Chapter One: Plasmius' First Strike.
December 25, 1986
It was a snowy Christmas day for Amity Park. After breakfast and presents, the Fentons spent the day at the park, which had been coated in a thick layer of snow. The kids played in the snow, having snowball fights and building snowmen. Eventually, they were joined by their friends Sam and Tucker, while their parents engaged in par for the course glaring contest. They spent the afternoon and well into the evening playing in the snow, even holding a small picnic, with a meal of turkey sandwiches.
As night fell, Sam and Tucker left, leaving only Jazz, Danny, Harry, and the youngest Fenton, Danielle, who was just old enough to walk, and was now learning to skate.
That was when disaster struck.
Danielle found herself on a particularly thin patch of ice, which cracked and broke. Danielle started to fall into the water.
"No!" the three children all shouted. Danny's hand shot out and Danielle found herself suspended over the hole in the ice as if by magic. The commotion drew their parents' attention, and they came rushing down.
So caught up in worrying for Danielle, they didn't see the shadow under the ice beneath Danny, at least until it was too late.
A pitch black form burst from the ice, and a set of talons lashed out, catching the eight year old in the throat and sending him flying with a streak of red.
Danielle fell, hitting the water with a loud splash and sinking like a stone with a shriek.
Jack and Maddie charged at the monstrous figure, wands drawn and casting stunners. The scarlet bolts disappeared into the figure's form, and a cruel sneer played on its lips. Its other arm shot out in their direction, streams of crimson flying from its fingertips. The crimson streams brought both adults to their knees.
"Leave them alone!" Harry shouted, leaping onto the monster and wrapping his scrawny arms around its neck. A loud sizzling sounded from where he touched the monster, and an inhuman scream tore through the park. The shadowy monster twisted its head around, followed by the rest of its body, and hissed.
Harry went flying a second later, his coat stained red. As the devilish abomination turned its crimson gaze on the eldest Fenton daughter, a loud howl pierced the night. A blur of black and green slammed into the side of the monster, sending it tumbling to the ground. The blur came to a stop, and stood defensively over Jazz.
It was a werewolf, with fur black as a grim, and piercing green eyes. It was wearing what looked like had once been a bright green hoodie and jeans, that were now faded, torn, and tattered. He was also small for a werewolf, he couldn't have been older than Jazz. The wolf growled protectively over her, and the monstrous shadow actually looked frightened for a second, before it disappeared as though blown away with the wind.
Jack and Maddie ran up to their children, and the werewolf high-tailed it away, disappearing before anyone could do anything.
Jazz was unharmed, but the same could not be said for her brother and cousin.
The monster's claws had raked across his chest, and their healing spells only sealed his wounds, which had already started to scar.
They found Danny lying in a bank of snow, which was red with blood. The slashes in his throat had sealed themselves, and he was breathing, at least. But his hair was now marked with a stripe of white down the center.
Of Danielle, they could find no sign. Locater Charms came back unresponsive, and they had no luck with Summoning Charms.
Danielle was gone.