Jotaro placed the telephone down on its housing, leaving him to contemplate the bizarre revelations brought to light Josuke's friend, Koichi.

"Giorno Giovanna… DIO's son and a stand user… how long has it been since I heard that name?" Jotaro mumbled, his eyes turning to the picture of the Stardust Crusaders in Egypt, a solemn smile stretching across his face before quickly falling back to a neutral position. "It always comes back to you, doesn't it, DIO?"

Brrrrrrr... Brrrrrrr…!

Jotaro's eyes snapped onto the ringing phone, grabbing the handset and placing it against his ear.

"Hello? This is Jotaro Kujo speaking."

"Ah! Just the man I was hoping to hear!"

For a split second, Jotaro's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh? This is certainly a surprise… and very much unlike you."

"I suppose so," the voice on the opposite end of the line answered, pausing for a few seconds before continuing. "But, considering our current situation, it was best for me to contact you directly myself."

The caller's last sentence made him shift in his seat, whether out of curiosity or discomfort, Jotaro wasn't sure. "And what would that be?"

"I cannot disclose any details now, but what I can tell you is that as of two days ago, there was a large scale rescue operation to rescue a VIP held captive by the Yakuza. The operation was a success, but there were some… casualties and unexpected twists."

Jotaro nodded, letting all the information he was being fed sink in. "I see. And what does this have to do with calling me?"

"Well, one of our teachers, Shouta Aizawa, or Eraserhead as he's otherwise known- was involved in the operation, and unfortunately was put out of commission for two weeks. Consequently, the class that was scheduled to take place with class 1-A and 1-B was indefinitely put on the backburner. That is, unless you're willing to substitute a class for Aizawa."

Recognising the quirk erasing hero's alias, Jotaro raised an eyebrow at the mention of the mutual acquaintances' name. "Don't you have other teachers that could substitute instead? Or other heroes for that matter?"

"Do you not want to do it?" the caller asked in reply, not wanting to answer Jotaro's question.

"Not necessarily. Just curious as to why you came to ask me of all people."

"That's understandable," the caller said, nodding his head. "Due to the Yakuza being dismantled, other local gangs are on the rise trying to establish possession of the Yazuka's territory. As such, many heroes have been called to temper these gang's advancements. In fact, one of our 3rd-year teachers responded to the call. Even a large institution like ours can become low on teaching staff with multiple scheduling conflicts."

Jotaro hummed in agreement, seeing similar situations happening at multiple different institutes he had the opportunity to lecture at. "So, if I were to hypothetically accept your offer, what would I specifically be doing? Keeping one of either class A or B in check during the combined lesson?"

"Ah, no, no, I should have been more specific. The combined class was pushed back. You'll merely be taking class A for their 3rd and 4th periods; focusing on combat simulations. Should you choose to accept, you can pick whatever simulation you like; of course, so long as you don't put the students near death, or worse. After all, despite being a marine biologist you've fought some rather… bizarre battles in your lifetime, so I'm sure you know when and where to draw the line."

Jotaro smirked, recalling the events of the past year. "You don't even know half of it."

"Oh?" the caller responded with surprise. "I was under the impression you had told me of all your spectacular stories, especially the ones from ten years ago."

"Eleven," Jotaro said swiftly. But rest assured, I'll tell you the rest should time allow it."

"So you'll accept?"

Jotaro pursed his lips in thought. "You've become more persistent since we last talked, you know that?" the stand user bluntly responded.

"Sometimes it's necessary part of being someone of my position," the caller retorted with a small chuckle.

"Fair enough… when does the class commence?"

"Tuesday next week!" the caller responded excitedly.

Jotaro hummed in acknowledgment. "Tuesday in one week it is then. I'll be sure to sit and have tea with you if you wish."

"That would be splendid! I'll see you next week then, Jotaro?"

"Next week," Jotaro confirmed. "See you then, Nezu."

Jotaro placed the phone down, cutting off the call between him and the principal of U.A High. He leaned back in his chair and stared at the furthest wall in his office.

"This ought to be a good experience for me in the long run. I've never had much experience with teaching in a practical, hands-on sense… just mostly lectures and the sort."

Jotaro picked the phone back up, his head lighting up with an idea as he quickly punched in a collection of numbers on the phone's number pad. The phone rang twice before someone picked up the phone.

"Tomoko Higashikata speaking!" the feminine voice said energetically.

"Tomoko, it's me."

"Oh! Jotaro!" Tomoko said in surprise. "This is unexpected, what seems to be the matter- Ah!" she gasped suddenly, leaving the opposite end of the line silent.


Jotaro attempted to follow up his concerned question, stopping before the mother of Josuke giggled. "Stop, that tickles- OH!" she moaned, a loud slap suddenly emanating from the phone's speaker.

"Ah, sorry about that Jotaro, I-"

"…Am well aware of what's going on. I need to speak to him," he responded in a stoic voice.

"Oh, so you know? This must be the worst kept secret in all of Morioh then. He's here," she said quickly, passing it to another person.

"Jotaro? What's up? Your office isn't that far away from the house you know."

"I know, but I have rather urgent news, and a request to make. Do you have time to spare a week from now?."

The week quickly flew by, and within a blink of an eye, Jotaro stepped foot into the main building of U.A. Making his way to the front reception, he double-checked the time.

"9:30," he read out in his head. "Plenty of time to spare."

"How may I help you sir?" the receptionist asked politely, pulling Jotaro's eyes from the wall clock to the woman in front of him.

"Nezu has an appointment with me within 10 minutes, just checking in early."

The small woman tilted her head in confusion, quickly looking through a bunch of papers and calendars out across the desk.

After a few moments, the receptionist nodded in approval. "It would seem you're right! My apologies for doubting you. Take that elevator just to your right up to the 5the floor and the Principal's office should be a few doors down to your right.

Silently nodding his head in thanks, Jotaro tore his attention from the receptionist and to the elevator, soon knocking on the door to Nezu's office. If Jotaro were honest, the rodent, bless his soul, had the often-unfortunate tendency to have long-winded conversations, especially regarding hero-related topics.

The door swung open to reveal a much smaller, animalistic figure, standing with a large smile on his face. "Good day Jotaro! Come in, come in!" he enthusiastically insisted, stepping to the side to let the larger man in. Sitting on one of the couches in Jotaro quickly swiped at the steaming tea to take a sip.

"Excellent taste in tea as always, Nezu," Jotaro complimented the rodent.

Nezu chuckled at the compliment. "Why thank you, good sir! But enough about me. You must tell me about these adventures of yours you mentioned while we last talked… I'm dying to hear just how bizarre they are!"

Jotaro suppressed a chuckle, sipping some more tea before setting down the cup, telling the principal of U.A of the events during the summer of Morioh just a year prior. Nezu was an avid of storytelling, becoming quite clear with his outburst of excitement during the climax of the first part of the Morioh saga.

"And this, 'Yoshikage Kira' character… what happened to him?"

Jotaro smirked. "Perhaps I'll tell you, if you tell me of what happened during the rescue operation two days ago.

Nezu tossed his head back in laughter. "Oh, you sneaky man, Jotaro! I knew you'd ask something like this… but anyway, since I want to hear more about your story, I suppose I'll have to tell you some of what happened.

The two were soon lost in conversation, proving to be very… insightful, considering Jotaro had a previous run-in with a stand user working for the Yakuza.

Jotaro opened his mouth to ask a question promptly shutting it closed as his eyes landed on the wall clock on the wall behind Nezu.


Jotaro was late.

Quickly standing up he bowed towards the principal, much to his confusion.

"It would seem that I'm late for class… give me a break."

"Oh! So it would seem… my deepest apologies for keeping you from being punctual to class," Nezu replied, pushing himself quickly towards the door and opening it for Jotaro.

"Do you need a reminder of where to go?" Nezu asked the stand user politely, following him out the door, to which Jotaro shook his head.

"It's not my first time being here, as you may recall. It was class 1-A, correct?"

Nezu nodded. "Correct! And good luck with the class!" Nezu said cheerily, waving at Jotaro as the taller man turned his back and walked down the corridor.

"You're going to need it," Nezu uttered. "Especially with that rowdy bunch of characters that are class 1-A.

Within a few minutes, the white-clad stand user found himself in front of a large door labeled '1-A'. Jotaro pulled back his sleeve to look down at his watch.


Seven minutes late. He shook his head in annoyance.

"Good grief."

Gripping the handle to the absurdly large door, he swung it open, the noise that was once heard on the other side of the door suddenly dying down in an instant. Jotaro raised an eyebrow. Was this the effect Aizawa had in his class?

Jotaro only hoped he could maintain the colorful class as effectively as the quirk erasing hero could.

The rowdiness of class 1-A was something to not be underestimated by anyone, despite how well behaved (most of) the class was in the presence of Aizawa. The moment Jotaro stepped into the room, his presence elicited confused murmurs amongst the class.

"Huh... who's that?" Mineta said with a hint of disappointment.

Momo tilted her head in thought. "Where have I seen him before…?"

Kirishima's eyes almost bulged out of his head. "Holy crap, talk about tall! Even taller than Iida! He's got a manly air about him too…"

"What an odd outfit, ribbit," Tsuyu spoke aloud.

Izuku was the most confused of all; swimming through the seemingly infinite amount of information his brain contained of various heroes, and yet still couldn't identify the man in front of them.

The man placed the papers on the front podium, pulling a pen out from his pocket.

"In case you somehow live under a rock, your teacher who was going to take you today, Aizawa, is currently… out of commission," Jotaro spoke, causing four particular students to wince. "Because of other teachers having clashes with today's class, I was brought in to take over for these two lessons."

The class simply nodded in acknowledgment upon hearing the news, seeing as their homeroom teacher was taking a small leave of absence, much to his chagrin.

"And before we continue, my name is Jotaro Kujo, but you may call me Mr. Kujo. Now I'll be calling out your names one by one, so put your hand up or say 'here' so I can mark you off…"

Jotaro began to mark off each of class A one by one, not noticing a small conversation brewing in the corner of the classroom.

"Jotaro… Kujo?" Momo whispered, her eyes widening.

"Something the matter, Yaoyorozu?"

Momo snapped out of her daze and looked at the source of the voice, looking away almost immediately when she locked eyes with Todoroki.

"Ah, yeah, I just realised something, that's all…"

"You mind sharing?" Mineta asked curiously, turning towards the pair, Todoroki leaning in to hear what she had to say.

"W-well, you see, if I'm correct in my assumption, it would seem that our substitute teacher isn't a hero, in fact, his profession is about as far as you can get from it. He's a marine biologist."

"What?!" Mineta muttered a little too loudly, earning him some odd stares from his classmates. "He's a marine biologist? And he's supposed to be running combat simulations with us today? Absolute madman-"

"The only madman here is you- and the fact you're needlessly distracting the class."

Mineta spun around to see the tall stand user overlooking his desk, falling back and off his chair in sudden surprise. Giggles would have erupted from all corners of the room at his blunder, had the substitute teacher not suddenly appear from one end of the room to the other in an instant.

"Ah, Mr. Kujo! How are we doing today?" Mineta awkwardly chuckled as he got back on his seat.

"Just fine, thank you. Now, your name is Mineta, yes? Minoru Mineta?"

The grape boy cleared his throat. "Y-yes, sir."

Jotaro ticked a box next to his name and continued to mark down the rest of the class, every student of class A in attendance.

"Alright. Now that I've confirmed everyone's here, go get suited up and head down to Ground Alpha. You've got 5 minutes."

"Excuse me, Mr. Kujo, sir!" a loud voice erupted from the front of the classroom, a tall boy standing up and waving his hands as he introduced himself.

"Tenya Iida was it?"

"Yes, sir! A quick inquiry; normally we are expected to come to this class in our gym uniform, but since Aizawa is not here to enforce the said rule, are we allowed to come in out hero costumes?"

Jotaro shrugged. "Take your pick, I'm not fussed. And remember, five minutes, ground alpha," he told them sternly.

"And if we don't?"

Jotaro turned back to the new masculine voice that spoke up, Jotaro eyeing a boy with ashy blond hair.

"What was that… Bakugo?"

"And if we don't?" the boy repeated with a look of annoyance on his face. "You're no hero, just some dumb marine biologist… what good are you going to do to help us become better heroes? Or are you going to teach us how to screw someone with a dolphin quirk?"

Jotaro's eyes squinted as multiple students suppressed gasps and giggles. "I have the principal on speed dial, should anyone not be willing to listen."

Bakugo howled with laughter. "Right! And that's supposed to scare me how?!"

Jotaro shook his head, realising the rude boy didn't believe him. Taking out his phone, he scrolled through the contacts, pressing 'call' against Nezu's name. Clicking 'speaker', he held out the phone in front of him as the phone's ringing began to fill the classroom.

Brrrrrrr... Brrrrrrr…!

"Jotaro! What a surprise! I certainly didn't expect you to call during class!" Nezu spoke in a happy tone. The voice that emerged from phone caused simultaneous shocks of surprise to emanate from the mouths of class A; bar Bakugo, who gritted his teeth.

"Nezu. Should any students be… misbehaving, I am to report them to you directly, correct?"

"Oh yes, indeed. If any students are misbehaving, report any incidents to me and appropriate punishments shall be given out. Why ask? Is there someone misbehaving?"

Jotaro looked at Bakugo who was audibly grinding his teeth, causing a small smirk to form on Jotaro's face.

"No, in fact, they're quite well behaved. I was just curious should anything change."

"Ah, that's understandable. Best of luck with the rest of the class!"

"Thank you, Nezu," Jotaro said, disconnecting the call from U.A High's principal.

"Five minutes, ground alpha," he repeated for the third time, turning his back, walking out the door and closing it behind him.

Scrolling through his phone's contacts list, he quickly dialed a number, the receiver of the call responding almost immediately.

"Did you find it? Ground alpha?"

"It took us some time, but yes, we found it."

"Good to hear. Sit tight, you've got a whole class of heroes-in-training coming your way, and you'll need all the luck you can get."

"Ah, come now Jotaro! It won't be that bad, surely!"

"Good luck," Jotaro said simply, hanging up and quickly making his way to ground alpha.

As expected, Class A had congregated at Ground Alpha within the 5 minutes Jotaro had given them. Ground Alpha itself was extremely mundane in comparison to its other counterparts. The ground itself looked more akin to a small neighbourhood street with eight large houses and apartment buildings, four on each side of the street.

Turning towards the class gathered before him, Jotaro cleared his throat.

"As you know, today we'll be focusing on combat training. Unfortunately, because of how last minute the request to cover for this class was, we'll be drawing lots out of this box," the stand user spoke, holding up a box of sticks.

"Drawing a short stick from this box will result in compulsory participation in this exercise," Jotaro explained, causing a few students to simultaneously sigh in relief and shift uncomfortably in place.

A hand shot up from the back of the group, catching Jotaro's attention. "Um, excuse me Mr. Kujo? What is the exercise going to be about exactly?"

Holding out the box expectedly towards Iida, Jotaro passed off to the class president, the class beginning to quickly drain the box of the sticks. Once the box was returned to him, Jotaro turned towards the questioning brunette.

"Before I answer your question, anyone who drew short sticks, immediately separate from the larger group." Doing as Jotaro commanded, six people began to make their own group to the right of the rest of class A.

Jotaro's mind wandered back to five minutes before, making sure to remember their names: Mina Ashido, Tsuyu Asui, Ochaco Uraraka, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Mezo Shoji, Kyoka Jiro, Fumikage Tokoyami, Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya, Shouto Todoroki, Momo Yaoyorozu.

Jotaro wondered if it really mattered if he learnt the names of the class A students. It's not like he'd be back after the double lesson.

"Now to finally answer your question, Uraraka, the remaining students required to participate will be facing in a 2 versus 1 duel with some friends and colleagues of mine; with rules of course. First of all, killing or fatally wounding another student or person is strictly prohibited. I'd rather not leave here today with having to sign endless paperwork explain why students thought it'd be fun to kill each other. Secondly, fights are ultimately decided when either side blacks out or admits defeat."

"Wait, so can we can pick who we pair with?" Mineta exclaimed excitedly, edging towards Momo, much to the annoyance of class A. "Aw hell yeah-"

Luckily, Jotaro shook his head. "No. Thirdly, you shall not pick anyone to partner up with. You'll be paired to fight at the discretion of each potential opponent."

A hand went up from Tsuyu. "Mr. Kujo? What's exactly the point of today's exercises?"

"Primarily three aspects of combat: teamwork, using your abilities in unique and interesting ways, and how to fight opponents who use said unconventional tactics to fight. Not every villain you face will be stupid enough to gamble with the most obvious and straightforward option in a fight. Speaking of… it would seem it's about time," Jotaro trailed off, 4 men and a dog appearing seemingly out of thin air.

One of them took a step forward, pointing towards Tokoyami and Kaminari.

"You two shall be my two opponents," the man said, pointing a finger at them, causing Kaminari to sigh in frustration, while Tokoyami simply nodded. Jotaro directed the group away to the control center for ground alpha, offering the class a look at a variety of angles of which the first battle would take place. Jotaro placed the microphone near his mouth.

"Are the fighter's ready?"

All three nodded before Tokoyami spoke to the man standing across from them.

"Are you going to introduce yourself, or do you wish to remain anonymous?"

The man chuckled, taking his sunglasses off his face. "Ah, that's what I forgot to do! I forgot to introduce myself. Please forgive me, I really am quite excited," he said as a green, humanoid-like figure began to slowly appear beside him, causing his opponents to flinch back in surprise.

"My name is Noriaki Kakyoin and this is my stand Hierophant Green… and I shall be taking the first win of the day!"


Surprise! If you didn't already make the connection before reaching the end, this story also takes place after the events of the 'Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven' game for PS3 and PS4, because that ending not only warms my heart, but is the best Jojo universe/timeline.

Stat pages:

Hierophant Green

Destructive Power: B


Range: A


Precision: B

Developmental Potential: E

A humanoid stand with robotic features. Allows Kakyoin to fight at long distances with the 'Emerald Splash', Hierophant green now able to fire off two smaller shots at once from each hand. His stand can also untangle itself into smaller membranes and can also control a person by untangling itself and climbing into a target, though Kakyoin rarely uses this ability.


Destructive Power: A

Speed: C

Range: D (B when using the shooters provided by Mei)


Precision: E (C, see range)

Developmental Potential:C

Allows Kaminari to create a protective aura of electricity around him, electrifying anyone through contact. When reaching a certain limit, the electricity dispels itself into all directions, shocking anyone close to him. Despite its incredible power, Kaminari has shown little control of his quirk on his own, cannot easily aim where his electricity goes, and as such, relies on a gauntlet created by Mei Hatsume to efficiently guide and aim his attacks. Over exceeding his wattage limit also short-circuits his brain for a short period of time.

Dark Shadow

Destructive Power: D (A at night or in the dark)

Speed: C (B, ")

Range: B (A, ")

Durability: D (A, ")

Precision:C (E, ")

Developmental Potential: C

Acts very similarly to a stand, allowing Tokoyami to host a "shadow-like monster" that he can materialise from his body. The monster itself, aptly named 'Dark Shadow', is sentient and capable of speech, and can be used for a variety of offensive, defensive options, as well as allowing for good mobility and support. Dark shadow also gains immense strength in dark surroundings, to the point where Tokoyami can easily lose control of Dark Shadow itself. As such, quirks that emit any sort of light prove very effective against Dark Shadow, weakening Dark Shadow to the point where his strength is that of a small cockroach. Tokoyami's emotions have also been seen to have a connection to Dark Shadow, Tokoyami's anger letting loose his control of Dark Shadow during the attack on Class 1 at the forest lodge.