Chapter Thirty-Five Roar of The Juubi No Ookami!

Wasure walked back into the academy sheathing his bloodied blade. He saw the looks of the kids, they were scarred. Who could blame them, they heard what happened outside. He hated this but in the world they live in now, no one will be sparred from the sights and sounds of war. Wasure saw Iruka starting to gather the kids for the walk to the Bunkers.

"Is it clear Wasure?"

"Your good for now Iruka but just in case. Summoning Jutsu!"

Next Wasure out of the smoke came Argos.

"Sup Wasure, how are things?"

"Not that good actually, were being invaded. I need you to escort this group to the Bunkers. Think you can manage that?"

"Yep, you can trust me." Argos saw the kids. "You kids okay? Listen with me around no one will lay a hand on ya or else they pay."

"Good boy, now I got a battle to fight." Wasure then Shunshined away back to the arena. He saw the group was re-supplying and resting. Choji at least sitting up now and was helped by Sakura. He saw Tenten refilling her scrolls, Sasuke was rewrapping his arm, Naruto was using his clones to help move supplies. He saw Kiba was helping lift supplies for barricades along with Shik who had to change pants for well obvious reasons.

"There you are." Said Sasuke.

"Sorry, the kids needed to be evacuated to the bunkers."

"Fair enough." Replied Sasuke. "The Jonin secured the perimeter right now this is the only safe zone besides the bunkers."

"I see, any new orders?"

"Nota, the thing is the enemy is pushing for the Hokage tower." Sasuke finessed his wrapping as he jumped down. "I guess they think that's what will secure their victory. But they have been taking heavy casualties. Honestly this is too easy, I think there is a second wave coming."

"I do too, honestly I think this was to soften us up. Shisui is smarter than this."

"So he is the one responsible, looks like the crows will have to choose." Said Sasuke.

"I think they left Shisui long ago, Itachi is the only one that can use them."

"How do you know?"

"Fenrir is a summoning boss, he knows all of their news."

"Figures, well look I'm ready when you are."

"Good to know, how's the Sound Four doing?"

"They are in helping defend the barricades."

"Good, gather the others."

"On it." With that Sasuke ran to get the others.

"Wasure, something big is coming." Said Fenrir.

"How big?"

"Three and Six."

"I see, Granny needs to know about this."

"Yeah, look I know Gaara can access Shukaku and Yugito most likely can do the same with Matatabi but I don't want Fu or Bee unleashing theirs. And Kurama may just lose it when he comes out."

"We don't have a choice, we need to get all the help we can get."

"That's why we need to beat Shisui soon."

"Fine, just for now we need to reach Granny."

At that moment he then felt the familiar Ki of said angry blond arriving.

"Or she can find us."


He turned to see his Grandmother walking in with his mom and his dad still with their paper like bodies.

"I got bad news."

"I think I know what it is." Said Hanea.

"Look that can wait, Wasure look I know I'm asking a lot of you but…but can you reach the tenth tail?"

"Hell Yeah." Said Fenrir.

"Yes, but can mom not?"

"No, this body is too frail for the power of the ten tails. Fenrir said perhaps Seven was the limit." Said Hanea.

"I see, but it will have to be our ace in the hole since the Three and Six tails is on the way." Said Wasure.

"SHIT!" Yelled Tsunade.

"Lady Tsunade!" Yelled Shizune running in. "There's a Ota Kunoichi demanding Wasure show up."

"Why should he?" Asked Hanea.

"You need to see it for your self."

Wasure ran out to see ten Ota-nin behind a girl his age with black hair wearing an outfit similar to the Sound Four.

"Ah, Wasure Uchiha it's nice to finally see you again." Said the girl.

"Do I know you?"

"Yes, actually but do you not know who I am?"

"Yeah who are you?"

She placed her hand over her heart. "I'm heartbroken." She started to act sad. "That brother dearest doesn't know his own twin."

Wasure's eyes changed as he activated his EMS "BULLSHIT MIKO IS DEAD!"

"Oh is that what the Konoha pigs told you? Then explain how I'm here breathing and standing right in front of you."

"Miko…" Said Hanea.

"Ah, hello mother."

"What did that snake basterd do to you!" Yelled Wasure.

"Oh, noting much experimented one me. Made clones of my eyes and mass produced them, used me to kill my first love to gain these dammed eyes. And now me and Shisui will kill you all, ah you see Shisui has told me the reason for my suffering. It's all you, you and that damn wolf! The cyclopes had mom killed because of it! Now I can avenge her and deliver justice once and for all for us."

"Miko stop this isn't you!" Yelled Hanea.

"Oh shut it! How do I know your not under control from Wasure or the Wolf! I need to end your suffering so mother can rest in the afterlife!" Miko jumped down. "Lightning style Serpent Bolt." Out of the clouds came a massive bolt of lightning shaped like a serpent.

"Plasma Style Nova Shield!" Wasure had a bubble shield of plasma form around them and absorbed the attack.

"Plasma huh? Fine then let me show you the power of a storm! "Storm Style Kamikaze Hurricane."

From the sky a hurricane and multiple tornados from a mighty storm formed sucking up buildings and debris. The said debris was then sent towards Wasure and the others.


In a instant the Senchurion version appeared and used its massive shield to block the debris.

"You do not deserve those eyes demon!"

Miko activated her own EMS which was a mix of a five pedal flower and their dad's five point star.


Around Miko a Blue light formed around her and formed a armored Kunoichi with four arms each armed with a Katana. "Susanoo Blade Hurricane!" Her Susanoo began to spin in a rapid pace so fast it pulled rubble into the blade hurricane.

"Susanoo Solar Flare Barrage."

The rays of plasma seemed to bounce off the attack surprising Wasure.

"Interesting, oh well time to test that new move."

Wasure had trained with Kakashi since had a about three hundred lightning jutsus and thought he could find one he could upgrade and he did but kept the name since it he couldn't find a better name for it. And unknowingly Miko had helped him ready it, it was actually a more powerful version of Wasure's Nova Bolt. Wasure raised his hand in the air as Plasma lightning storm took over Miko's a roar of a beast of Plasma could be heard in the distance. Wasure smirked as the attack readied.

"Hear the roar and bow down to the power of…"

Wasure smiled as the roar was louder and out of the sky a massive beast made of plasma scales and looked like a mix of a dragon and Wolf a feature Wasure added. Came out of the clouds and saw the world like a god judging the world.


The mighty beast came crashing down onto Miko who stopped her attack to battle it, she was losing as the beast had more power due to it's natural bonus as two storms fueled it. He let out another powerful roar as it pulled back and rushed towards Miko once again. Wasure wanting to end this now added more to the storm.

"Plasma Style Nova Bolt Storm!"

Wasure brought down his hand yet again and bolts of plasma rained down onto Miko who was now getting hit by the Kirin and now with the bolts of plasma striking her down she let out a roar of pain and collapsed as the Kirin striked the Susanoo down.

Wasure dispelled his as he began to walk to his sister, he wanted answers.

"My my Wasure, striking your own sister down. You have truly fallen."

Wasure and the others looked in the sky and saw Shisui floating down to them shocking them all.

"The Rinnegan."

"Shisui." Said Wasure.

"Hello Demon, nice eyes. I think I'll take them since you don't deserve them. "Universal Pull!"

Wasure felt the surge of gravity pulling him to Shisui, he pulled his sword out to attack him as he got closer.

"I don't think so, Almighty Push!"

Wasure then felt the gravity reverse and was rocketed into the wall.


Tsunade and the other Kage rushed towards Shisui.

"NO DON'T" Yelled Wasure.

"Too late, Almighty Push!"

The three Kage were slammed into each other and into Hanea and Izuna into a wall. Wasure then saw the Sasuke with Naruto show up. With them Hinata who was a medic now, and could walk somewhat.

"Wasure!" Yelled Naruto.

"It's Shisui!" Yelled Sasuke.

"Ah, Itachi's little brother and the Kyubi, oh what a pleasant surprise Wasure's step sister. I'll enjoy killing the Hyuga slut first."

"What did you call her!" yelled Naruto.

"Oh is the Kyubi in love? How funny like a demon can love?"

"Take that back!"

"You gonna make me Fox?"

"NARUTO TAKE THE OTHERS AND RUN!" Wasure got up and drew both the Gunbai and his blade.

"Why do you have that Wasure! No matter, I will it from your dead body and give it a worthy wielder."

"Bring it cry baby." Wasure rushed towards Shisui.

"Fool Al-"

Wasure activated Mahakala and using the time advantage readied his attack.

"Scorch Style Gunbai Inferno!"

For Shisui he went from seeing Wasure running to him to seeing a massive wall of fire coming towards him.

"The hell? Oh well no matter Preta path." Shisui sucked up the attack like nothing happened.


"Rinnegan bro, now just die like a good demon! Asura Path Lightning Cannon." On command Shisui's other hand became a metallic cylinder and in it sparks started up and were aimed towards Naruto.

"Shit! Mahakala!" Wasure slowed time to launch three kunai and rush towards Shisui.

Shisui again noticed he went from seeing Wasure ten feet from him to two in a blink of an eye and saw three kunai heading towards him. "Almighty Push!" The kunai were sent back but Wasure dodged the force of gravity.

"Plasma Style Gunbai Solar Flare!"

Wasure swung both of his weapons creating the gust of wind a wave of plasma with the blade creating the fusion of Plasma and wind. Shisui smiled as he raised his free hand.

"You will never learn, Preta Path!"

Again, Shisui absorbed the attack.

"The hell is this bullshit!"

"Rinnegan, now die!" Shisui fired the cannon making Wasure dodge and the others.

"Got ya, Almighty Push!"

Wasure caught tried to fight back but was pulled back by Shisui, Wasure went to swing at Shisui just for him be stopped and held midair.

"Foolish little brother you could never beat me, now pay the price for cursing our mother to her death."

Shisui then had the almighty push aim for one spot, Wasure's left eye. Wasure screamed in pain as the eye flew out and into Shisui's hand.


"Wasure! You basterd, RASENGAN!"

"How about you got screw yourself, Almighty Push."

Naruto was sent flying back into Sasuke, Shisui looked back to see Wasure was gone.

"Okay who want's to die!"

Shisui saw A had taken Wasure and saw he was being healed by Tsunade.

"Damn Raikage, can't just let me kill him can you? Fine I'll make sure Bee and Yugito suffer their long death."

"That's only if you can beat all of us boy." Said A.

"Fool, I am Shisui Uchiha wielder of the Rinnegan I am a true God!"

"What is a god to a non-believer?" Asked A.

"Really? Just really? You had to go there? Screw this, Almighty Push!" Shisui using more power had the Raikage then go through the wall and out of the arena.

"Now then, who's next?"

"Son, stop now." Said Izuna.

"How about no, I know your not them. My parents loved me not the damn demon why would they? He caused their deaths!"

"Shisui…" Hanea was heartbroken her elder son was drunk with power he was insane now, who did this to her child?

"Shut it! You are not my mother, she died and it's all because of Wasure he must die!"

"Stand down son."


Shisui had the two then blown away as far as to the damn gate of Konoha.

"Now then, Kazekage, Old whore. Hand him over or die where you stand."

"You will get him over our dead bodies." Said Rasa.

"It's better this way anyway." Shisui had a black chakra rod form and smiled. "Universal Pull!" Shisui pulled the Kazekage towards him.

"Sand Style Golden Shield!"

Rasa had the sand around him from earlier now turn gold and formed a barrier that got Rasa and pulled him back but only for a few seconds and it did not last long against the Rinnegan. Rasa then saw the pipe was cut to have a sharpened tip, sharp enough to kill. He readied for his end, just to see a blue of black hair.

"Solar Urufufisuto!" Wasure with one eye and using Mahakala hit Shisui sending him back with a burn mark now on his right shoulder.

"That burns you basterd, you know what you want to fight so be it! Summoning Jutsu!"

The village then heard the deafening roar of two mighty Biju the Three and Six tails had appeared in the edge of the village.

"Shit." Said Wasure.

At that moment they then felt two more powerful roars. Wasure turned to see Shukaku and Matatabi in the Konoha.

"Huh, the two and one tails eh?" No matter, I will win Wasure." Said Shisui.

"Not as long as I breath."

"That's kinda the plan dipshit."

As Wasure stood ready for another bout against Shisui, Sasuke and Naruto jumped to his side.

"You two should help Hinata."

"And let you have all the fun no way man." Said Naruto.

"For once the dobes right, plus I want payback for invading my home." Said Sasuke.

"Then let's go then, give it everything you got Solar Urufufisuto!"



The three charged Shisui who just smiled. "Fools, but I guess the fools are the first to die. "Fire style Grand Firebomb Jutsu!" Shisui blew out the biggest fireball the group had ever seen. Still they did not waver they jumped beside it dodging and went to land their attacks.

"Oh no you don't Almighty Push!"

The trio were sent flying back into a wall next to Hinata.

"You know, I wanna see what the Kyubi can do. Kotoamatsukami." Shisui had Naruto's eyes go purple as the blonde boy then began to change.

"Naruto no!" Yelled Hinata.

She walked to stop him by hugging him trying to have him snap out of it like she did when a bandit tried to kill her and Naruto lost it.

"Naruto please fight it."


"Naruto is that you?"

Shisui smirked as he sent his mental command.


And in that moment, Naruto stabbed his love. She felt the kunai go into her stomach and heard the blood splatter. She looked and saw the kunai sticking out of her. She coughed up the blood on to Naruto, yet she didn't hate him. She knew he was controlled, she still loved him.

"N-naruto…i….i..i still love you." And like that Hinata in her last moments used her last breath to kiss Naruto before falling to the ground with a thud.

Watching it all was Wasure who saw his best friend kill his step-sister right in front of him. Wasure felt his heart break, his sister in all but blood died right in front of him and he did nothing to stop it and yet she still loved Naruto even after he killed her. Shisui smiled at the moment.

"How does it feel? How does it feel to see your family die right in front of you? Now you see why I must kill you and burn this dam place to the ground. And I must say her still loving him how cute but fruitless, she was just a simple bitch who was in the way of the mighty Kyubi. And soon like her you will die, I hope you burn in hell.

Sasuke saw this and felt rage as he saw his teammate and almost sister die in front of him. And here Shisui was mocking her!

"YOU BASTERD BURN IN HELL YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Sasuke's eyes began to change to a black background and a red atom as a pupil. He then saw Shisui burst into black flames, Sasuke then felt the blood around his eyes but he did not care about his damn blood. All he wanted was Shisui's death.

"Amaterasu huh?" Shisui absorbed the flames. "Too bad I'm use to it. Almighty Push!" Sasuke was slammed hard into the wall. "Now then, Wasure allow me to reunite you and that Hyuga bitch.

"How about you burn in hell you piece of shit." Wasure felt nothing but hatred like Sasuke but his was nothing compared to Wasure's. Wasure saw red as his only eye began to change as well but the hatred of Fenrir and him was burning through him like a great fire. He could only hate as every pain he ever felt, every time he felt anger flowed back to him fueling the hatred. He was hatred, he only knew one thing in life. Kill Shisui Uchiha.

"Care to make me little brother?"

"Just shut up." Wasure became enveloped by the chakra of Fenrir. He tails formed rabidly he reached the fifth tail instantly and it still kept coming.

"Pfft, Kyubi kill him."

Naruto charged towards Wasure but was hit by Wasure's tails hard knocking the Genin out.

"Weakling, come now Wasure show me what you can do!"

"You wanted to see a Biju?"

Wasure's voice was filled with anger as the sixth and seventh tail formed. His seal weakening as the chakra of Fenrir poured out into Wasure. The storm above was picking up as the wind around it began to swirl around Wasure.
"Then you will get one…"

The eight tail formed as he said that.

"But it will not be the Kyubi…"

The night tail formed as the wind began to turn black and the outline of a massive wolf could be seen forming around Wasure.

"…but the Juubi No Ookami."

And with that the seal let go, the world then felt the surge of the power that was Fenrir, the wind around Wasure formed a black category five hurricane around Wasure. Inside the storm a mighty howl as heard as the sky became black.

For the Inuzukas they stopped and trembled in fear as their Canine instincts made this show them a new more powerful Alpha was here but the Ki with it made many fall to their knees.

"What is that!" Said Kiba as he looked to see the Tornado.

"Wait…that power Is that Wasure!"

"How…" Said Hana.

"I don't know but the power…it's more than the damn Kyubi!"

As the Shukaku and Matatabi fought the three and six tails, they all froze on the spot when they felt the ice cold surge of Ki they turned to see the black tornado that surged in the arena.

"The Juubi…" Said Shukaku.

"Fenrir is unleashed…" said Matatabi.

"So that is the new Juubi." Said Isobu

"It would appear so" said Saiken

They both looked at the other and nodded.

"Biju Bomb!

The two sent their mighty attack to the tornado. Just for them to be deflected by the storm.

"How!" Yelled Isobu.

"It's the new Juubi what did you expect?" Said Matatabi.

For Fu and Killer Bee who were in their two tailed cloaks helping defend the Hokage tower, they felt the cold surge and jumped to the top of said tower and froze at what they saw.

"So this is the power of the Wolf."Said Bee shocking Fu with him not rapping.

"It's so cold…I feel nothing but hatred…" Said Fu.

"Something must have awakened it, which means someone died most likely.

"Bee, this power…it's beyond Kurama."

"I know, and that's what terrifies me."

"Wasure please be okay…" Said Fu.

"Fu, if Fenrir is out I don't think he's okay…" Said Bee.

"Don't say that!"

"I'm sorry you can only watch as he goes through this, we can't risk you losing you to this Shisui guy. Just stay strong for Wasure okay?"

"Okay…" Fu again looked at the storm again the hatred was strong she had never seen this before.

In the other side of Konoha, Hanea reformed to see the black tornado.

"Oh no…Wasure."

"Hanea, the other half and Wasure was enraged…I sense someone has died."

"Of course, someone did! Why else would this be happening!" She then felt the surge of Ki, she then became horrified as this was the Ki she felt so long ago when the Anger half of Fenrir rampaged in the fang village. The night she saw almost the entire village destroyed in an instant. "Wasure…my son what could have done this…" She began to run to the arena hoping it's not too late.

In the bunkers of Konoha, the civilians, children and Shinobi guards there felt the Ki and became terrified. Their first thought was the Kyubi had returned but then they realized this was more powerful than the Kyubi, they saw from the carved windows a massive black tornado ragged in Konoha.

"What is that Iruka-sensei?" Asked Konohamaru.

"I think…." Iruka gulped as he felt the chakra before, the night of the Hyuga affair, the day Shisui fought Wasure before. The night Wasure led the charge against Danzo. "…. It's Wasure…."

"Wasure…" Konohamaru held on his headband as he saw the storm. "…please be okay…"

Hiruzen who with the help of the First and second Hokage had killed Orouchimaru stood in awe as they felt the power of the Ki they just surged throughout Konoha.

"What was that!" Said Hasihrama.

"That…that is the Juubi No Ookami, and it's Jinchuuriki Wasure Uchiha." Said Hiruzen.

"That power…it's more than the Kyubi." Said Hasirama.

"Brother could you have trapped this beast?" Said Tobirama.

"No, not even a chance…"

"Hiruzen…how screwed are we?"

"If he loses control…according to Hanea when she told me her history….this will look like the Valley of the End.

"Dear Kami…"

People all over Konoha on both sides were having similar responses to the massive power, they all turned to see the power and heard once again a mighty roar of a demonic wolf.

Jiraiya on Gamabunta felt this while he was just returning from taking out a column of Kiri-nin in the outskirts of Konoha.


"What is that Bunta?"

"I thought he was a myth but the stories are true….the Juubi No Ookami lives and is free…"

"Oh no Wasure!

The duo began to race to Konoha.

For Shisui he only smiled, he would be able to control the Wolf and use it to destroy Konoha.

Once more a mighty roar was heard this one louder than the others, and then Shisui saw it…red eye opened up glowing in the dark storm. Shisui knee Biju forms resembled the Jinchuuriki but it was the wrong eye then he saw it, the right eye began to open. Shisui in horror saw a purple eye with four rings and three black tomo spun in activation. in the right eye of the Wolf.

"No….that's not possible!"

The wolf then began to step out of the storm, a massive paw stepped out followed by the other. A massive form walked out, the body of the wolf was massive as it's shoulders were the size of the Hokage tower. The Wolf's claws were black as night as it had them extend. Then out came the ten massive tails, each one bigger than the Kyubi's. Fenrir was out of the tornado as it faded away. It then let out the loudest roar yet making the other Biju hold their ears as it was beyond deafening. It then looked as Shisui who was forming his perfect Susanoo.

"You are no god."

"Care to prove that Wolf?"

"You have no idea how screwed you are. Your Susanoo will not safe you, nothing will."

"Oh really? Almighty Push!"

Fenrir remained unmoved. "That the best you got? What a fool, Wind Style Air Bomb!" Fenrir then slammed the ball if wind into Shisui blowing him towards his mind controlled Biju. Fenrir began to walk to the two as Shukaku and Matatabi backed away seeing the power Fenrir posed.

"Don't just stand there! Kill the damn wolf!" Yelled Shisui.

"Biju Bomb!" Yelled both Biju as they had the attacks rocket towards Fenrir. Who just grinned as It dodged the attacks.

"Allow me to show you how's it's done! BIJU BOMB!" Fenrir had the bomb form in his hand as it was more than doubled than their attack. He saw Saiken rush to him first. Fenrir with greater speed rushed Saiken and placed the attack into the Six tails gut. The Biju Bomb imploded and sent Saiken flying back and had him return into Utakata who was nearly dead after that. Shisui in desperation had his perfect Susanoo form around Isobu.

"Die you Wolf Demon! Susanoo Biju Bomb!"

On command Isobu using the Susanoo power up readied it's biggest Biju bomb yet.

"Pathetic, Ten Tailed Biju Bomb!" on each of Fenrir's tells formed a Biju bomb. "Die Shisui Uchiha!"

The two attacks clashed as Fenrir's beat Isobu's Shisui fled before hit him and fled to avoid the area the explosion effected. Isobu took the attack head on and was nearly killed and receded back into Yagura. Shisui grabbed both and left before they could stop him. Fenrir roared in victory as he stood un-challenged. He then saw the army that remained, the last wave charged towards Konoha.

"I don't think so, Almighty Biju Bomb!" Fenrir using the added force of the Almighty push sent the attack towards the army and in one second there was no army only a barren field. He went to all fours as he walked back to the arena, there he saw Hanea on the highest level that was still standing.



"Is Wasure dead?"


"What happened?"

"His step-sister was killed but I think we can fix that." Fenrir began to shrink down, soon enough the wolf faded away as wind as Wasure began to walk to the dead Hinata.

"Please…please let this work…GEDO ART OF RINNE REBIRTH!" Wasure placed his hand on Hinata's chest as the wound began to heal and a pulse came to her body. Wasure smiled as he then passed out, with a smile on his face.

And like that the invasion of Konoha ended but as a cost as the village lays in ruin, Hanea knelt down by her child. She felt her body giving way, she sighed but she had to do it.

"Wasure my son, know that I will always love you no matter what. Before I go I need to finish what was started when you were born. Sage Art Seal Transfer!" Hanea undid her seal as it went into Wasure's slowly unifying the two halves of Fenrir. Wasure's healing capabilities began to speed up healing his injuries. She smiled as her body was starting to peel.


Hanea turned to see Yugito, Fu, Kiba, and Choji along with the other rookie Genin.

"Who are you?" Asked Yugito.

"My name is Hanea, I'm Wasure's mom."

"Oh…" Said Yugito.

"I take it your Wasure's two girlfriends?"

Yugito and Fu went red with that.

"Eh, don't worry it happens with Jinchuuriki of Fenrir."

"Huh?" Said Karin.

"Yeah, hell my dad has five wives back home."


"Yeah, I'm not a grandmother yet am i?"

"NO!" they yelled

"Whew thank kami anyway you girls take care of him."

"Yes ma'am." Said Yugito.

"Well-mannered I like this one. Well I gotta go, I gave Wasure a gift before you all showed up. Let's just say he's whole again." As she said that, her paper body finally gave out she waved goodbye as her spirit flew back to the afterlife.

"We need to get Wasure to the hospital." Said Fu.

"Allow me to help with that." Said a ANBU agent that wore a cloak and who's mask was the Shinigami's.

"Thank you." Said Fu.

"Let's get going then." Said the ANBU

They took off for the hospital as Yugito carried Hinata, Fu held Naruto, and Sakura had Sasuke. Gaara held his father and Tsunade with his sand as they rushed to reach the hospital. While inside Wasure two wolves became one and now officially the Fourth Great War has started.


So do you guy's hate me or no for killing Hinata there for a second? So Fenrir was let loose if only for a little bit. It's now clear you do not piss of Fenrir. Wasure now posses both halves of Fenrir but lost an eye which held his Kotoamatsukami. Miko lives and was corrupted by Shisui. With the war started, the world will the might of Wasure and Fenrir multiple times before it comes to an end. Now comes the fun part…writing it. Well here goes nothing.

-Mister E