Written For:
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry: Charms
Task 2 - Write about someone who doesn't want to be seen.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry: National Princess Day
Belle - Write about someone who looks past appearances.
Barty didn't want to be seen. He would never consider himself as mousy per say, but he strived to not stand out, to not be noticed.
When he was sorted into Ravenclaw, he thought that was the best thing that could have happened to him. He wasn't loud like a Gryffindor and Slytherins were noticed for the bad things they did. Even Hufflepuffs got attention, even if it was simply to be bullied by the other houses.
Although Barty was smart, he could still blend in with his house as he was only one of many intelligent eagles.
His father was a big Ministry official and expected his son to follow in his footsteps. It didn't matter what Barty Crouch Jr. wanted; it only mattered what Barty Crouch Sr. wanted.
Even though Barty wished to remain unseen, he couldn't help but notice Regulus Black. Regulus, with a loud-mouth brother. Regulus, who was always quiet. Regulus, who never volunteered any information.
He was interested, but that didn't mean he'd ever approach the Slytherin.
He wasn't the only person who noticed other people, though.
One rainy afternoon, while Barty sat in the library, hiding out in a very underused section, next to the books on Muggle culture, someone came up to him.
He didn't notice the other person until a throat cleared.
Barty jumped, startled, and looked up, finding himself staring at Regulus.
"You're good at Arithmancy, right?"
Barty didn't answer; he just stared.
"I need help, and if you're good, you can help me."
Finally, Barty answered, "You could also ask someone else."
"I've asked who I wanted to ask. So, will you help me?"
Barty did 't know what to say in response.
"Have you heard about the new Dark Lord gathering followers?" Regulus asked one day.
Barty wasn't officially Regulus' tutor, but they always ended up quietly studying together in Barty's corner of the library. "Of course. What Pure-blood hasn't?"
Regulus' gaze was intense when it met Barty's. "Are you going to join?"
Barty studied his parchment, looking at the words of his Transfiguration essay but not truly seeing or reading them. He had thought about joining. After all, Pure-bloods were superior in brains, personality, and breeding, and Muggle-borns and Half-bloods should learn their places in the Wizarding hierarchy. If he joined, though, he would no longer be invisible. Finally, he mutely shook his head.
"Why not? I know you share my beliefs."
"I do, and I'll do what I can to support his efforts, even donating money to the cause once I get my inheritance, but getting noticed goes against everything in me. I'd rather stay in the shadows and make things happen quietly in the background."
"Barty, you want everyone to believe you want to be left alone, but I see past appearances. You want someone to love you, and someone you can love in return, but you're afraid to reach out. You're afraid you'll be rejected because you think you're not good enough. Your father must have done a real number on you."
Barty just stared, not agreeing with or denying Regulus' apt conclusion.
Regulus gripped Barty's hand. "Well, I'm not going anywhere, and if you don't want to formally join, and instead, stand in the shadows, I'll stand in the shadows with you."
Maybe, just maybe, Barty had finally found someone who would make him feel the need for invisibility. Maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't have to be alone anymore.
(word count: 576)