Hentai World: Megami Tensei

Welcome to a new installment in the Hentai World series! For those new to the series, it's where I write lemon fics based off of hot anime/manga girls having sex in ways only a Hentai could do. Today's fic is based off the Shin Megami Tensei series, specifically the mainline games. This story covers the girls from Nocturne, Four and Final.

For those who've read HW: Devil Survivor, this used to be mixed with that, but I felt that DS deserved its own story with how many chapters it's going to have. Since the list of girls for this story is rather short compared to other stories in this series, Megami Tensei might be the shortest story I have to date. Sorry for the confusion this might cause, but I felt better keeping the two separate.

Anyway, here is the list of girls:







Yeah, it's really short, isn't it? I hope you'll enjoy it either way. Thanks for reading, and remember…I'm watching you fap.