Shout-Outs: Guest, DragonEmperor999, cailley1995, and Written-in-hearts

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Rated: T


Chapter 6 the Christmas Ball

Betty pulled away, looking slightly shocked. "Jughead—"

He cleared his throat, looking embarrassed. "I'm sorry. . . I probably shouldn't have done that."

She shook her head. "No. No, that was okay!" she assured him, when he still looked uncertain, she leaned in and kissed him, his hand automatically went to her waist and she placed her hand on his cheek, she released a breath. "See? I really don't mind!"

"You're so beautiful," Jughead told her. "I thought so the second I saw you standing on my doorstep."

"I didn't know how I was going to get out of this without having a crush on you," Betty replied. "I told myself not to like you as more than a colleague and even as a friend but I am terrible at protecting my heart."

"I'm really good at it," Jughead answered. "Except there's just something about you. . . I couldn't help myself."

Betty smiled at him and sighed. "So, what does this mean for us? If you decide not to become Santa and I stay here in the North Pole. I know a kiss doesn't make a person a couple but if we wanted to. . . if we wanted to give it a shot, having a long distance relationship this way would definitely be harder than if I lived in New York City and you lived in Riverdale."

"How did your grandparents do it?" Jughead asked.

"I don't know," Betty admitted. "Like I said, we never saw them much growing up because mom was embarrassed by my grandmother's lifestyle. I imagine he lived here with her though. But wouldn't that be awkward for you? Living here while somebody else did the job you were supposed to? Forget it! We can cross that bridge when we get to it! We still have the next few weeks to get through and you still have a decision to make. Besides, you haven't even taken me out on a real date."

"Technically dating is for people who want to get to know each other better," Jughead reminded her. "I already know what you look like in the morning when you wake up and how you take your coffee. I know the important stuff like how you want to do what you want to do but please your family at the same time. You know all the important stuff about me. I have fun with you when we're together—"

Betty's phone going off interrupted him. She dug into her coat pocket and pulled it out. "It's Dulcie, she wants to know if we're interested in trying out some desserts for the Christmas ball," she told him. "We'll finish this conversation later?"

Jughead reluctantly let her go, he would have been content to spend the whole day with her in arms, discussing their future. But at the same time, he couldn't ever pass up free dessert even if it did mean relinquishing Betty Cooper.

He kissed her again.

"To be continued," she promised as she linked their hands together.


"This can't possibly be work," Jughead said as they sampled Dulcie's desserts. "Here, try the candy cane buttercream frosting."

Betty took a spoonful from the mixer and nodded. "Usually things like this end up tasting like toothpaste but this is good!"

"So, does any of it work for the Christmas ball?" Dulcie asked, leaning against the counter and looking between them.

"You mean I have to sign off on these?" Jughead's eyes went wide.

"If you're anything like your grandfather, you know dessert!" Dulcie replied. "So, what do you like so far?"

"He wants you to make everything," Betty answered for him as she grinned at Jughead.

"That would be nice," Jughead agreed. "But I know. . . I know the drill. You can only make a few things from everything here."

"But only because we still have to get ready for the holidays!" Dulcie said, standing up straight and reaching for one of her many pink Kitchen-Aids.

Jughead nodded. "Tell me about it."

Dulcie smirked. "So, since Betty is the only other young human around here, I think you should be her escort to the Christmas ball."

"Oh, you do, do you?" Jughead asked.

Dulcie nodded and started to cream butter and sugar together. "It would be the sweetest thing! Betty, if you need a dress, I'm sure Snowflake could whip something up for you in the blink of an eye!"

"We've been working on a little something already," Betty assured her. "My grandmother told me that I'd be required to go. Date or not."

"Do you have a date, Dulcie?" Jughead asked. "Maybe I'll take you!"

"Very funny, Jughead. No offense or anything but you're like a brother to me. It would be kind of weird if you too me as your date."

Jughead sighed. "Well, I guess I'm just going to have to bring you after all, Betty. That is if you want to go with me."

Betty beamed at him. "I would love to go with you!" she said.


Jughead fidgeted with his bowtie for the millionth time. He hadn't even worn a tuxedo when he'd gone to prom, he had no clue how Snowflake had convinced him to wear one to the Christmas ball. He would have been much more at home in his beat up Converse sneakers and worn-in jeans.

Calvin poked his head in the doorway. "You clean up nicely," he said.

Jughead turned around and smiled wryly. "Thank you. I can't say this is the most comfortable I've ever been though."

"It'll only be for a few hours," Calvin assured him. "I brought you a couple things to make you feel a little more at ease though."

"I don't think that's possible," Jughead said.

"Try these on," Calvin answered, handing him a shoe box with the Converse logo on both sides.

Jughead sat down on the edge of his bed and opened the lid. Inside was a brand-new pair of Christmas green Converse sneakers that looked like they were his exact size. "You said there was something else?"

"Ah yes, I believe you know this fellow," Calvin replied, stepping away from the threshold to reveal Archie.

"This is quite a place you got here!" Archie said.

Jughead smiled. "Archie! You made it! Where's Veronica?"

"Your grandmother swept her away to finish getting ready for the ball," Archie answered. "Are you wearing a tux!?"

"I'll leave you two to catch up," Calvin told them. "See you in the ballroom."

"The ballroom?" Archie repeated. "You have a ballroom?"

"I'll give you the grand tour tomorrow," Jughead promised as he laced his sneakers and then tied them.

"So, have you made your decision yet? Are you going to be the next Santa Claus? You don't call, you don't write. I have no clue what's going on with you these days!"

"The same goes for you! You do realize you could pick up the phone and send me a text! How are things going with you and the lovely Miss Lodge?"

"Things are good. I think I'm going to marry her," Archie replied. "Is there any chance you've got anything in the way of engagement rings around here?"

"We have a fine selection of dress up jewelry in the way of the Disney princess collection but I'm afraid you're going to need some help from my friends at Tiffany's for your engagement ring needs. You see, I've had a peek at Veronica's wish list and she expects nothing less than the best."

Archie groaned. "Despite her penchant for material things, she's still on the nice list. Right?"

"Just because she likes the finer things in life doesn't make her any less of a nice girl!" Jughead assured him." She's done a lot for people this year without an angle and without expecting anything in return."

"So? What about you and Betty?" Archie asked as they left Jughead's room and started down the hallway.

Jughead blushed. "What about us?"

"You're totally smitten!"

"Smitten!? You heard that from Veronica!" Jughead said, nudging him slightly.

Archie opened his mouth to reply when they ran into Betty and Veronica walking down the same hallway, their arms linked together. It looked like they'd been friends forever as they chatted animatedly.

Jughead paused when he saw Betty, his heart stopping in his chest. She looked beautiful in a long, red tulle dress that fell off her shoulders and her hair was in a messy bun at the nape of her neck. Veronica was equally dressed to the nines in a sleek, strapless black dress and with her hair slicked back.

But he only had eyes for Betty.

Archie jabbed him in the ribs. "You're staring!" he whispered loudly.

"You have to say something now!" Veronica added as she wound her arm through Archie's.

For once in his life, Jughead was speechless. "Um. Erm. . . you look. . . wow!"

"Not bad for somebody who lives in sweaters and jeans?" Betty said.

Jughead nodded and then shook his head. "No. No you even look. . . I like the way you look in jeans and sweaters."

"Awww, aren't you two the cutest!" Veronica cooed, looking at them both.

"Young love," Archie added, batting his eyes at Jughead.

"You're as young as me!" Jughead reminded him, not even bothering to add that he and Betty weren't in love. He didn't think he could do it without tripping over his words or making a complete fool of himself and the last thing he wanted to do was give Betty a false impression of how he felt or didn't feel.


Love was too strong of a word.

Betty took Jughead by the arm. "Come on Juggie, we better get going before people start looking for us. You are in charge of opening the first dance, after all."

"Jughead opening a dance!? Now this I've got to see!" Archie said.


Jughead was sure he would forget a step in the very basic first dance that Snowflake had taught to him and Betty. But his pretty assistant-in-training was a good partner, whispering the steps in his ear every single time he fumbled them a little.

He looked at her and it took everything in him not to kiss away her red lipstick. He would have if all eyes weren't on them. He hadn't kissed her since that afternoon in the library and it had been all he thought about, aside from the choice he was going to have to make.

The song ended and he dipped Betty, there was applause and then a Sia song about Santa Claus coming for everybody started to play. The first people out on the dance floor were Noel and Ivy, looking very much like Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney in the last scene of White Christmas in their formal attire.

"Come with me," Betty whispered when all the guests were preoccupied, she slipped her fingers through his and led him into the hallway.

When she was certain that they were alone, she pushed him up into a dark, secluded corner and kissed him.

"What was that for?" he asked breathlessly.

"You're just so cute," Betty answered, fiddling with his bowtie. "And you're doing a good job, I know this is the last thing you want to do, like, ever. But you've been handling it very nicely."

Jughead smiled. "What do you mean? Kissing you is exactly what I want to be doing right now."

"I mean. . . getting dressed up and mingling with people," Betty replied.

Jughead shrugged. "The tuxedo is a first but the Christmas ball is a family tradition. You're making it more bearable than it's ever been though. I don't know how I'd do any of this without you."

Betty kissed him again. "I'm going to be here the whole time. Even afterwards, if you decide to stay."

"I know, you already told me. It always seems like we're back to square one," Jughead said.

"Make a decision soon and we can move forward," Betty told him. "Once we know what's going on, we just need to figure out logistics. Now come on, before people realize we're gone and start to look for us." she paused and looked at him. "It's not an ultimatum. No matter what you choose, I want to be with you."

TBC. . .


Author's Note:

Thank you for your continuous reviews! I hope you guys had a VERY Merry Christmas! My nephew was born this morning at 7 and he is adorable AF. Leave a review and tell me what you thought of this chapter. I'll post the last chapter soon.

Until Next Time!


Holly, 12/26/2017