Just Another Lorelai Gilmore

Disclaimer: I do not own Gilmore Girls nor any of the affiliated characters/references.

Chapter 24.

I propped my feet up on the pillow my mom laid at the foot of my bed. I Had been home for almost two days now, after two days of being in the hospital. My contractions had subsided completely, but I was on pretty strict bed rest for two weeks. Aside from going to the restroom and a stretch every couple hours, I was to be in bed. I thought I'd get in some good reading, but the trash magazines my mom set up for me, won me over.

A ding form my phone interrupted my study of 'who wore it best' on the red carpet. Jess had texted he was back in town and had stopped at the diner to pick us up some dinner. After I was discharged from the hospital I nearly had to beat him to go back to Philadelphia and catch up on some work.

"So your grandparents want to come have dinner here in a few days since you cant go over there." Lorelai proclaimed as she entered my room. "I tried all the excuses in the book, but they're not budging. That being said, they will be here Saturday night at six thirty. Yay." She stated with absolutely zero enthusiasm. "Do you think its wrong to have one of the maids from the Inn come over and straighten up the house?" I glared at her before laughing. "Right. I mean, I'd pay them extra. I wont be greedy, I just don't have the knack for household chores."

"Mom, it will be fine. Grandma will judge whether the house is clean or not." She let out an exasperated sigh and fell back onto my bed. "We will just make sure Luke and Jess are here, so she tones it down to just a rude comment here and there, rather than the whole time."

"Yes! Perfect idea. I knew I had you for a reason, child of mine. Alright, well I'm pulling an all nighter at the Dragonfly so Michel can oversee the construction crew doing more additions to the spa building." She got up and straightened out her clothes. "I will see you in the morning. Remember, bed rest also means no nasty with the hoodlum, so you two behave tonight!' With a small wink, she laughed and exited the room.

What seemed like an eternity later, thanks to the unfulfilling act of bed rest, Jess finally arrived with our food. "Now, I know better than to force you to eat it, but Luke insisted on throwing in a lettuce wrapped turkey burger, in which, I'm pretty sure he raised the organic turkey himself along with one head of lettuce just for your well being." He spread out some paper plates and the food on the bed spread, as I propped up on some pillows. "At least, thats how it seemed when he was going on and on about how great and healthy this garbage was supposed to be. So I promised I would present it to you."

I raised an eyebrow as I examined the food that was trying so hard to be a burger, but just wasn't at all. "And my other options?" I set the lettuce wrap back on a plate and pushed it aside.

"A chili burger and sweet potato fries." I groaned. "He absolutely refused to put any regular fries in our bags. But hey, these things can be good with a little maple syrup." He smirked and pulled out a small to go container of syrup, setting it next to the orange fries. "Trust me."

We ate in silence, because I was just too hungry to pause and talk. Plus, silence with Jess was never really uncomfortable. Never did we have that urge to need to fill our time with endless words. But now I was done, and started to flip on the bigger TV mom insisted on wheeling in here. "So… how long?"

Jess glanced up as he finished the last bite of his burger. "What?"

I readjusted my legs and placed them on top of his, as he sat along the edge of the bed, so I could lay back again. "How long do I have you for until you have to go back?"

"A couple days." I gave an obvious pout to this answer, but kept my eyes fixed on the TV behind him. "And then I'll be back with all my things."

My head whipped directions to meet his gaze. He had a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, and I swore to myself right then, if he was joking he was going to be murdered. "What?!" Jess nodded and let out a laugh, but not like an 'i got you!' Laugh. "Please do not say just kidding. It's not nice to mess with a pregnant woman!"

"I'm not kidding." Slowly he worked his way up to me and laid down, pulling my body next to his. "When I got back, of course, I told the guys what happened. Turns out, the realtor has been waiting for us to agree to a contract."

I perked my head up to meet his eyes with excitement. "You're getting the place not far from here?"

"Looks like it. Initially, when we talked about accepting the place, we would've waited to have me come here permanently. But with everything that happened, I told them I had to go now, and they agreed. Chris will be coming out in a month or so, but for now I'm just going to start piecing together some things, a slow start." I smiled as he kissed the top of my head, his hand lingering over my stomach.

"If it weren't for the bed rest, I would so be getting into your pants right now." Giggling, I lifted my head to capture his lips for a kiss.

"Trust me, you are not the only one thinking that right now." We may have been limited, but the making out would suffice for now. I let out a small moan into his parted lips, and he responded hungrily.

—One Week Later—

"I absolutely, one hundred percent, have no problem with him being here already. All I'm saying is, the crap shack is officially 'The Crap Shack Library'. I mean my god, between the two of you, you have to be able to weed out some doubles of these books, right?" Lorelai groaned as she dropped another box of books on the kitchen floor. "But hey, at least now the kitchen has a purpose!'

"It had a purpose, just because I was the one cooking and not you, doesn't mean it was of no use." Luke chimed in as he too, plopped a box of books down. "Seriously guys, this makes the house a fire hazard."

"Ok fire Marshall Danes, we will clear the walkway. Well jess will, because ya know, its his stuff and I'm done with all physical activity for the next month. That was exhausting." Mom flung herself onto a chair dramatically, as I watched from the couch.

"That was literally the only box you moved, mom." Though, I had no room to talk, as I sat in my cushiony seat.

"Books are dead weight, that had to have been like, a gazillion pounds of lifting, bro." We laughed at her mocking, and continued to watch from the living room, as Jess and Luke finished unloading.

"I'm almost a little jealous of them, I can NOT wait to be off bed rest." I looked down at my stomach and sighed. "I'm so bored just sitting here. Though Taylor has made sure I've been on top of the Gazette work, I wouldn't mind taking a mental rest from him. I swear Bernie Roundbottom retired to get away from that man."

"Not to take away from your complaining, because I hear ya sister, but back to the issue of where we are actually going to keep all this stuff." I followed my moms gaze and noticed just how quickly Jess' things were becoming a mountain in the kitchen and hallway. "Tom said he can be done in two weeks, but I would love to be able to reach the toaster and pop tarts before then." Her eyes widened as a thought popped into her mind. "Oh my god! His stuff is blocking the coffee pot, that's it, he's gotta go. I love you kid, but you two are out on the street by morning!"

I laughed at how serious she sounded, even if she wasnt. "Look, we don't need floor space in my room. Like you said, Tom will be done in a couple weeks. I'll have Jess move most of it in there, and then you can have your coffee and pop tarts."

"I'm pretty sure I told you fifteen times this morning you're not having anymore coffee Lorelai!" Luke bellowed from the kitchen.

"Are you guys fighting? Why is he withholding coffee?" My brows furrowed in confusion as my mom fidgeted in her seat.

"I should probably go help them in there." She laughed nervously as she stood up.

"Mom, stop." Slowly, Lorelai turned and faced me. I could tell she wanted to smile but was holding back. "NO!" I shouted with glee. "Get over here and hug me, because you know damn well I cant jump off this couch in excitement!" She gladly sat beside me and hugged me tightly.

"You told her, didn't you?" We looked up from our embrace at the sound of Luke's voice.

"Uh no, smarty pants, you did! Did you really think a Gilmore girl wouldn't catch on to the 'no coffee' thing?!"

"What the hell Luke, I cant finish this by mys- what is everyone smiling about?" Jess ran a hand through his hair, a very confused look across his face.

"Mom's pregnant!"

"Huh." Classic Jess strikes again, and he patted Luke on the back. "We're like really screwed if its another girl, you know that right?"

"Yup." Mom and I laughed at their faces of horror. How completely happy I felt compared to just a week ago, blew me away. Staring at Jess, and Luke with my mom, we just all fit in the most unconventional family way. It was perfect.

—Yay for another chapter done! Thanks for reading, and stay tuned, I'm working on the next one :) —