There were some things Jason missed about Ma's school like the electricity, books, the warm bed all though Dick's wolfy self was a pretty good substitute and most of all the meals which had Jason's stomach groaning just thinking about it as he climbed up the firescape to the apartment where he was sure that Dick had scored something.

It turned out the werewolf was a pretty good thief with his charming personality, natural acrobatic and smooth talking skills. Dick was the perfect distraction while Jason went in for the score.

Climbing through the window, Jason's eyes widened spotting the bread and meat beside Dick who waved him over with a proud smile on his face, "Sounds like someone's hungry" he teased.

The omega blushed, cursing Dick's super wolf hearing, sitting down on ratty bed before tearing into the meat and bread as if he was a wolf himself, "So how did you score this" Jason mumbled around a mouth full of food.

"Don't talk with your mouth full" Dick scolded before recounting his story, "Well, when I tried to pickpocket this old british dude, he caught me and instead of calling the cops he actually gave me some money, awesome right."

Jason shrugged, "I guess but there's no way someones that nice in Gotham."

"You just can't see the good in people can you, Jay."

"Its call being realistic and I've grown up in this city, I know how people are" he muttered darkly, finishing off his meal before laying down with his back to Dick who let out a little whine at his mate's unhappiness, he figured Jason would have been happy that they didn't have to go to bed hungry for once.

Once Dick finished eating, he shifted like every night and curled himself around Jason, giving his hair a sad little nuzzle before shutting his eyes and letting himself drift off.

Later that night, Dick had the feeling he was being watched, he lifted his head, blinking blearily before becoming laser focused on the tall, dark figure standing in the middle of the room.

Dick immediately sprang into action, getting in between Jason and the shadowy figure with his fangs bared and a growl in his throat. He could hear Jason groaning behind him but his eyes stayed trained on figure which was starting to have more of a resemblance to a bat.

But when he heard Jason loudly shout, "You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Dick was surprised to say the least. Looking back and fore between two, Dick was utterly confused, how the hell did Jason know this guy? Jason then slipped up beside the growling wolf, placing calming hand on his head while glaring at the figure in question, "What the hell are you doing here, Bats?"

"I could ask the same about you Jason, we made deal remember?" The figure said remaining the shadows.

Jason just rolled eyes, "Yeah, you enrolled me into the kindergarden for crime."

The Bat seemed to ignore Jason's answer in favor of focusing his attention on Dick, "Are you going to tell me why your with a werewolf, then?

Jason and Dick's eyes widened as they both shared a look with Jason quickly denying everything, saying "Are you delusional or something, werewolves don't exist, this my pet dog."

"He seems to be a bit large to be dog" the Bat said, sounding almost amused.

At that response, Dick knew that they were caught so letting out a huff, he shifted till he was standing naked as the day he born in front of the Batman, "Are you going to take us back?"

"No" the Bat said, "There's no way I'm taking a werewolf back to a building full of children after he attack one of them" he finished, staring straight at the young wolf who flinched, looking away.

The younger of pair quickly stepped in, "It wasn't his fault, he was trying to protect me and that prick deserved it."

Silence fell over the group till the Bat simply said, "Follow me" turning towards the window with his cape snapping behind him.

The pair then exchanged looks with blush lighting up Jason as he finally took notice of Dick's nakedness, "Jesus Dickie, put some pants on" he sputtered, looking away before heading over to the window.

Dick then slipped on his clothes, giving one last look around the apartment before following behind Jason and the Bat, down the fire escape into the alley where they came face to face with the Bat's car which Dick remembered Jason saying it was called the Batmobile.

"Get in" the Bat said, hopping into the front seat while Dick and Jason cautiously sat in the backseat. Once they were settled Dick pulled the younger into his side, wrapping his arm around him, whispering, "Don't worry Little Wing, it's going to be okay."

"I'm not worried Dickface, I've dealt with the Bat once already, remember?" Jason huffed, crossing his arms but staying snug in Dick's side.

When the batmobile came to a stop and the doors swung open, Dick and Jason peered out, looking around before slowly stepping out of car. The pair then stood amazed, looking at everything from the huge t-rex to the giant Joker card.

"And who might these young lads be?" A calm british voice asked, grabbing the boys attention with Dick immediately recognizing the guy, "Wait, your the guy who gave me money earlier."

The older man smiled, "Yes and I hope it went to good use."

"Don't worry it did, me and Jay actually had filling meal for once" Dick answered when Jason's stomach let out a growl, making him blush.

"Clearly not filling enough" the butler remarked.

"Alfred, can you take them upstairs and get them something to eat" the Bat cut in which had the young pairs eyes widening in surprise.

"Of course and I presume a room should be prepared as well."

"Yes." The Bat replied before striding towards the large computer with Alfred urging the young pair to follow him. Once they were in kitchen, the butler started preparing a meal while Dick and Jason sat themselves at the island.

Soon plates piled with food were placed in front of the pair, Jason eyed it sceptically while Dick immediately took a bite, moaning, "Oh my god Jay, you have try this, it's delicious."

The younger glared at the wolf for being so stupid and trusting before staring down at plate in front of him with his stomach reminding him of its emptiness. He huffed, finally taking a small bite which of course the idiot werewolf had to be right.

Jason then wolfed down the food, stuffing his face, knowing that this could be his only chance to get his fill and actually have a full stomach before they were eventually thrown out. After he finish off his plate, Jason felt like he going to be sick and that his stomach was going to burst.

Dick then finished off his plate as well, "Thank you, for the meal everything was great " he said, elbowing Jason, who mumbled "Thanks."

"Your very welcome, Young Sirs. Now let's get you lot settled into a room" Alfred replied, leading the pair to one of many guest rooms in the manor.

"I hope the room is to your liking" Alfred remarked while Dick and Jason stood in the doorway speechless, gaping at the size of the room which was bigger than whole apartment they had stayed in.

The pair then entered the room, checking everything out while Alfred got the bed prepared with fresh sheets. It was a huge king sized bed, leagues better than the ratty old pull out couch the pair used to sleep on. Once it was made up, Jason promtely flopped down on the bed with a small bounce before sinking into the plush mattress and curling up in the soft sheets.

Dick smiled, "I think we're going to be okay for night, thanks for everything Alfred."

"You're very welcome Master Dick, I hope you and Master Jason, have a good night's rest." Alfred said with a nod, silently closing the door.

Dick was then about to tug off his clothes and shift when he heard Jason groaning, under the covers, concerned he pulled back the sheet to see Jason curled up in a ball, "You okay Little Wing?" he asked.

Jason just groaned in response before flipping onto his back, glaring at Dick, grumbling, "My stomach hurts."

"Well, you shouldn't have that much food so fast" Dick commented before slipping out of clothes and shifting.

"Yeah well not everyone has your werewolf stomach, Dick" the omega huffed as Dick hopped onto the bed but just as Jason was getting settled again, he felt something wet and scratchy on his belly, his eyes then shot open to see Dick licking his bloated stomach.

"What the hell are you doing, Dickface" the younger growled, trying to push the wolf away but Dick didn't budge continuing his licking when it dawned on Jason, "You're trying to help aren't you?"

The wolf nodded, nuzzling Jason's belly before resting his head on it, looking up at his mate with bright blue eyes, Jason sighed, muttering, "I don't think drooling all over my stomach is going to help."

That got a huff from Dick which Jason assumed was a laugh as said wolf gave his middle one last lick and nuzzle before shutting his eyes and letting himself drift off when Jason quietly admitted, "I guess you make a pretty good heat pad."

At that Dick's tail gave a happy wag.