Chapter 1: Purification
Purification: refers to the removal of impurities or unwanted influences, toxins, filth, negative energies, etc.
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Trying to hold back her fury, Hermione hastily kept pace with Ron after they had flooed into the Ministry of Magic. She just knew he was going to avoid discussing their relationship again. Before he could step any further, she tugged on the sleeve of his coat, insisting on his attention. She had to pause before speaking due to several co-workers passing by, then seethed, "Ron, you're- I can't believe you! I just-"
"Look, Hermione." Ron turned abruptly. "Let's not pretend you didn't notice. You notice everything." He looked away, rubbing the back of his neck, then faced her again, his voice straining. "Why did you go along with it for so long?"
The pressure of arguing in a public place, along with his presumptuous remark, left Hermione unable to contain the shrill of her voice. "What! How dare you assume- do you think I just wanted to feel this way?"
Ron lifted his arms briefly, as if to give up, before dropping them to his sides. "Maybe! I guess it would be easier than having this fight!"
Hermione was beside herself. Somehow, Ron had managed to conclude that she would rather bicker with him than discuss the reason why her meticulous collection of books had so many missing. Books he never had any interest in reading... but what were the odds that a certain female coworker had these exact books on her desk, on more than one occasion? Had she displayed them purposely, so that when Hermione passed everyday, they would be seen? Had she accio'd them from the privacy of her home? Had Ron taken them for her? If that were true, why would Ron not simply ask to borrow them? At first, Hermione did not directly suspect Ron of bringing other witches over to her flat... that would be daring. For months, she had played out different scenarios in her mind. Anything but that...
Wracking her brain for a comeback, she took a small step away, fully aware that she should save this conversation for later. But her heart was racing, and she had become obsessed with pursuing this. "You're- Just forget this, forget everything! I wish I could obliviate you!"
Offended, Ron's shoulders sulked and he glanced around to ensure she was not overheard. "You don't mean that, 'Moine-"
Hermione stiffened, snarling at him dramatically. "I certainly do! And don't call me that, I have always hated that name!"
She didn't usually though. Only now, as it appeared her relationship with Ron was ending, did she loathe the sound of it. Her rage demanded that he was not allowed such terms of endearment, not anymore, not after he had shared his affections with another witch. At the moment, she did not want the details, knowing she would probably fall apart right there and then if she had.
Nose flaring, she waited for Ron to react but he only recoiled, peeking over at passing colleagues, each of whom had concern written on their faces. He gave her a look of pity, and it only irritated her more to think that he felt sorry for her. Then, his sympathetic stance altered, and he was peering past her. She turned to see who it was.
"Everything alright here, Granger?"
With disdain, Ron barked, "Oh, bugger off, Malfoy. Don't want to be late to work, again."
Malfoy clenched his jaw, taking a step past Hermione. "I wasn't talking to you, Weasley."
Hermione gently extended her arm out, attempting to stop their confrontation. "Malfoy, don't, we're just… talking."
Humiliated, she lowered her head, and tucked a few wisps of hair behind her ear. This work day had barely begun, and already she wanted to Disapparate from this place.
Ron sneered, "Yeah, Malfoy, sod off-"
Malfoy took an aggressive step forward, causing Ron to flinch back and nearly lose his footing on a step behind him. Re-balancing himself, Ron's eyes brimmed with anger and he quickly reached inside his coat pocket for his wand, but Hermione stepped between them. "Ron, don't- Malfoy, it's fine."
Ron turned to her, shocked. "What? We're not done here, Hermione. Just because he's here, doesn't mean-"
Hermione exhaled, arms crossed. "It does. Just go." Gritting her teeth, she stepped backward, closer to Malfoy.
This seemed to hit a particular nerve for Ron. "Oh, so Malfoy interrupts, and we're done now? Better him than me, I suppose!"
With a glance over at Malfoy, she realized that, though it had not been her intention to take a side, this was far better than any insult that she had been unable to conjure moments ago. She stood firm, crossing her arms tight and lifting her nose into the air. "Maybe."
As Hermione leaned closer to Malfoy, he glanced down at her, casually tucking his hands into his pockets before looking back up at Ron for his predictable reaction.
"Oh please, 'Mione! Malfoy's a sleazy git that-"
"I just said not to call me that!" she admonished. Turning abruptly to Malfoy, Hermione's hair whipped around as she channeled all her remaining confidence, "Hey, Malfoy, like to take me on a date sometime? I happen to be free tonight."
Taken aback by the offer, Malfoy's hands slid out of his pockets, taking a few seconds to gauge the expression on Hermione's face at her bold offer. She tried not to look over to Ron, but knew him well enough to guess that his freckles were likely to disappear into the burning of his cheeks.
Malfoy was quick to reply, a grin forming and his last words purposely spoken directly at Ron, "Sure, Granger. I'll take you out."
Hermione gave a short nod and turned back to Ron. "There, settled."
She walked around him, ignoring his red, awestruck face. At least now she could get on with her day with a string of dignity... or so she thought.
Author Note: This story was inspired by, and written under an actual blood moon, in the woods. :)