This is sorta based on The First Thanksgiving by Angstphilosophy in that my fanfic also takes place the first Thanksgiving since Martin started college and it involves Chris missing him. However, I took the idea and did my own thing with it. But anyway, I hope all who celebrate have a lovely Thanksgiving on Thursday!
"Are you all excited Martin's coming home?" Mamma Kratt asked.
"Oh yes!" Susan, Christine, and Chris exclaimed.
They certainly were! Even though there were still four people left (not to mention the three younger siblings were at the age where they were becoming more independent than ever), the absence of their happy, lively oldest sibling was still noticeable in the Kratt household. The absence was even more noticeable now that the holidays were coming up. But the absence would soon be gone as Martin was making the drive all the way from Duke back to New Jersey as they spoke to celebrate Thanksgiving.
Throughout all the excitement, the phone rang.
"Hello?" Mamma Kratt answered.
"Hi mom. It's Martin."
"Oh, hi Martin. You're not on your way home? Is something wrong?"
"Yeah, the car isn't starting. I don't think I'll be able to make it back this weekend."
"Oh dear. Well, at least you weren't driving when it happened."
"Yeah. Still sucks, though. I'm really sorry. Give my best to everyone. I miss you all."
"We miss you too, Martin. No need to be sorry. It's not your fault. Let us know if there's anything we can do. We'll see you at Christmas."
"Thanks mom. See you at Christmas."
"So, Martin's not coming after all?" Christine asked.
"No, his car isn't starting, unfortunately," Mamma Kratt said sadly.
Sighs and expressions of disappointment went around the room, but no one said anything. Everyone tried to go along with their day as best as possible.
"Hey, Christine. Have you seen Chris?" Susan asked her twin sister later in the evening.
"No, the only time I saw Chris after we found out Martin can't come home for Thanksgiving is dinner a couple hours ago."
"Do you think we should go look for him?
"Yeah, I guess so."
Christine and Susan went to Chris's room and knocked on the door. When there was no answer, Christine opened the door a little. Chris was on his bed staring at the ceiling.
"Hey, Chris. You okay?" Christine asked.
Chris shrugged. Christine walked in the room and motioned for Susan to follow her.
"You've missed Martin more than you've let on, haven't you" Susan asked.
"It's just… it's just not fair!" Chris vented. "Not only to me, but to all of us. We waited three months to see him and this happens?"
"I know," Christine said sympathetically. "But look at it this way. Martin's probably a lot more bummed than we are."
"Yeah, we have each other in our own home," Susan noted. "Martin's stuck out there having just started college. We're missing one person while Martin's missing his whole family."
"And on top of that, he has a broken car to deal with," Christine added.
With that, Chris felt a bit guilty. He had been so focused on himself and missing his brother that he hadn't thought much about what it must have been like for Martin these past few months. As hard as it was to get used to Martin's absence, everything else stayed the same for Chris. But Martin's entire world changed the moment he moved into his dorm at Duke. And Martin wouldn't want Chris, or anyone else in the family, to be sad. He'd want them to enjoy Thanksgiving despite the fact he wouldn't be there. And maybe Christmas would come sooner than they thought.
"Can we send a card to Martin saying Happy Thanksgiving and that we're thinking of him? And then everyone at Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow could sign it?" Chris suggested.
"I think that's a great idea!" Christine said.
"Yeah, Martin would love that!" Susan said to add her approval as well. Chris smiled at his sisters proudly.
"So. You're feeling better?" Christine asked.
"Yeah. Thanks. Truly."
"Well, we're no Martin. But we do what we can to help you," Susan said with a wink.
"No, I don't want another Martin," Chris said. "I'm more than happy and thankful to have one Martin, one Christine, and one Susan."
"Aw, come here you," Christine said, motioning her sister and brother in for a hug.
"You know, as much as we love Martin, we should take advantage of each other's sibling company over the next month. Make lemonade out of lemons, so to speak," Susan said as the hug was over.
"I like the sound of that," Chris said with a nod.
"Me too, but I don't think we can start now," said Christine. "Let's start after we get a card for Martin. I think mom and dad will have the perfect one!"
Susan and Chris laughed and the three left the room.
Part 2 will come around Christmastime. It'll take place when Martin comes home. 😊