Disclaimer: I don't own the characters in Kuroko no Basuke nor the anime itself.

Note: OMG! I am so sorry for not updating, guys! I hope that all of you are not too mad at me. I am really sorry. It's just that, I am so busy with our thesis in our two subjects. I'll make it up to you guys after we have our oral defense. I am really sorry.

Pairing(s): Female Kuroko X Multiple; AkaKuro, KiKuro, AoKuro, MidoKuro, MuraKuro, NijiKuro, HimuKuro, IzuKuro, TakaKuro, MayuKuro, ImaKuro, OgiKuro

Warning: Female Kuroko and OOC-ness

Saturday came by in a flash and Kuroko found herself being fussed over by her two managers. They were talking about which shade of color suited Kuroko's flawless, pale skin. The small, red-haired woman argued that dark colors suited Tetsuna because it would bring out her skin tone even more while the blonde-haired woman protested that light colors made the teal-headed girl looked more innocent and cute.

Kojima sighs and rubs his head to clear a headache. He takes a deep breath and his eyes flash with irritation and impatience.

Tetsuna inwardly winced and prepared herself from the upcoming shouts of their hot-headed producer.

"Yuki! Sayuri! Instead of arguing with each other, why don't you two immediately finish your task?! Honestly, you two are behaving like a cat and a dog in the streets" he snapped at them.

The two managers quickly do their job, in fear that the impatient producer might punish them for delaying the shooting because of their useless bickering.

"I'll do her hair while you do her make-up" Mahara instructed the younger manager.

Okino nods and takes the small make-up kit on top of the small table beside Kuroko. She took out the color palette case and compared the colors to the singer's face. She decided that a light purple eyeshadow would suit Tetsuna's eyes with a violet color around the edges of her eyes.

Next, she takes out a red lipstick ( not too dark and not too light either ) and outlines it to the teal girl's lips.

"Don't blink too much, Tetsuna. I'll put a mascara in your eyelids" she says then proceeds to get the mascara. She starts to gently brush Tetsuna's eyelids upward.

"Look up" she orders and the mysterious singer complies. She applies the mascara in Tetsuna's lower eyelids.

"Now, close your eyes" Kuroko closes her eyes. She can feel a cold yet soft texture being slowly and gently dragging on her upper part of her upper eyelids. She guesses that Mahiru was using the eyeliner.

"You can now open your eyes" the blonde manager said as she rummaged around her bag then took out a brush. She dabs the brush on the pink powder and orders Kuroko to smile widely.

She brushes the brush in her cheeks, creating an artificial blush.

"There! Done!" she squeals.

Mahara was done as well. She just simply put Kuroko's teal hair into a high pony tail then curled up the tips of her hair with an iron curler.

The two stand in front of Kuroko and admire their work.

"You look so pretty, Tetsuna!"

Kojima looks over and nods in agreement. "Okay, since you are finished, Tetsuna. Let's proceed with the shooting. Get into your respective places, everyone! We'll start in 3... 2... 1..."










"Ryouta-chan, next Friday, you'll have a photoshoot with... hmm... oh! With the Phantom Lady!" his manager, Okino Tamaki, squeals in excitement.

Kise's eyebrows shoot up until it reaches into his hairline. A photoshoot with the mysterious singer?! His idol?!

"Really?! You're not joking, Okinocchi?!" the blonde asked, excitement rolling up in his body as he giddily looked over at the message that Okino Sayuri, his manager's older sister, has sent to her via a mobile phone.

"This is a great opportunity, Ryouta-chan! Think of how much more money and fame you'll earned after this photoshoot with her. No one has ever tried having a photoshoot with her because she's so mysterious and she likes to keep hidden. Even I haven't seen her face despite her manager being my older sister" Tamaki pouts.

The blonde model's eyebrow rises up. "What? You haven't met her? The Phantom Lady?"

"No. Sayuri-nee-san is really adamant in keeping her identity a secret to me and to think she's my flesh and blood" she sighs, disappointedly.

Kise sweatdrops. "I understand your sister, Okinocchi. You couldn't keep a single secret"










"Dai-chan! I missed you. Did you miss me too? What about the others? Did they miss me as well? Mou~ Dai-chan! Speak immediately. Why aren't you saying anything? I knew it. You didn't miss me, I hate you Dai-chan! I am your childhood friend and you're not even -"

"Shut up, Satsuki. How can I even speak if you are talking non-stop?!" the tanned teen growls.

He hears a giggle and he rolls his eyes upward but a small smile makes way into his lips. He does missed his childhood friend specially their argument when they were kids. She has been busy in her actress career and he has been busy with his family's business that they haven't catch up with each other.

"Anyways, where are you and what are you doing, Satsuki? Aunt Samara was always asking me of your whereabouts"

"Well, Dai-chan, I'm here in New York and I just finished a project. I'll be coming back in Japan next month. Tell the others about it"

"I see. Do you have someone to fetch you in the airport?"

"None. So I am hoping you would be the one fetching me" she says, nervously.

"Heh. Just remind me about it. You know I tend to forget this kind of thing" he said, casually.

"Of course, knowing you, you'll probably asked me, when did I call you and blah blah blah"

Aomine huffs as he hears her chuckles in amusement and glee.

"I'll see you soon, Dai-chan"

"Yeah, yeah, see 'ya soon, Satsuki" he hangs up.

He stuffs his phone inside his pocket and stares at the sky.

Just then, the door that leads to the rooftop opens and he looks up to find a grinning, glasses-eyed guy with the name of Imayoshi Shouichi and behind him are the crazy trio namely Kazunari Takao, Ogiwara Shigehiro, and Izuki Shun. Although the Eagle-eyes wielder is sort of more normal than Takao and Ogiwara, he tends to have a crazy side.

"What do you guys want?" he asks, lazily.

"We're going to the basketball court. You wanna come?" Takao asked, giddily.

His usually bored, navy blue eyes suddenly brightened up in excitement. A smirk makes way into his face and he stands up.

"Why didn't you guys say so from the start?"

Ogiwara eyesmiles. "Because we wanted it to be a suspense!"

Imayoshi sighs. "Enough chatter, let's go down before Akashi gets angry with us for wasting enough time"

"Of course, plus we don't want to risk being the center of agression of Shuu-senpai" the Hawk-eyes wielder said with a grin.

With that said, everyone strolls down.