Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Marvel Characters mentioned in the story.

Unforgettable, that's what you are

Unforgettable though near or far

Like a song of love that clings to me

How the thought of you does things to me

Never before has someone been more



Before he became The Captain America, he was Steve Rogers first.

Sickly. Physically weak. Often bullied. Unattractive.

So how could he forget. The first girl who blushed because of his past self, The first woman who made his heart skip a beat.

Her hair, the shades of the darkest of chocolates. Her face, soft and structured. Her cheeks that seemed to have a constant blush. Her deep brown eyes that made him shy whenever they landed on him.

And her soft cherry lips, how could he forget? Even now that the years have gone by, he could still remember her.

Margaret. That was her name. The memories were still clear to him like it was only yesterday.

He was so young at the time. Barely surviving the challenges of living in New York. Struggling in school, hoping to be not as sickly as he is.

He saw her getting whistled by men not too old from him, he recognized them as some of his seniors at school who would bully him occasionally. Her eyes seemed to look like she was so lost. He helped her of course, he wouldn't be Steve if he didn't. But at the time, the results have been different compared to the Steve of today. The guys beat him to a pulp, but he won't admit that.

"You didn't have to do that!"

She told him, she appeared to be no older than him but her confidence to snap at him like that told him otherwise.

"Let me fix you at least."

She became calmer after she saw the bruise forming at his temple, and the blood dripping from his broken nose.

That was the day he met her.

The next day, he saw her again wandering in the streets of Brooklyn. She quickly caught sight of him, and she smiled running to his direction. When she saw the purple color surrounding his face, her smile faded replaced with a frown.

"You really shouldn't have done that you know? Look at you, you look like shit."

Yes, she would curse too. He wanted to reprimand her for her language, but she seemed to have a talent of shutting him up.

She kissed his bruised broken pitiful nose. And he thought the world collapsed around him. She giggled when she pulled away, skipping and running away from him.

"Brooklyn babies." She teased him going away.

He wanted to follow her, he wanted to ask her why'd she kissed him. To call for her, but he realized he did not know her name.

He recalled how he couldn't sleep that night, his mind kept on going back to where he was standing in the streets of Brooklyn, and she was there too, kissing his nose. He blushed.

He recalled how it irritated him that a simple kiss in the nose would bother him, when it wasn't even a legitimate kiss. He wanted to tell Bucky. Bucky would always brag about his latest kiss, he would tell him how each women tasted differently. But he decided not to, because he would just tease him to no end.

He decided to find her the next day, he wanted to know her name and why did she kiss him despite him being you know him.

He remembered how his heart skipped when he saw her again, looking through the glass of a bakery.

"W-We could buy a bagel if you want."

She did not appear to be surprised by him sneaking up to her. She just smiled shyly at him saying she was really hungry. It was a good thing that she did not seem to notice his embarrassing stutter when he spoke.

They ate as he showed her around Brooklyn, because obviously she lived somewhere far away. He tried to ask where, but she did not answer.

"Margaret. It's Margaret, and you?"

"Steve Rogers."

He finally knew her name, although it bothered him how she never mentioned her last name.

They talked just about everything while they sat at the Brooklyn bridge, she seemed to be very interested about the life in Brooklyn New York. Their feet dangling in the cold air, and the breeze made their hairs dance in all directions.

"Why did you k-kiss me yesterday?"

He finally asked, his heart thundering in his chest and his palms sweaty.

"So that you'll heal stupid."

She laughed while pointing at his broken nose. He never liked it when people called him names like stupid, but when she said it he couldn't help but smile.

"And that wasn't even a kiss."

He remembered how she leaned in closer to him and to his face, he felt his stomach drop and he was scared that he would fall from the bridge. He felt her soft lips brush against his, and he didn't move. Her eyes was closed and there was a faint blush across her face, he was sure he was blushing too. When he felt her kiss him again, he finally gave in and closed his eyes.

Cherries, she tasted like cherries.

"That is a kiss Steve."

Too stunned by the moment, he did not move from his spot when he saw her walking away, her hair swaying in a tune. She waved at him with her back turned.

"Be a good man Steve!"

He regretted not follower her that night. He hated himself not shouting her name. He hated how he didn't stop her from walking away. He hated how their kiss made him frozen.

How could he forget how his heart broke when he couldn't find her the next day, and those days turned into weeks, into months and into years. Next thing he knew he was already Captain America.

If only he knew that it would be the last time he'll ever see her again.

Getting into fights with bullies was easy for him, but when it came to her he was a coward.

To this day, the image her back walking away from him at the Brooklyn bridge haunted him. Reminding him how he lost her. He did not know what happened to her, if she got in trouble or if she simply went back to the home she never mentioned. He hoped it was the latter.

He still could not understand what a beautiful woman like her saw in his skinny past self that made her want to kiss him. And he left their memory as it is.

Now sitting at the Brooklyn bridge, his feet dangling in the same spot they sat more than 70 years ago. He imagine her face, but older. And he saw a beautiful woman in his mind, smiling and skipping.

"Margaret.." He whispered in the cold wind, looking at the sun setting. He wished she can hear him.

"..I am still trying to be a good man."

His phone rang and he answered the call from Sam.

"We need you back here Steve, the new recruits needs to meet you."

Yes. The Avengers have set aside their differences because of the looming threat that is Thanos. Apparently they still consider him as the leader of the group, even Tony.

"I'll be there."

Riding his big bike to upstate New York, he found the new Avengers Facility. Compared their former Headquarters which was looming and tall, this one was grounded and humble.

Everyone was there including the King of Wakanda T'challa who still kept Bucky in cryo, the new recruits scattered. Men, Women of different races and age were invited.

"This is it Cap, maybe you could give them a little pep talk" Clint approached him.

Everyone gathered around him expecting him to speak and welcome them.

He was ready for anything, for this impromptu speech to Thanos landing on earth, but what he wasn't ready for was to see her again, standing there looking at him, she's older but she was almost the same. But her eyes doesn't seem to recognize him.

How could he forget the woman who gave him his very first kiss more than 70 years ago? The question is what is she doing here in the 21st Century?

"Fuck" Steve Rogers just swore in front of the new recruits and possibly Margaret too.