All credits goes to Tan Jiu, the author of Tamen De Gushi [Their Story/Begins with your name] and Rooster Teeth

If you have not read it, then I strongly urge you to because it's absolutely fluffing cute. Honestly, it'll only take like 30-60 minutes to catch to the latest update. It's a collective series of really short webtoons. As a result, this story will have extremely short chapters, hence drabble.

As usual, characters goes to Rooster Teeth. Ideas of this story will be based off of Tamen De Gushi, but not exactly everything because there's a huge difference in character personality.

This story will be written in first person perspective. The title of each chapter will match accordingly to who is speaking in first person.

"Ruby, wake up."

A unintelligible grumble rumbled from my throat and I lazily tossed over to the other side. The owner of the soft-spoken voice grasped my shoulder and tried to rouse me from my deep slumber.

"Ruby, wake up."

I brushed the hand away and mumbled something that was far from a structured sentence. The rapid disturbance came back twice as hard and rattled me until I was somewhat awake. I groaned, sluggishly turning over, and the morning's blinding light greeted me first when I forced myself to open my heavy eyelids.

"About time," the woman with snow white hair huffed with a morning smile.

"Gmrning Weiss," I slurred sleepily. My arms snaked around her waist and I pulled her closer so I could nuzzle my face into her addictingly warm body. The scent of mint slipped through my nose, and I sighed in satisfaction.

I love the smell of mint first thing in the morning.

"We need to get up," she cooed. My head was tucked underneath her chin and I pulled back just enough to meet the beautiful blue eyes that I loved gazing into.

"Whhy?" I drawled in protest. "It's a Saturday, and Saturday means sleeping in with cuddles. Then grocery shopping later on."

"I know, but didn't I tell you who was coming today?"

"Umm…" I paused as I tried to recall, racking my memories to remember what Weiss had told me. "No," I guiltily admitted as my head shrunk further into her pillow.

"My father is paying us a visit," she frowned while stroking my cheeks affectionately.

"Your father?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "You never told me that your dad was coming…"

"Oh." Even after all these years, the way she uttered it was pleasantly adorable. Her Atlesian accent still lingered in her tongue, but fairly rare. "I thought I told you, but I suppose it slipped from my mind."

"Weeiss," I drawled again. I brought my hand to push her strewed hair away from her eyes and kissed the jagged scar that was slashed across. "How can you forget something important like that?" I whispered, and my face scrunched up when I realized something more important. "Wait, are you even okay with your dad coming to visit us? Cause you know…"

"I don't know," Weiss sighed and cast her eyes down worriedly. "I don't know why he wanted to see me now after all these years."

My hand slid down to cup her cheek, and my thumb stroke in soothing circles before I planted a sweet chaste kiss. "I'll be here," I assured her. "I won't let him take you." My forehead lightly tapped against hers and I drowned myself into her bottomless oceanic eyes. Promising silver eyes locked onto her blue and I spoke low with a hint of possessiveness. "You're mine, Weiss."

She chuckled and pressed her soft lips against mine. "I'll be forever yours, Ruby. Now come on, we need to get up."

I groaned when Weiss pulled herself away from my arms to the bathroom. It took me a few minutes to actually get out of the toasty bed to the unforgiving chilly room. For Weiss's sake and the limited time I had, I reluctantly threw the comforters off to follow my usual morning routine. After properly dressing ourselves, there was a rap against the front door.

Weiss looked at me, and I gave her a go-ahead. The alabaster haired woman took a deep breath before gathering the courage to unfasten the lock and to open the door. When she swung the door open, an older man stood poise in his white well-fitted suit. Like father and like daughter, they shared the same natural, luscious platinum hair and carried an identical stern expression.

"Father," Weiss dryly acknowledged.

"Hello Weiss," the man politely greeted, unfazed by the cold attitude Weiss was giving him.

I strode behind Weiss with straightened shoulders before the older man. "Hello Mr. Schnee." Whether it was genuine or not, I still gave him a respectful smile. Weiss had told me a few stories about her father, but this was my first time actually meeting him face to face.

"And you must be…?"

"Ruby Rose," I answered and politely extended my hand out. "I'm Weiss's girlfriend."

"Jacque Schnee." He kindly accepted the gesture and firmly shook my hand.

"Now that you're here, what do I owe the pleasure?" Weiss spat with a notable toxic venom that I could discern. Without thinking, I gingerly intertwined my fingers into hers. A gentle squeeze was all it took to relax the hardened face.

"If it's alright with you, I would like to talk." The older man spoke tenderly which made Weiss raise a suspicious high eyebrow. "A simple catch up, only if it's alright with you."

Weiss's blue eyes looked at me for consent and I whispered back, "I don't mind." Even though Weiss and her father had a rough patch between them, it has been several years. He seemed genuinely concerned to see how his daughter was fairing.

"Come in," Weiss relented while huffing a displeased sigh.

"Thank you," Mr. Schnee nodded in appreciation. He strode right in and seated himself on the couch under the two story apartment. "You have a nice place here."

"Thank you, but it's Winter's," Weiss snorted.

I glanced at her and knitted my eyebrows, silently scolding her to be at least somewhat nice to him. Except, she nonchalantly rolled her eyes at me in response. I mentally chuckled as I found her harsh attitude endearing.

"If I may ask, where is Winter?"

"Work," Weiss enunciated very clear.

"I see," he said.

"Not to be rude or anything, but why are you really here," Weiss sighed as she cut to the chase. "Does Winter even know that you're here?"

"No," he answered in a faltered mumbled. "I'm here because I want to apologize." Weiss and I looked at each other in bewilderment before we returned our attention back to him. "I know our relationship had not been the best, and I want to make amends."

"So you're expecting me to forgive you…" Weiss quietly spoke as she never tore her gaze once. "After what you had done to Winter and I, you expect us to forgive you?"

"Well I —," he faltered again, and a part of me pitied him.

From what Weiss had told me, he was an unyielding, strict man that could move the mountains by the power of money. He never lowered himself to anyone because he saw himself as a superior being. But everything that Weiss characterized him didn't seem accurate. He didn't fit the bill of that fearful man she portrayed him as.

"It took you six years to realize your mistakes. Why now?" She gradually raised her voice at him. I could tell Weiss was angry, maybe even hurt, but I knew deep down she was also feeling sad.

"I realized that I was wrong," her father admitted. He watched his daughter unconsciously drag her fingers along the discolored line marred on her eye."I'm sorry for everything that had happened in the past, and I'm sorry it took me quite a long time to figure everything out. I want to make it up somehow."

Weiss paused and looked at him with a blank stare. It was one of those neutral expressions that was difficult to read.

The older man took her silence harshly and he anxiously fidgeted the tie around his neck. "I'm sorry," he apologized again. "My appearance was rather abrupt and it wasn't fair for me to show up now. I should take my leave."

He got up and I squeezed Weiss's hand again, silently sending her a message. She got the memo and released a reluctant sigh.

"Stop," she firmly ordered before pointing a commanding finger back to the couch. Mr. Schnee paused and sat back down with a bit of hope in his blue eyes. "I didn't say I would forgive right away, but you did asked for a catch up." Weiss crossed her leg to her other and folded her arms across her chest. "Before I decide to kick you out, what would you like to know?"

"How is Winter fairing?"

"Ask her yourself," she answered dryly.

He understandingly nodded before he asked another question. "How are you?"

"Great," she shot back a bland answer. I rolled my eyes and squeezed her hands. She acknowledged the silent exerted pressure and she continued to dive more about her life. "I'm really happy right now."

"I'm glad," he nodded. He turned to me with a surprisingly gentle smile. "Thank you for making my daughter happy. I'm relieved that she has someone there, not just Winter."

"Of course. Your daughter's happiness is my highest priority," I spoke without hesitation.

Mr. Schnee noticed the sweet ethereal smile on his daughter lips when the genuine words had left my mouth. "If you don't mind…" He trailed before finding the courage again. "I'm curious of how the two of you met. Of course, only if you're comfortable."

His question caught me by surprised, and Weiss and I looked at each other again. "I don't mind telling him," I whispered into her ear. "Only if you are."

She released another heavy sigh and made a quick glance back at Jacque. "You really want to?" She whispered back in protest. I nodded and she rolled her eyes before she made her final decision. "I suppose we can tell him considering you're dead set."

I kissed her on the forehead, and a pleasant hum strummed from her throat. "Thanks Weiss," I whispered back with a smile. I returned my attention back to her father before I continued. "It's a really long story Mr. Schnee"

"I have spent too much time holed up in my office that time is no longer a factor to be concerned about," he chuckled. "I have plenty of time in the world."

"Well Mr. Schnee," I smiled. "This is how our story began."

Most likely, this is the only longest chapter. The rest averaged around 500 words give or take.

And yeah, I know Jacque sounds a bit OOC since he wouldn't be the type of person to ask forgiveness.

I read chapter 145 of Tamen De Gushi, and I couldn't fight the urge to write this story or resist from sharing it. Like normal, there is no schedule update I follow. I just do things based on what free time I have.