sayori: Have you decided on a club to join yet?

You: A club?

You: I told you already, I'm really not interested in joining any clubs.

You: I haven't been looking, either.

Sayori: Eh? That's not true!

Sayori: You told me you would join a club this year!

You: Did I...?

I'm sure it's possible that I did, in one of our many conversations where I dismissively go along with whatever she's going on about.

Sayori likes to worry a little too much about me, when I'm perfectly content just getting by on the average while spending my free time on games and anime.

Sayori: Uh-huh!

Sayori: I was talking about how I'm worried that you won't learn how to socialize or have any skills before college.

Sayori: Your happiness is really important to me, you know!

Sayori: And I know you're happy now, but I'd die at the thought of you becoming a NEET in a few years because you're not used to the real world!

Sayori: You trust me, right?

Sayori: Don't make me keep worrying about you...

You: Alright, alright...

You: I'll look at a few clubs if it makes you happy.

You: No promises, though.

Sayori: Will you at least promise me you'll try a little?

You: Yeah, I guess I'll promise you that.

Sayori: Yaay~!

Why do I let myself get lectured by such a carefree girl?

More than that, I'm surprised I even let myself relent to her.

I guess seeing her worry so much about me makes me want to ease her mind at least a little bit - even if she does exaggerate everything inside of her head.

The school day is as ordinary as ever, and it's over before I know it.

After I pack up my things, I stare blankly at the wall, looking for an ounce of motivation.

You: Clubs...

Sayori wants me to check out some clubs.

I guess I have no choice but to start with the anime club...

Sayori: Hellooo?

You: Sayori...?

Sayori must have come into the classroom while I was spacing out.

I look around and realize that I'm the only one left in the classroom.

Sayori: I thought I'd catch you coming out of the classroom, but I saw you just sitting here and spacing out, so I came in.

Sayori: Honestly, you're even worse than me sometimes... I'm impressed!

You: You don't need to wait up for me if it's going to make you late to your own club.

Sayori: Well, I thought you might need some encouragement, so I thought, you know...

You: Know what?

Sayori: Well, that you could come to my club!

You: Sayori...

Sayori: Yeah?

You: ...There is no way I'm going to your club.

Sayori: Eeeehhhhh?! Meanie!

Sayori is vice president of the Literature Club.

Not that I was ever aware that she had any interest in literature.

In fact, I'm 99% sure she only did it because she thought it would be fun to help start a new club.

Since she was the first one to show interest after the one who proposed the club, she inherited the title "Vice President".

That said, my interest in literature is guaranteed to be even less.

You: Yeah. I'm going to the anime club.

Sayori: C'mon, please?

You: Why do you care so much, anyway?

Sayori: Well...

Sayori: I kind of told the club yesterday I would bring in a new member...

Sayori: And Natsuki made cupcakes and everything...

Sayori: Ehehe...

You: Don't make promises you can't keep!

I can't tell if Sayori is really that much of an airhead, or if she's so cunning as to have planned all of this out.

I let out a long sigh.

You: Fine... I'll stop by for a cupcake, okay?

Sayori: Yes! Let's go~!

And thus, today marks the day I sold my soul for a cupcake.

I dejectedly follow Sayori across the school and upstairs - a section of the school I rarely visit, being generally used for third-year classes and activities.

Sayori, full of energy, swings open the classroom door.

Sayori: Everyone! The new member is here~!

You: I told you, don't call me a 'new member-'

Eh? I glance around the room.

Girl 1: Welcome to the Literature Club. It's a pleasure meeting you.

Girl 1: Sayori always says nice things about you.

Girl 2: Seriously? You brought a boy?

Girl 2: Way to kill the atmosphere.

Girl 3: What a nice surprise!

Girl 3: Welcome to the club!

You: ...

All words escape me in this situation.

This club...

...is full of incredibly cute girls!

Natsuki: What are you looking at?

Natsuki: If you want to say something, say it.

You: S-Sorry...

Yuri: Natsuki...

Natsuki: Hmph.

The girl with the sour attitude, whose name is apparently Natsuki, is one I don't recognize.

Her small figure makes me think she's probably a first-year.

She is also the one who made cupcakes, according to Sayori.

Sayori: You can just ignore her when she gets moody~

Sayori says that quietly into my ear, then turns back toward the other girls.

Sayori: Anyway! This is Natsuki, always full of energy.

Sayori: And this is Yuri, the smartest in the club!

Yuri: D-Don't say things like that...

Yuri, who appears comparably more mature and timid, seems to have a hard time keeping up with people like Sayori and Natsuki.

You: Ah... Well, it's nice to meet both of you.

Sayori: And it sounds like you already know Monika, is that right?

Monika: That's right.

Monika: It was about time I saw you again.

Monika smiles bitter-sweetly.

We do know each other - well, we rarely talked, but we were in the same class last year.

Monika was probably the most popular girl in class - smart, beautiful, athletic.

Basically, completely out of my league.

So, having her smile at me feels a little...

You: Y-You too, Monika.

Sayori: Come sit down! We made room for you at the table, so you can sit next to me or Monika.

Sayori: I'll get the cupcakes~

Natsuki: Hey! I made them, I'll get them!

Sayori: Sorry, I got a little too excited~

Yuri: Then, how about I make some tea as well?

The girls have a few desks arranged to form a table.

As Sayori mentioned, it's been widened so that there is one space next to Monika and one space next to Sayori.

Natsuki and Yuri walk over to the corner of the room, where Natsuki grabs a wrapped tray and Yuri opens the closet.

Still feeling awkward, I take a seat next to Sayori.

Natsuki proudly marches back to the table, tray in hand.

Natsuki: Okaaay, are you ready?

Natsuki: ...Ta-daa!

Sayori: Uwooooah!

Natsuki lifts the foil off the tray to reveal a dozen white, fluffy cupcakes decorated to look like little cats.

The whiskers are drawn with icing, and little pieces of chocolate were used to make ears.

Sayori: So cuuuute~!

Monika: Your baking skills continue to impress me Natsuki!

Natsuki: Ehehe. Well, you know.

Natsuki: Just hurry and take one!

Sayori grabs one first, then Monika. I follow.

Sayori: It's delicious!

Sayori talks with her mouth full and has already managed to get icing on her face.

I turn the cupcake around in my fingers, looking for the best angle to take a bite.

Natsuki is quiet.

I can't help but notice her sneaking glances in my direction.

Is she waiting for me to take a bite?

I finally bite down.

The icing is sweet and full of flavor - I wonder if she made it herself.

You: This is really good.

You: Thank you, Natsuki.

Natsuki: W-Why are you thanking me? It's not like I...!

(Haven't I heard this somewhere before...?)

Natsuki: ...Made them for you or anything.

You: Eh? I thought you technically did. Sayori said-

Natsuki: Well, maybe!

Natsuki: But not for, y-you know, you! Dummy...

You: Alright, alright...

I give up on Natsuki's weird logic and dismiss the conversation.

Yuri returns to the table, carrying a tea set.

She carefully places a teacup in front of each of us before setting down the teapot next to the cupcake tray.

You: You keep a whole tea set in this classroom?

Yuri: Don't worry, the teachers gave us permission.

Yuri: After all, doesn't a hot cup of tea help you enjoy a good book?

You: Ah... I-I guess...

Monika: Ehehe, don't let yourself get intimidated, Yuri's just trying to impress you.

Yuri: Eh?! T-That's not...

Insulted, Yuri looks away.

Yuri: I meant that, you know...

You: I believe you.

You: Well, tea and reading might not be a pastime for me, but I at least enjoy tea.

Yuri: I'm glad...

Yuri faintly smiles to herself in relief.

Monika raises an eyebrow.

Monika: So, what made you consider the Literature Club?

You: Um...

I was afraid of this question.

Something tells me I shouldn't tell Monika that I was practically dragged here by Sayori.

You: Well, I haven't joined any clubs yet, and Sayori seemed really happy here, so...

Monika: That's okay! Don't be embarrassed!

Monika: I'll make sure you feel right at home, okay?

Monika: As president of the Literature Club, it's my duty to make the club fun and exciting for everyone!

You: Monika, I'm surprised.

You: How come you decided to start your own club?

You: You could probably be a board member for any of the major clubs.

You: Weren't you a leader of the debate club last year?

Monika: Ahaha, well, you know...

Monika: To be honest, I can't stand all of the politics around most clubs.

Monika: It feels like nothing but arguing about the budget and publicity and how to prepare for events...

Monika: I'd much rather take something I personally enjoy and make something special out of it.

Monika: And if it encourages others to get into literature, then I'm fulfilling that dream!

Sayori: Monika really is a great leader!

Yuri also nods in agreement.

You: Then I'm surprised there aren't more people in the club yet.

You: It must be hard to start a new club.

Monika: You could put it that way.

Monika: Not many people are very interested in putting out all the effort to start something brand new, not to mention keep it going...

Monika: Especially when it's something that doesn't grab your attention, like literature.

Monika: You have to work hard to convince people that you're both fun and worthwhile.

Monika: But it makes school events, like the festival, that much more important.

Monika: I'm confident that we can all really grow this club before we graduate!

Monika: Right, everyone?

Sayori: Yeah!

Yuri: We'll do our best.

Natsuki: You know it!

Everyone enthusiastically agrees.

Such different girls, all interested in the same goal...

Monika must have worked really hard just to find these three.

Maybe that's why they were all so delighted by the idea of a new member joining.

Though I still don't really know if I can keep up with their level of enthusiasm about literature...

Yuri: So what kinds of things do you like to read?

You: Well... Ah...

Considering how little I've read these past few years, I don't really have a good way of answering that.

You: ...Manga...

I mutter quietly to myself, half-joking.

Natsuki's head suddenly perks up.

It looks like she wants to say something, but she keeps quiet.

Yuri: N-Not much of a reader, I guess...

You: ...Well, that can change...

What am I saying?

I spoke without thinking after seeing Yuri's sad smile.

You: Anyway, what about you, Yuri?

Yuri: Well, let's see...

Yuri traces the rim of her teacup with her finger.

Yuri: My favorites are usually novels that build deep and complex fantasy worlds.

Yuri: The level of creativity and craftsmanship behind them is amazing to me.

Yuri: And telling a good story in such a foreign world is equally impressive.

Yuri goes on, clearly passionate about her reading.

She seemed so reserved and timid since the moment I walked in, but it's obvious by the way her eyes light up that she finds her comfort in the world of books, not people.

Yuri: But you know, I like a lot of things.

Yuri: Stories with deep psychological elements usually immerse me as well.

Yuri: Isn't it amazing how a writer can so deliberately take advantage of your own lack of imagination to completely throw you for a loop?

Yuri: Anyway, I've been reading a lot of horror lately...

You: Ah, I read a horror book once...

I desperately grasp something I can relate to at the minimal level.

At this rate, Yuri might as well be having a conversation with a rock.

Monika: Really? I wouldn't have expected that, Yuri.

Monika: For someone as gentle as you...

I don't Yuri notices but that sounded a little sarcastic.

Yuri: I guess you could say that.

Yuri: But if a story makes me think, or takes me to another world, then I really can't put it down.

Yuri: Surreal horror is often very successful at changing the way you look at the world, if only for a brief moment.

Natsuki: Ugh, I hate horror...

Yuri: Oh? Why's that?

Natsuki: Well, I just...

Natsuki's eyes dart over to me for a split second.

Natsuki: Never mind.

Monika: That's right, you usually like to write about cute things, don't you, Natsuki?

Natsuki: W-What?

Natsuki: What gives you that idea?

Monika: You left a piece of scrap paper behind last club meeting.

Monika: It looked like you were working on a poem called-

Natsuki: Don't say it out loud!

Natsuki: And give that back!

Monika: Fine, fine~

Sayori: Ehehe, your cupcakes, your poems...

Sayori: Everything you do is just as cute as you are~

Sayori sidles up behind Natsuki and puts her hands on her shoulders.

Natsuki: I'm not cute!

You: Natsuki, you write your own poems?

Natsuki: Eh? Well, I guess sometimes.

Natsuki: Why do you care?

You: I think that's impressive.

You: Why don't you share them sometime?

Natsuki: N-No!

Natsuki averts her eyes.

Natsuki: You wouldn't...like them...

You: Ah...not a very confident writer yet?

Yuri: I understand how Natsuki feels.

Yuri: Sharing that level of writing takes more than just confidence.

Yuri: The truest form of writing is writing to oneself.

Yuri: You must be willing to open up to your readers, exposing your vulnerabilities and showing even the deepest reaches of your heart.

Monika: Do you have writing experience too, Yuri?

Monika: Maybe if you share some of your work, you can set an example and help Natsuki feel comfortable enough to share hers.

Yuri: ...

You: I guess it's the same for Yuri...

Sayori: Aww... I wanted to read everyone's poems...

We all sit in silence for a moment.

Monika: Okay!

Monika: I have an idea, everyone~

Natsuki and Yuri: ...?

Natsuki and Yuri look quizzically at Monika.

Monika: Let's all go home and write a poem of our own!

Monika: Then, next time we meet, we'll all share them with each other.

Monika: That way, everyone is even!

Natsuki: U-Um...

Yuri: ...

Sayori: Yeaaah! Let's do it!

Monika: Plus, now that we have a new member, I think it will help us all get a little more comfortable with each other, and strengthen the bond of the club. It might even lighten the load.

Monika: Isn't that right?

Monika smiles warmly at me once again.

You: Hold on...there's still one problem.

Monika: Eh? What's that?

Now that we're back to the original topic of me joining the club, I bluntly come forth with what's been on my mind the entire time.

You: I never said I would join this club!

You: Sayori may have convinced me to stop by, but I never made any decision.

You: I still have other clubs to look at, and...um...

I lose my train of thought.

All four girls stare back at me with dejected eyes.

Monika: B-But...

Yuri: I'm sorry, I thought...

Natsuki: Hmph.

Sayori: Please...

You: Y-You all...

I...I'm defenseless against these girls.

How am I supposed to make a clear-headed decision when it's like this?

That is, if writing poems is the price I need to pay in order to spend every day with these beautiful girls...

You: ...Right.

You: Okay, I've decided, then.

You: I'll join the Literature Club.

One by one, the girls' eyes light up.

Sayori: Yesss! I'm so happyyy~

Sayori wraps her arms around me, jumping up and down.

You: H-Hey-

Yuri: You really did scare me for a moment...

Natsuki: If you really just came for the cupcakes, I would be super pissed.

Monika: Then that makes it official!

Monika: Welcome to the Literature Club once again!

You: Ah...thanks, I guess.

Monika: Okay, everyone!

Monika: I think with that, we can officially end today's meeting on a good note.

Monika: Everyone remember tonight's assignment:

Monika: Write a poem to bring to the next meeting, so we can all share!

Monika looks over at me once more.

Monika: I look forward to seeing how you progress.

Monika: Ehehe~

You: Y-Yeah...

Can I really impress the class star Monika with my mediocre writing skills?

I already feel the anxiety welling up inside me.

Meanwhile, the girls continue to chit-chat as Yuri and Natsuki clean up their food.

Sayori: Hey, since we're already here, do you want to walk home together?

That's right - Sayori and I never walk home together anymore because she always stayed after school for clubs.

You: Sure, might as well.

Sayori: Yaay~

With that, the two of us depart the clubroom and make our way home.

The whole way, my mind wanders back and forth between the four girls:




and, of course, Monika.

Will I really be happy spending every day after school in a literature club?

Perhaps I'll have the chance to grow closer to one of these girls...


I'll just need to make the most of my circumstances, and I'm sure good fortune will find me.

And I guess that starts with writing a poem tonight...