I found the plane scene and kidnapping plot of Mission Impossible 3 really cool.

So here I am. I got inspired writing this because of how awesome those scenes were. This will be set somewhere during the events of CATWS. Yet there will be mentions of some events in the Avengers too.

Just a different take on how I think the storyline could be if it went this way...


by: penandpathways


Secret HYDRA base





Disclaimer: I do not own any Marvel characters. I just love them.




He felt an electrifying shock radiate up his skull.

His eyes slowly drooped open, an overwhelming headache stirred his senses again. His vision circled for a few moments and was only able to make out blurry figures in front of him.

But their voices ever so distinct.

"We've put an explosive charge in your head. Does that sound familiar?"

He couldn't answer yet. Whatever they put in him or did to him must be strong enough to knock out him out.

"The algorithm. Where is it?"

Despite barely being conscious, Steve surprisingly found himself answering, "I...I gave it to you."

"Captain," The familiar voice repeated, his tone ever so deadly. "Where is the algorithm?"

Steve's vision finally cleared up. The second he saw the people in front of him, he went to lunge for them - only to find that he couldn't. His eyes dropped down to the restraints holding him back. He was strapped down to a chair while bonds kept his wrists and ankles down. He tried to break free, but whatever material they used, was no match even for a super soldier.

"Wait," His chest rose heavily, while his eyebrows furrowed, "What I gave you... that wasn't it? What was..." he was still light-headed.

Alexander Pierce was losing his patience.

He took out a gun and aimed it at the woman beside him.

"I'm going to count to ten." His eyes filled with fury and coldness. "And you're going to tell me where the algorithm is - or she dies."

It was this time when Steve finally laid his eyes on the other person in front of him. She, like him, was also strapped down to a chair. The only difference was - she was gagged and brutally tied down. But that's not the main reason why he felt his heart pounding more than ever.

Her emerald-green eyes which were usually impassive, ruthless, and valiant, was now filled with nothing more than fear, pain, and exhaustion.

For the first time - he had seen the Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff, his girlfriend - as no more than a human, a girl who's just as terrified of death as he was.

"Natasha," He knew she was crying. And it took every bit of him to not break down too because he needed to be strong for her. Steve Rogers needed to show how much he's determined to get them out of here. "It's going to be okay. It's going to be okay, do you understand?"

His chest rose heavily, ragged breaths filling up his lungs. Natasha looked at him with tears streaming down her cheeks, she attempted to say something but the gags were blocking her words. The syringe they injected her turned out to be filled with a highly intoxicating level of sedation. She was sure they did the same to Steve, only thrice or even four times stronger.

"One." Pierce nonchalantly said, gripping the pistol with one hand.

Steve faced him, eyebrows furrowed and gaze hardened, "You listen to me." His tone was menacing, "I got exactly what you asked for. Did you want something else? If there was a misunderstanding, I will fix it." When that didn't seem to do the trick, he added hesitantly, "I can get it. Whatever you want."

"Two." he continued to count.

He felt the fear doubling up. Steve pulled on his restraints with distress, "Look, we can talk. Listen, let's talk." His voice turned pleading, almost close to breaking, "But let her go. Please."


Natasha closed her eyes in agitation, despite being tied down, she felt her fingers shaking and feet getting sweaty.

"God!" Steve grunted in anger, tugging on the bonds more furiously this time. The skin of his wrists scratching against the sharp material, he was sure there were blisters forming already. "All right. All right. I know where the algorithm is. I can help you." He said in defeat.

"The way you helped me on the plane? That way?" Pierce asked warily, his eyes narrowing.

"I'm not talking to you like this." The Captain stated.

He held the gun closer to her temple. "That's your choice. Four."

"The algorithm's in... Washington, D.C." Steve gritted his teeth, feeling his blood boiling at its peak. "It's in Washington, D.C. Now, let her go—"

"It's not in Washington." Pierce interjected. "Five."

With every rising number, Steve just felt the increasing urge to ruin his face then and there. If only he could get out of these bonds, and to think that his shield was nowhere in sight either. "I can get it for you. But if you kill her, then you get nothing." He tried to compromise, but his threatening didn't seem to work at the moment and only made Pierce more determined to do it.


"Are you listening to me!?" he belted out in anger. "The only way you're going to get what you want is for you to—"


Steve's eyes widened panic as the bullet went straight through Natasha's thigh. Even through the gag, she whimpered in pain. He heard her cry. It sent him into a state of panic and rage. "You son of a bitch!"

"Do you think I'm playing, Rogers?!" Pierce yelled, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the pistol tighter than before. "You don't think I'll do this? You don't think I'll have the privilege to kill Romanoff in front of you?"

"I'm going to kill you—"

"Where is it?" he cut him off, his pupils dilating in annoyance, "Where the hell is it?!"

"Look at me," The captain ignored Pierce and focused on Natasha. He had never seen her so broken and helpless before. The guilt was eating up his gut. This was his fault. If he had just got there sooner... this wouldn't be happening at all.

Steve's face was becoming red and his eyes were also glistening with tears. His voice becoming less firm and commanding than he usually is. "Stay with me, Nat. Just stay with me."

She responded with a muffled sob. Her eyes screaming nothing but agony.

"Seven!" Pierce shouted, grabbing his attention again. "Seven!"

"I'm going to kill you." Steve threatened, his fists clenching as he struggled out of the bonds. "I swear to God I'm going to kill you!"

He was unnerved by the captain's threat. "Eight!"

Steve shook his head, desperation was evident in his tone. His voice was laced with torment as his blue-eyes seemed to lost hope. "No, please. Please. Don't do this— just let her go. Just let her go. I promise you— I promise you. I can figure out whatever—"


"Listen to me— listen to me. I can help you. I want to help you. I want to help you get whatever you want." Steve wasn't thinking clearly anymore. He knew it was not in his morals to betray the country just for his sake, but this time— it wasn't just his own. It was his girlfriend's life hanging by a thread. He couldn't risk losing her now. He looked Pierce in the eye, "But you got to do what's right. You know what's right."

Pierce continued to stare at him with an unfazed look. He kept his gun pointed at Natasha's temple. When they both noticed he wasn't making a move to drop it down, Steve knew what he was planning to do— "No." he pleaded, shaking his head. "No. No."

Natasha looked at him one last time before closing her eyes, weeping ever so softly.

"Pierce, don't. Please. I'm begging you." Steve cried out, his voice barely above a whisper. "Let her go."






Steve Rogers felt his heart stop then and there.

So, there would be three parts of this. I'll probably have the next two chapters published in the following days!

Reviews please?