When Dean started getting aware of his surroundings again at least a few minutes had past. Sam was finally able to sit up and even started to lift himself on his feet but having some trouble doing so. When Dean saw the movement he looked up and was shocked by what he saw. Sam´s whole face was covered in blood. It was streaming out of his nose and a nasty cut over his eye which was swollen. He held his arm over his ribcage where Dean had kicked him several times hissing with every movement. That was the moment Dean realized what he had done.

"Shit Sam, I am so sorry" Dean wanted to get up and help his brother but Sam flinched back as soon as Dean moved in his direction. He flinched.

"I didn´t...I´m so sorry, Sam..." Dean stumbled lifting his hands in surrender watching his little brother climb to his feet.

"It´s okay...Dean...you are right...I had it coming" Sam´s voice was full of pain and Dean could hear how much effort he had to put just into speaking. When Sam tried to stand up straight he hunched with pain and started coughing blood. Dean jumped next to him right before he could drop on the ground again. Even now Dean could feel Sam moving away from him, but he could stand on his own and nearly fell again. It broke Dean´s heart that his little brother, the one he had sworn to protect with his own life, was now hurt by his own hands.

"Please Sam, just let me help you" Sam didn´t answer him but he let Dean lay his arm around his waist and put his own arm over his shoulders. Like this they hobbled into the house and Dean helped Sam lay down on the couch. He was relived that Sam let him clean his wounds and felt guilty and sick seeing the big colourful bruises on his brother´s ribs. Sam fell asleep pretty soon, exhausted by everything that had happened. Dean was thinking about staying by his side but then he decided that Sam would probably dislike seeing him first when he woke up so he went into the kitchen opened a bottle of beer and sat at the table. He didn´t even take a sip of his beer, trapped in the thought of what his brother might think about him right now. He repeated every word he had thrown at Sam and just sat there shaking his head in disbelieve. How could he have said something like that to him? But then something hit him. Sam hadn´t even tried to defend himself. Not with words and not physically. He just lay there and let Dean hit him not moving an inch.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day:D