Hey everyone frozen2night here and this is another side project story. One that was given to me by Dark King Marcel. The idea for the story is unique and took me some time to research on making it good. Along with brainstorming with DKM. So hopefully you all enjoy the story.

Also it will be some time for me to upload stories for me. Since I was accepted for a full-time at my job so try and be patient with me okay.

Now without further interruptions. Let's get this going.

Also I don't own DxD or Naruto.



'This Dream again?' thought a boy as he looked at his surroundings. It was a very forested plain and the night was shrouding the land with the moon held up in the sky. With no sight of the advance technology of his time. Thinking of living in such a world felt nice. He looked infront of him to see two giants.

The one to his left was a giant purple Tengu made of pure energy. It's wings are like it was made of paper, it's hair like it was made of flames, accentuated eye-holes, a long Tengu nose, a spike over each eye, a slit across its mouth and three gaps on each of its cheeks. It hade the appearance of a samurai, with a katana being held in his left hand.

To his right was a titanic size wooden statue that made the Tengu look small in comparison. The wooden statue looked like that of a Buddha, with many hands sprouting from it's back creating a dome.

Then he focused on the two men who where with their respected giants.

The one on the left had long brown hair cut short on top. Two locks wrapped in bandages framed either side of his face. His eyebrows were cut short — a symbol of his nobility — and dark eyes. Later, he began wearing his hair back in a long cylinder and gained blue markings around his eyes, which were turned up at the corners. He wore a high-collared, light-colored kimono held closed by a dark sash. The collar of the kimono was adorned with magatama. He wore a black full-bodied suit underneath. He floated on the hexagonal gem on the tengu's forehead.

While the man on the right had short, spiky brown hair — two locks of which were wrapped in bandages framing either side of his face in a similar manner to his brother. He possessed stern facial features. He wore bandages around his forehead. He wore a light-colored kimono with magatama adorned around the collar. The kimono was held closed by a dark-colored sash. Underneath, he wore a black full-body suit. Floating behind him was eight black orbs.

The boy watching their fight has seen them grow. Each year he had a dream or two about them. Their growth in the art of ninshu or ninjutsu, their brotherly quarrel and rivalry. But his dream mostly focused on the one on his left. How he fell into darkness cause of jealousy and influenced by outside forces. To become this man who is fuelled with rage. These two men are Indra and Asura Ōtsutsuki, two brothers and son's of Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki.

"Eldest Brother!" Asura screamed as the statue moved forward.

"Ashura!" Indra roared wanting to prove ninjutsu is superior. The giant Tengu slashed at the wooden statue.

"This is…" shouted Asura with determination to win. "...the power of our bond." Soon the statue sent a barrage of punches from its back towards the flying samurai. The punches hit their mark, disarming the Tengu of it's weapons. It soon was slammed into the ground with the assault still going on.

The giant Tengu began to crack from the onslaught. Until it couldn't take it anymore and exploded. As the dust settled Indra was on his knees defeated and exhausted.

"Elder Brother!/ Stay Away!" Asura rushed to help his sibling but was stopped by his brother response. "Asura…" the eldest Ōtsutsuki said as he slowly raised himself up. "I will never…" he continued to talk, while struggling to stand himself up. "Acknowledge Ninshu…or you!" he said as he soon wrapped himself in a cloak of lightning. Before disappearing from his younger sibling sight. And the scene before him was engulfed in a white light. 'Guess it's time to wake up.'

-Dream end-

In a one person apartment in the town of Kuoh. A young 17 year old blond was rudely awoken cause of the sun's rays. He has spiky sunkissed blond hair, tan skin with a body built for a athlete, three whisker-like birthmarks on his cheeks and a pair of cerulean blue eyes. This is Naruto Uzumaki. "Stupid sun…glad it is Friday. One more day for Sunday so I can relax." he grumbled as he got out of bed. His sleep where being only a pair of black boxers. He did his usual wake up routine. Got to the bathroom, shower, brush teeth and then put on his Kuoh Academy uniform. He then began to make his own breakfast.

Now you ask why is he doing all this? And also where are his parents? Well to put it lightly they are dead. Killed by some lunatic who broke into their house when he was five. His mother hid him in a panic room in the kitchen, while his dad faced the attacker. Naruto would only be able to tell who the assailant was if he heard that insane laugh again. Thankfully child services allowed him to have all of the money his parents had in the bank. Which was a very healthy sum, and kept it up with his part-time job later on. He was fostered for a few years until he decided to life by himself. He then decided to move back to Kuoh where used to life.

After finishing his breakfast and getting his school bag he walked up to a photograph near the front door. He then went did a silent prayer. On the photograph was a picture of two adults and one kid. The one on the left was a beautiful woman. She had a slender, but feminine build, fair skin, violet eyes, and the common Uzumaki red hair. It reached her waist with shoulder-length strands that framed both sides of her face and a black clip that parts her hair to the left. She wore a white yukata with a red sash around her waist and sakura petals designs. The one on the right was a handsome man with spiky sunkissed blond hair, tan skin and cerulean blue eyes. He wore a black business suit with a white undershirt and a yellow tie, with black pants. Between the two was a younger version of Naruto with a orange t-shirt and blue jeans. This was the last picture he took with his parents before that horrible day. The woman is Kushina Uzumaki and his man is Minato Namikaze. "Wish me luck Okāsan, Otōsan." He said as he soon left his apartment and locked the door behind him.

-Kuoh Academy-

As Naruto was walking down the sidewalk to the front entrance of the school. Many of the girls began to look at him with lust and desire. While the male with envy and anger.

"Their he is, morning Naruto-sama."

"Naruto-sama is so hot." One of the girl said with many nodding in agreement. "And those whiskers even makes him cute, like he is a big cuddly kitty." Many of the girls giggled and agreed.

"Damn that pretty boy!" shouted one of the boys.

"Why does the white and black princes of Kuoh Academy get all the girls!?" shouted another guy with many feeling inadequate to get a girlfriend.

Yeah now that is a stupid yet true title. He and a fellow blond male student , Kiba Yuuto, where known as the black and white princess of Kuoh Academy. The reason is because Kiba was a polite individual when it comes to his manners and personality. While he was wise and mature, yet exuberant and boisterous. However how he gained it was when a young group of student where being assaulted by a local small gang that resides in town. Naruto not taking this lightly attacked them with no mercy in his strikes. In the end was a sight of the thugs lying on the floor with broken bones, bruised, bleeding and unconscious. Once the battle was over he walked the kids to school ground and called the police to take the thugs. Since then his act of both kindness and violence made him gain the moniker 'the black prince'.

'Wonder if Rias and Akeno are done ignoring me?' thought our male protagonist. As a frown formed on his face. Making a lot of girl want to make him smile from his depressed mood. Heck even some of the guys wanted to ask if he wanted to hang out. Seeing him all depressed has that much effect on people.

You see both Akeno and Rias where the first friends he made in Kuoh Academy when he applied. They hanged out every weekends to do something in town. From that he became friends with the schools mascot, Koneko Toujou and fellow prince Kiba Yuuto. Along with Souna Shitori the President of the Student Council who was apparently Rias childhood friend. From what Akeno has told him.

However since last couple of weeks they had began to ignore him. Even Koneko was on the same boat. Kiba wasn't since they spared every so often, their form of hanging out since they both have a love for swords.

He doesn't know what he did to make three of his friends behave in such a way. But he bought something for them in hope of making amends. For Rias he bought a limited edition Pandora Hearts collection with the author signature inside the bow. To Koneko he bout a couple of sweets from a new candy store that was recently opened in the Mall. And Akeno an antique Japanese porcelain tea sets. He will give it to them after they went to the movies at the end of the week.

Naruto soon stopped to see a brown haired boy and a black haired girl walking together away from the school gates. This was a very recent news that left many in shock. And wondering if Armageddon was upon them. Issei Hyoudou the schools breast obsessed pervert has gotten a girlfriend. While everyone were in denial of him even getting a girl to like him. Naruto was happy for the guy. "Guess even a perv like him can get a girlfriend. Good for him, hopefully she can keep his libido on a leash." He said before heading to meet Rias and Akeno. Asking God that things could go back to how they use to be. Little did he know that many things will change. And his life will never be normal again.

-Old School Building-

Naruto arrived at the school building that houses the ORC clubroom. It was a three story building, with the third story serving as a clock-tower. It has been painted white with a black roof with vines creeping up to the second story. Naruto didn't know where the clubroom was located so he walked the halls hoping to hear their voice. When he went to the second floor he heard Akeno's voice behind closed doors that were a bit regal.

"So we are going to make Issei-san member of the club?" This news shocked Naruto. For them to allow Issei of all people join their club. It was a big surprise. He clenched his fist at the thought of the perv looking at Rias and Akeno with a lustful gaze. However Naruto soon calmed down as he saw that Issei was not peeping with Motohama and Matsuda anymore. He was surprisingly a loyal boyfriend.

"Yes I can tell he is special compared to the others here at the school. A unique member to join our group." Said Rias with the sound of something being moved. It was small by the sound it made when touching a flat surface.

"What about Naruto-kun?" asked Akeno. Naruto put his ears on the door hoping she would say yes. He has asked them when he will become a member. And the conversation was averted with something else.

"No." said Rias in the flattest tone he has ever heard her say. "Naruto may have been a choice to join our group before. But I come to realize that he is not what I am looking for. He is just an average guy with some good qualities, nothing more nothing less. But has nothing special that makes him a better choice than Issei. Also, Checkmate." When she finished speaking Naruto felt his heart being in pain. He never heard Rias say such things before.

"Ara and here I made it hard for you. And you are right he not as special as Issei. *sigh* Better to have him as a stress reliever." Said Akeno. Hearing enough he left with tears in his eyes and a broken heart.

'I-I can't believe this! I just can'!.' He thought on the time they spent together. Was everything a lie, did they really used him for such a reason? Where they truly even friends? So many questions came into his head with no answers. Not wanting to be seen by Koneko or Kiba he leaves the old school building and headed home.


Since that day Naruto has been in a more depressed mood than before. The last time he felt like this was when his parents died. He was once again broken from an emotional pain. 'What should I do…' he looked at his parents picture thinking what they would say about this situation. His mom will most likely look for the girl who hurt him and beat her to near death. While his dad will tell him that there are better fish in the sea, while calming his enraged mother. Laughing at himself using his deceased parents to comfort himself he looked at the time. "Well better head out and get some ramen." He changed into a blue t-shirt with a orange hoody with a red swirl on the back over it, pair of jeans and sneakers.

-Kuoh Park-

As Naruto walked through the park the fastest route to the mall. The sky began to darken. 'Weird it was only midday a second ago.' Was his thought as he continued to walk towards the mall. As he reached the center of the park he saw a red-pink glow near the water fountain to his right. His eyes focused to see Issei sitting on the ground with a face filled with fear. And a black winged angel girl that looked like an older Yuma in her hands was a thorn-like spear. And judging by her form she was... 'Crap!' he rushed towards the two as fast as he could.

-Issei's P.O.V.-

I was the happiest guy in the world. I finally went on a date with a girl who asked me out! Everything was going great! Well as great as I can make it. That is until we went into the park away from wandering eyes of others. Here Yuuma-chan soon turned into a black feathered winged woman and created a spear out of thin air. Apparently she want me to die for her. I don't know why I didn't run away or did something instead of sitting here like an idiot. But the small time I was with her I simply hoped this was just a bad joke.

"Yuuma-chan…" I reached my hand out to her. Hoping for some form of mercy.

"Please die." She said as she thrust the spear towards me. However I felt something tackling me to the side. Away from my on coming death.

-third person P.O.V.-

Issei looked at the person that saved him. And to his surprise it was Naruto, the school's black prince. "Are you alright." He said before he groaned in pain. They both looked at his left calve being impaled from the side. And only grazing his right one. "That's going to be a bitch in the morning." As blood flowed down his leg.

"N-Naruto-san." Was all Issei said at the guy who saved his life.

Yuuma however looked at the blond who arrived. She read a report about him before she came here. He was the only survivor of a break in who was caused by a fellow colleague. Besides that he was a normal human with no supernatural ties. "Why are you here?"

"W-well I was going to get some ramen to eat for dinner." He said getting up with a grunt from the pain on his left leg. "And this is the fastest route to it. But when I saw how you where going to impale a fellow classmate. I couldn't stand their as he dies." He said in a cold tone at the end. 'I will not let anyone else die before my eyes. I couldn't do anything for my parents. So I won't with Issei!'

The woman giggled at the boys bravado. "You are quite brave for a human. However now that you saw me. You also have to die." She said creating another spear.

"Issei when give the signal you run away from here." Naruto said as he focused on Yuuma.

"What about you! You will die!" shouted the brown haired boy.

"Most likely. With this injury on my calve I won't be able to run as fast. But you can get out of here and get help." Naruto said getting ready to fight. Groaning at the pain he felt by standing on his impaled calve.

"I-I will. Just survive till I get back." Said Hyoudou with determination. This guy saved his life. The least he could do is find help.

Naruto smirked at the boys intention but he knew that even if he did come back with help. He will most likely be dead or very close to it. "Yeah I will hold up till then. Now, GO!" Naruto rushed towards Yuuma, while Issei turned around towards the exit.

Yuuma soon took aim towards Issei who was running away. But she soon avoided the punch aimed for her face. Glaring at the blond before her she soon began to fight him. "I will make you suffer before you die."

"Bring it you black-winged bitch!" Naruto said as he sent a elbow strike to the woman's gut. Yuuma growled at being hit by this worm as she created another spear for her to use. Naruto with much pain avoided the thrust and slashes of her spears. However his leg was starting to give up on him as the pain was being to unbearable. Yuuma noticing this decided to end their little match. She soon thrusts her spears through his stomach and left lung.

"Now you die a hero. But seeing as you are quite a interesting human I will tell you my name. I am Raynare and now I will kill my earlier objective without you interfering." She said as she took off into the sky leaving a severely injured Naruto on the puddle of his own blood.

"*Cough-Cough* D-Damn!" he said as blood came out of his mouth. "T-that damn bird got me good *cough-cough*" he said soon looking up into the sky to seeing the moon while the sun was setting. "Guess this is my end *cough-cough*. To die…alone…that sucks." As his eyes was closing he saw a white flash. But couldn't see anymore as he lost consciousness.

Their standing before him was a beautiful woman. She has pale-skin with delicate facial features. She had extremely long, sweeping long white hair which drags across the ground. She possessed white clear eyes and her eyebrows were cut very short and round— a symbol of nobility, and she wore a red shade of lipstick on her lips. And her fingernails were long and dark. Her most noticeable features are her two brown horns that stuck out from her head and a third eye formed in the center of her forehead. She wore a high-collared hime-kimono which has tomoe running down the center and edges of the gown.

"So one of my grandchildren has been reborn." She said looking at the injured boy. Not wasting a second she placed her right hand on his chest and was soon covered in a light green glow. The wounds that where on his body became none lethal. She didn't fully healed him not wanting her energy to be sensed by the owners of this area. She didn't want to face with those devils at the moment. "I better take him away from here. To properly heal him and activate his power." She said soon lifting the boy up and they teleported away to her home. Meanwhile further away from them a certain red-haired heiress was reincarnating a dead boy who was in a pool of his own blood.

-Unknown location-

Naruto groaned as he opened his eyes to reveal an unfamiliar ceiling. 'Wait a second wasn't I…' shooting up from where he was lying on he looked around. The room was beige white, with one door and window. Naruto stood up and walked towards the window to see where he was. From a distance he could see that it was nighttime. He didn't expect to see white rocky terrains with a few hills and crater. And their floating in a distance was the bloody earth in perfect view from where he was. "…I'm….in space…oh my GOD I AM IN FUCKING SPACE! AND AM ON THE FUCKING MOON! " shouted Naruto as he panicked at the revelation before him. "This has to be a dream! This just has to be!"

"Calm down Naruto-kun. And no it's not a dream." Said a calming voice behind him.

The blond turned around to see a white haired woman with two horns sprouting from her head. He has to admit she is beautiful in both a natural and exotic way. "Who are you? And why am I on the moon?"

"Well my young guest I am Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. And I brought you here so that I can properly heal you and awaken your power." Said the now revealed Kaguya.

"Awaken my power? Okay make some sense lady." asked the confused blond.

"Very well. But first you must be starving. Come with my to the dinning room." She said as a black portal appeared beside her. She soon walked through it while Naruto looked at it with wonder.

"Cool!" he soon jumped in and found himself in a dinning room with a table, chairs and a kitchen. On the table was breakfast already made, and by the smell it was delicious. "The food smells amazing!" he said taking a seat.

Kaguya smiled at the praise of her home cooked meal. Hearing these words again warmed her heart. "Why thank you Naru-kun. Now eat up so I can explain to you about your up coming future."

The blond nodded as he took a bite of the food. Tears fell from his eyes on the delicious taste that has came in contact with his mouth. 'I have tasted heaven!' Naruto soon began to savors each bite as if they where his last. Kaguya giggled as her children did the same when they eat. Once they where done the two headed to the family room. Naruto sat on the cream leather egg chair, while Kaguya sat on the white sofa. "So what is this about awakening my power?"

"As you already know I am Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. Mother of Hagoromo Hamura Ōtsutsuki, along with grandmother of Asura and Indra Ōtsutsuki. What you don't know is that I am not human but a Goddess. I am daughter of Harihara and my domains are Chakra, the Planet and Yin & Yang." She said getting a shock from Naruto. "I know shocking isn't it. Now I came to earth after a disagreement with my father…fathers. It's so confusing knowing he is in fact two deities fused into one which happen every five centuries, anyway. Their I crossed path with Abel one of the three sons of Adam and Eve. We became friends, hanged out every time I could and during that time we started to fall in love with one another. One night we tied the knot and decided to tell his family of our union. However that never came when I later discovered that his brother Cain killed him in cold blood." She said as tears fell from her eyes recalling the death of her beloved Abel.

"I wanted to kill Cain, to avenge the man I loved. But God decided to brand him to be unable to be killed by anyone. So I decided to head East away from that man and the pompous deity who ruled heaven. Their I gave birth to Hagoromo and Hamura, the two son of Abel. I raised the two to be good men like their father. And trained them in their own abilities which they inherited from me. However I soon had to leave due to ancient law preventing me from staying." She said pouting while releasing a massive wave of killing intent. The saying 'hell has no fury as a woman scorn' must have been meaning about her. "While I was in the celestial planes. My sons where facing a powerful beast that was roamed the land they where born in. The name of this beast was of unknown origin, but it was powerful enough to match them as they worked together. Hamura sadly died by sacrificing himself to save Hagoromo from death. And gave him enough time to kill the beast. My eldest son later got married and gave birth to Indra and Asura. The rest you already know. What you don't know is that years later the flood came wiping all those of my sons bloodline. But it turns out that my eldest grandson was reincarnated into you." She said dropping the bomb on him.

"W-what!" shouted the blond as he stared at the woman before him

"Yes you are the reincarnation of my eldest and strongest grandchild, Indra Ōtsutsuki. And in a sense the last of my human bloodline." Said Kaguya.

The blond was in complete shock. To find out that he is the reincarnation of the man he saw in his dreams. But all made sense. The dreams weren't dreams at all but memories. Memories of the life he had before. He was in a sense….special. "How long will it take to regain Indra's power?"

The goddess before him took a thinking pose. "Well to regain it would be maybe a few hours. But to master it to the level of Indra. I would say, oh I don't know…two to three years."


"Calm down Naru-kun. I will ask Kali-chan to bless a training room to make it so that a day here equal one year in their." Said Kaguya. "You may need to go down to earth and ask for three days off."

Naruto stayed silent but mentally agreed. He can't waist time to train in the power he will gain. "I will go and tell Souna of my leave of absence. But first let's get my powers back. So I can protect those precious to me." His voice full of determination.

Kaguya smiled and saw a bit of Asura's personality on the reincarnation of Indra. A nice way to counter-balance their personality and prevent him from following the path Indra once walked. "Very well, let's begin. We will begin once we reached your bedroom. The strain from getting chakra will leave you a bit sore." Kaguya said taking Naruto to his bedroom. He laid on the bed and relaxed his body.

'You will accomplish many great things my sweet Naru-kun. Many great things.' Was her last thought as she began the chakra convergence and activating Indra's powers. The blond groaned in pain as he felt something in his body burning all over. A shout of pain came out of his mouth as his eyes shot open to reveal a red iris with a two magatama spinning lazy around the pupil.

-2 hours later in Kuoh Academy-

We find the perverted trio in the stairway between the top and mid floors. Issei was being frustrated about the lost memory of his girlfriend. "Stop screwing with me guys. You seriously don't remember meeting Yuma?" asked Issei to his two friends.

"Nah dude the name is not ringing any bells." Said Matsuda

"I'll say it again. You never introduced us to a chick. And it's impossible that you have a girlfriend." Responded Motohama.

"But that doesn't make any sense. Her email address is right here." He pulled out his cellphone only to see that it's not their. "No way, Yuna's contact information is not on my phone. What in the hell?" As if sensing something he looked up to see Rias Gremory looking down upon him and his friends.

"Big boobies twelve o'clock." "Rias." Said two of the perverted trio.

As she walked down to the mid floor. She gave them a seductive look. When she reached the mid-floor. "Filing that image for later." Said the bald one of the group. "There is just something about her. She's like non-recognized princess." Said the one wearing glasses.

Issei looked at rias and then recalled what happened at the park. How he wasn't alone and was given a chance to escape. "Hey guy's have you seen Naruto anywhere?" Hopping the guy remembered Yuma.

"Who's Naruto?" asked Motohama. "Sounds like a guys name."

"Well yeah he is the schools Black Prince." Said Issei.

"Uhm dude what are you talking about? There is no guys here named Naruto. And the school only has one prince, that pretty boy Kiba." Said Matsuda as his rage towards the pretty boy blond came to the surface.

"Okay now you guys are freaking me out." Said Issei to his friends.

"Dude it's us who are freaking us out. Listen why don't you come by my place to watch my treasured collection of DVD PORN!" Matsuda said with pride.

"Those guys are a huge jerk-off." "So gross." Said Murayama and Katase as they walked down towards the mid-floor.

Matsuda cleared his throat as he whispered to his fellow perverts. "Anyways I just got a new disk…." He continued talking to Motohama. While Issei looked at the corner where he last saw Rias.

However unknown to the boys Rias looked shocked at what she heard. Feeling a sense of dread she walked towards the staff room. "Excuse me senseis."

"Yes Gremory-san what can I help you with?" asked one of the many teachers in the room.

"Has Naruto Uzumaki been marked absent? He is a second year student from class 2-A." she asked hopping he was just late or feeling ill.

Many of the second year teachers and the homeroom teacher of class 2-A looked at her confused. "Uhm Rias we don't have any boy registered under Naruto Uzumaki."

And their you have it. Kaguya was lover of Abel. Naruto reincarnation of Indra. The humans who could use chakra were whipped out by the flood. And Rias and Akeno acted like total cold hearted friends. And from here on out it will be chaotic.

Also Naruto will have a large harem. Issei will have a descent size harem.