Wielder of the Omnitrix


Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Ben-10, but I do own this fic as well as any original techniques and the like.

-This is just something that I started writing during my six month absence of The ANBU Shadows, and just have been too lazy to bother typing the thing. I wrote a whole bunch of random things while I was a way, and I may or may not share them all, we'll see. In this Naruto will be more reminiscent in appearance to Menma, but will still be Naruto. Anyways, enjoy. Ja ne.—

3/5/19: Added Disclaimer

The sky is clear, and the stars can be seen for miles. A young, raven-haired child who was driven from his home and has no qualms about sleeping in the wilderness gazes up at the sky while lying on his back. The boy has piercing emerald eyes, three whisker-like birthmarks on each cheek, and is currently adorned only in black and orange boxers, while his shirt and pants dry on a nearby branch.

This is Naruto Uzumaki, the 'demon' of Konoha that killed the Yondaime Hokage. The truth is that the real creature that killed the Yondaime is actually sealed within Naruto; although he is clueless to that fact. He just knows that the villagers don't like him, not that he likes them himself. Only two people have ever really been there for him; the Sandaime Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi - an elderly man who is always smoking an old pipe - and Iruka Umino - an Academy teacher who has helped Naruto on a number of occasions.

Naruto used to have a place to live within the walls of Konoha, but the villagers ransacked the apartment and burnt it to the ground. Hiruzen doesn't even know about it, but what was done was done, and there was nothing that could be done about it, and Naruto had already been driven from the village.

Two years ago however was the worst. Naruto had just turned six, and the villagers stormed the place that he had been living and dragged him out to the center of the village where they proceeded to beat, cut, and burn him. He had only been spared when the ANBU - the village's guardians as well as the personal guardians of the Hokage - had finally arrived and forced the villagers away, as well as arrested a handful of the attackers.

Naruto had been taken to the hospital, but they refused to treat him since he was considered to be demonspawn, and didn't deserve to receive the medical aid of the hospital staff. Hiruzen had almost tore the hospital down in his anger, but managed to keep his cool, and threatened to take away the doctor's medical licenses if they continued to refuse administering Naruto medical aid; but by the time they finally agreed to help, there wasn't much to do since the demon within him had already healed him. The hospital pretty much threw him out after that.

His next birthday was similar, but not as bad as the previous year. He was still injured, but managed to get away from the mob, and get to one of his hiding places where he was safe until dark when he would then sneak back to his apartment. The most recent birthday however sucked in his opinion. It was the day he was driven from the village, but to be honest, he doesn't mind all that much. He camps out within a hollowed out tree that he had eventually found.

He fashioned a makeshift ladder for the inside of the tree since it's easier to climb the outside of the trunk compared to the smoother inside of the trunk. He had a makeshift bed made of the sheets and blankets he used to use before he was driven out, and had snuck back in to grab. The tree is fairly large in both height and diameter. He can lie down within it, and it remains reasonably dry within - even when it rains - since he covers the entrance with a waterproof cover that's colored to match the bark of the tree.

However, none of that bothers him as he stares up at the stars, and waits for his clothes to dry. He closes his eyes and stretches, and when he opens them, something catches his eye in the sky. It almost resembles a shooting star, but its course is wrong since it seems to be coming closer. Correction, it is coming closer.

Naruto watches in fascination as the object gets closer, growing larger by the second, before eventually slamming into the ground. He gets to his feet and hesitantly moves closer to the crater and peers over the edge, but can't make anything out due to the dust that's in the air, which slowly disperses. As it does, he can see a strange, black and silver sphere, unlike anything he has ever seen before. His curiosity gets the better of him and he moves closer, sliding down the edge of the crater.

He moves around the sphere and places his hand on it, the texture smooth and oddly unnatural feeling, as well as slightly warm. As he continues maneuvering around and investigating, a pop, then a hiss can be heard, startling him. A hatch opens on the sphere, and Naruto moves to peer within, and sees a strange device within. He reaches in to touch the device due to his curiosity, when the device instantly jumps up and latches onto his wrist. He immediately scrambles away, shaking and grabbing at his arm in an attempt to pry the device off, but to no avail.

The device glows an eerie green hue and something pops up on it, causing Naruto to stop panicking momentarily and look at the strange device; odd, foreign flowing across it. He touches the top of the device curiously, and it seems to give a little bit, almost like a button. He pushes it down experimentally, but is not prepared for what happens next.

The device flares green, and his skin begins rippling, leading up his arm towards his shoulder. His arm then begins throwing out sparks, his body enlarges as the rest of his body begins rippling then throwing out sparks as well. A strange, skin-tight suit forms over his right torso and arm as the flash slowly fades. His body is mostly composed of yellow, writhing and jumping electricity. Around his waist is a black and silver belt. On his right pectoral is a symbol like the one that was on the device. His eyes glow a bright scarlet color, contrasting the yellow of the arcing electricity.

The new form caused Naruto to freak out and he inadvertently launches a bolt of lightning which strikes a tree, charring it to a crisp, leaves and all. "Whoa. Did I just do that? Cool." He says, then notices that his voice has changed significantly. It's fairly reminiscent to that of static, and it's kind of an unpleasant sound. He looks at his hands and flexes them, before raising a hand again in a flick, another bolt of lightning shooting out and crashing into another tree.

He then grins. 'I bet I could stop those villagers with this, but... that would probably just cause more issues in the long run; but then again... no one would know it was me.' He thinks, then continues experimenting with his new form for a few minutes until a beeping sound begins. He looks around for the source, but can't see to locate it. The tone slows and deepens before a flash of red appears, and when it fades, Naruto is standing where the lightning being was standing.

He looks to the device and begins fiddling with it. 'That was awesome. I wonder what else this thing can do.' He continues messing with the device, but nothing new happens, it just keeps glowing the same dull red color, and nothing else. He eventually gives up and moves to where his clothes are, checking them to make sure they're dry, before getting dressed then heading to his tree.

He climbs, enters, and covers the hole, before climbing down inside the tree. He feels his makeshift bed and lies down before raising up his arm and looking at the device once more. 'I wonder what exactly this thing is... but whatever it is, it's cool. I wonder what it's called, and I wonder what that creature that I was earlier was.' He thinks, before covering up to escape the cooler air within the tree. He closes his eyes and is quickly unconscious within moments.

Over time, Naruto slowly learns more about the device, which he now calls the Omnitrix; omni for multiple, and trix - like tricks - for the different forms that it can provide. He's also come up with names for a few of the forms that he's acquired. Hypervolt for the electric form that he experienced when he first got the device. Typhoon for a variation of Hypervolt, except that his entire body is made up of hurricane level winds that are contained in a humanoid figure.

He has a greenish crystal-like humanoid who he's dubbed Diamondhead, who's crystals are extremely hard - even more so than the steel of the normal ninja tools he's seen the older ninja use. His most recent form though is one he calls Aquasurge; a water variant of Typhoon, whose body is made up entirely of water, but doesn't seem to be as deadly as the other two variations. He hasn't really been able to test out Aquasurge though since it's still so new to him.

He's also learned that he can last about ten minutes in each form and must wait six minutes before he can use the device again. He's also ditched the color orange as a favorite, and changed it to an electric green, similar to that of the Omintrix's glow.

===Two Years Later===

Naruto decides he needs new clothes since his old ones are getting small on his growing frame; but to get new clothes, he needs to shop, and in order to shop, he needs money. And no one will dare give money to the demonspawn, so he heads to the one place where he'll be able to get some; Hiruzen's Office. So he reluctantly enters the village and begins making his way towards the Hokage Tower, making sure to keep his crystal knife close at hand. He's been training himself daily with it, but due to not having anyone to teach him proper forms, his skills are extremely limited.

The villagers glare at him and whisper quietly amongst themselves, but he ignores them and continues walking, eyes forwards. Eventually he reached the Hokage Tower and enters it. The receptionist scowls as she looks up. "What do you want, demon?" She spits.

"It's really none of your concern, but if you truly must know, I'm here to see the old man." Naruto replies.

"Not a chance demon brat." The lady says, standing.

"Oh really? Are you going to stop me?" Naruto taunts, glaring back.

"If I must, then yes. No demonspawn is going anywhere near the Hokage in an attempt to hurt him. Even your vile presence shall not be allowed near him." The lady replies.

"So you'll stop me... alone? And then what? You assume you'll be rewarded for assaulting a child?" Naruto asks, taking a step forward, causing the woman to stiffen but continue to hold her ground. "I'll ask once more, please allow me to pass and see Jijī (Grandpa)... or will we need to resort to violence?"

"Violence? You want violence? Then allow me to grant your wish." The lady says, before rushing from behind her desk at Naruto who easily sidesteps and draws his knife.

"That was pathetic lady. Rushing at an armed person is a senseless thing to do." Naruto says, before putting his knife away, then turns and heads up the stairs, ignoring the woman's protests. He knocks on the old door when he arrives and waits to be allowed entrance.

Hiruzen looks up as Naruto enters. "Well look what the cat dragged in, if it isn't young Naruto. What can I do for you?" He asks, folding his hands together on his desk.

"I need new clothes Jijī." Naruto replies

Hiruzen frowns. "And what happened to the clothes that you used to have?"

"Well, for one, they'll getting too small. And two, they've been as for quite some time now. My place was burnt to the ground a few years ago. Did no one ever tell you about that?"

Hiruzen shakes his head. "No one told me anything of the sort happened. Where have you been living since then?"

"Living outside the village. Just coming here wasn't exactly the most thrilling thing to have happened since then after having been left alone for those past few years. The villagers drove me out on my sixth birthday, but I've learned to feed myself by hunting and foraging. However, I want to join the Academy, but I need new clothes beforehand."

Hiruzen grunts unhappily. "How about this? I get you a place within the village, and have the ANBU guard it regularly. That way, you'll be under constant observation, as well as be closer to the Academy as well."

"But I prefer the wilderness; it's soothing, and it allows me to be, well, me. Out there I don't have to worry about the villagers, even though they really can't do all that much to me anymore."

"What do you mean by that?" Hiruzen asks, before finally noticing the Omnitrix on Naruto's wrist. "What's that thing on your wrist?"

Naruto looks at the Omnitrix, then back to Hiruzen. "Another reason I would prefer to remain outside in the wilderness. It's a device of some kind that allows me to change into creatures with powerful abilities. So far I can use four different forms. One of them actually is what I used to make my knife." He says, before moving forward and placing his knife on Hiruzen's desk.

Hiruzen picks up the blade and examines it. "What is it made of? Crystal? Stone? Some kind of mineral?"

"It's made of a type of crystal. It's very hard, and very sharp too. I actually have to use more of the crystal in order to proper hone the blade since I doubt a normal whetstone would even affect it."

"So, I'm assuming one of your forms creates crystals, correct? What do the others do?"

"One is lightning or electricity based, one is composed entirely of water, and the other is composed of wind. I believe they may represent my affinities to the elements, however I cannot be certain of that fact, since I've never had any way to test them. I can also now lightly channel chakra, but that's about all I can do."

Hiruzen hmms at this little bit of information. "Would you like to know for certain?" He asks, earning a nod from the spiky-haired raven. He opens a drawer on his desk and pulls out a sheet of paper, which he then sets on the edge of his desk. "Just channel your chakra into this, and we'll know for certain."

Naruto picks up the paper and examines it, but sees nothing special about it. Nonetheless he channels his chakra into it. The paper cuts in half before one of the halves cuts into thirds. The uncut half crumples violently, while the other half becomes damp on one of the thirds, smolders on a second third, and flakes gently from the final third.

Hiruzen raises an eyebrow. "Interesting. You seem to have affinities for four of the five elements, though you may eventually earn fire if the low affinities for the three lesser elements mean anything. However, your lightning affinity is abnormally high. Normally the paper would just crinkle, but yours violently balled up, meaning your affinity is extraordinarily high; in fact I don't think I've seen one that high outside of Kumo (Cloud)."

Naruto nods. "Lightning as my primary element, that should be interesting. It was actually the form I took as well, not to mention I found out how its abilities work on accident. I launched a lightning bolt and ended up charring a tree to a crisp, leaves and all. It would make good charcoal." He says, chuckling.

"One attack did that? It takes a decent amount of electricity to char wood, not to mention turning it into charcoal; so for one attack to do that must make it extremely powerful."

"Hai (Yes), just one attack. From what I've learned, I can remain in the forms for about ten minutes, and it takes about six minutes before I can use another form after dropping out of the first one. But I didn't come to talk about this Jijī, I still need new clothes, and these ones are as you can see, falling apart, not to mention, too small."

Hiruzen blinks. "Uh... right, sorry. Yes, um, clothes." He stutters, thinking about the possibilities of the Omnitrix. He reaches into another drawer and pulls out a wad of ryō which he tosses to Naruto. "Come back here when you're done, and we'll see about getting you an actual place to live, as well as set into the Academy."

Naruto nods, the turns and leaves, heading towards the clothing store he tended to head to. This particular store has always been decent to Naruto. As long as he has the money, they'll sell him pretty much anything, raised a little from their normal listed prices, just because of who he is - unlike the rest of the stores throughout the village.

He enters and begins to look around, and finds some clothes that he likes. A white t-shirt with a black stripe heading down the middle of the torso and some black at the sleeve cuffs; olive green cargo pants with brown pockets with grey hems; and black sandals with dark green soles. He spots a cool looking watch which he picks up and examines, before returning it to where he found it. As he does, the Omnitrix bleeps, catching his attention.

He looks at his wrist, and is tempted to fiddle with it, but doesn't know what possible problems it could end up causing, and decides to examine it more at a later time, while heading to go pay for the clothes that he's picked out. Afterwards he goes to change into them, dumping the old ones into the trash.

After changing, he begins making his way back to the Hokage Tower. When he enters after getting past the stubborn receptionist again, Hiruzen looks over his new apparel, nodding slightly in approval. "Black, white, and green? Did you take those colors from the device on your wrist? Anyways, so how do they fit?"

Naruto nods. "Much better than what I was wearing, and yea, I took a bit of inspiration from the Omnitrix."

Hiruzen then motions to a folder near the edge of the desk. "I've already got your new place set up. It's close to the place of one of the Chūnin who teach at the Academy. As for attending the Academy, you start next week. You're all set and ready to go." He says. "Oh, and the key is also in that folder so don't drop it."

Naruto moves to the desk and opens the folder, examining it. "They're part of an apartment complex that's recently been renovated, and really isn't used all the much anymore; meaning you'll pretty much have that entire section to yourself. The cost is also listed there. Iruka also lives nearby, so you could easily go to him if you ever need anything." Hiruzen says.

Naruto looks up. "So I've got an entire apartment building to myself? Cool. Do you mind if I keep the leftover ryō so I can work on furnishing the place?" He asks, earning a nod. He picks up the folder after pocketing the key. He then grins. "Thanks Jijī. I'll see you later then." He says practically running from the office, and begins heading for his new place.

When he arrives near the apartment, he checks the folder for the number attached to the key in his pocket, and quickly finds then enters the apartment, locking the door behind him. He moves to the counter and sets the folder down before looking at the Omnitrix, noticing that the button is still raised, and an unfamiliar figure is shown. He presses down on the button and a green flash appears. When it fades a small, half foot tall, bipedal amphibious-like alien can be seen.

"Whoa... I'm so small. I wonder what kind of abilities this guy has." He says in a higher pitched voice than what even his voice normally is. He tries various attack motions from his other forms, but nothing happens. He scratches his head. "Strange, I thought for certain that this guy would have some kind of cool abilities, but nothing seems to happen." He says to himself, before wondering if it's not physical powers this guy has, but mental ones instead. He begins thinking.

"Pi is equal to 3.141592653589793238462643383279 etcetera, etcetera... whoa. The sky is blue due to the sunlight off of crystallized water vapor within the tropospheric layer of the atmosphere, similar to that of a prism; as well as the water reflecting all colors except the color blue, which is why it's even visible at all." He says, and then his eyes widen. 'Whoa, this guy is crazy smart.' He thinks, then ideas start rapidly flowing through his head. Ten minutes quickly pass, and Naruto returns to himself.

'I like this new guy, I had all kinds of crazy ideas pop into my head. But first things first, I need to cover up these windows, and open up some more space... shouldn't be too hard.' He then pops his knuckles and leaves to head to another shop and buys enough window drapes to cover two apartments worth of windows, linens, a mattress, necessities, as well as a bunch of electronical doodads for his new form's ideas, and tools, so he can make more from Diamondhead's crystals. He buys more clothes, food, cooking-ware and supplies, toiletries, and shelves, cabinets and drawers.

By the time he leaves, he has a number of scrolls sealed within another scroll, each filled to capacity... and he still has ryō to spare - a few thousand - and mentally thanks Hiruzen for sparing so much. He pockets the lone remaining scroll and then heads to his favorite food place - somewhere he hasn't been to for a while; Ichiraku's.

He enters and sits on a stool. "Three large miso pork ramens." He calls out.

A man pokes his head around the corner and smiles. "Coming up." He calls out.

A few minutes later the bowls of steaming noodles appear. "Here you go. How have you been Naruto? It's been a while since you last visited." The man asks.

Naruto says his thanks, and splits the hashi (Japanese chopsticks) set in front of him. "I've been away Teuchi-jī-san. I haven't exactly been around a whole lot." He replies and begins eating.

Teuchi nods. "I was just curious. I wouldn't want my best customer disappearing. So is there anything new that's been happening as of late?"

Naruto shakes his head then swallows. "Not that much. Things are still pretty much the same as always. I did end up getting a new place though. An older apartment section entirely to myself; so I'll have plenty of space to myself, and I won't end up "irritating" people... which I see to do by just living."

Teuchi blinks. "Don't know why that would be. You're respectful, are a friendly kid, not to mention you always leave us a tip when you leave."

Naruto sighs. "According to the villagers, I'm some kind of demon to them. I've been assaulted for years. I was driven from the village a few years ago, which is the main reason I haven't been around."

"That's wrong and cruel. There isn't any reason to treat a child like that, no matter the reason. Does the Hokage know?" Teuchi asks, earning a nod. "Has he done anything to somehow resolve this?"

"There's only so much that he can do. It's him against the entirety of the village as well as the civilian council... something that shouldn't even have a say in the affairs of the ninja world. He can only do so much and stretch himself so thin." Naruto replies before finishing off his second bowl of ramen, before starting on the third bowl. But Jijī does what he can to help me. He spared a good chunk of ryō, enough to easily furnish a few rooms in my new apartment, as well as get clothes, food, and other stuff."

Teuchi nods. "Well that's good. Are you planning on entering the Academy anytime soon?" He asks, earning a nod. "Well, I'm sure you'll do fine there. You're smart, respectful, and willing to learn. Those are things that all people should look at; not some random bullshit that they are apparently seeing in order to get off their high-horse by bullying a child."

Naruto finishes off the third bowl, before sighing happily. "Thanks for the food Jī-san." He says, before paying for the three bowls of ramen, plus a decent tip, before sliding off of the stool.

Teuchi scoops up the money. "Take care of yourself, Naruto, ya hear? And make sure to come by more often."

Naruto nods, before exiting the stall and making his way back to his apartment. When he arrives, we unseals the scrolls and begins setting everything up in neat piles. Once done, he changes into Diamondhead and uses his crystal to more-or-less, cut down one of the walls, enlarging the available floor space. He then places his hands on one of the walls, and coats the entirety of the now enlarged room, making sure to leave the door he has a key to unsealed with a thin layer of crystal that's almost completely clear, but is as hard as diamond. As he finishes, the Omnitrix timer runs out and reverts him back to his normal form.

He goes around and covers up the windows with the new drapes that he bought, and makes sure that his door is locked, before heading to take a shower. After showering, he dries before dressing in a pair of boxers and black shorts, before continuing on setting up his apartment with the items still on the scrolls.

He works on mounting the shelves, which is tough due to the walls being coated in crystal. He sighs, and instead focuses on just building them at the moment. He then changes into Diamondhead again and utilizes his crystal like makeshift bolts, and bolts the shelves to the walls, at a reasonable height, even for when he's in his normal form. He makes crystal duplicates of the tools that he got as well. Ten minutes later the Omnitrix forces him back to his normal form.

He sighs. 'I wonder if there's a way to make it so that certain forms stay active longer.' He thinks, and unseals the final scrolls. A pile of technological doodads, electrical whatsits, and mechanical thingamajigs all appear in a pile. He himself doesn't have a clue on what they do, but he's certain his brainy friend could probably find a use for them. He also sets paper and pencil nearby. He learned to make the pencils from the charred trees due to Hypervolt's electric attacks by wrapping wood left to soak in water for a long period of time around the charcoal. He then uses his knife to shave away the wood in order to get to the charcoal itself.

Throughout the night he shifts between himself and his brain form, whom he eventually names Greymatter and works on a project, jotting down random bits of information, sketching designs, and noting a number of other things; all of which hurt his normal brain when he looks at them. He eventually stops to eat, before returning to his constant changing back and forth.

He uses Greymatter to eventually write down a list of things that he'll need for this project, in words that he can understand when not Greymatter. He stays up late into the night, disassembling the items that he bought, and creating a rounded rectangle that slopes up at each end becoming a stretched out U-like shape out of Diamondhead's crystal - large enough to stand on easily. After reverting back, he returns to disassembling more of the items.

He returns to Greymatter, and begins building whatever it is that's been illustrated on the papers. Hours later the contraption is nearly finished. Greymatter puts a few more instructions on how to attach the things he created to the rectangular crystal. Once the Omnitrix recharges, Diamondhead is used to weld the devices carefully to the crystal. Once done, the devices seem to connect to each-other, humming quietly together. The crystal begins to hover a few inches above the ground. He reverts back to normal, and examines the sheets of papers.

'Cool... um, Greymatter calls it a hoverboard, and he's noted that it can be used to travel quickly instead of just by foot.' He thinks and looks at the contraption. 'Now to learn how to use the thing.' He experiments for awhile, and learns that you can stand on it, and can shift your weight to get it to move. It can also ascend and descend, and he's eager to put it through its paces. He's also learned that it's not very easy to stay on it - since he's fallen off a number of times - so creates makeshift straps to hold his feet onto the board.

'I can't wait to learn chakra control, it'll make using this thing so much better.' He thinks, hovering around the room testing, testing it as best as he can in the limited space. He eventually gets off the board and sees the time. 'Whoa... I've been up all night, yet I'm not even tired in the least.' He moves to the file and opens it to see when he starts the Academy. 'So a week. That should be plenty of time to get the hang of this thing.' He then goes and pulls on a shirt and his sandals, before leaving the apartment, the hoverboard tucked under his arm.

He heads to the gate, sneaking out and heading back to his tree, before moving to the clearing where he had initially found the Omnitrix. He remounts the hoverboard and begins practicing more with it since he now has more space, as well as the trees, rocks and bushes as obstacles to have to deal avoid. He practices for a number of hours, slowly getting more daring and faster, as he gets more used to the thing. He also tests how high he can go, and reaches the tops of the trees fairly easily, so at least twenty-five feet, but he hasn't even begun really pushing to see what the board can really do.

Over a few more hours, he pushes the board harder; faster than what he originally started with until everything becomes a blur around him and he nearly crashes into a tree; as well as making it stop on the dot, giving himself a serious case of whiplash. He also pushes to see how high he can go and manages to reach at least 50 feet above the ground before the device starts to struggle at going any higher.

After a dash through the trees he eventually returns to the clearing and looks up to the sky, the sun now midway through the sky. 'This thing is something else. It's so responsive, that it's scary at times. The slightest body motion can affect this thing direction, and it has some serious speed.' He thinks, before making his way back to the village, and easily slipping over the wall unseen.

He gets back to his place and enters, still on the board. He moves to his bed and sits on it, before undoing the straps from his feet and removing them from the board. He flips the board over and spots a small pair of buttons - one red and one green. He presses the green one and nothing happens, so he then presses the red one. The hum slowly fades, and he can feel the board growing heavier in his grip. He nods approvingly, and leans the board against the wall at the foot of his bed.

He then gets up and stretches, before remembering the cut down wall, and that he hasn't removed it yet. He sighs and gets to work, glad that he cut it into more manageable sized pieces. It takes about an hour of lugging the pieces out, but eventually it gets done. He then heads to take a shower in order to wash off the drywall, plaster, plexiglass, dust, and sweat off of him. Afterwards he goes and prepares something to eat. Eventually fatigue hits him, so he heads to his bed after finishing his meal, crawls under the covers, and is quickly out cold.

-So I know it's been a little while since I've posted anything, well, besides the AN on The ANBU Shadows, but this has a few chapters that are pretty much done, so I'll upload for those who wish to read them. Anyways, I'll end off here. Ja ne.-

Jijī= Grandpa or old man

Hai= Yes

Hashi= Japanese Chopsticks

Kumo= Cloud

Konoha= Leaf

Chūnin= Middle Level Person (Ninja in Naruto)

Hokage= Fire Shadow

Ryō= The currency used in Naruto (100 Ryō = 100 Yen = $0.89 USD = €0.75) I won't try to use number when describing the costs of items, but just thought the amounting would be interesting for you all to know.