"Is this your direwolf pup?" the Prince asks her as he shows the direwolf pup he is holding.

"Yes, he is mine." Lyanna replies as she reaches out for Loki, who starts to wriggle out of the Prince's hold.

"I found your pup lurking near my private chambers," Prince Rhaegar informs her while he slowly hands the direwolf pup to her. Lyanna accepts the little pup while she listens to what the Prince has to say. "And my Kingsguard here, Ser Arthur Dayne, is wise enough to identify it as a direwolf pup and he made the right guess that this pup might belong to the Northern party."

"Well then, I thank you both my Prince and Ser Arthur for finding him." Lyanna says gratefully. "If you hadn't, my brother and I would have spend the day searching for him all throughout the Tourney grounds."

"This wouldn't have happen at all if you hadn't brought the pup here, Lyanna." Her father suddenly says in a reprimanding tone.

"I apologize father. I promise I will keep a close eye on Loki from now on." She tells her father, sounding thoroughly chastised.

"I hope so, daughter. I don't want you roaming the Tourney ground and asking knights and knaves alike in search of the pup again." Her Lord father tells her.

"I won't father. I promise you that." Lyanna replies.

"Good," Lord Rickard Stark remarks. "Then, I will speak to you later."

"Yes, father." She says as she unconsciously brings Loki to her chest. "May I be dismiss then?"

"Yes, you may go Lyanna." Her father says.

"Thank you Father." She responds as she curtsies. Then, she turns towards the Prince and the white knight.

"Thank you once again your grace, Ser Arthur, for returning my direwolf pup to me." She says to them.

"You are very welcome, my lady." the Prince responds with warmth, smiling kindly to Lyanna while Ser Arthur simply nods his head.

"It's also an honor to meet you both," Lyanna says as she curtsies.

"The honor is ours, Lady Lyanna," Ser Arthur replies, bowing deeply while Prince Rhaegar did the same.

In response, Lyanna smiles and says, "I will see you at the starting feast later tonight then."

"Yes, you shall." Prince Rhaegar says. "We will see you during the feast."

Afterward, Lyanna nods her head in acknowledgement before she turns around and left her Lord Father's tent. She can feel the Prince's gaze on her back as she leaves in a hurry, but she doesn't look back at him.

She hasn't even made a couple of yards away when she unleashes all her pent-up emotion on the silent direwolf pup in her arms.

"What were you thinking Loki?!" Lyanna hisses while she makes her way to her own tent, which is a short distance away from her Lord Father's.

"Don't start with that tone, girl." comes Loki's dark, growling whisper.

Lyanna finally enters her tent and immediately drops the direwolf pup in her feather cot.

"Of course, I will start with this tone however I want! I was worried sick for you Loki!" She says angrily as she meets Loki's narrowed eyes with a glare of her own. "Benjen and I went in search for you this entire time while I worried at the possibility that someone must have taken you away!"

"Well, I wasn't stolen as you may have imagined. I was simply exploring the Tourney grounds," is Loki's nonchalant reply, to Lyanna's frustration.

"But I told you not to stray away too far!" She exclaims, scowling fiercely. "And you could have said something to me before you left to go exploring!"

"I may assumed this direwolf form in this moment, but I'm not a dog, girl." Loki says coldly. "You can't stop me from doing what I want by ordering me around. Moreover, you are not my guardian that I have to tell you as to where I go before I leave."

Lyanna throws her hand up in exasperation.

"You are impossible!" She says loudly, "Didn't you hear what I said?! I was worried for you! Can you, at the very least, apologize for what you just did?!"

"Why would I apologize to you?" Loki asks in complete puzzlement.

"Because you had me worried the entire time you were gone!" Lyanna snapped out, "And you nearly made me cry at the thought of losing you!"

Loki can only stare at her declaration while Lyanna flushes scarlet at what she said.

"Foolish mortal," the God of Mischief says, "You should stop this silly notion that you have for me because it will only give you heartache. Did it ever occur to you that I might one day leave you without a warning?"

Instantly, Lyanna's will to argue is gone at Loki's serious question.

"I know that," She tells the God in a morose tone. "I know that you will leave me someday, but I also can't help feeling worried when you suddenly disappeared from my sight. You can't stop me from feeling these things Loki. I also can't stop it myself. For it's like stopping the sun from rising at dawn. It's impossible to do."

"I see," Loki mutters as he gazes at Lyanna with a contemplative look. "If that is how you feel, then I won't stop you. However, you should also heed my warning and not let your emotions distract you when it comes to my welfare. Because one way or another, before the year is done, I will leave your side."

Lyanna falls silent thereafter. Not knowing what else to say to him.

"Now that we have that settled. Let us discuss another matter, shall we?" the God suggests.

"What do you want to discuss?" She asks curiously as she sits down beside him on her cot.

"I want to discuss your future, girl." Loki says.

"What about my future?"

"It seems that I have found you a potential suitor," the God tells her.

"Potential suitor? Who is it?" Lyanna inquires curiously.

"Why the Prince of the Seven Kingdoms, of course." Loki says matter-of-factly. "I hear he is still unmarried and I am certain he will make a better husband compared to the Baratheon oaf that you loathe so much."

"Is that the reason why you have been lurking near the Prince's chambers? To find me a husband?" She says incredulously.

"No, like I said, I was simply exploring the Tourney grounds when I came upon the Prince and his Kingsguard conversing in the hallway. Finding you another potential suitor never occurred to me until I saw the Prince looked at you in a strange way when we were in your Lord Father's tent." Loki informs her.

"Strange way? What do you mean?" She asks.

"He seems interested in you, that is all I can say, girl." the God replies.

"The Prince just met me. I don't think he would be interested in a Northern girl like me."

"I can assure you, Lyanna. The Prince is interested. After all, who can resist a beautiful face such yours?" is Loki's response as he appraise her.

Lyanna can't help but blush at the God's untoward compliment and his appraisal.

"So what do you want me to do about it?" She inquires as she tries to ignore Loki's flattering stare.

"I want you to draw his attention," Loki tells her.

"How do I do that?" She says.

"Why do something unexpected and join the list as the Mystery Knight of course," comes Loki's reply.