The tournament of power has come to an end. Universe 7 have emerged victorious, saving their universe from eraser. After some time convincing Lord Beerus, Son Goku and Co have decide to resurrect the Universes that have fallen prey to Zen-Oh. We move our attention from Universe 7 to follow the stories that will unfold with the Universe 6 Saiyans.

"So this Universe 7's Earth" said Cabba to himself looking around from his masters backyard, "It's nothing special" Caulifla interrupting Cabba's thoughts. "Anyways, lets get back to the party Cabbage head" teasing Cabba as they both go on to talk with other guests. As they both walked, Caulifla had noticed that Cabba looking a little down since the tournament, "What's wrong? All sad cause I called you Cabbage head" she smirked, "Nah, there's nothing wrong me" replied Cabba, trying to play it off by giving a fake smile.

Caulifla saw through this, "what's wrong?" asked again with aggression in her voice, afraid to not answer,Cabba lets out a small sigh, "I feel like I wasn't much of help during the tournament. As part of the 'Saiyan Elite Defense Force' it's my duty to protect my fellow Saiyans, in this situation the universe" he said, feeling as if he had failed his people as well as himself. "That's not exactly true" said Caulifla, Cabba confusingly looked at her not sure what she meant. "You did save me and Kale" she said, as she recollected his memories.


"It looks like Cabba has bought us some time to regain our stamina" said Caulifla, "Sis, what are we going to do?" asks her trusted, kind Saiyan friend, sitting down on some ruble. Caulifla looks down at Kale, Caulifla gives her protege a big smile, "we're going to fight Son Goku" confidently announcing her plan. "But sis, he's too strong" acknowledging their defeat if they follow through, "don't worry Kale, We'll beat him together. besides he is injured and tired right now, even if he goes blue he won't be able to fully utilize it's power and we can beat" trying to boast her fellow Saiyans confidence. As the two plot their attack plan, an unexpected guest approaches them. "HO HO HO, what do we have here" Frieza announces, slowly walking up to the two female Saiyans. Both Saiyans jump into their battle stances ready for to fight, "I best advise to leave if you don't want to have your ass eliminated" threatens Caulifla, "Shit, I best advise our asses to leave if we don't want to get eliminated" thinking the opposite of what she said.

"A feisty little Saiyan. Oh well, this shouldn't take too long" firing off heavy ki blasts at the two young Saiyans from his base form. "This is bad, both Kale and I haven't fully recovered to fight this guy" she thought, struggling to avoid the blast targeted at them. "HA HA HA" laughed Frieza, "This is perfect, they have fallen into my trap. all I have to do is continue to lead them towards the edge of the stage then blast them off the edge", as Caulifla and Kale barely able to dodge the barrage, they soon find themselves at the at the end of the stage, "This isn't good Kale" said Caulifla as Frieza stands in their point of view. "Now, who's first?" asking the two, "Fuck you, you purple headed freak" said Caulifla, confirming that she is the first to go.

"Kale, I want you to go" commanding her protege, "But sis I-", "I said go, save yourself while you can and don't dare argue", Kale wasn't usually the one that would leave Caulifla, but this was different, she knew what this tournament was and she couldn't afford to lose, "I promise to win" said the timid Saiyan, running and jumping over obstacles. A smile grew upon Caulifla's face, she had grown proud of how much her protege has grown. "This is the end for you damn Saiyan" announced Frieza, giving a sinister smile, firing off multiple death beams and the defenseless Saiyan.

"If only I've could of done more" thought Caulifla, feeling disappointed with all that she's been able to achieve, wishing that she was able to do more. The Saiyan on the brink of elimination, had shut her eyes accepting her defeat. Time had seem to stop, nothing could be heard except the beams piercing the flesh of being. Caulifla opened her eyes to find herself a savior, the individual turns their head over their shoulder to reveal them to be Cabba, "C-Cabba" whispered the female Saiyan."Don't worry you're safe now" said the bruised and bleeding Saiyan, Caulifla stared on in shock.

Caulifla was soon snapped out of the shock with Cabba coughing blood, "Cabba are you alright?" asked the concerned Saiyan, "Don't worry about me" replied the Saiyan, giving her a smile. "Oh, this is a surprise, another Saiyan for me to play with HA HA HA" laughed Frieza, enjoying each moment that had past, "Caulifla, you need to get to safety" commanded Cabba, indicating her to leave right away, "As if, look at yoursel-" as Cabba interrupted, "I said to not worry about me. Besides it's my duty as part of of the 'Saiyan Elite Defense Force' I must protect others, I especially someone as precious as you". Those last words made Caulifla feel something, something that she hasn't ever felt, attraction. The female Saiyan gave Cabba a stern look before nodding and running off. she didn't look back no matter the sounds of Ki blast, punches thrown and screams of pain that came from that direction.

Cabba's depressed outlook on the situation turned happiness, knowing he was able to save someone. there was a pause of silence as both Saiyans started at each other with a smile on each others faces. "Thank you for saving me" breaking the silence between the two, this was unusual coming from Caulifla as she would often make fun of Cabba. "It was no big deal" trying to sound cool, standing with chest out in an attempt to make himself look bigger, Caulifla let a small giggle, it was the first time Cabba ever heard giggle, "By the way you said "I must protect others, I especially someone as precious as you", what did you mean by that?" interrogated Caulifla, changing from a happy demeanor to a devious one, Caught off guard, Cabba wasn't able to clearly speak "I-um that-um you-um".

"Well spill it" demanded Caulifla running out of patience, leaning her face closer to Cabba's that made it more uncomfortable. "What I-um meant by those words was-um that you were a precious unit to-um our universe since you were able to do fusion" blurt Cabba. Caulifla moved her face from Cabba's, "Okay" she agreed unconvincingly, "One more thing, don't you dare tell anyone that I said thank you or you're dead meat" she said aggressively, before walking of. Cabba let out a sigh of relief thinking to himself, "What a woman she is" looking up smiling at the sky.

"Wow, I didn't think everyone would come" said Goku, looking around him to see all the participants from the tournament, "Why are they all here? and why at my place?" asked Vegeta angrily. "Don't be like Vegeta, plus Beerus wants to make good with the other universes" whispering the last part, "Whatever, just don't mess things up" said Vegeta, watching the guests talk among themselves. "Look, it's Toppo and Jiren" said Goku running off to greet his guests. Vegeta just watched as his fellow Saiyan and rival go off chat with their former opponents, soon following him.

"Yo Toppo, Jiren. How are things?" Goku greeted the two powerful warriors, "Son Goku it's you" said Toppo, "Hello" followed Jiren. "I didn't thing you two would show" said Goku giving them his signature, "We weren't planning to, but Vermouth persuaded us" said Jiren standing with his arms crossed, "Oh if it isn't the second fiddle" said Vegeta walking up to the two warriors from the eleventh universe, "Second fiddle, funny coming from Goku's second" countered Toppo, causing Vegeta's forehead to vain.

Their conversation was soon interrupted with Caulifla and Kale, "Oh if isn't Caulifla and Kale" said Goku, waving them a hello, "The moron remembered our names" said Caulifla, chuckling at her comment, "H-Hello" said Kale, being polite. "Didn't I beat you when you fused with Kale" said Goku, chuckling at his own comment, this clearly agitating Caulifla. "Just watch we Saiyans from Universe 6 surpass you Saiyans and your universe" proclaimed Caulifla, the two Saiyans from the 7th universe just laughed, "We'll be waiting" said Goku, wanting them to become stronger. "By the way, where is your mate Cabba?" asked Vegeta, Caulifla blushed, "He's not my mate" Caulifla responded.

Cabba stood their, looking at the environment, despite having a moment of happiness when talking with Caulifla, Cabba still felt disappointment. "To think I brought you back for this" said Vegeta, Cabba stood their silent. "I overheard your conversation from earlier" said Vegeta, "What should I do?" asked Cabba. Vegeta walked up beside to the younger Saiyan, "Find something that pushes you, something to make you stronger" said Vegeta. Cabba looked at his master, "For me it's my rivalry with Kakarot and my family" Vegeta continued, Cabba had finally new what he was going to do. Looking up at his master, "I'm going to get stronger, I'm going to surpass you" he said, both master and student smiling. "I see you found yourself a strong Saiyan woman. Caulifla was her name if I'm not mistaken" said Vegeta, Cabba blushed at his masters comment, Vegeta let out a small chuckle, "You have much to learn".